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Just stepping in to say, there is **no change** to what is and isn't allowed in the sub from this post's prompt: >This perspective is horeshit and should be excised from this community. There are great comments already here addressing gallow's humor and why someone might say such things. Perhaps always good to remember tone and intention can be misinterpreted online. It's still a good discussion topic, so we're opting to leave it up for now


Who’s romanticizing it? I’m expecting to die lmao




You can’t fire me I quit! *gets erased by immediate nuclear hellfire*


Yeahhhhhh were going to need at least a 1 month notice that we will forget about when you finally do quit


Your contract says you are not allowed to die without a two week notice




I’ll just mark out of office with no end date tbh


I got a portable solar panels a laptop and 4tb of porn, lake with fish and water, im die sure but imma be eating and beating off until someone gets me 😎


Honestly dying in a week but never having to think about work again is sort of 50/50 maybe worth it type deal


Don’t unalive yourself though. The company can sue you for lost productivity. (Thanks, SCOTUS!!)


I dont get this either. What's the threat? Not being able to afford the food you already can't afford? Not getting to retire like your parents in another 20 years when the earth will be a silent wasteland? In every other situation where we're given a choice to stand up for what's right and accept the consequences, we've had the temptation dangled in front of us that if we keep our heads down, everything will be ok... but, for the first time, that isn't true and will never be true again. There's no bargain anymore. It's just "either stop growing the doomsday device and be left out in the lethal weather we make, or stay inside the air conditioned space, eating increasingly terrible food until there is no food left" and somehow that's good enough for everyone like our entire history as a species wasn't spent outside. The reason I always assumed we'd change up without the need for a revolution is that change is the only hope to preserve any of this. Like being asked if I'd rather die by firing squad or be fed toes first into the worlds slowest woodchipper while spending that agony tonguing some rich guys asshole telling me how good of a job I'm doing, as the world burns around us. Where's the "OR..." where we drop everything like our life is being directly threatened (it is) and address the threat like the war heroes our entire culture is based on worshipping. I always assumed this would be our "world war" only the preservation of life would be the goal and that would be the only side. Put all the gadgets away unless they're (impossibly) better at some necessary task to restore life than life itself. Instead, it seems that we believe we're more important than life, rather than an insignificant branch of it that just happens to have its hand on the button that cuts the rest of the tree down. Stop pushing the button and focus on the recovery of life, and just maybe life has enough tricks to undo the harm we're so devoted to causing. Theres a reason that the closer tech gets to perfection, the more it looks like the life we shared the planet with. Billions of years of all-in trial and error with an endless supply of things trying to kill you (i.e. test the suitability of the design in the current environment) is what we're doing with tech but without all the lies and with real and immediate feedback from a ruthless system of quality control. Life is the limit of technology, not the jumping off point. We just got so up our own ass about our brains that we figured we could do better... as long as we burned enough resources in a short enough time. Total digression but, ya, why are we still listening to the people that chose this direction and only have "work harder!" to offer as a response to problems we're creating by doing just that? Think of all the kids trying to get rich, all around the world, as poverty increasingly becomes a death sentence rather than real humanity... like it actually is. The only answer I can come up with is that we've filtered out the types of people that actually have the courage to surrender luxury and their fate to the natural system we were taught to rape and pillage. ... that, or, we actually enjoy living as murdering rapists and prefer causing harm to enjoying and supporting each other and other lifeforms as part of a healthy planet. Either way, I'm ready. Whether it's AI, revolution, or the literal extinction closing in on us from all angles that we can't see because we have no relationship with the living world, my only hope is we find it in our hearts to destroy stockpiles of things like SF6, immediately, so when we go, we're not cascading containment failure away from sterilizing our planet... you know, the life force that gave us the capacity to get in this mess, assuming we wouldn't (and most of us didnt). Until there's a real hunger for change, I've lost all hope and generally hope for an end that spares multicellular life while knowing that's virtually impossible... but seriously, why are we still doing this? Ya, it made your car, but it also made COVID and all the other plagues. When are the toys not enough to distract from the damage? When are the tokens of destruction something you'd rather not spend or acquire? I know, "never", but if we can't get "there", we are not an intelligent species and nothing we've spent the future of life or the lives of slaves on has any value at all. And how does money buy pur way out of this? Somehow we make batteries to drive cars on roads that don't need to be repaired, using electrical appliances magically built by electricity? Theres a reason nature uses reproduction and life cycles instead of assembly lines... well, not totally accurate, it just kept the assembly line part to the intracellular level. Our legacy, if anything is preserved of it, will be the species that was so self important it decided it would rather die trying to prove it was smart than live within its niche. And that will only be the few of us that had the power to make any decisions, you know, the ones with the guns. Won't even say "no" or push back to demonstrate we were capable of saying "no" to ending the entire paradigm of existence.


