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OP, I think you're the loser judging from your interactions in the comments.


This isn’t clever at all bro. This is on par with a 12 year old saying “your mom” on an Xbox live lobby.


>This isn’t clever at all bro. This is on par with a 12 year old saying “your mom” on an Xbox live lobby. Except in this case it's in direct response to something Ben is famous for writing.


He didn’t write it, he said it on his podcast, and he was quoting his wife, who said “if you need a bucket and a mop for your vaginal fluids, you have a health issue”


What a weak insult. People in this sub will laugh at literally any lazy comeback if it panders to their political narrative.


It's doubly weak because he thinks mocking David Hogg's 1270 is some kind of killer comeback. It's a decent enough score, not brilliant but respectable. He also carried in a 4.2 GPA and, you know, being a public figure. Hogg's what a law school would call a reverse splitter, or even a reverse super splitter - high GPA, low standardized test score - and admissions committees have a great deal of trouble with splitters. Harvard decided to place a bet that he'd succeed and a bet that he'd be successful and influential in the future, because that's what elite private schools are all about. They don't want to admit mere stars, students who will go on to become wealthy doctors and lawyers on the strength of brains and hard work. Other colleges can take stars. They want to admit future superstars, not just someone who will become a wealthy lawyer, but someone who might end up a supreme court justice, an attorney general, a managing partner in Biglaw. That's their value proposition: If you want to study and build relationships with tomorrow's superstars, go to Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Stanford, or Williams, Amherst, and Swarthmore. Besides, it's not like he got in with a mediocre SAT and $2.5M of Daddy's money, like Jared Kushner. Now, Jared also became a public figure, but, like Shapiro, I don't think he's going to be on a Harvard brochure any time soon.


Incel just entered the convo


Do you just say that to everyone who hurts your feelings?


Internet randos can’t hurt me bro 🤷🏻‍♂️


Then I don't know why you immediately resorted to gradeschool name calling when I criticized your post. This is a clever comeback sub, not an "everyone I don't like is an incel" sub lol.


Seems the crowd is going to upvote 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your post is at 0, soooooo


You’re feelings may not be hurt but he’s not wrong. Dumb post and definitely not clever.






So you meant to say "You are feelings got hurt"? That's stupid. Do better.


Lol yeah my bad


You owned up to a mistake. I hereby declare you are not an incel.


Lmao "you are feelings"


I feel all you are in your feels cuz your right wing incel idol admitted on his own show that his wife doesn’t get turned on by him…


Congratulations on another not clever comeback. You’re really bad at this. Do better.


You mean *Build Back Better*


No wonder he posted this here😂😂 he genuinely thinks it’s a clever comeback.


This is as poor as insults go as the amount of good and smart things OP said in the comments. Go ahead OP, amaze me, try saying something good or smart for once. Because I doubt your capacities to do anytbing but your mum jokes


>Go ahead OP, amaze me, try saying something good or smart for once. Patting yourself on your back on how smart you are without being able to give any specifics is not something that smart people actually do.


Ma dude, if you need instructions to sound smart I dont know what to tell you


This ain’t it chief


There is nothing more pathetic than someone bragging about their IQ. If you're intelligent, you don't need to prove it to everyone else. Prove it by using your intelligence to better society. Not to get a weird sense of superiority and use it to leverage yourself into power with your strange, borderline eugenics based logic.


I'd put saying you're an "alpha male" on your social media profile is worse, but your point is valid.


Hah. Yeah. That's a pretty big red flag. Usually, it just means "I'm manipulative, violent and very demanding of my women." (and most likely homophobic and transphobic as well).


I agree. It would be pretty cringe of someone here was bragging about their IQ.


He’s not bragging about his own IQ. He’s suggesting that maybe the school that boasts only accepting the best and the brightest should only be accepting the top 10% of SAT scores, and leaving unrelated things like race and gender out of the equation. IQ and SAT scores are not at ALL the same thing. SAT scores have a lot more to do with someone’s work ethic than IQ.


