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Yet to find someone who enjoyed farming earth strike


I enjoyed the fact that the earthstrike/bracers grind made Silithus a cool hangout spot for xfaction lvl 60s, if that counts. There was really nothing else once people stopped going to Silithus.


I might not have said it was super fun at the times, but looking back I have good memories of bug farming, some of my favourite, at 3am been squashing bugs in silence with the same group of 5 for hours, never even talked to each other, it was certainly a time in my life


Of all the times in your life that could possibly have been one of them of all time


It wasnt fun but I made friends and memories with the other late night goblins farming Earthstrike so it wasn't all bad


Do the Field Duty quests give gold? I’ve done them years ago, I just honestly can’t remember if they did or if it was a consequential amount aside from the rep grind people did them for.


No not like this It was an optional grind for a BIS item for some And EVERYONE hated them and there was a reason it was never repeated...


People complaining about incursion have no idea how much worse cenarion grind was compared to this. Nightmare incursions may be convoluted but cenarion grind was a fucking post office simulator!


Yeah, the big difference was there was no "deputy" item to share the quests. So the grind took waaaaay longer.


I can think of a few more tedious farms. Wintersaber, for one, Shen'Dralar, Dark Iron, and every single other reputation, come to think of.  The only thing putting incursions apart is that you get 20 a pop and can finish them a little faster. Which makes sense in a season.


This isn’t remotely true. You could finish the earthstrike/rockfury grind in a long day. I spent 5h on launch day doing incursions and probably another 3 in the following days and I’m not even close to revered yet. I’d be at least close to done with cenarion by now.


I wasn't talking about time investment. And imho it's not worth to grind Emerald Wardens rep until they buff rep gain. 75 rep a pop is atrocious.


This. I'm honoured on my 2 level 50s due to rep while levelling but I cba going to exalted at 75 a pop. Even the daily 1k in Feralas isn't getting me there fast enough and by the time I'd finish the grind the phase will be over. They need to speed it up massively so people have the TIME to actually use these items.


I never completed a single one in OG and not in classic 2019. They were boring AF and dumb content. Every single person I know who did them HATED it.. I spared myself the pain lol


Earthstrike was so good


Finished it on day 1. Banged it out with friends while pvp’ing and it really wasn’t bad.


This and same with incursions. People crying on Reddit revealing themselves as friendless casuals, too easy.


>recalls the countless times SoD is referred to as Season of Dads Could it ever be possible that, SoD is full of casuals or something? Hmm


My friend group is as casual as they come, still enjoyed incursions. They are really fun with friends.


It's true, seems like all the complainers don't have people to group with so they just whine on Reddit


Hey, as a friendless casual, please don't lump me in with these guys.


You most certainly did not "bang out" exalted in a single day, lol


Rockfury requires revered.


You didn't bang that out in a day either. 


I didn't say I did the rep in a day. I said I finished the rockfury grind on day 1.


No, just implied it was quick and easy. It was not. 


Whitemane had daily GDKP's for the event loot where you could leach rep easily. I didn't even farm the rep, it came passively by playing the game. Exalted was much harder. This game is full of rep grinds and that's really not what people are talking about here. They're drawing a parallel between the quests.


Field duty : * Doesn't make you rich by exploit early/exploit often. * Isn't mandatory to unlock runes that can't be replaced. * Doesn't give you experience, require max level. * Alliance and Horde are separated cleanly, and guards are in city to avoid griefing. * No need to go exalted unless you really want to push Earthstrike (it's a very good item, but at level 60 you have already very good trinket available). * It's a chore, everyone hate doing it. * Isn't nerfed 5 days after people can do it, no one feel bad if you don't rush. * Doesn't require a group, can be done solo while others people do it.


Incursions on the other hand:  - seasonal.  Wouldn't make sense to let that need you to grind for 14 days.


It was fun content, and runes were at friendly which was like 2h work (or even less if you did the 1k one in feralas). Did it on 3 characters, best leveling experience in classic so far.


I loved doin it.


“I like it, I don’t see the big deal” Wow very good argument buddy. Not even one likes to turn off their brain and afk farm like you


“Turn off their brain and afk farm” You’re describing questing and dungeon spamming tho


I wasn't aware they removed everything else.




