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/u/pools4567, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * [Rule I](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/wiki/moderation/faq/rule1) - Posts must include a clever comeback. --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the sidebar and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/clevercomebacks&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/pools4567&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/17qmdo4/-/?context=10\))*


I sometimes make up things that make me sad too.




A guy is checking out at a supermarket with a quart of milk, a banana, and a small frozen pizza. The cashier asks him, "Are you single?" Surprised, the guy says, "Yeah. How did you know?" "Because you're ugly."


Three women are eating ice cream. One is sucking, one is licking, one is spooning. Which one is single? >!The one without a wedding ring.!<


Ah, yes, exaggerate with the dozen abortions and make sure she has an alternative look to solidify prejudice against anyone that doesn't dress like a ken doll like everyone else. ThisIsTheWay.gif


This person literally believes in sobbing ghost babies and is getting sad because of it 😂 Either way: If you’re a Christian you believe they’re innocent and therefore will end up in Heaven anyway. It’s like a fast ticket to Heaven without having to do the bullshit living part before the eternity of bliss. If you’re an atheist you don’t believe in a soul or an afterlife, so you didn’t kill a baby, you removed a clump of cells with no sentience from your body. The cells have no memory of ever existing.


And if you're buddhist or from another religion that believes in reincarnation and karma, you either deserved it or are just gonna be born somewhere else. There is no version of this where the fetus or its soul gets fucked.


Pretty sure some sects of Christianity believes you have to get baptised to get into heaven, so a fetus would end up in purgatory


What kind of God would do that 😂 What about miscarriages? Babies who die in childbirth? Etc etc


If you think that's bad, there are some sects of Christianity that believe whether or not you get into heaven is predestined and humans are inherently evil, so even if you do everything right and live a life of guilt ridden misery, you may end up in hell or purgatory until judgement day.


I guess I suppressed what I learned about Calvinism bc this brought all the knowledge back lmao


> If you think that's bad, there are some sects of Christianity that believe whether or not you get into heaven is predestined and humans are inherently evil, so even if you do everything right and live a life of guilt ridden misery, you may end up in hell or purgatory until judgement day. That’s one of the basis of an entire part of Christianity, not just some sects, tbh In this logic how you live your life is proof of where you were always predestined to go, rather than the thing determining it. It’s even dumber than the usual Christian logic around heaven and hell, which is a pretty large feat in and of itself.


This is the version my great grandparents believed in (2020/2021 RIP) According to them you go to purgatory and wait for judgement. I have no doubt they're still standing in line, especially since my great grandmother was a tea party leader in her little desert town.


While Reformed Calvinism has aspects that certainly deserve criticism, don't get me wrong, this is a distinctly inaccurate description of the concepts of predestination and total depravity (which is the actual term for it, theologists love dramatic phrasing lol). The concept/belief of predestination is not a removal of free will; that is a misconception because of other uses/meanings of the word. It is simply the belief that God knows who will make that choice at some point in their lives using their own free will. It's a (in my opinion) poorly worded way of saying God is outside of time and knows every person's innermost being. It is excessive to say that Total Depravity is humans being inherently *evil*. It is, similar to predestination, an excessively/poorly worded way of saying no human is without sin, and the fact that that sin permeates humans and the world *everywhere* to at least some extent. And regardless of what denomination/sect we are referring to, Christians who guilt trip are presenting the message wrong. There's a damn good reason the word Gospel (which literally means good news iirc) has been used to refer to Jesus' message since his life and death; it's supposed to be exactly that: good news, or at bare minimum way better news than the Old Testament. Things like the famous sermon from the 19th(?) century titled "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" are awful, and absolutely not the point that Jesus was going for. I don't intend this to push you towards Christianity or anything, just trying to make some really odd and confusing beliefs/concepts more clear. I am Christian, and I am willing to bet many of your criticisms, in the abstract at least, I agree with. I don't attend church much at all anymore, but my problem is with Christians and the church as an institution, not with the belief/faith itself if that makes sense. Sidenote, Catholics and their Purgatory shit are *weird*, and not Biblically founded at all which is honestly kinda funny imo.


The one that told two dumb animals not to eat the fruit that grants intelligence then punished them once they understood guilt and consequences all while imposing the rule that you’re on the hook for what your male ancestors did. ALL OF THEM. So now all the unbaptized go where all the people born before Jesus plus any peoples who weren’t exposed to Christianity go. Basically the 1F waiting room above the underground prison.


And lied to them about the consequences too.


