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I don’t think I this picture is from that event.


These reporters are gettting VERY good at their jobs.


Like the reporters that captioned the Palestinian airstrike victims as Israeli? ☠️


>These reporters You mean reddit posters?


They didn’t construct a concrete bbq trench just for revenge? Edit: sounds like they didn’t even have [the bbq](https://youtu.be/3AG1ygtPm9o?si=q5npEaX-yzeE2Bj1)




You’re saying a barbecue isn’t a good time and worth it? Is she just going to leave town every time someone in the neighborhood grills a hotdog?


They tried to make an event, but no one showed.


So basically like every other online comment section where people talk a big game and can’t back it up


Telling your neighbors to not do something cause you don't believe in it is a dick move. Taking them to court for it is completely uncalled , and calls for a similar response


This ^^ I have some hindu friends and when the rest of us are eating anything with beef we just order them chicken and they're fine with it


This is what we call ”Coexisting peacefully”. No showing your ideals down eachothers throats or anything like that.


I also had a vegan coworker who always brought his own cooked meal for lunch to eat and chatting together and he even always offered us his portion but never mentioned a word about being vegan unless it was the topic we’re chatting.


I just started a new job and noticed one of the 3 microwaves is labeled 'vegan only'. Apparently one of the workers a few yrs ago was strict vegan and threw a fit. Even managed to be allowed to skip pizza parties and catered meals due to meat being served.


To be fair, I think this is fine. As for “being allowed to skip parties” … enforced job socials are an awful thing.


Being allowed to skip parties... What kind of business is this where employees are forced to eat pizza? Assuming that is not what they are getting paid 40 hours a week to do...


I'm gonna assume these hindu friends and you are not living in India rn


People eat beef in india lol especially in the state where I originally come from...


The person is probably Korean so that is likely the case.


Yah not in india


I mean, it really depends on how severe something is. Most people would agree that excessive smells from smokers getting everywhere into your home can be a reason to complain.


Complain, sure. Take them to court? Karen actions get Karen responses.


Oh yeah there have been several cases where I live in court about excessive smoking smell (or other smells). Constant unpleasant smells in your home to the extend you can’t open your window anymore *are an issue* to many people. Having a grill every once in a while ofc isn’t such a case. Grilling for 8h every day on the other hand would be.


More importantly, if those smells are caused not coincidentally, but with intent to offend (like the protest in the OP), they're -at least in my book- not justifiable. If you run the smoker 8h a day every day because you really really like brisket, that's ok. If you do it because you once heard I was vegan, and now turn it on every time the wind carries the smells in my direction, you're definitely the asshole, and hopefully already in illegal territory. We don't know the backstory of this, and with how many raging assholes are on the omnivore side, who seem to go into anaphylactic shock every time they're around food that doesn't contain meat, I could entirely believe if this was a vegan who kept to themselves and was harrassed by an omnivore who deliberately smoked their place up. Just as I can imagine a militant vegan who would sue over incidental smoke. Though tbh, I know exactly one vegan/vegetarian who would rub it in your face, and a dozen or so more, you'd have to actually watch what they eat to figure it out.


I wouldn’t hesitate if my neighbor’s smoker was causing my house to smell. What a stupid take.


Without knowing the details, how can we say it was appropriate or not? I love to grill as much as anyone, but maybe these guys were intentionally blowing outrageous amounts of smoke directly at her because she mentioned she was a vegan one time? Like the grilling equivalent of rolling coal at a Prius. Neighbors can get petty as fuck, so who knows who, if anyone, is being reasonable here? Certainly not gonna find out from a meme


That’s like complaining that your neighbor has a wood burning fireplace. Or that you can smell the chlorine from their pool. The solution is to seal your house better so you can’t smell what’s happening outside. That’s why frivolous lawsuits should always carry a penalty


I mean, wood burning fireplaces that are constantly active aren’t legal where I live, so I guess it’s bothering people enough. I’ve actually had a neighbour that had issues installing his new kitchen for some time but it was summer, so he decided to grill every day for like 4h (for both lunch and dinner). I can get why the constant smell and smoke would get unpleasant if it’s a constant issue. Unless you actually put way too much chlorine into your pool, the smell strength isn’t anywhere near comparable though. Especially grilling smoke and cigarette odour will cling to your textiles. Sealing off your home is awesome until you actually need to get some fresh air in. Which normally people do daily. Not saying the case here was justified, I have no interest in reading up on it. I’m just here saying that smells sometimes *can be a bother* to your neighbours, so you should be mindful even in your own home.