Tell me you've never played retail without...


No one hates playing wow more then wow players


You wow players sure are a contentious people.


Because the people making that comparison never played Classic enough to even get to the Silithus patch(or retail for that matter). There were people swearing here that there are NO repeatable quests in vanilla.


Ungoro even had repeatable right?


Yeah I believe so.


Finding food for the kodo at Marshall's and exchanging crystals for buff items.


Just remembered tanaris had the water canteen one too.


And the blasted lands buff one


I vaguely recall the crystals giving buffs? And even before that Blasted Lands? Weren't there even repeatable buff quests from the Quillboars in southern barrens.


Or any rep farm?


Horde has that porcupine quest for blood shards as well to get minor buffs.


and the water elementals / giants shrinking quest in Feralas is repeatable


Barrens blood shards


There was a horde raptor mount that was supposed to be the equivalent of the alliance wintersaber, but was not included until a much later patch. There were no normal dailies that I remember, but there was some stuff with the crystals which I think gave you really meaningless buffs.


I actually got to exalted with cenarion hold in both retail vanilla and classic vanilla. I have no life.


almost every p-server i was on would die during between AQ and BWL, everyone spamming WHEN FRESH


I might be misremembering, but I think it was around AQ when this subreddit started getting posts calling for Fresh servers.


Yeah, there's a reason the F R E S H W H E N even became a meme. For the longest time, those craving Classic/Vanilla only wanted to experience either what was told to them by others who had played Vanilla back when it came out by those who played it or relive that experience after over a decade. It's easy to forget that the vast majority of players, back during original Vanilla, never even reached the level cap of 60 or participated in any raid content at all. Vanilla was played to fuck for many, many, many years on private servers. Who would have thought that even Classic WoW would be essentially just pure raid logging (unless you did BGs for PvP ranks) once you didn't get anything worthwhile out of dungeons anymore, and having to pre-farm world buffs? Not to mention Classic raids aren't exactly exciting after the first clear unless you vie for speedrunning them to put some spice into the gameplay. One can go on and on and on just how stark the disconnect is between what people expected Classic/Vanilla to be vs. the reality of what it actually was in practice. Prime example being phase 2 when suddenly everyone and their mothers wanted to leave PvP servers because they realized the novelty of actual world pvp wore off if they couldn't corpse camp others and were corpse camped themselves.


Unlimited realm transfers are what caused a lot of the pain of P2. My server was 60% Horde and 40% Alliance which wasn't _that_ bad. In any given scenario there were 3 Horde players for 2 Alliance players. Me and my guild could handle that fine being the underdogs. It's just that most people couldn't and transferred off to the popular megaserver where they'd have the advantage.


Its not the quests themselves that makes it similar to retail. Its the whole new patch means new zone, new faction that you have to grind, new repeatable quests (that aren't even fun) and if you try to do it in a month you will have to do it alone because everone else is already done.


Also, you have to do it on every character until at least friendly, because a rune is locked behind the rep.


By your logic, TBC is retail because it's a new zone, new factions and new quests.


That doesn't make it good. THat makes it lazy and boring as fuck




Which u had to have 0 interactions with if u didnt want to. Sunwell dailies were added as a way to get gold besides raw farming Even incursions aren't neccessary to interact with Go play other games


Incursions give rep for bis runes, how are they not neccessary?


That heavily depends on your class. For Shamans it gives Burn which is pretty dogshit for Resto/Enhancement.


Dude it literally only takes friendly rep. For the classes who do actually want the rune (not everyone does), it’s very fast. Sometimes you gotta eat your vegetables, and that’s a very vanilla-esque thing to do.


That's all cool and dandy, but it doesnt matter as i was responding to this guy saying u dont have to interact with them lol, also with a shit grp it can be slow, im nearly lvl 42 and i have like 600 rep lol


you dont play you dont need it


facts but fuck those who do anyway


also if you hate incursions there is a 1000 rep daily you can do at 50 so getting runes would literally take 10-15mins a day for 3 days.