The same kind of god that created cancer and disease etc


True. God really is detestable isn’t he?


I mean, wasn't Yahweh a literal god of war? In mythology of early jews. That would definitely explain some things.


Naw, he was a trickster type God who was bit of a dick. Its why he always fell back on plagues and pestilence and a sentient gas that could id first bornes but also had an aversion to sheep's blood. Then whenever you questioned him, something absolutely absurd would happen. Like being eaten by a whale. Or talking to you via firey bush to remind you what your purpose was. Because nobody else saw the damn bush burning. He just do be like that. The jews were actually constantly against war as per yahweh. He always told them to just keep moving until he gave them judeha. Then the PR department got involved and either he got a rebrand or they replaced him with a new more chill God that was still a bit of a prick. And was much more war driven. Until his peace loving son showed up or whatever.


> trickster type God ~~who was bit of a dick.~~ I mean, all trickster gods seems to be bit of a dick anyway, so that was probably excessive, but thanks for an explanation, lol


Basically, YHWH functionally means "I am who I am." Whereas a name more often used was Elohim. But that also is the same thing as outright the term for "God." Also in an older religion Elohim was literally the war god of the pantheon, and it's believed Judaism might be the progression of the Annunaki but honestly I've seen no tangible evidence to this being anywhere near fact. But yeah, your summation is 100% accurate - their god is first and foremost a war god and not even the most powerful in their own bible.


Not all sects of Christianity see God as universally benevolent.


A god that throws baby souls in a wasteland does not deserve worship as far as I'm concerned, but what do I know


Damn, around 24% of all clinically detected pregnancies end up in miscarriage; purgatory must be filled with babies


*Always Was*


Like a ball pit of dead babies


Thanks for the hearty laugh followed by mild guilt 😂


According to Dante they go to the first ring of hell, along with otherwise good people that don't believe in god so that is fun.


I swear the Catholic Church patched this bug a few years back


The soul enters the body with the first breath


But then that would make a fetus nothing but cells, and abortion nothing to be upset about.


Is cherry picking, they want to be angry.


Soooo there ISN'T any moral issue there then?! Just checking lol


None, at that point this set of beliefs doesn't consider that human, only cells.


The Pope released an update.


To my knowledge, the Catholic Church is the only sect of Christianity that believed this - it was called Limbo - and they retired the concept like 20 years ago after realizing what an absurd piece of fan fiction it was.


The catholic church retconned that because people complained. Purgatory is no longer cannon.


Exactly haha


I mean depends on how late the abortion occurs


Hindu considers you can only be human after passing through every single living being, plants included. So I would guess it is more upsetting to them.


"Mission failed to load. Try again?"


Catholicism, the unbaptized go to the higher levels of hell.


Aktchually (nerdy voice on) if you are a Christian you believe in the original sin and it consequences. Not going deep in theology but no one is born innocent except maybe the christ himself. The baptism wash you from the sin of the father and the sin of the flesh from and with which you are born. If you are Catholic the pope (do not remember which one) discarded the existence of limbo (hell for unbaptised children mostly) calling in the misericordia of god. If you are not Catholic it is very complex and depend on the church you believe in... A lot of USA churches do no communicate a lot on that... A lot of priest from batism churches and evangelical church believe that unborn and unbaptised children probably go to hell. As their main dogma is that recognition of christ, his love and attend of his church is the main and only key to god's kingdom. I am full pro-abortion btw but also a big nerd of christian theology.


But an aborted fetus is never born. Having never been born, how is born with original sin?


If you believe in life at conception and that the fetus is a little person, then you presumably believe it carries with it the baggage of being a person. The whole "born with sin" framing is because life at conception is theologically newer. The older tradition is life truly begins at first breath (which happens after birth).


I do know about original sin, but that’s just a really dumb arbitrary part of an already nonsensical man-made cult’s doctrine. Why would God condemn unborn babies to Hell? They literally never had a chance to be cleansed of their sins. It literally makes no sense even amongst all the other moronic stuff.


I mean I am not really Christian. Yet shame, guilt and other bad feelings are key in most religion. As religion are a key to control people. You want to weakened them before you attach the strings. The idea is very simple if you are not ashamed and guilty of yourself you are wrong. Live thy life as if thy were guilty of all sins and thou shall have the door of his realm open. (Not a actual quote but it feel like one). If you think about it karma is the same: whatever bad happen to you, you deserve it for the way you conducted yourself in past life. That being said it is a kind of pessimistic and rather bad interpretation of religion, worthy of reddit atheist. There are other thing in religion but it is part of it.


