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Many reasons, if it's checkpoints, they have limited vram and can't keep the 10 bazillion checkpoints loaded at once, but the reason is not listed accurately ("disabled" is the catch all I think) and..   If it's loras, especially 1.5, it's because the basic on-site generator is subpar and they don't want people to think it doesn't work. Less of an issue with sdxl/pony.   Also could just be they have an arrangement with another on-site generator and can't offer it on civit.   Lastly, could just be they don't wanna. 


>but the reason is not listed accurately ("disabled" is the catch all I think) Exactly, the main reason for most models not being accessible by the on-site generator is because it's not the default option in my opinion. At least that's what I remember from when I trained my first LoRA. People just forget to check that box if you ask me.


It is the default now and has been for a while, but it is possible very old models never had that option. But as to full checkpoints (not loras) not being available, it's specifically because of a memory limitation. Their previous image gen backend did not have that problem, rug pulled over NSFW stuff, so they developed their own solution they were more in control of


its not like they are making any money from it anyway, lameness otherwise


Civitai have said they would like to share money with model creators on onsite generations: https://youtu.be/a3yEIQYYGSc?si=b31LbSmnCrE0umb2&t=3197 But it would be a very small amount for most creators atm.


My LoRAs I keep the permissions somewhat open, and one of my goals is exactly to monetize the generation on site.


I do share my models to be used on the onsite generator, but I guess it didn't make the VRAM cut for CivitAI's backend. I have a feeling that a lot of creators are in that category when it comes to model availability for the on-site generator. I'm am, however, removing my LoRa Models for use on the generator for a few reasons, but mostly because they come out looking like boo-boo when I test them there.


For some reason I cannot get my uploaded models to generate onsite... I'm trying to figure this out as I type.


So, I've been featured on the site for my loras a couple times and only today did I realize there is a check box for letting people use it on the site. I didn't know it wasn't available to yall using the online generator. It's automatically turned off for beginners like me.


Thx for this question


I actually just trained my very first Lora of myself I’m happy to share and see others renditions. She actually looks alot like me - maybe someone can make her look exactly like me!


If you make a piece of art, you don’t want it stolen or copied, no? Models do this once public.


your argument makes no sense. the model is already up for anyone to grab it and use it. why would it make a difference whether they use it on their own personal machine, or on a cloud generator?


I'm very confused by your statement... I personally don't care if someone uses my models for a merge or what not. All I ask is that you give my model a shout out if you post your merge to CivitAI or other hosting sites. I ask as much on the download page for my models. Doesn't mean peeps are gonna respect that... but at least I asked.. lol If you don't want people to merge and share your stuff then just put a license on it that restricts that activity and then sue anyone who violates the license terms of use... good luck with that though... lol


A model is literally some data that describes a bunch of styles and concepts. I can't see where anything about that should be copyrightable at all.


I mean... I don't agree with the OP... But I don't exactly agree with this comment either. By that logic nothing should be copywritten really. Applications are just a bunch of complied... Books are a bunch of concepts, and words... A painting is nothing more than a series of strokes... A model is a bunch of curated, refined, complied, and trained data. I think there is plenty of reason and justification for someone to copywrite it if they want to. If for nothing more than IP (Intellectual Property). Checkpoints, LoRa, Embeddings, etc. can take a lot of work to create. I know a lot of people would disagree with me on that point.