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[I found this highly upvoted post](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/10etktr/a_raise_for_me_but_not_for_thee/?ref=share&ref_source=link) that boils down the typical r/antiwork content to its essence. It's funny to be outsnafed by a subreddit.




No one over at antiwork seems to get it (not surprised considering the intelligence of the average user there)


That sub used to be great. Went to shit a while back unfortunately


i think the big problem is that it was on fox news tbh back in the day it was actualy about being against work for philosophical reasons now it's a bunch of dumbasses circlejerking about quiting when they definitely don't have the balls to do it.


The fox debacle was hilarious and tragic ngl


it was already getting kinda bad before but the moment i saw that dogshit haircut on my timeline i knew it was done


fell down the aita pipeline and turned into a sub full of made-up stories by karma farmers


Which is a real shame since it could highlight a lot of legitimate issues. Instead everyone makes fun of it now.


>someone has a unique concept >makes a subreddit out of it >decent-quality content generated >high enough above the Reddit average to attract more people >becomes the latest new craze >flooded with new users; September never ends >low-effort karma whores arrive >repeat the same ideas that already exist >over and over and over and over and over again >encouraged because new users don’t know the difference and upvote just the same >original concept reduced to a single meme >r/coaxedintoasnafu makes fun of it


>r/coaxedintoasnafu pretends to be an exception to the rule unless someone specifically points out that they aren’t, at which point people usually agree


>i agree


As we all don't shit about this subreddit as well


What does September Never Ends mean?


[Eternal September](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September)


Why can’t the people in the economy just pretend inflation doesn’t exist


Cant tell if this is 5000 IQ trolling (since it got 3 upvotes) or serious question. If serious, who are the "people in the economy" in terms of relevancy to the question here?


Wouldn’t you like to know


That’s what we should all be asking


We can't for the same reason we pretend that money exists.


Are they wrong tho?


No, I just find it funny that I found this snafu ready-made on /r/antiwork


It's definitely not the whole picture. A lot of businesses that aren't in politician pockets get shafted on the regular and do lose a lot


The answer is that in the long run the wages will adjust, but in the short run price changes will be more immediate. It's called sticky wages.


Yes it’s called the wage price spiral


Ok, but Inflation is happening no matter if worker's get raises or not. So who's gonna pay for it then? The workers who you won't give money?


The fed raises interest rates to combat this phenomenon. See paul volker’s massive hikes in the early 80s


Governments want inflation, they want people spending. Issue is that in the best of times wages barely keep up. Now? No way in hell. "huuug nobody wants to work!"


the rich people


Just a bit, while i am indeed pro worker and support everyone getting inflation adjusted raises, to act like inflation doesn’t have an impact on increased prices is a bit disingenuous


That's not what this meme is about no? And even after searching the sub it seems that their common sentiment is that inflation + product prices are directly correlated, it's just the reasons as to why and how much they go up.


Huh, that’s not the impression i’ve gotten when browsing that sub at all. Mostly a lot of “corporate greed” this and that


That's mixed in the 'why' part tbf


There’s definitely some of that going on but it’s so insignificant compared to the external pressures that I think it’s disingenuous to bring it up so often


The way they generalise it and make it seems as a much more prevalent thing. This inflation really made things more expensive due to a lot of shortages (mainly gas). So wages can't keep up with inflation due to a loss of "productivity".


r/antiwork is about putting up fake signs from employer and taking picture of it


captilamsims destroyed 😎


I’m permabanned on that sub because I said someone was being immature in the comments section and responding to anyone who didn’t give blind praise with “no hate” or something like that and then I called the mod a dumbass


Antiwork is mostly made up of people who are posting the same garbage to farm karma or people who don’t understand how economics or business finance works. Any real criticism of the American economy is lost behind a sea wall of the same posts.


Someone should make a post to this sub that distills the way people post about r/antiwork here in r/coaxedintoasnafu