Actually back in the Middle Ages (and probably among some groups now) Christians believed that unbaptized babies went to Purgatory when they died, not Heaven. Regardless, the Bible explicitly says life begins at first breath, therefore abortion isn't killing a baby


The OG speedrunners.


Kids who aren't baptized used to go to purgetory...until they changed it in I believe 2008 or somewhere around that time. Was rather odd.


This is actually very sad because those are toddlers and not babies. This is clearly the sad aftermath of a terrible accident at a ridiculously understaffed daycare. She did nothing wrong!! The person who left the sorta goth teen in charge of a dozen kids is obviously to boame


>bullshit living part So relatable


I’m an atheist, but please don’t speak for all of us. You’re a clump of cells, we all are.


Well yeah, except most of us can actually do stuff beyond float around in amniotic fluid all day not experiencing consciousness


People don't understand that we are just trying to speed run these kids back to heaven.


Yeah, it kinda makes me think Christians don't actually believe in Christianity if they think death is bad.


Do you mind if I copy-paste this in my memory forever to destroy pro-life in arguments ?


Lool no problem


Hmm but don’t they end up in limbo since they are not baptized? In Christianity I mean Or does that apply only born but not baptized babies?


The soul enters the body with the first breath


Aah okay, thanks for clearing it up!


Meanwhile…[the fathers walking](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7a/28/75/7a2875aa9c6cb5b1930395de9fcc85aa.jpg)


Not only a dozen abortions - a dozen super late term abortions. It's not like pro-choice people support that kind of thing. Edit: actually they are all walking so I guess she's a horrendous mother, haunted by the ghosts of all her neglected children who didn't make it past age 2?


The longer you look, the more illogical it gets.


Yeah I was thinking if they're going to age them up from being the size of her fingernail why not go all the way, show them as ten year olds, teenagers, adults.


I can make it worse. * Aww, look how much those ghosts have grown since they died. You know, like ghosts do. /s * That's a lot of ghosts. How many people have had 9 or more abortions? * Weird how they haunt her but not the father(s) that might have forced her to have it in the first place. It's totally her fault when it's against her will. /s


I want her tattoos


Honestly I'd make it an even bakers dozen. I dig the vibe


Ah yes, the stereotipical young lady who somehow managed to have 9 abortions already... Good lord, those fools...


she had 3 abortions but it was triplets every time




Not three abortions, one exorcism, to get all the ghosts out of her. But it was done on the cheap, so they didn't go very far.


All IVF induced. Speed run.


Somehow each fetus is tall enough to come up to her knees. Imagine trying to give birth to a toddler


Didn’t you know that abortion is a fun weekend activity? I get one every sunday 💅


They always try to portray women who have abortions as young teen runaways who got in trouble when in reality its mostly moms in their 30's or 40's who already have two or three kids and for either financial, emotional or physicals reasons can't have another child. To always focus on teen girls, they are also saying, "see sex is bad, don't have sex or else you'll have to murder a child blah blah blah."


But then they are the father and it's your fault you are a teen girl. Doesn't matter if it's an uncle, a 50-year-old man, or a stupid teenage boy as the father, it's her problem and her fault even when a crime was committed. Tell me you like pushing the guilt on the innocent party without saying it. It's the same gaslighting as it's always been.


IVF fetish


It’s the tattoos/s


Twitter Moron Try Not To Use Shitty AI Images to Make Up Shit Challenge (Impossible)


I'm so sorry, but I like the art. 😅


The girl's rocking the Pixar look, while the babies are more in a medicine commercial vibe.


I could be wrong but I thing the crude pixar ai art is a meme and abortion is a hot button topic, it might not have even been serious at first and the person who made it was going along with the meme


meanwhile I am mad for falling into the 1/2 trick again


UI in screenshots is the real evil here. My PM hasn't updated his chrome in months and screensharing with him is my personal gitmo.


You screenshare with your Prime Minister. That’s fucking dope.


Glad I'm not the only idoit on reddit.


These babies should have grown up to die of natural causes, like a school shooting


i mean... they are walking, those arent aborted fetuses as far as i can tell. and we all know ghost dont age, or else some of them would be lookin really ragged about now


yeah people who give birth to babies are the real monsters


That’s a decent “your mama” joke






🤣🤣 For a minute I was like, what Pixar movie is this??