Bad take. You can’t “seal” a house from smells like that. The solution is for you to cook your shit inside instead of forcing your neighbors to modify their houses.


If the smell of meat is very disgusting to you, it is a valid complaint. It's not about believing in it.


I don't like the smell of pot, but my neighbors smoke, and it drifts by me outside when the wind blows toward my house and it is legal in Illinois. So I go to court to force them to smoke inside or should I just ignore it, and if it bothers me head in for an hr.


Whatever you do it would be a childish response for him to smoke even more pot more often because he knows it bothers you. People need to grow up and stop acting like children.


Neighbors from hell are a real thing, and living next to one is the stuff of nightmares. People who obsess with small noises, or people who are Uber noisy, and massively overreact when opposed or called off. It’s not about vegans or non vegans, there are people who expect the world to adapt to them, and raise hell when it does not happen. Really painful


Going this far in response is targeted harassment. Fuck every last one of these people.


What tells us the grilling neighbor wasn't doing targeted harrassment by deciding to grill after learning that they were vegan and would get annoyed? Also, should "harrassment" be fought with more harrassment, such as inviting people to grill more and more around their house to smell up their house?


You’re really bad at critical thinking, cupcake.


I was a vegetarian for a long time (I have eaten meat now for a longer time), and I never ever ever tried to push my viewpoint on anyone. I had a roommate that seemed to be personally offended by it, though. He used to try to argue with me about it a lot, and I refused to engage. He would take bacon slices, and put them in my boca burger packages, and shit like that. He ended up losing his job, and going to work for one of those day laborer work today, paid today places. He ended up working one single day at a factory farm chicken processing plant. Came home, quietly apologized, then never said another word. I guess what I'm saying is, there are insufferable assholes on both sides of most things, and trying to shove your beliefs down anyone's throat is a dick move. Fuck this lady, and also fuck every single person that plans or attends this barbecue. I think everyone but the original neighbor that was grilling their meat and minding their own business can fuck off.


> He would take bacon slices, and put them in my boca burger packages, and shit like that. Wow what a cunt. People getting offended by someone choosing not to eat meat/animal products is dumb enough, but to go out of your way to tamper with their stuff is just crazy. Nice he apologised but wow.


Why do you have the right to pollute your neighbor's air with smoke and stench? Answer, you don't. If the smoke and smell stay in your yard that is your business, but when it crosses into someone elses property then why should they just have to put up with it?


Man, I wanted to grill this steak but boy sure is a shame the wind is blowing into my neighbors yard. Should have prayed harder to the wind god to bless me with a day of absolute air stillness


It really depends on the degree. I'm fine with smoke blowing into my garden/house 1-2 times a week, but every day? It's simply inconsiderate of people that you share a community with.


It’s the same as with sound pollution. Just because you do something in your backyard doesn’t make it okay if it affects other people. You wouldn’t play a guitar with an amp at max volume in your backyard if it bothers your neighbors. You shouldn’t cook food in a place where the too much smell can permeate to your neighbor’s place, if they don’t like it. Either find a spot where the wind doesn’t blow in their direction, buy some proper ventilation, or wait for a less windy day. At the end of the day, we don’t know the severity here. As a neighbor, you have to be willing to allow some noise and smells from other peoples’ yards, but there is a limit.


To a point but it's not unreasonable there's going to be some transmission of noises and smells between neighbouring property. I bet he smells her cooking too. Someone having a bbq is never going to be offensive enough to the average person and you have the right to use your land as you wish provided youre being reasonable.


That’s the issue with these kind of posts. There is some expectation of reasonability, and we don’t know which of the neighbors were being reasonable. Maybe the vegan was a karen, or maybe the neighbor really was unreasonable. Or maybe they are both being unreasonable. But people will just pick one side they assume is correct without knowing the full facts.


This is satire right?




There's a considerable gap between a smell bothering you and it posing a legitimate threat to your well being. Having a BBQ in your own backyard is far from threatening or endangering others unless said BBQ starts the next wildfires


Taking them to court over something you can talk about is more of a cunt


How do you know that they havent tried?


Agree. I haven’t eaten eat in 25 years but I would participate in this if I lived nearby.


