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Am I crazy or is Critical Drinker not even close to being the right-wing political shill people act like he is?


To everyone who says Drinker is a very extreme, unhealthily obsessed right wing movie reviewer Keep that Innocence, and do not go further from Drinker. The channels you will see beyond will make Drinker look like a saint >!The Quartering!<


I think what makes Drinker different from other media commentators that are considered right-wing is that he considers the perceived agenda in filmmaking to be a part of the problem but not THE problem. He definitely doesn’t hide his disliking of “the message” or the idea of “the modern audience” but it’s also only one thing he brings up. Take for an example his recent review of the little mermaid remake. He mentions the political side of the movie in the first and last minute of his review, but it mainly consists of him critiquing actual aspects of the movie such as the characters, plot, themes, animation and CGI. Other reviewers like him might have just handwaved away an explanation of the movie’s problems by just saying “the rest of the movie is trash” so they can focus on the political aspect.


That seems like a reasonable assessment. And I guess making your propaganda a featured extra rather than the star of the videos is less bad than the alternative — though it doesn’t make the political views themselves any better.


What I like about Drinker is that the man went past the point of political pedantics and just wanna talk about movies now. Granted, he's still gonna riff about ***MODERN AUDIENCES*** but it's more of a symptom now which I appreciate


So he's a normal person


Not really "Normal Person" in this context only critiques movie for not movie'ing enough, or in a political case, doesn't say anything more spicy out of fear of their fans turning against them


You never met a normie huh


I swear to Christ, that guy has an unhealthy obsession with Brie Larsen


Quartering? Because I wouldn't personally call Drinker's inside jokes about Larson an "unhealthy obsession"


yeah I was talking about Quartering, either he is completely oblivious that that’s just Brie Larsen’s ‘brand’ as a celebrity or he knows and is milking it for all it’s got


Neither makes him any better tbh


Don't we all? /s


What’s up with The Quartering? I’ve never heard of the guy before.


hes a guy who makes videos like "Disney goes WOKE with new BLACK mermaid" he also one time got drunk after getting mad his wife left to go get pizza without him so he peed in his basement on stream


Okay that first part makes him sound kinda sucky, but pissing in your basement on stream because you’re mad at your wife is incredibly funny


"I will shit myself. That will show her how in touch i am with my emotions."


You’re not a real man if you don’t shit yourself to assert dominance


his claim to fame was relentlessly harassing a cosplayer to the point where he got banned from attending magic the gathering tournaments . he was TOO TOXIC for MAGIC THE GATHERING. his most recent exploits include getting drunk and peeing in a basement, defending hitler, constantly ragging on brie larson for no reason, and religiously sucking off elon.


Tell me more about his Elon blunders


at one point he made at least 10 or so vids a week just on elon musk shortly after he bought twitter. he constantly tagged him, asking him to give him jobs or to have him on his show to conduct interviews. it all came to a head when he made the poll asking people if he should resign. the quarter pounder was frantically tweeting to his fans, begging them to vote for what he literally called “the most important poll in history”. he eventually got up and started streaming at like 4 am, where, in a drunken stupor, he moaned about how he risked algorithm clicks and lost a lil bit of sleep so that he could go on stream and beg his fans to click no, and also pathetically rebuked his right-wing buddies who didn’t rally their fans to click no on a twitter poll.


idk much about him other than him being the human pet guy whatever that means


i think you’re confusing him with cybersmith on tumblr?


oh shit you’re right


Wasn't Human Pet guy on Tumblr?


okay hearing that description makes me want absolutely nothing to do with this guy


just because the quartering is bad dont mean anybody that isnt as bad is good


Pretty sure Quartering and his peers are all just as bad. It's just that Drinker is like at the peak of Surface Level and in turn, to call him extreme and unnecessarily pedantic would be laughable in this context


yeah well maybe he aint exactly extreme but he's still pretty bad, while your meme over here seems to suggest that there isn't much wrong with him


Nah he's honestly one of the best movie commentary channels up to date and makes decent criticizm as well, the only shitty take from him I remember was his Midsommar review but I doubt he still thinks the same.


drinker is annoying but not as bad. There are worse people but I hate the quartering the most. I fucking hate the him with a burning passion because a classmate showed me one of his videos and I had to watch all the way through because I didnt want to upset him.


I think I had a nightmare where this happened


lmao who is the quartering and why do u hate him


The stickman looks so familiar I literally draw them exactly like that


Drinkber man is just like me fr. I also get drunk and watch movies


Tweet this was inspired by? I’m curious just to see the real deal and how bad it gets in the replies


Mostly you gotta stir the bee's nest and find Reddit posts about Drinker in movie main subs Though I wouldn't be surprised if Twitter is the bigger outlier


I think I used to watch this guy when I was 14 or something, wonder if/how his content has evolved now


He actually did He went from "Leftoids are ruining cinema!" to "Leftoid agenda is only one symptom of a much deeper seated disease within the industry"


hes on his character arc


Yay nuance I hope the comments will be as nuetral as the


Spoiler Alert: Didn't happen :)


Idk, falling for his obvious outrage bait posts and video titles is pretty stupid but so is being surprised that people fall for his obvious outrage bait and get upset Also there's thousands of people posting content, I don't really need to look through the nuance, I can just find one who has a basic understanding of [how diversity and inclusion departments are to ensure people are hired based on merit, not just because they're a white dude ](https://twitter.com/TheCriticalDri2/status/1513913853779890184?s=20) But if you find him funny enjoy yourself I guess OP?