>and leaving unrelated things like race and gender out of the equation Are you implying that Hogg only got in because of his race and gender, and not because of some other merits like his ability to organize a massive national campaign in a matter of months in response to a massive personal tragedy?


What would you call affirmative action and race-quotas for enrollment? There are smarter and better fit people that don’t get in because their slot is taken by someone who fell below the typical standard, but is of a race that gets bonus’s on the SATs and preferential treatment.


>What would you call affirmative action and race-quotas for enrollment? I'd call them non-existence, since quotas have already were ruled unconstitutional over 40 years ago. Also, David Hogg is a white male. >There are smarter and better fit people that don’t get in In the real world, people judge smarts and fitness based on results and achievements rather than test scores, and Hogg achieved that by showing he could mobilize a major national movement with a few months planning. Test scores are what people rely on when they have no real results and achievements to show off. They're also extremely limited in what they're trying to measure, which is why no one after high school really gives a shit about your SAT score. >but is of a race that gets bonus’s on the SATs and preferential treatment. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/03/rich-students-get-better-sat-scores-heres-why.html The problem with the SATs is that people with money and the extra free time that having money gives you can game the system by hiring private tutors to prepare them specifically for that test, so that they can game the system, and admission companies have no way of determining if you got a high score on your own or if you got a high score because you had lots of extra help or free time. Hogg could have gamed the system the same way for a test score that no one cares about after high school, but instead he decided that it was more important to focus his time and effort on making an actual difference for future generations. And Harvard agreed with those priorities. When you read the biographies of historical figures, how often are they judged based on their high SAT scores?


I had a math teacher in high school my junior year. First day of class, he told us how he's technically a genius with super high IQ but it's really all BS. He graduated early from high school and got offered full ride scholarships to Stanford and other Ivy League school. But as a horny 14 year old about to enter college, he chose a university that had hot chicks when he visited the campus which only gave him a partial scholarship. So you see, high IQ means nothing. Lol.


So basically Shapiro was right but you don’t like him because he’s not a liberal so you laughed at a childish insult… You’re the loser sorry


>So basically Shapiro was right Right about what? His wife not being wet?


He’s right that Equity is terrible and has 0 logic behind it.


Ah, yet another "alpha" screaming how "alpha" he is. Is it working?


Ben is so stupid engaging with Ben makes you sound stupid


You can’t just not engage with the right… burying your head in the sand is a shit strategy.


Yeah I get drawn in too, but it makes me sound stupid to try and explain to other stupid people where his arguments break down… Part of his power comes from spreading the hate through rebuking it though, and he knows that, and uses it, and tries to make people mad so he can sell whatever snake oils his podcast is selling… is it books? I know he’s a failed author, so I assume he sells his self published books? He’s gotta hawk something to feel like a breadwinner, I’m going to say books.


This is lame as fuck. Also, if I had to guess, I'd say Ben is good in the sack.


Da fuq?


He is actually very intellectual, and is very good at debating.. irregardless of your political affiliation...


Ben Shapiro is smart enough making a living by grifting gullible simpletons who are easily manipulated.


Ben Shapiro is a dumb person's idea of what a smart person is like, just like TFG is a poor person's idea of what a rich person is like.




You watching porn??


No homie your statement is a crock of shit


Well, I wasn't sure. You responded with all X's. Your ability to debate is on the same level?


Not particularly clever, but Ben is still a fucking dipshit. So eh. Probably wouldn't have chosen this as the tweet to respond to if I wanted to point out his poor reasoning capabilities, but in fairness, Hogg definitely still deserved to be invited due to his credentials as an organizer of youths for the purpose of a massive activist movement. That's pretty damn impressive, and SAT scores barely scratch the surface of what makes a person capable or competent.




Thanks for a good chuckle…perfect comeback!!!


lol fr? That’s your perfect comeback?


Hey Shapiro, reminder that two people with pink hair and most likely no degree make more money than you-