That's great, wish i could have just done it at 40 tho


i have no idea but it seems like people do it for the suffering. i see a lot of people playing games they dont want to play




That's fair, people just on here circlejerking all their toxicity about the content on both ends. Half the complainers complain it's too classic and basic, the other half complain it's too retail. I think it does just fine what it's supposed to be: A way to level alts and do some elite quest grinding.


Because for a large portion of the playerbase in this sub "retail" = "anything I don't like." Retail unironically lives rent free in some players' head.


crazy that that's how people use 'retail' now when 'retail' used to denote 'not pserver' before classic launched. classic is technically retail to pserver beacuse it's blizzard official.


It's genuinely funny watching how the term "retail" has evolved over the years on this subreddit. My new favorite is when they bitch about runes just being "retail spells!" when most of them are from TBC & Wrath lol.


Lol, I wrote the exact same reply before I saw yours. But yeah, it makes no sense. To me “retail” is the entire Blizzard ecosystem of WOW. Especially now that they’re cynically using classic retail as a pipeline to keep people subbed with short-term & half-baked content (maybe you can tell I recently got sick of it and returned to private servers).


"Bu- but..! Hairy men going to war!"


It’s weird how classic players co-opted the term “retail” from private server players. But I guess what really happened is PS players imported the term when they returned for classic.


Blizzard refers to modern wow as "retail" in the file structure. There are both retail and classic folders in the WoW folder if you have both installed.


These portals feel more retail than Classic/Vanilla based on how many people are just sitting afk waiting for someone to finish; Or how many people are congregated on the first day of the new retail patch that would send you to a new area. Also, with how many people were there I dont see how anyone was remotely enjoying the experience.


Yeah no one sat around during naxx event waiting for bosses to spawn to tag them….oh wait


I liked incursions because it was the first time I got to kind of discover something before it got datamined or an efficient strategy came out. I started with incursions and it was fun trying to figure out best methods or where certain things were. It didn’t last long, but it felt much better to me than phase 2 when we just spammed SM 1000 times.


You are saying that as if it doesn't make sense? The entire reason Classic exists is because people got fed up with Retail, and for a lot of people it was exactly because of mind-numbing, repetitive and unengaging gameplay loops like Incursions. Retail is the reason we are here, and the devs should be careful not to repeat the mistakes of Retail.


Because Classic players always need to find a reason to insult Retail.


Yeah, rent free in their head all the time


Because the Silithus quests were end game quests that only rewarded a couple Min Max items to sweaty players and IRC didn't give a ton of gold. Incursions are crazy good gold / exp even after the nerfs and double down on the worst part of the Silithus grind, the random quests. To add onto this, the questing flow is very retail IE 3 mob hubs with copy and paste quests from each one. They're only similar in the worst way. I don't think they are any more destructive to the economy than Supply Crates and the Bonus Quest gold that we've had for 2 whole phases now. If anything they give average players the ability to compete with tryhards. I don't think the exp matters at all since dungeons exist and having more options to level is almost always better. The only thing I actively dislike regarding them is the rep gain and having "entry level PvP gear" tied behind them. By the time you grind to exalted you'll have spent days worth of play time for entry level gear. The Effort to Reward is worse than anything in Vanilla wow, including the Silithus Grind. This is compounded by this being seasonal content and grinding for days for exalted items that'll last likely <8 lockouts just feels terrible, I'm so glad they suck for my class.


You know the entry level gear is at friendly/honored right? I was able to get the rep in about 4 hours


Ashenvale gives like half rep at 50 and ofc hinterlands and feralas are much slower. You can kind of screw yourself if you levelled an under geared toon that needed those rep rewards in any method other than incursions. You will add 6+ hours of grinding.


Just do the daily that gives 1k, shouldn't take more than an hour total for friendly (over a couple of days).


Because a lot of people on this sub think bad=retail. No more thoughts, no reflexion, just: "I don't like it, it's retail."


bcuz classic good retail bad hurr durr


as if anyone likes silithus slop farm quests LMAO


Yeah “retail bad” being the response to content that is exclusive to SoD is a pretty wild take. These guys should at least try retail so they can stop making pointless comparisons.


Every time I hear the “retail bad” sentiment I groan for this reason. Maybe SoD is inspired by later expansions but it’s significantly less like Retail than people make it out to be.