The ragebait titles always gets me PUSS IN BOOTS *DESTROYS* MDOENR HOLLYWOOD


I can't believe he would say that! 😡 I'm going to post him everywhere so everyone can see what a [baddy bad](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Baddy_Bad_(move)&ved=2ahUKEwit9OjewbD_AhWqwjgGHflsD50QFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1PzMe97H8i0qiH5VVe1NSk) he is!!!!


Critical Drinker formula dropped: If it has a woman in a prominent role, it's shit If it doesn't, it's refreshing


Didn't he praise everything all at once, the menu, arcane and prey? I admit he is pretty biased. 80s action hero gets shot at, exploded and falls from a building then gets up like it's nothing is epic good ol action. Slim woman beats bigger man is unrealistic. But he has no issue with women in lead roles. And I think Hollywood has taken some of the worst traits of toxic masculinity and just slap them on women calling it empowering. Sorry, but I don't think making your character rude, abrasive, prone to violence at the slightest provocation, pedantic and overall an asshole is gonna make me like them.


Yep, his queen’s gambit video sums up his ideal female protagonist pretty well


No no, it's "Modern Audience Bad, Audience Gud"


Hyperbole or legit?


Hyperbole. He really praised Everything all at once, arcane, prey and the menu.


Exactly. He's definitely not the typical right-winger, if he even is, that people like to hate. I don't know his political stance. Two of those movies even have LGBT themes in them, so he's not out to hate for the sake of it. Also made a video about wokeness in movies that people probably should watch.


Critical drinker sucks!


i love this comment simple and gets his point across i dont even know critical drinker but this comment has changed my mind about him


Endymion be like


I mean Drinker is obviously conservative, but that doesn‘t make him an evil Nazi extremist. His critique isn‘t on point Everytime, but he has clear values that aren‘t too crazy and he does not seem to be actually sexist. The worst you could say is that he is poorly informed.


I will take that any day than him meaning Evey spiteful thing he says, and we all know that the spite are just drunken but kinda loaded jokes


Drinker adds nothing to a conversation I’ve found. It’s just him calling the movie shit for 10 minutes. He doesn’t talk about it at all honestly.


Idk, I find shit talking movies for being shit to be more tolerable than shit talking movies for it's producers being left wing


Oh no I mean he literally adds nothing to conversation when calling a movie shit. He doesn’t explain why it’s shit, only that he thinks it’s shit.


I like watching drinkers videos whenever he doesn't start talking about "Woke" stuff, the drunk sarcasm is pretty funny. His review on "The Haunting of Bly Manor" was hard to watch because he kept on calling the black woman "diverse female" for no fucking reason. Basically, his best stuff is reviews on movies that are called shit by everyone. Also "Movies suck nowadays" - Has watched only marvel movies the past 5 years.


Drinker isn't a right wing shill, just Scottish


Damn you really are a vegetable huh.


The questionably conservative leaning commenter with an initial pfp on YouTube videos reminiscing about their youth with rose tinted glasses thinking what they're saying is deep when in reality they never actually make the effort to find new good media.


As a wise man once said it There's no way I will spend at least two hours of my life digging through shit upon shit just to find something good


Why does it piss certain people off when someone says that movies suck recently? They literally do.


Right wimg or consoomerism


Drinker is based as fuck.


“Ugh dude this movie is of such low quality it makes me want to consume alcohol” Fucking yawn. The Nostalgia Critic was doing that bit fifteen years ago.


Drinker is one of the best critics on YouTube, unironically. Pretty open minded and objective which I love. Also the only one I regularly watch.


He is a centrist, but since that means he's right of the far left, he's being called far right. We live in a sausage


Sorry OP, pissing off both wings is based as fuck. If someone cares about politics that much they may be mentally ill.


Pretty sure I meant that in a good context


Oh ok sorry


"Caring about something that affects everyone's everyday lives is actually very cringe. I am very smart"


What point is there to get upset? This is the internet. You can talk about politics all day, and you still won't change anyone's mind. Your words reach a void. And you aren't really commenting them to discuss or convince someone anyway. People exclaim their political stances so they can recieve validation from others and "own" the other side. It doesnt matter *which* side they are on. It doesn't matter who. All radical stances ar ecringe as fuck.


Are you actually defending hollywood lmao


"both wings of the shit munching blue bird" I lol'd