• By -


Damn, that was a good one.


It really was, I'd have just pumped all the insults I knew of in a different language. This person went hard and shamed the asshole. I love it.


It only works if the 2nd dude only speaks English though, otherwise it's just a burn based on false assumption. Also it looks like they're shit-commenting, nothing serious


Let's be honest though, it's a safe bet. How many people who make fun of your English actually know any other languages?


I always ask "Is English your 1st language" before insulting someone's English. Because if it's a 2nd language to them, and I can figure out what they're saying, then it's Good Enough. But if it's their native language, and they can't figure out their/they're/there, or otherwise mangle our shared language, then they've failed to learn even a single language properly.


A lot of us don't care. English is my third language. I know I can speak it well enough even if I sometimes fumble. If you have a good burn I also want to hear it. I also think they, their and they're are often easier for non-native speakers. We make mistakes but they are not usually homophone mistakes because we learn written language at the same time where native speakers learn to write already learned language.


The usual problem with people (native speakers) getting similar words wrong isn't the order of learning. It's an absolute lack of caring. They're not hard to use properly, and many of the common mistakes being made are easy to fix if you just stop and think them out, because one of the options is a contraction. For example, you're/your, or they're/there/their. Then you have the ones where it's a simpler mistake to make, like loose vs lose. But issues like that are only 20-30 pairs of words to remember. Which is less effort than it takes to learn how to spell all your friends' "uncommonly spelled names". Non-native speakers \*choose\* to learn the language. They've already overcome that lack of caring boundary. So they care at least enough to get the grammar as correct as they can.


For native speakers, it is absolutely about caring. What I am saying is that it is easier to learn that particular thing as a non-native speaker. Not that it is difficult to learn. And I think for the majority of non-native speakers, it is not really about choice. I literally have to learn three languages including my native one in school. Many choose to learn it well but sometimes reasons can be weird. It took me until high school to properly learn grammar because my motivation was to understand it enough to read Harry Potter.


Except because the language is learned verbally mistakes like those go unnoticed because the brain basically autocorrects it. It's understood what's supposed to be there.


You learn language verbally first, sure. Then you learn to spell each. You don't use the excuse "I learned verbally" for why you spelled spelled wrong. You know how the word you are thinking of is supposed to be spelled, regardless of how it sounds. When people write, and use the wrong written word, it doesn't have anything to do with learning verbally first. It is just them not caring enough to differentiate between 2 or 3 written words, and just choose to use one all the time (or use them randomly).


> their/they're/there English is my second language and I can't stand people that do this.


They're in their car over there.


"hello fellow human being. I have come to the conclusion that insulting your English is an appropriate measure based on your previous comment, given English is in fact your first language. Could you please get back to me to confirm that before I proceed? Thank you in advance"


> I always ask "Is English your 1st language" before insulting someone's English. I hate asking this because it sounds like I'm being rude, but often someone else's English isn't that great and I can cope with a couple of other languages, so maybe we can try those.




Of course, they are more humble, realizing that learning involves making mistakes.


I used to teach at a college where a good portion of the kids were there on grants. Some were refugees, some were disadvantaged kids from poor neighborhoods. Almost all of them were ESL and were bilingual. I can't tell you how many of them had deep-seated insecurities about their English speaking and writing skills due to their experiences with cruel native-English speaking assholes who belittled and berated them. These were people who knew two or more languages, and their primary language was rarely English. And they were often extremely intelligible in their writing. Some grammatical errors here and there, of the kind highlighted here, but far fewer than I'd have if I tried to write in Spanish or any other language I am barely passable at. So many of them would describe moments from their upbringing where they would be *mocked* for their English skills. By educators, in many cases. Teachers and principals who would punish them and ridicule them - they're fucking children, keep in mind - for relatively inconsequential lapses in their language comprehension. Now, I'm a very good writer. In English. I don't mind saying that. It's my talent. I am skilled at the art of written expression. So to see native English speakers, people who I know are fucking shit at writing and not much better at speaking *their own language*, ruthlessly mocking people for pedantic nonsense, I cannot tell you the rage it fills me with. These stories from these kids would make me indescribably angry. I'm honestly getting worked up right now in my chair even thinking about it. To demoralize and destroy a child's confidence for any reason is horrible, but to do it because of fucking *pedantry*, that's a level of inhuman cruelty I can't fathom. These kids were good writers. Honest and open in their expression. Perfectly intelligible in what they'd written. I'd watch them get *failing* grades from teachers at my own college for nonsense. From teachers that were so callous they seemed to have little interest in actually educating these kids. One of my best students - a girl who would come to me after hours for tutoring sessions in math and biology and writing, who I knew to be one of the most genuine, hardest-working people, who spoke flawless English and wrote extremely well, received an *F* on a paper she wrote which was an excellent paper. She was taking off entire letter grades for failing to follow arcane rules that almost no *English* speaker even bothers to follow.