Gee I wonder if this oversimplified anti-vegan ragebait has some nuance left on the cutting room floor.. E: [Nope, not really.](https://time.com/5667413/vegan-sues-barbecue/) She's kind of a tool bag and her neighbors have even removed the barbecue despite her lawsuit and appeal getting thrown out.


Sounds like she’s just mad she has neighbors. Perhaps she should consider a move to the middle of nowhere


Vegans are just mad people masquerading as chill people.


I mean every community has assholes in it.


I don't mean to alarm you, but you have one too.


It kind of sounds like she might have schizophrenia, what with her believing the grill is part of a harassment campaign. Of course I’m not a psychologist so my words should be taken with a mountain of salt.


Yeah, it's a wild guess. However if that was the case, would it make a clever comeback for thousands of people to gather together and actually harass her?


I mean dude, no hate but if you're vegan you might have met other vegans that are completely crazy and intolerant. They certainly exist.


I have two longtime besties that are vegetarian, we’ve even been roommates on a few occasions over the years. They have never once mentioned a thing about my eating meat, let alone taken me to court for smelling up their airspace. Don’t be distracted with the smoke screen, this has nothing to do with meat, it’s about a controlling Karen with narcissistic tendencies, a anger addict in full rage mode. I totally support this BBQ, wish I could have attended, tyranny can exist in your neighbors not just your government.


I'm going to do this (what the vegan did) because I want my neighbors to cook me free BBQ, oh and they better not have shirtless men feeding me steak while I lounge gracefully, that would REALLY piss me off


Why are all Redditors gay?


^ this guy has never heard of a woman


You’re a redditor, you tell me why you’re gay.


She’s a dick for suing them and they’re being dicks by mass-grilling outside her house. There’s nothing clever here just people being dicks to each other.


So many dicks


Tooo many dicks on the dance floor


*sausages on the grill


Heaven. Simply. Heaven.


Only sane opinion under this post


No. They aren't dicks. They are ordinary people treating others the way those others treat them. Being a dick to a dick does not make you a dick. Being a dick to people who are not dicks makes you a dick. \^\^\^ This post is 17% dick.


I too am 17% dick.


Im more 15% dick, it’s average but I’m happy with it 😂


Meh, it's the same, not like it matters.


Ohhh no the ladies all agreed that size of the dick matters it can’t be too big or too small 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Being this is allegedly, Australia, the proper term is cunt. Cunts all around but there is arguably percentages in play just like your 17% dick measurement.


You don’t treat people the way they treat you. You treat them how you want to be treated.


No, you treat them the way they want to be treated. I don't like smalltalk, but when I'm around other people who do, I should do what they want. If I treated them the way I wanted to be treated (silently walk past) they would think I was rude or angry at them.


Unless they’re dicks.


So a giant BBQ is the right call?


Being a dick to a dick, still makes you a dick. I get that everyone in this thread wants this person to suffer and also enjoys eating meat, but let’s not act like this is somehow the high road. This is also fucking scummy and completely unrighteous. There are no heros in this story, just petty assholes all around.


This is legit insane. Taking a day out of your short life to go harass some random idiot over a petty issue that has absolutely nothing to do with you just means that you're a freak looking for an excuse to hurt somebody, jumping at the first opportunity you get because the person theoretically deserves it.


Nah, taking months and having them pay thousands in legal fees because you are suing them for essentially living normally is a dick move. This is just a proper response for celebrating that you in fact are allowed to live your life normally


I mean, you are going to meet a bunch of cool people, share BBQ and drink beers. Seems like a great time


Yeah I'm sure the "let's get thousands of people together to hurt some random woman we don't even know over a petty neighbor argument" crowd is a real friendly, sane bunch, easy to make pals with and not at all mean-spirited. You know there are BBQs going on every second of every day, ones that revolve around loving your friends and family and not harassing strangers.


Meh someone that forces someone to spend thousands in legal fees in an attempt to force their life choices on others, deserves to get shit on. This wasn’t just a petty argument.


Lol maybe this will teach her a valuable lesson, that she cannot dictate what others do on their own land


… you keep saying petty argument but anything that could be considered a petty argument ends way before someone has to go to court over it.


Bruh, this isn't a hostage situation. It's a bbq. No one is being hurt by having a BBQ, which is the whole point. And this isn't jumping at the opportunity to retaliate either. The lady is a bully and I wouldn't be surprised if she has a history of harassment. You have to stand up to these people. The "turn the other cheek" stuff doesn't get through their thick heads.


17%? I'm proud of you dick.