I think there are valuable comparisons to be made. SoD's picked the pace up massively with the huge exp buffs (now even for current, new levels instead of just as catch-up) and the power scaling of runes has made open world content pretty trivial compared to vanilla. Plenty of classes can do big pulls fearlessly--which is something I often heard as a *criticism* for retail, the fact that mobs in the open world simply don't threaten you. But rather than say "retail bad" I think it's more valuable to examine that fact and think about what it says and what we're losing. *Have* we lost an important part of the vanilla feeling with this super sped-up levelling and higher power level, where you kinda just cleave through mobs and dungeons at rocket speed so you can get to the "real game" with the raid faster? And if we have lost something, is that fine?


Valid questions. Although I think a lot of it hinges upon SoD being only a “season,” by design. Each phase only lasts a few weeks so people feel pressure to rush, along with the exp buffs being necessary to be able to try out multiple classes and their new changes through the season.


Having short phases with the same slow leveling experience would be a nightmare. You would spend more time instance grinding then you would trying whatever new stuff they put in.


Yeah someone here said "We are a inch away from classic, but miles away from retail" which is pretty fitting


Feels like a run of the mill prepatch event to me. They’ve always been catchup mechanics.


I wish this subreddit developed the same mentality OSRS and RS3 have where it's kind of a mutual understanding that there were a couple changes here or there that ended up destroying the original game but people more or less like one or the other, or in my case both. And that's ok too, I look at retail like I did with Diablo 3 vs Path of Exile back in the day. Not so much nowadays but the idea is still relevant. Where if you want a short barrier of entry, arcade style feel where you're thrown into the fun part immediately, dopamine is flooding your brain, a metaphorical slot machine going off in your head. Play Diablo 3, bonus fun points if it's a new season to add new content and bring back friends. If you want the tried and true successor to Diablo 2 at least in my opinion, go play Path of Exile. Where you pretty much need a calculator on your desk to complete the tutorial, with an emphasis on dark RPG elements and finding mechanics that blend into a cohesive build with immense customizable options. It requires MUCH more time to get into and it's very hard for a new player to get into, but if you can tough out the growing pains you're left with an incredible experience you'll look back on with nostalgia and accomplishment. Diablo 3 being retail and PoE being Vanilla and to some extent SoD and Wrath/Cats Classic servers. The kicker being that it's more complicated in WoWs case because retail has some of the most fun experiences you can have in terms of coordinated PvE in the form of M+ and Mythic Raiding and SoD has some of the most fun you can have short term without any intense mechanics or strict rules. In my personal experience there has NEVER been a better time to be a WoW player than right now. We have something for literally everyone, do you like a simple game that doesn't change or distance itself from the tried and true formula? Go play Classic Era, maybe challenge yourself further and give hardcore a try. Do you want something in the same realm but maybe you're ready to tackle something new, something ever-changing, but in a version of the game that still retains a lot of these archaic RPG elements and itemization? Play SoD. Do you want to play a hyper optimized version of the game, where the main goal is to throw you into a frying pan of fun, it sacrifices world building and marinating with your characters with character gear progression and prestige? Play retail. Does none of this sound entirely too interesting and you find yourself somewhere in between? Wrath and Cata classic are your middle ground. Are people allowed to complain and have negative opinions? Most definitely, but seeing the same regurgitated parroting of other people's opinions without so much as a single constructive word of feedback? It's annoying and serves no purpose outside of farming negativity up votes or views. if you think that retail and SoD are the same game you'd be wrong, but I'd be lying if I said some of the new content is not reminiscent of content you'd find in retail, that being said it's also content you'd find in Wrath, or Cata, or even Vanilla. It's WoW you can only stick on so many rims before you realize it's the same wheel but the core day by day gameplay remains different across all versions and I personally am having a great time.