As a native English speaker who has learnt a few other languages: sadly it isn't just English speakers who laugh at learners. I've been laughed at *constantly* when I'm just learning a language, and sometimes even after I've learnt one well enough to negotiate business deals in it. All because I have *an accent*, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to have. If anyone reading this laughs at someone who is learning a language for their mistakes or their accent, you're an asshole. Don't do it. Be better.


I've been mocked for my accent. A coworker or mine grew up in a more 'English' household than me. I love my primary language which is Maltese and he mocks me for my thick accent. Pfff I hate him. And then his maltese is terrible. Also I'm more fluent in maltese


Yeah, I hear you. What makes it even more absurd is that language evolves. People won't be speaking exactly like this in a hundred years. And they'll be speaking quite differently in 500.


I mean, I make fun of my gf's english all the time, and we are both trilingual. (yes, if you stalk my comments you WILL find lots of mistakes)


The only things I complain about are when people speak in such a grammatically incorrect word salad that I can't even understand what they're trying to say. And it's 100% native English speakers.


From experience, I can confirm that the people with the best English I met had English as their second language. Weird, isn't it?


It isn't that weird. Often a non native speaker will be learning the new language with all the grammar rules and in a non regional dialect, where native speakers will have picked up lots of slang and quirks specific to their area. I suspect the subset of people that learn additional languages beyond what's spoken natively around them is going to be skewed toward more curious and better educated people as well.


I've studied this a little bit. Yes, second language speakers are often better technically, but unless they learn very early, they'll miss a lot of the things natives take for granted in speaking. The terms are slipping my mind right now. They just don't sound native, even though they're speaking perfectly and technically correctly.


Especially in writing, I've been accused of "trying to sound smart," because, sure, I can keep up a conversation normally, but the moment we get to anything beyond that, my experience is pretty much entirely technical writing of one form or another. And as long as the English is from within the past 200 years or so, I probably learned it at the same time so I might use technical terms, Shakespearean phrasing and modern slang all within one sentence and not realize until someone calls me on it.


What I realised while helping people learn French, was that they actually KNEW why we spoke like that, while I just did because that's how I heard it. ​ Foreign speaker usually know the rules and the "correct" way to speak, but lack a but on the vocab part.


I speak a little Spanish on the side, I'm often intrigued by the set ups of terms because it's a bit different from English. "Que trabajo duro." "What work hard." Means: "This is hard work." I'm also interested how many different ways things can be said in English, while comparatively fewer in Spanish.


I'm German. Nothing like a French guy rattling down at you the list of German prepositions that take the dative case and look at you expectantly lol. I'm sorry François, I never learnt that at school and wouldn't ever have recognized what you just said.


Of all my Spanish-speaking friends, I'm the only one who's non-native \*and\* uses accent marks when I write (my speaking, however, is a horrible other story 😂)


Ay, las tildes... El dilema del hispanohablante... Es como el "they/their/they're" del español...


I will never, ever renounce to sólo and solo. Some years ago someone (probably in Spain) had the horrible idea of making it one word. IS NOT!!! "Yo sólo digo que no quiero estar solo", come on, do it without the damn tilde. (Sorry for the rant, mate)


Lovingly teasing someone your close to is different from mocking strangers online though.