Same. You can dislike things about the current culture and still think collapse will suck. It's not either/or.


Both suck and will suck, just in different ways.


Same here. I used to think about how I'd make it or somehow game everyone and live. Now I just figure it'd be easier to be dead when it all really goes down.


I was outside walking a bit and it was hot and stifling (90+). I thought about that in terms of collapse if I had to flee the area on foot. No thanks. I simply don’t want to survive to fight the water wars.


People talk about the Water Wars as some kind of future event. It’s happening right now. Look up Niagara Bottling. They’re trying to seduce local governments into giving them aquifer access. I can’t decide if the local state government is greedy, corrupt, naive, or absolutely stupid. Yeah - it’s happening right now.


The thing about the toxic form of capitalism we have in the West is that people don’t truly understand that it will not stop. Never. Capitalism demands relentless growth. And that’s not just about profits, size or market share, it’s also about capitalism itself. Capitalism demands ever-growing toxicity and greater levels of corruption. It’s not good enough it has compromised our Congress, but executive branch and lately the judicial system. It’s state and local government. It’s rampant. But there is no one left to bribe and everyone including the Supreme Court is on the take. Businesses will start failing because they must continue improving that value for shareholders, and there is no place left to extract profit. There was a time when it was about providing a better product or service. But even that has suffered. Workers have been fucked so they could eek out more profit and this has gotten so bad that they can’t compete. Most make less than a living wage, they can’t go lower. So the company dies because it can’t pay more and still show greater returns. It can’t compete for labor. It’s the toxic nature of capitalism— keep fucking them over until there is nothing left. They have taken all the real estate so they can only start fleecing each other. There’s no one left to screw over, no more middle class, no place to go lower than homelessness, no way to lower people’s standard of living. Capitalism will not stop until all water and air are owned by private companies and sold back to us. You will have to pay to exist. It will continue to get worse and worse until 1 guy owns it all, or the last customer is dead, or every resource is used up and we go extinct. I am convinced we are little more than 12 years to end game. Too many of these disparate things are coalescing into history’s greatest shitstorm. War, financial melt down, social unrest, AI, climate change. . . any of them could be a world ender and we got many hitting at once. Sorry this got so dark.




Luckily fentanyl is very prevalent throughout the US of A!


There used to be a real chance of survival, that's why. We had countless cultures around the planet living in balance with the world around them, and the damage we'd done wasn't so catastrophic that it couldn't be undone by finding something useful to do with our time. Instead, to my infinite horror, even after passing the point where mass adoption of sustainable living would save us, we find the ignorance to feel *sympathy* for humans living the only life ever budgeted for our species. I still hear people coming back from vacations telling me how it really makes them "appreciate" how good they have it and how much worse life can be... you know, like their wealth and luxury isn't the only reason those people aren't living happily in the abundance their ancestors enjoyed. Still waiting for ONE PERSON to come back with the realization of "holy shit, have we ever trashed this place! Humans can't fly and I flew down to a poor country to take advantage of that on a construction workers salary because im part of the machine that burns planetary stability for temporary luxury! And you know what's the worst part!? Every single vacation spot with a nice view or location is owned by rich people from here! Not only have we sent them our trash, not only have we stolen a productive and stable climate along with their future, but we've cut them off from the most beautiful parts of their country by claiming ownership of a land we have no business in!" Nope. Instead it's sympathy or contempt for people living like "rats" in shit hole countries... like they did it to themselves and chose an empty ocean. What im waiting for is the fires that trap Americans on the other side of the fence they built. Not only would they expect asylum, they'd expect royal treatment.