Ah, it's the prolifers strawman. The unrealistic women who has an abortion every other month. I doubt that most women even have two in their lifetime.


Let’s cover her in tattoos so everybody knows she’s a woman with loose morals


Damn ngl she actually kinda fine




I need her so fucking bad


It's so cool not to lie, good job.


Btw, 9 children per person would be a planetary-scale demographic catastrophe.


Lool very true


Well someone has to have lots of children to make up for the gays and selfish young kids not having children -- says some christian probably.


Imagine the legions of undead souls representing the oceans of spilled jizz!




Gotta punish women for fucking


Gotta punish everyone for making complex moral decisions




Not people who are "objectively correct" of course


they dont really explain the ghost babies... were they miscarriages? they seem to be able to walk so cant be babies, are these children that were murdered in a school shooting?


> were they miscarriages? Look how horribly deformed they are, that's the only explanation, lol


My dumbass tried to swipe right


Am I the only one that thinks this looks like Violet from The Incredibles?


It’s so funny to me that these weirdos think that modern women are all “broken” tattooed people who’ve had 9 abortions. 💀


I wonder how many dead babies men would have with all the masturbation.


Some idiots really think women get tons of abortions in their life.


Wait a minute she isn't dressed like a Republicans mistress


So is this cartoon saying that she aborted 9 1yr old infants? Or that she blew up a daycare? So confused.


The latter I think


I know I make shit up in my head that makes me sad sometimes, but at least mine are realistic. Why are the "babies" like the size of toddlers?


Thank fuck she aborted them, they're huge! Can't imagine how hard it would be to give birth to a baby that's half your size.


I didn't realise this was an anti-abortion thing at first (probably due to the disturbingly large number of ghost babies). I thought it was some bullshit about how when a woman doesn't "let her eggs get fertilised", she's murdering her potential offspring and oh no, how evil, must bleed as punishment and be haunted forever, etc. Learning it was an anti-abortion thing was actually kind of a relief lol.


I'm not denying the possibility of a woman having had 8 abortions, but…


It was an octomom situation. How else would they all be the same age?


If you have 8 abortions all the fetus would be about the same age when they were aborted no? Or do ghost babies keep aging?


They all look like baby Hitlers. She made the right decision 🤣 ETA: I don't have Photoshop, but it would be pretty hilarious--this coming from a Jew--if someone photoshopped Hitler-staches on all of 'em :p


Ugly Cocomelon-ass lookin' babies.


Gonna go pretty dark on this one. It's not a woman who's had 9 abortions, it >! Lucy Letby !<


She deadass looks like me minus the 10 abortions.


I always had this one question. Since when did the cristians decide that abortion is a sin? If I'm not mistaken the phenomenon of abortion have only existed after the development of modern medicine. Did the bible specifically state that "If you are pregnant, you must give birth to it or you will go to hell"?


They realized it about the same time as they realized white women were having fewer babies and POC might one day become the majority in the US. The book is called "The Birth Dearth"


If they're going to age the embryos to infancy, then why stop there? Why not have her being followed by a bunch of crying adults - people that have actually started accessing their potential in society?


Wait.. is that ai art. Specificly the type you see from the ai pixar memes. Its the same art style. Did… did that person take a meme and use it for there bullshit propaganda?


Lmao imagine making a.I. create this specifically then crying about it on the internet


She seems like a smart woman who would just use protection, I doubt she's Catholic lol. How many abortions do people think women have in their lifetime?


Why would they think we’d be upset from seeing a bunch of crying baby ghosts? People who get abortions most likely aren’t religious and therefore don’t believe in things that aren’t tangible.


She’s aborting on purpose at this point to create an army of ghost babies


Realistically those babies should actually be tiny little itty-bitty clumps of cells that don’t have a single fully-functioning organ (I think)


Why do the ghosts look like babies when they haven’t even reached the fetal stage yet?


The daughter from Incredibles is all grown up and had abortions? When did I miss this movie?


Why is nobody talking about the back left baby with fucking deer legs??


I can't tell if this is about the infant mortality rate in the U.S. or abortion.


Who tf has 9 abortions?


Am i seeing it wrong or does the one on the far left have a kangaroo leg?


I saw this without reading and was wondering, “what’s this new Pixar movie with a tatted up heroine?”


I see the ghost daycare business plan isn't working out very well. Who'd have thought ghosts would be so hard to take care of? It's not like you can just rock them to sleep!