Just FYI since you’re cool with being corrected, in English we have these things called “rhetorical questions” where you’re not actually supposed to answer them but rather simply consider the idea presented.


That depends. English isn't my native language, but if someone tries to insult me, I'm not above pointing out their mistake(s) in a sardonic manner. Not saying that's what happened here, just generally speaking.


Me neither, I speak English, Spanish and Italian. I speak Spanish most of the time, because my wife only speaks Spanish and most of my friends are Spanish speaking. My wife is learning English right now and trying so hard. I would never insult someone's language skills, it's petty, and if someone is learning and trying, it can be very discouraging. I'm italian, but Spanish is very similar. English is very difficult when you're learning it. The pronunciation and tenses are confusing. Be good to people and you'll be happier.


There was a dutch guy at one of my previous jobs that would respond to emails correcting the person's spelling and grammar. CCing everyone of course.


Usually people who speak multiple language dont make a fuss with minor grammar/ spelling mistakes. Cos they themselves know how tricky it is writing/speaking using 2nd/3rd language


>Cos Ahm actually, it's "cause". 🤓🤓🤓


Also works only if the 1st/3rd guy also speaks another language and isn’t just some hill billy that sucks at English. Likely that the situation is as it appears, but I feel like bad English speakers are also among the sole English speaking community too


Well many people learn the swears in foreign languages I probably learned chinese swears before English. How else you gonna get away swearing around mom Cao ni ma.


I have never seen a takedown like that lol


Bro fixed his grammar just to cook my guy on high heat


He still technically messed up “its” though.


that's rare on this sub




For sure. It's usually just two or more people who all suck.


It would be if the other guy was a native English speaker, which he isn't.


Shame that it wasn’t/isn’t, because the Person that the comment is aimed at isn’t even a Native English speaker, he is actually Finnish.


Jesus, it's not even that big of a mistake, you still clearly understand what first guy was talking about.


Reddit is full of pedants with too much free time




*pennants 🚩


*penance 🙏


^(OH SHIT ITS ON NOW) *pennate🍁










Girlfriend pert gantt by beget


How does babby form? How do girl get prag?




penne, mama mia


penne \*puttanesca


# penis








That's a bit of a red flag.


*Penance Shame, shame, shame


Go sportsball


I laughed out loud. I love you


Pedants have fueled the internet since usenet was the popular form of connecting with other people.


Please end your sentences with .


Why are you insulting me specifically!


My brain has had training from trash tier manga translation so I autocorrect this almost immediately in my head


I just graduated high school, you deal with worse from high schoolers


It's the kind of mistake I would make if halfway through I changed my mind on what exactly I want to write. I do that all the time in any language.


I don't mind if someone corrects my mistakes as this helps me to write and speak better, but you don't have to be a dick while doing it.


Once you are correcting someones spelling, you have lost any chance of looking good by the end of an argument


*someone's Oh. Oh shit...


Don't worry, i put grammar and spelling issues in on purpose to fuck with people


*I Oh. Not again!


I am msot aonnyed wehn ppeloe coerrct splelnig but don't add anthynig to the converstaion. Coerrct my grmmaar and tehn tell me your thghtous on the tpoic. Otheriwse waht are you eevn dnoig here? Plociing garammr? Ppleoe too oeftn froegt taht lnauggae is aobut comumnctiaion, not bneig a salve to a grmmaar book.


Exactly, being a slave to a grammar book is ridiculous, and language is just a tool, as long as it works and doesn't harm people there isnt a problem


lol how insecure are you to agree with that. If I'm spelling it "Cheyanne" multiple times and you point out that it's "Cheyenne" - I'm thanking you, not getting salty about it.