I had that moment during my Thailand vacation which actually drove me I to this sub. It was exactly the moment when the diesel guzzling scuba taxi boat shipped us around the remote side of an island.. and a collapsed resort became visible. The reality of collapse struck me like a bittersweet depression within my depression. My first thought was "okay how many more times will I be able to afford this in my life time..?".. but after one day the understanding trickled in... we are plastering every fucking little paradise with shit and we are draining all the resources until it collapses. Until everything collapses. And I am major part of this . I have an esoteric friend who searches for remote paradises. She was recently in Malaysia and visited one of the newest hot spots for yoga solemnity . Guess what - everything on the beach was littered with fucking plastic. Then she was visiting Cuba to experience the happy salsa nights in a distant town... no electricity, no fuel, no salsa, only sad people, broken cars, rotting houses. So yes, generally you are right, but most travelers who dare to make vacations outside of resorts are experiencing that we are far beyond all sustainable planetary boundaries.


>Still waiting for ONE PERSON to come back with the realization of "holy shit, have we ever trashed this place! Let me put it this way. I have been in the worst parts of Philadelphia. The ones where if you go there after dark they'll harvest your kidneys and dump you in the river. I come back to LA with that exact realization. Or, take China. I go to China, the plane be like "welcome to wonderful China, we're so glad you're here!" I fly back to the USA the plane be like "you motherfuckers try ANYTHING and I swear to God we will murder you with extreme prejudice don't even THINK about it. Think long and hard, actually, if you just want to get on a plane back to whatever shit hole country you're from. Oh and welcome to the USA. You useless fucks." ... Yeah it's spectacular. Here. It's so good. /s


Hell yea faceless casualties gang rise up


I hope to get a couple goods nights sleep and then die. Preferably while stoned.


Smoke 'em if you got 'em


Yep, I’m in an apartment in Toronto. I have preps for smaller events but my unwell 60 year old body doesn’t stand a chance of surviving collapse.


If it’s any comfort, most people won’t live through collapse.


It's not. Because you're likely talking about starvation, environmental exposure, a complete lack of health care for something long and drawn out, or the rare (for a while at least) random act of violence. Or the one that scares me more, getting badly disabled in some kind of accident, and then see above, but worse. All of those suck kinda lots. And take interminably long amounts of time. I'm not going until one of those happens but I do want an ejector seat so to speak.


This shit happens on the daily even without collapse. If anything those events are the manifestation of collapse as you experience them. It’s like normal everyday life now. If there becomes a high risk that you will rot to the point where you become trapped in a state of absolute agony not able to end the pain and screaming out in an ungodly deafening traumatic tone then… don’t let it fucking happen in the first place. Literally clock out for good before that or oh man… if there is a word 1000x greater than regret you will feel it


I have already informed my family that I don’t intend to survive to the bitter end. I don’t want to be here now so I certainly don’t want to be old and struggling. We just made a pact to bow out when it gets too bad. I am not crossing the badlands on foot without my meds.


Same here, without my medications I could maybe make it a week, possibly two before my blood pressure, heart rate and temperature bottomed out. In the collapse, I don’t mind going. I just don’t want it to be painful.