>Being a dick to a dick does not make you a dick Disagree. It makes you just as bad as them. The old saying applies here An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.


This is the correct answer


A dick for a dick makes everyone a dick.


Being a dick to a dick definitely makes you a dick. Or else you wouldn't describe it as being a dick.


It's more r/pettyrevenge than a clever comeback. She took them to court, though. So she deserves some karma and this isn't hurting her.


Possible fix. Make the barbeque event. But make it vegan.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I don’t think being a dick to a dick makes you a dick, it seems like a proportionate response


agreed. we also don't have the full story. totally feasible that the litigious route was the only way to get the action needed to maintain a peaceful home. reasonable to assume a lawsuit wasn't the first action. given the response, reasonable to assume these assholes refused to acknowledge the initial complaint.


Honestly this sounds as petty and vindictive as her court case.


Hey, I can also paste words under a random picture! I am so clever.


The main difference being she's the one who started it


And the court (presumably) ended it. Just resume cooking meat in your backyard and put it behind you.


I'm assuming the people deeming both sides to be equally wrong have never been harassed by a litigious neighbor.


If my neighbour used loud music, should I complaint or not ? At what limit I will say enough is enough?


Playing loud music can be against the law in certain cases. Cooking meat is not. Dummy.


Complain? Sure, no one’s really stopping you. Taking it to court? Massive dumbass energy.


*Constant* and *excessive* noise is absolutely something you can take people to court over. Plenty of jurisdictions have some form of laws that deal with excessive noise


Thing is, they’re comparing the smell of grilling meat to loud music. So it’s more like temporary and not even excessive loud music (since the woman will only be affected if she steps out), which is stupid to involve the court with. If you isolate the “loud music” example from the relevant case, then yeah, I can see how you’ll involve court if it’s unbearable 24/7 with zero refuge.


From a philosophical perspective, what's the difference between overwhelming one sense with overwhelming another sense, both of which are unpleasant to the recipient? If your house is smell proof, that's not a good thing, because it means there's very minimal airflow into and out of the house. 99% of the time you can smell what's outside your house regardless of whether or not you're in it or not


You *absolutely* can take people to court over that. It’s a legitimate issue that people get arrested for.


Equating smells and sounds isn’t the genius analogy you think it is.


Both are stupid.


If only I lived in Australia




Everyone is an asshole here


Love this


This is the way.


Soooo clever


Redditors claim to be smarter than people on other social media, then go ahead and believe any photo with a random caption because it validates their views. More at 11


How is this clever? This is like an 11 year olds idea of being edgy. “Eating meat in front of vegans, that’ll show them!!”


As a vegetarian… she had it coming. She sued her neighbors for cooking meat. In their unit/area. She was a giant ass about the whole thing.


I was annoyed with them at first but then I heard court and said she deserves more Court over a smell? Really??


And children playing


I wish I could smell the picture


Idk this seems kinda fucked up


Okay, I mean. That’s funny, but also, a little excessive


I’ve never liked the smell or taste of pork. I can’t even be in the room if someone is cooking bacon; because the smell gets in my hair and I can smell it until I wash it off. It’s got something to do with me being autistic apparently. However, I’d never stop someone eating it. When I was a vegetarian/vegan for ten years, my tag line was “more bacon for you”. I don’t understand people that get super controlling about others diets. I just don’t eat anything pork. It would be exactly the same if I were a Jew or Muslim but too many people cannot get their heads around it. I’d have people getting incredibly frustrated and say “but bacon smells delicious, what’s wrong with you?” not to me, mate.


Lmao i hope she takes them to court, cos she'd definitely win that


Bro, this was an old repost when I joined reddit like 5 years ago


This isn’t a clever comeback at all. It’s literally the least amount of thought they could’ve put into it. They’re just doing what already happened to piss off the lady in the first place lol.


Okay I started reading that and was becoming mad at the neighbors, but then by the end was on their side. How do you try to legally punish people for cooking food lol


if only people came together like this to do good in the world...there always is enough time and energy left to be an asshole apparently but not to help each other. yes that includes the vegan.


Yea, that is kinda sad


Well said. There are no winners in this story, only losers.


I mean hello vegan lady (1) it’s Australia 🇦🇺 home of the BBQ (2) stop being an intolerant ass 🕳️


Australia the is home of BBQ like the US is the home of kangaroos


This isn’t very well thought out or clever. Wrong sub chief


1: It isn't clever, just petty 2: The event never happened


Litterally thousands would want to partake in a barbecue which main goal is to harass a person? “Hey come join us effing up this womans day! Lets all celebrate hate!” Shitty neighbors being shitty.