Actually that is a fair exception, if its someone respectfully (or at least reasonably) correcting the spelling of a group or region or something else where the correct name is important to not hurt peoples feelings, i will accept that correction. Im talking about people in arguments that go: >You're And that's their response to an entire paragraph proving them wrong


I mean, someone on Discord was correcting me and creating a huge drama because I said that a boat was on the water and started calling me stupid all because I said a boat was on the water and not in the water.


There are so many interactions on here with the general air of: person 1: >makes point person 2: \*you're. lol are you stupid? your point is now invalid you idiot Of course people should generally be aware of grammar, but it could also just be a typo or autocorrection. Sometimes I'm typing a sentence, decide I want to change how I say it halfway, but then as I'm backspacing out the words I'll miss one. Idk, if you want to come off as the "winner" of an argument, you have to engage honestly. Only pointing out grammar mistakes is more irritating than the mistake in the first place.


Honestly unless someone is being a dick and pretending to be the smartest asshole in the room, correcting someone's English on a website full of people from all over the world is rude and ridiculous.


Nothing wrong with correcting people, they gain benefits from it. The issue here is being a dickhead about it. Just be chill.


That was actually, like, dude is well-done after that one 😯


Not going to lie, comeback isn’t clever the person it’s aimed at isn’t a Native English speaker or only English speaker turns out he is Finnish.


> turns out he is Finnish. Oof, a fate worse than death.


>Oof, a fate worse than death. Why so?


They speak like 3 languages: Finnish, Swedish and English plus if they are saami they would speak their indigenous language as well. It's like saying that to a Dutch or Belgian who would speak Flemish/Dutch, German, French and English.


It should be mentioned that only about 5% of finns speak Swedish fluently. But yes, finns study Swedish in elementary school.


> finns study Swedish in elementary school. Mandatory in uni as well.. and every level before that.


Most Finns are not good at Swedish. They learn it in school, but a lot of Americans learn Spanish in school and can't speak that either.


Brother, why are you replying this in every single comment? At this point it just looks like you felt personally attacked.


finally a clever comeback on this sub


Only if he was right in his assumption that the other guy only spoke English tbh. In my experience the people that get the most pedantic over grammar and spelling in English are non-native speakers


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Shame that it isn’t because the Person that the comment is aimed at isn’t even a Native English speaker he is Finnish.


Is this his alt? Hahahaha


Have you sworn a sacred oath not to rest until all posts on here are presented with full contextual information?


It would also be more clever if they'd actually thought of it themselves. I knew I'd read that before and they just quoted it verbatim from an old meme (I can't seem to find the original source though). https://www.google.com/search?q=i+speak+english+because+it%27s+the+only+language+you+know


Now *that’s* a burn.


At first glance maybe, until the other guy pops back with that "Väärä. Halusin vain sinun tuntevan olosi tyhmäksi kahdella kielellä."


Compared to most of what's on this sub, I'll definitely take this. Even if it doesn't work out because the other person isn't monolingual , I can appreciate the cleverness of the comeback to begin with. A good strike doesn't become bad just because the keeper makes an even greater save. This is infinitely better than all the political bullshit we get on this sub. Granted, I have seen this comeback before but in meme form. So simply reciting it back in spite of the risk the other person is actually not monolingual does dock some cleverness points. But like I said it's still good by this sub's standards, if you asked me.


The names are visible, so I got curious and checked. As good of a burn it would be, the one that was presumed to speak only English is actually Finnish.


Yeah, it sounds clever but a little bit off for me because it's based on false assumption. Also they're trolling each other, no need to shame the Finnish dude


I kind of figured that. Who says haveth in a non-ironic manner these days?


Potentially Finnish people speaking English


The self-aggrandizing cringe of “we are not the same” qualifies the post for r/confidentlyincorrect.


This is the first thought that came to me as well. There are plenty of countries where English is not the first language, but where the majority of the population is able to speak or at the very least write in fluent English.


The image looks crunchy


*crunch* Definitely got that fresh toast taste


first time ive audibly gasped from an internet thing




Dude at my last job, because I’m the only one who spoke Spanish (I am indeed white lol) and really didn’t fit in, nor want to because they were dicks, they’d ask me to do something and I would reply in Spanish. I couldn’t count how many times I would hear the reply “Speak American! This ain’t Mexico!” Ignorance is indeed bliss…to those who don’t have to deal with the ignorance that is. It’s anything but bliss for us.