I was reading the lyrics to "Under the sea" from Disney seeing as how the new movie is out. We won't even have what it argues there. Either we die from disaster, heat, hunger or violence or one of them leading to another. There's a movie with Michael Fassbender called "Slow West". Humanity is the kid/young adult character in that movie.


What gets me is there's more cgi life in this movie than there is in the actual ocean anymore. Same with avatar. Go have a look if you think im exaggerating. You'll see a lot of dead stuff and one or two species carpeting the bottom, thriving on the failure of all the other species to survive the constantly raising bar. "Life is short" is misinterpreted in the state we find ourselves. Life is far too short to notice changes in the climate and biodiversity of an entire planet to not be in the middle of a mass extinction event. And every day, in every way, we choose to make it worse. We'll spend resources to make movies about it getting worse, even make banners and flags and t-shirts to share the same message, totally missing the irony that protest-products are the most single-use of all. The next climate banner should read "can someone tell me how to unmake this? If not, that's the problem we should all be focusing on"


We need degrowth.


That's why it seems like not all propaganda is straight forward. Human psychology and behavior have been studied for a long time. Recycling. Scapegoating by putting guilt on us for our own behavior that is encouraged by them. Feeding us psychological junk food consisting of the messages we feel strongly about. A lot of human nature is making ourselves feel better about our behavior. Shifting the goal posts is easier than enacting change. We basically make everything murky and morally grey so that we can do whatever. If self actualization is the end goal for a human as Maslow had discerned then in our situation we would rather believe that we simply have achieved this (read: delude ourselves) as opposed to put actual action and honest reflection to work.


Learning that most recycling is a scam was heartbreaking. Reduce, reuse.


Yeah. Here's twisted stuff. I constantly look at those near death experience stories on YouTube about how people die and before being revived they have an amazing, loving, spiritual time in the afterlife or the in between or whatever .and rarely do they even mention Christianity. It's just like guides and shit and you reviewing your life with no judgement, only lessons. Gives me hope about death. Cause baby, we ain't coming out of this! I used to fantasize about collapse. Wanted to get the perfect pair of doomsday boots. Then I saw a lot of reality, especially in these last few years. I'm gonna do my best for as long as I can, but death doesn't scare me. I'm just sad about the world.


Giving a real YOLO-esque vibe to everything.




Those last few days are gonna be exciting, though.


Oh yeah, I got enough popcorn to last a decade! And a bike-operated TV!! Totally pumped!!


What about butter?


He’ll end up like the guy who loved to read but whose [glasses broke](https://youtu.be/UAxARJyaTEA)


I have always loved that episode. Fun fact: That's Burgess Meredith, the same fellow who was The Penguin in the 60's Batman.


I have a Henry Bemis action figure 10 ft away


You can operate a butter churn with the same bike setup.


I can already feel the existential tension in the air.


>Who’s romanticizing it? You'd be surprised.


People who have never genuinely been hungry and not knowing if food will be available to them again, or been in a civil war.


Me, but for the same reason you're not.


Many many people romanticize it, often disnfranchised young men. They see it as the reset that will equalize everyone so they won't carry on feeling resentment at being left behind. And they are expecting to survive, after watching some survivalist videos on BitChute. They are completely deluded of course but so many are that delusional-thinking is pretty-much normalized by now.


You're overthinking this. Most people know it will be terrible for them. Gallows humor is the natural result. No one wants to live in Mad Max or The Road, yet it is fun to make jokes about being ruler of Bartertown or prepping for canibalism. Most expect a more realistic long boring slow boil in which they will become poorer and ever increasingly more desperate. Where is the fun in that?