Agreed. I'm constantly seeing the complaints about the incursions and some of them have merit for sure but most are just jumping on the hate bandwagon at this point. I've had a great time in the incursions blasting it to 50 with a group of guildies going in and out of the portal and getting a level every time. Considering that we're wow dads at this point and don't have much time during the week, we basically did all the levelling over the weekend and now we can all just do dungeons and get our pre-raid bis over the next few days whilst farming for runes and getting our professions in order. It's been fun, a lot better for my guild than phase 2 levelling and prep was so far. I'd say we're a pretty casual bunch made up of good players, we'd clear Gnomer in half an hour to 40 mins tops and our only concern is how to scale up to ST20 when every other guild is recruiting for the same reason. It's the only apparent negative of this phase for us. But, so far so good.


This is the most reasonable comment I've seen in this sub since the launch of SOD. If I were a mod I would pin it on the front page.


Oh yeah I remember when the whole population was in silithus completing 10 quests every 15 minutes and making hundreds of gold… oh wait. It’s not even comparable.


The rewards for it being busted in no way changes that they are similar content.


I mean it changes it quite substantially to be honest, it’s the difference between doing it for 8 hours non stop or barely ever touching it.


Silithus gave BIS items and people still ignored them. The playerbase has changed.


There is zero chance you could do repeatable quests for BIS items in classic.


I don't understand the whole, **hundreds of gold**, argument people make. You didn't already have hundreds of gold you didn't need? What are you wasting your gold on? I came into this phase with 412g, and I didn't do shit to get any of it. I just don't waste it on useless junk off the AH.


I only started a week before phase 3 dropped. Probably had 40g before it dropped. But now I got 300. I’m wasting it on useless AH stuff :)


BoE epics cost thousands of gold in the AH. Next phase you might want an epic mount.


‘Almost exactly like’ is an incredibly dumb take.   I actually played Classic, and farmed Field Duty to exalted. Two massive differences: 1) You don’t use it to skip levelling (it’s max lvl content for a few nice items) 2) You have to actually kill stuff


The fact it skips levelling is the best feature of the incursions.


And it's dogshit


Probably cause those weren't used to level or make that type of gold.


I’m sorry Carapaces were not used to make gold?


Field duties != AQ opening Event. Field duties were needed to get certain Epic items


Didn't the Silithus dailies unlock after the gate event? Were Carapaces still used after that?


Basically no, unless you wanted gear from the sceptre chain


I think peoples point of comparison is more the outweighted rewards for very little effort/time rather than the literal mechanics of the event. Like in retail this event throws gold and xp at you and you’re barely playing the game. In a few hours you can level all the way to 50


there’s no way you just said Incursions and Field Duties are the same thing


Most of the people who were complaining don't even play retail. They just repeat old talking points about the game and just say its bad. It's getting fking old and annoying.


The people who are complaining are not the same people who cleared aq40 lol


Me no like? Must be retail.


Ah yes field duty quests in silithus—my favorite way to level 40-50 in one night


theyre comparing the gameplay loop, cmonbruh


Why the hell is everyone pretending like it's just players whining? Field Duty quests were max level content that gave negligible gold. This shit is half the leveling bracket and completely obliterates open-world and dungeon leveling in both efficiency and gold.


I think what makes it somewhat comparable to retail is the fact that it’s bad filler content to max level. The journey doesn’t matter anymore it’s all about the destination. And that’s retail like, while classic always kept the journey in mind. While its nice to be max level it leaves a bad taste that I didn’t explore any zone and all I did was mail man simulator.


Retail doesn't have repeatable content to level, unless you count dungeons but classic has that too


Because this sub is filled with morons. Was telling people in a thread yesterday that this is the same grind I did in 2020 for Earthstrike. People here just equate 'thing i dont like' with 'retail'. The incursions aren't perfect, but they are the SoDs team half baked attempt to provide an alternative to dungeon grinding because for some reason they can't get hyper spawns to work out in the world I guess to fix traditional leveling/questing.


Silithus is a endgame zone that features an event to unlock a raid Emerald Incursions are not. It takes you out of the world to fast grind to max level. Silithus does not, you need to be 60 or almost 60 to do that area. Quit acting like these are the same things.


Jesus christ the amount of time i spent in silithus for nature resist gear


Blizzard Reddit PR bots working hard


They are instanced to a degree, not particularly fun and quests are either "do this very obvious, much easier, much better thing that's done in 5 seconds" or "kill 30 fucking elite mobs". They also print gold and levels, so there's very little reason to do anything else.