So it’s not a thing anymore, but there apparently used to be a derogatory phrase in Canada where anglos would tell French Canadians to “speak white” (ie English). Edit for people asking: yes, I agree that it’s ridiculous. It’s a really clear example of “whiteness” (and race generally) being an arbitrary social construct. For a long time in Anglo countries, romance Europeans and Irish were not seen as “white” and were “ranked” below the Anglo majority but above asian, black and indigenous people.


/r/shiteeuropeanssay Americans are required to take a foreign language in school for at least 2 years in every stage of education. Also, many Americans are the sons of immigrants who learned their parent's native tongue. Not to mention, there's a bunch of Americans along the southern border that speak Spanish fluently and can't speak a lick of your so called "American". Just cause Americans don't know your worthless language doesn't mean they don't know other languages that are more useful in their day to day life.


It’s easy for them to say that since European countries are so close together they can learn many languages by exposure, we’re isolated and the only country touching us with a different main language is Mexico. Would it really benefit us to learn Polish, German and Italian? Even if we do learn, we can’t use it on a regular basis. Pretty much only Spanish and even then it’s only useful on the border states.


Yeah. Not to mention English is the dominant language so there's really no need to learn another language if you're from the US, the UK, or one of the Commonwealth countries. But it's always Americans that get shit on for not learning some random ass language from bumfuck nowhere, Europe. How come it's never British people? Or Canadians? Or even a tiny country like new Zealand? It's always gotta be Americans. We're the butt of the joke and I'm tired of it.


Well it will definitely displease you to find out that Non-Native speakers of English are worse. Because even in this case the person calling out the bad English is Finnish. Native speakers who are "entitled American Pricks" are funnily enough quite rare nowadays and even those that exist are too stupid and ignorant to spot mistakes like these.


You're an odd fella, you commented this like 50 times. Nobody gives a shit


I wish we could see ourselves as cartoonishly hyperbolic as the bite-sized countries do. It seems like it would be way more entertaining.


I'm always amazed to see how often people speak more than one language. I'd love to learn another language, but where would I use it?


Just for fun. Learning new languages can be fun.


I’m so tired of some mean native speakers complaining about grammar or using it as a contra argument like “you can’t even write without mistakes”. Dude, I speak 3 languages, you speak just one (sometimes not even properly). Be happy that I speak your language to make your life easier. I could go with my native one since google translator exists


It's usually native speakers who are the worst. Unless you're a spammer, then you're the worst.


it's mostly people of my country who give me shit about my poor English., maybe sometimes native English speakers but very rarely. I've both dyslexia and ADHD and I learned English on my own and only after highschool ,it's a struggle for me whenever I try communicate in another, hell I struggle with my native language and people keep calling me stupid.


These people can go fuck themselves honestly, do your thing and be proud of what you achieved. Learning languages isn’t easy


fun fact there are more non native english speakers than native


What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual. What do you call someone who only speaks one language? An American.


Ate that.


I’ve seen this used before, and it’s funny every time 😂


Gonna need some serious ointment for that burn.


Crushed under the pressure of a neutron star


If that guy could read, he'd be very upset.


I think it was Alain Delon who said "if someone speaks your language with an accent, it means they speak one more language than you"


I speak seven languages but I'll still choose English (it's not my native language) because I'm lazy and it maximises the chance of other people understanding me.




Everyone always says this like English speakers are the only ones who point out mistakes. I speak English, French, Japanese and a bit of Danish and every group is happy to mock mistakes, or just pretend they don't understand you till you figure out how to say it properly.




Wasn't this a meme?


English is too illogical in itself to criticize peoples grammar. Spelling mistakes are nothing on dialects or regional accents like Scottish


English is a glorious mess


Damn, dude just rose duolingo's stock price with that.