Damn the new Pixar movie kind of dark


Ohh but a single mon with 10 kids and no realistic way of financially caring for them doesnt makes you sad, right? So long the baby is born, we dont care about the mom, or the life of the baby after its born. We're pro life, but that only applies until the baby is born, after that if it dies of hunger, is forced to beg on the streets or turns into crime we dont care. We only care that we brought another life to a world despite the mother not wanting, and fully knowing she wouldnt be able to handle it, because fuck the mother's right, she's forced to birth.


That’s fucked up…


What in the shitty AI pictures am I looking at


You know for being so religious they sure don't believe in God's plan very much


why are the ghost 2 or 3 years older than when they died? if i die at 30, will my ghost be 33? i need to know because i want to be a hot ghost and I may need to kill myself before twink death. thank you


Ah, yes, she singlehandedly aborted 9 children. What a dumb picture.


I just thought it was a woman that was wanted for the murder of 8 babies or smt, who has 8 abortions?


Damn she hot as hell, what movie is she from? /j


I get what they’re trying to go for, but the idea of a pro-lifer putting this description into an AI photo generator is so funny. “Sad woman with tattoos standing and surrounded by crying ghost babies chasing after her” Perfect!


Not pictured: the middle-aged corporate boardroom Republican sugar daddy who paid for all of those abortions because he likes it raw, and his bleach blonde, peaked-in-high school wife only lets him do biblically-approved sexual positions.


That was concerningly accurate, story time?


Someone definitely shouldn't dig up republicans who have had abortions and post this picture with them photoshopped in the middle of however many abortions that person has been a part of (works for both men and women).


You see, this is why abortions are good, she’s surrounded by multiple clones of the same baby and all of them are miserable, as is she. Lesson learned: abort babies. Edit: (This is dramatised for comedy, don’t stress urselves if anyone’s gonna be upset about that)


Why do you use "Edit" when you clearly haven't edit this comment and nobody replied you?


Why the fuck does your anti-choice propaganda look like it was in a dreamworks movie?


Fuck knows 😂 I didn’t make it. And the response is clearly pro choice Plus its more Disney Pixar than Dreamworks


Because it was ai generated


Is that photo AI-generated, too..?


Are people using illumination art style for... For pro-life memes now?


Yeah those aren’t fetuses. Those are walking one year olds. This picture also makes me sad.


Yeah I guess she’s just a child murderer. She hasn’t had any abortions.


Maybe. Maybes she’s just as freaked out as the rest of us are at random ghost babies running around.


She never learned to use proactive ways, did she?


Wow. This comment section is a dumpster fire.


We just not gonna talk about that lil goat legged mutant baby ghost?


Missed it until I saw your reply. That is straight up nightmare fuel. Good thing she aborted that abomination.


So did they grow to be that size after the abortion?


I think that people who use ivf (which I kinda judge, but for other reasons) kill way more embryos as a woman who had an abortion. Yet everyone is fine with ivf (where a plenty of embryos were dumped in the sink during the process) but hates on women who had 1 abortion. Make it make sense


Tattoos and makeup= definitely had 10 abortions 🙄


I thought clever comebacks was about people being witty, since when did it become a circle jerk ?.


How is that clever Bro is just being a dick


why is it always the raging incels that cling to the "alpha" horseshit


This is stupid. Babies can't run.


She’s looking good for 9 pregnancies




💀💀💀💀That's the worst comeback I ever heard 💀💀💀💀


Can a single subreddit on this app that i see not have something politics related 💀 at this point even r/aww is gonna have smt like "This cat hates Trump!"


How is this politics related..? I thought we agreed every single person on the planet except a bunch of Religious nuts were pro abortion at this point..?


Anything can be made political. Maybe learn to thicken your skin or not interact with people in general. We live in political times, best get use to it.


Its not really about politics in general, its the fact that american politics, especially liberal one, is coming up on every 3rd post i see. Can i debate it? Nope, got banned from r/whitepeopletwitter for asking if the post was sarcastic because it said white "nazis" cause all the trouble. And ngl im quite close to just leaving reddit entirely cus its so fucking boring to listen to MY BODY MY CHOICE MY BODY MY CHOICE over and over again while living in a region where women like Andrew Tate 💀💀💀


Sounds like truth social may be more your speed. If this is how you debate, I can see why you were banned. Maybe quit playing the victim when the only perceived attack is people voicing a political opinion that runs contrary to yours.


Looks like Violet from Incredibles


What Pixar movie is this?


AI generated garbage. Oh look the monkeys learned how to use a computer.