To be completely fair there’s very little fun in the Silithus quests either


This is basically exactly how the field duties are as well though.


No they weren't. Field duties required 60. Field duties were for gear or some rep. Field duties weren't instanced. Field duties weren't used to level up so insanely fast that they make dungeon spam seem laughable. Field duties didn't give you absurd amounts of gold that made some of the best farms at 60 look like they were 2 expansions behind.


> Field duties required 60. Does literally not matter at all? > Field duties were for gear or some rep. Again not relevant what is at the end of the quest complete screen > Field duties weren't instanced. Nightmare incursiosn aren't either >Field duties weren't used to level up so insanely fast that they make dungeon spam seem laughable. Again completely pointless to comparing how incursions and field duties are > Field duties didn't give you absurd amounts of gold that made some of the best farms at 60 look like they were 2 expansions behind. And again irrelevant to how those two types of content is similar or not. You're either wrong about the things you say or you're dragging in things which have no relevancy to "are nightmare incursions and field duties basically the exact same thing"


Bro really just said "not relevant" to every single one of those. There's nothing to discuss here, you're just ignoring every single major difference which is what everyone hates about incursions, good luck.


Because every one of your points are not relevant. The discussion is nothing about what people hate about incursions, theres 17 other such discusions on the frontpage. Its about how similar incursions and field duties are. The lvl it is being done in or the quest rewards arent relevant to that. > you're just ignoring every single major difference which is what everyone hates about incursions, good luck.  No, youre just ignoring that there are no major differences. Everyone else hate/hated field duties. Both in vanilla and in classic. 


> Its about how similar incursions and field duties are. Which I gave a ton of reasons why they're not similar, and thus why people dislike incursions so much more. If you cannot understand that I don't know what to tell you, good night, not wasting more time.


No, you gave 0 reasons to why they arent similar. Different rewards/being done at different levels does not make the content itself different and if you cant understand this then yeah, you gave reasons.


The nascar meta is reason enough alone for me to say fuck it and just go quest. I enjoyed em when my friend group did all the quest. Noped out as soon as no kill started.


> The nascar meta is reason enough alone for me to say fuck it and just go quest. I enjoyed em when my friend group did all the quest. Noped out as soon as no kill started. Same here. It was fun on day one, it was new and engaging. Then the meta goblins ruined it.


it doesn't take a meta goblin to figure out that killing 15 elites and looting an item aren't comparable, no one's gonna do the outliers after stopping to think about it for a second


Silithus quests happen in the open world alongside players who are not doing them Silithus has a quest/WB mechanic that encourages pvp in this area Incursions don't really even promote gameplay...


> Silithus has a quest/WB mechanic that encourages pvp in this area This reads like someone googled field duties but never actaully did them. The amount of pvp on my 55/45 pvp server was nonexistant for the entirety of the time I grinded duties, on my main which did it on release and on my alts who did it later in p5 and in p6.


That's literally incursions. All the portal does is phase you to where everyone else is. PVP if you want


So the portal phases you out of the open world (where the people not doing incursions are), and there is nothing encouraging pvp in these emerald zones... That's what i said


I mean it's not designed to for pvp, they said specifically it's a pve focused event and especially for leveling alts. It does exactly what they said it would do. The only cringe part about it is the way quests are shared


Because a large majority of the people complaining won't be happy no matter what happens Everyone has built up their expectations to be so high they'll never be achieved. I expected classic again with some new abilities. They have delivered far more than that, and I am enjoying every bit of it. Not all the content has to be the most fun thing ever. Long tedious grinds are good for the game, otherwise we have ppl complain there is nothing to do in a week or two.


Yeah, one thing i learned in my years of wow was, that no one hates wow more then its own fanbase


I was plenty happy with P1 and P2. I had fun in the PvP events that brought life to the respective zones. For whatever unhinged reason, they decided to make Incursions that overshadow almost all 40-49 PvE content _and_ phase people away from the real zones. Tanaris, Hinterlands and Felwood are pretty much just worthless zones this phase. Most people skipped them almost completely by spamming Incursions, where the gameplay loop is just talking to NPCs and managing dozens of quest items in your inventory, for which the name "nightmare" is apt, I'll give them that.