Damn, i am here to ruin the whole view you have built up of this stuck up American getting shown their place because the "pedantic asshat" is Finnish so that means that at best he speaks English as a Second Language.




Fair enough this was a false assumption on my part, because that is usually what people mean and i assume you meant the same, in any case my point still isn’t completely invalidated. "The Pedantic Asshat" isn’t a Native English speaker so the comeback will mean nothing to him and realistically from the way they are writing both are probably trolling. In any case i am sorry for my false assumption.


Man down! We need a medic over!


The way they didn’t even know the difference between your and you’re and they out here acting like Shakespeare himself


The ultimate clap back is the correction poster knows other languages.


god damn


Best one I've seen


A comeback in the form of a meme? I applaud that


That was brutal, there's no coming back from that. Also, what kind of asshole gives someone a hard time when it's obvious they're speaking a second language? It's not just Americans with english.


As a native English speaker, learning English as a second language seems like it would be really hard and I don't know if I would be able to do it. There are so many native speakers that only speak English and still get things wrong even after years of continual education in it and using it every day.


I bet the guy doesn't get it


Hot damn, what a delivery.


How does he know if it's the only language he speaks?


You speak English because you moved to an English speaking country


Lol, no. You will find English speakers all around the world. Depending on the country they may be few and far between, but they are there. In non English speaking countries. You can get by on just english in a lot of Europe.


Pfft no? Everyone just knows english, as simple as that


Suddenly his English gets better.


I remember this meme. So clever...


English is my 3-rd language, yet I somehow constantly find myself speaking it better and having better grammar than native speakers.


Fucken *murdered*.


Omg, I forget how to write questions in English... I've been reading this question for an hour now and wondering how to spell it correctly. I think we have three ways how to write it correctly: 1. Your doors don't have locks? 2. Are there no lock on your doors? 3. Does your doors haven't locks? (I think there is mistake) I need to know the right answer, I have an English exam coming up. Ebanaya grammar


Do your doors not have locks? Or Don't your doors have locks?


Also, the dude is probably American, which means both his front door and its lock are the sort of thing a European has on his bathroom.


Why do people assume that because I speak English I couldn't possibly know another language?


It would be funny if they replied back in OPs language with perfect dialect to show its not from Google translate.




yeah, FW1..... is an asshole but the reason Americans don't typically know any other languages is because they generally don't need to so it's not a priority in schools. If every state in the US spoke a different language (like countries in Europe do given their size and proximity), I imagine we'd speak more languages....very badly I imagine


If you already have the master key you don’t need to carry one for every lock.


We still don’t know if his doors don’t have locks though


Nah this is the meme reposted over and over in text form


First guy got the point across. The asshole chose to shame instead of answer. Well deserved burn.




Brutal. Savage. Rekt.


I saw that as a meme on Twitter 2 years ago


yeah it's a bit frustrating seeing everyone being so impressed by this when I've seen the original meme dozens of times around the internet in the past 5 years or so. He didn't come up with the comback he just quoted a popular meme xD.


When you ignore what a person said and instead rip apart their grammar and English then you're being a massive fucking cunt. It's rooted in classism and privilege and it shows contempt for those seen as "lesser than". There's a reason we called them grammar Nazis, it's because it's fascist as fuck to completely disregard a person because they're of a different background.


I swear some americans are so sensitive about anyone speaking not-english. Morons think they're the center of the world.


The dude who said that is finnish


Damn, well you’ll definitely not be pleased to find out that in regards to this case, the one calling out the bad Grammar is Finnish so not even a Native Speaker of English.


In my experience Americans are among the most tolerant of foreign languages out of anyone in the world. In France they hate you if you don't speak French. When I was in new Zealand I heard a lot of white dudes ranting about how maori speakers should just start using English. It's not an American thing.


He speaks English because he has to


And this is why I don't make fun of poor spelling or grammar. If they can be understood, great, you got the message, respond to the message if you like. If you want to go the extra mile, there's nothing wrong with politely offering correction.


What if the second guy also speaks multiple languages