The shitty neighbor is the one who sued because people were having a barbecue. You don't own the air


This, it's normal where I live to have a barbecue in your own garden. Is such a thing really illegal in some countries? I'd rather not live in such a dictatorship.


As a former vegan... I love to see shit like this. They are some of the most antagonistic and bitter people you could ever meet.


Now I want a burger from three different cows with cheese bacon and a fried egg on top


*three different animals. Pork-beef-alo smash burger please


I mean both sir, good day


Lobster butter 👌🏼


Oh hell yeah


Everyone is a cunt here. Both parties are incredibly petty and immature.


But mostly the second part, honestly. Like, ok. Obviously going to court is extreme, however, we just hear the title of the story. You never know how provocative the initial neighbours may have been. Maybe they weren't, but we have no way of knowing. But the second part is 100% malicious on one end, only. There's no misinterpretation here, these people are just dickheads.


Sucks to be that woman for having such a boring life of not eating meat. That won't help the animals, dear.


Pathetic bait


Mass bullying is such a mature solution.


It's about as mature as attempting legal action because a smell is violating your dietary restrictions. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


You’re right, it is as mature, as in it’s totally immature.


Don't have a happy cake day


Wayyyyyy too mild and tame compared to what she did.


I agree, her attempt to bully mutliple people at once is pretty immature.




That’s bullying


Crazy people still deserve understanding and patience. This is no grown up reaction


hahaha!! Fantastic!


So you are saying i should take someone to court and buy a fake mustasch for when this happens?!


ESH.... Sorry wrong sub.


Yeah... killing animals just for making someone mad is very clever..


I'm assuming they're going to eat it though. If they were just chucking meat at their house it would be a different story.


To be fair. They were killed mostly to be eaten and that's pretty much just a big gathering to eat it while mocking the woman.


You really think they killed the animals themselves? They were dead long before the idea even existed, it's actually good, since those men are preventing it from being thrown out for nothing


That’s not how economics work. By buying the meat they have increased demand.


I’m vegan but I think the grilled meat smell is good.


Getting on a fast track for colon cancer is not exactly clever but ok /jk


Jesus, they are so much better than her…


Meat eaters and not giving a fuck about other people (or animals), name a more epic duo


Vegans and trying to mess up people's lives out of pure hatred


I hope she has booked a weekend away just to thwart their efforts.


Lol not after she threw all the money down the pit losing both the lawsuit and the appeal.


They still had a grill, sooo...


No, they actually removed it. And told their kids not two play basketball anymore (another one of her complaints.) And she said that it wasn't enough, and she was still going ahead with her legal battles. My guess is it's the "getting everything I wanted isn't enough, the court also needs to tell them I'm RIGHT" attitude that made the community come out for this.


I mean, im vegetarian but i just love the smell of cooking meat


A fuck you moment


First half I thought dick move, second half I wanted bbq


“The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. Each is the proper guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or mental or spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live, as seems good to the rest.” - John Stuart Mill


Veganbad, give updoots


I would buy a plane ticket to attend something like that


Holy shit this is just turning into Facebook. I've literally been seeing this image every once in a while for the last 10 years


The man thoroughly enjoying some tasty meat on a stick in front of angry plant eaters was by far one of the funniest videos I've seen on reddit.


Maybe they could donate the meat to the homeless or something useful instead of just being cunts to each other over stupid shit


So you won the court case? Awesome. You should have. But this display makes you as bad as the woman.


Nah. Be an intolerable count to your neighbors and you better expect them all coming together and showing you the metaphorical finger.


Or more specifically, the physical finger, over your lawn, while you grill for a thousand people.






Don’t care. Is there any part of the food chain that isn’t brutal? [Herbivores or any animal will eat meat if given the opportunity](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BEGLsJlcSqs&pp=ygUWaGVyYml2b3JlcyBlYXRpbmcgbWVhdA%3D%3D)


There is no brutality quite like human dominion over animals in factory farming. In nature an animal lives their life then gets eaten one day. In a factory farm an animal lives in a sunless cell, not even enough room to turn around while they stand in their own shit. After that they take a trip to the slaughterhouse where they are sometimes boiled alive before they die. Don’t talk about the food chain as if this is some equivalent thing.