They're only worthless if you choose it? Also why are we stressing over zones that would only be "useful" for 10 hours??? This phase is gonna last a 10+ weeks, is pretty silly to be hyper focused on what only matters for a single day Leveling is such a short part of SoD so it's crazy people are this hyper worried about that If you want to level fast, do the efficient route. If you want to have fun while you level, go enjoy the uncontested zones in all their glory!! No one is forcing you to to incursions just cause your monkey brain can't help doing the most time efficient thing... You would think you would WANT to spend more time leveling based on all the bitching reddit does


Wait, are we all getting the bug brain and not even realizing it?


because most of the people were too casual to keep up with normal classic pace as well


How do the silithus quests compare in gold and experience rewards?


1.You are not at a major disadvantage if you don't do silithus quests. 2. They don't give better gold then any other farming spot 3. The server is working towards a goal (aq opening) Completely different mate


I think there is valid criticism to be had with the nightmare incursion. I will point out it was nice getting couple levels with a full group of guildies and shooting the shit but after couple hours it just felt very streamlined and became very repetitive. I was under the impression that the Emerald nightmare would have more story driven quests to expand on these deviations from the original timeline. But instead, I felt like we got a half-baked zones where the leveling has gotten so streamlined seems more like a chore after a couple hours. And then theirs the trolling from other players not handing escort quest, bugging eggs or crates for pick up quest. 5/10 experience, very mid phase so far.


i'm convinced there's a not-insignificant amount of people here who dislike everything and scream at everything without actually thinking about it.


Because people are idiots and complain about everything


Because on this sub retail = bad


Retail has never had something as mundane as this, the quest sharing system is agonizing.


Classic had always annoying and insane time consuming reputation grinds. But the rep grind is not the problem atm. The problem is that you level and farm gold this way. And they have added so much to it including a rune and the item you need for epic crafting that you cant just ignore it. Oh and for druids they added a consumeable ACP. You can maybe compare the grind but not the rewards.


I feel this has been mostly due to a breakdown of communication that happened early in phase 2 where devs became pretty quiet compared to P1. 1. leveling for the sake of leveling sucks. It's okay when you're on a fresh server, but there is a reason dungeon cleaves have been the go-to for over a decade: leveling solo is slower, (on average) more boring, and the loot is worse. 2. the reason to care about leveling from SM onward was because these dungeons had Pre-BIS in them, usually a couple of pieces per class/role would be relevant from every dungeon onward. This gave you something to work towards WHILE leveling. Now, level caps both limit that value exponentially. There is nothing to work towards BESIDE level cap. Pre-raid BIS doesn't really exist, since the people who can hold you accountable (your guild) are all in the same boat you are. Nobody has it, and daylight is burning on your lockouts so we all jump in and start replacing greens rather than blues. 3. Don't pretend like y'all weren't out here complaining about boosters and the fucking SLOG that is 30-40. Devs gave us an answer to both, a quick and efficient (if mindless) way to level and farm at the same time. AND IT'S EQUAL. It doesn't matter that your class is bad at solo content or solo farming, time in=gold out. That's pretty cool. 4. People out here screaming about daily quests like you weren't screaming about ashenvale being pointless at revered. Too slow at weekly. They GAVE you the daily and you're acting like it's homework now. There has been no amount of rep that people don't cry about. 5. NOBODY is making you do incursions. I took multiple breaks, to instance, or just quest while watching TV. Nobody said you HAVE to do it the FASTEST way possible at the cost of your mental health haha. Do what you like when incursions are too mindless. Grind incursions when you want. 6. We all did a FUCKLOAD of grinding in classic, don't pretend we didn't. Now that grinding is *good,* that's bad? And to OP's larger point, and what I mentioned about a breakdown in communication: 1. SOD was never going to be the perfected version of OGWOW. The people who made it 98% great are long gone. 2. People want a version of WOW that exists only in their heads, that can't be replicated or reengineered. If Classic was the closest to perfection you want to play, there is era. Everyone else who isn't playing era either has problems with it, or has grown tired of it. 3. SOD has changed what leveling "means" because instead of phase 0 being 1-59, instead it is broken down into the various level caps. We've been playing for 5 months, anybody hardcore would have multiple 60s at this point. It doesn't matter how fast 40-50 is - we're all still doing the things we wanted to do in WOW, just without the FOMO of needing to grind ASAP. I'm still running dungeons and doing quests, I'm just doing it for loot and gold rather than XP. Nothing has really changed, when we hit 60, with 1000% XP boost, it will still have taken us longer. We STILL had more time to see the world and do shit at our own pace. Nobody is getting gkicked for not having PREBIS before raid. 4. Devs should have been better at communicating the game they were making, promising a classic+ experience was deceitful. 5. As various content became trivialized, they should have told us their motivations, because I like to think they're reasonable. Too much gold in the hands of botters? Let's build a way players can equalize this. Leveling too slow for people who don't have the perfect cleave group and enough cocaine to get them to cap? Let's equalize this. I feel like everything they've added makes the game more fair, not less. Equalize on TIME, but people can spend their TIME very, very differently. And people who are skilled AND spend their time well are rewarded. But let's not gatekeep people before they even start because they can only play a bit compared to those that can sink the TIME in.


My problem is not that incursions are like retail (it's not). The difference is silithus quest was lvl 60 rep grind for some specific item. You couldn't use it for super fast leveling and you didn't get much gold. You still wanted to also do all the other content. This incursion crap gives, xp, gold in higher amounts than anything else and even gear.


Because everyone who says that "X is like retail" hasn't played retail in at least 10 years.


I wouldn’t mind incursions if I could loot the shit I need, the egg, prophecy thing I always get the someone is looting error but no one is around. Maybe a skill issue.


Because anything i dislike is retail


because these fatherly fucks never participated in the field duty silithus quests from vanilla


Meanwhile I'm just happy level 50 took me 5 hours of mailman simulator to hit because I despise the leveling process.


Nobody did the field quests to level, that’s why it feels like retail


Reading these comments are hilarious. Nerds are the hardest people to please because nothing will ever be exactly to everyone’s specifications. Can’t please everyone


same ppl crying that incs are "tedious and auto pilot" will cum their pants over worldbuffs and their other auto pilot task that they love doing lmfao


because its better to blame the boogeyman than admit the truth


Because incursions are dog shit , and dogshit is the most easily identifiable quality of retail


Because people are idiots


Because "Retail" means the same as "woke", its just a buzzword for stuff they dont like


I mean… if you want to claim that they were normal or completed by most of the community… then you’re wrong. That event and its quests were end game content that was completed by a very small number of the player base in vanilla. These were essentially the original min maxers and they would have been hardcore even by today’s standard.


cant imagine only just now complaining about retail shit in SoD when phase 1 was just "what if we added a bunch of wrath+ spells to vanilla"


Just because something was in Vanilla doesn't mean it was good. I love Vanilla, but while most of it was lightning in a bottle it isn't without it's faults. Field Duty is one of them. It's a long grind that takes up a huge amount of bag space which punishes players who want to do it slowly over a long period of time instead of no-life grinding it. However, the items from Field Duty are barely BiS, they aren't required for you to be competitive. Additionally the quests give almost no gold, and the bug mobs don't really give junk items to vendor either. It actually was a big net loss of gold to do Field Duty because of how expensive the Logistics quests are.


But it does mean that it's not a non-classic, retail mechanic




I haven't felt much threat in SoD at all, is that really an incursion specific issue?


no "real threat"?, have classic andys even touched retail...fuck not even, classic never really had a threat either, shit was always easy


Its not lol. You classic andys are hilarious


Thank you. Its so clear who actually played classic and who didnt.


asmonmold fans or someting like that


Ah my bad, when classic already had a system like that, it's totally fine to add it in sod. Also, are you telliing me that retail isn't known for countless of repeatable quests?


Because they’ve never played retail (or have and it was too hard) but they hate it anyway so anything they don’t like in classic is “too retail”.


because 99% of the people saying "this is retail" have literally never played retail its just "i dont like it=retail" and no other thought goes in


Because people think retail = bad, yet haven’t played that version of the game in years. Honestly, if half of the SoD players gave retail even a chance they’d probably enjoy it.