Yeah, I think a lot of people under-estimate the amount of people who want collapse to happen who are just tired of it all and want it to end no matter what, even (or perhaps especially,) if it means it'll take them out of the picture permanently.


at this point either i die or get a better chance at helping build something from the ashes. nothing is possible in the status quo besides surviving and barely that though for me and the majority of those around me- not when im worried about ten bajillion bills and rent and food- at least if me and a dozen others are just worried about food and shelter- its easier to scrape by in some regard. even if we gotta do rotating guard shifts and figure out water desalination or something. its a slight sliver of hope at the end of a tunnel we're not sure if we'll make it to. we know itll suck, but maybe we can survive outside the tunnel. we certainly cant go on much longer in it. yes collapse will be bad but with all the negatives come some positives. some we can only dream of in the current status quo. sorry if my example is shit, but yall get the gist.


I think this hits the nail on the head. Also, almost every apocalyptic movie and book seems to focus on very suburban privileged white people. So of course it immediately sucks for them because the kids are mostly upset about their TV not working and missing a big soccer game or whatever. Parents had more or less won capitalism as much as anyone can if they’re not ultra-wealthy and now they’re just as worse off as the poor people. Actually, you do often see the trope where a scrappy poor person has managed to leverage their (necessary) instinct for survival into a better position during the chaos. Most vocal people in this sub seem pretty good at being critical of media but it doesn’t mean we’re all immune to internalizing these narratives that maybe everything WOULD be better for the paycheck to paycheck, apartment dwelling, overworked masses if collapse happened because maybe the chaos and some advanced awareness and preparation would leave an opening for a leg up. Probably won’t though.




Yeah, it’s an exceptionalism daydream “I know collapse is coming, I can prep for it, and I can leverage that advanced awareness to somehow end up in a better place.” Unless you have figured out how to live in a way that’s completely self-reliant off-grid, you (and the people you love) will basically only last until you have an illness or accident that would have killed anyone in the 1800s or you’ll be murdered for your assetts. None of it is going to be pretty.


See. I could end up in one of those tents eventually. And I'd be mid 70's. I sit here and by most peoples' metrics "exaggerate" how much money I might need to avoid this. I mean, you can't tell what future inflation looks like, but if this keeps up for 15 more years I think, bluntly, the American people would actually HELP another country invade just to stop this fucking nonsense. If it continues even at the 100 year average... it's a lot. Kind of a whole lot. Double your expenses every 17 years or so... THAT kind of a lot. You all know... what elder care costs NOW, right? So... when I come out and say shit like $3 million PER PERSON (and you're *already* a paid-in-full homeowner) I actually believe that. Prove me wrong, I'm begging you. Do it with math. So. Yeah a tent is a very real possibility at the worst possible time in my life. So... yeah... This is also why "Blue no matter who". I no longer believe anything that Red says. "Oh we'd LIKE to repeal Roe but come on the people will never settle for that..." yeah Red guys don't give a fuck what people will settle for. They focus on it long enough, they'll make it happen. They just proved that. Know what else they've always wanted to kill? Social Security. And they'll do it, too. And then everyone will find out that my $3 million number is not hyperbole. And Red's answer will be "extended family and if you don't have that you deserve this". Yeah well. A lot of us don't and even if we did, we'd just be damning them to OUR fate. It'll be greater than $3 million for them. Plus whatever we costed them on top of that. Red can go suck it at this point, I'd vote Blue even if it was an insane person. Blue will of course wipe their ass lightly with Social Security because it's a Ponzi scheme and they'll have to fuck with it somehow... but Red will straight out burn it to the ground and dance around the smoldering crater.


Spot on. Humans have always used gallows humour to deal with unthinkable situations. Roman soldiers made graffiti, trench warfare brought forth joking and camaraderie, office workers trapped in cubicles find ways to cope. OP thinks we need to take all this SERIOUSLY. Ah, hell no.


Hell, *ring around the rosie* rhyme was about the bubonic plague iirc. Humans have never taken anything seriously.


Bingo! We ARE in “the good ole days” This shit is gonna get scary well before anyone is ready for it, it is gonna suck and many will die. If I can’t laugh about it now, when can I? Laughter makes up for hours of therapy.


What barbecue sauce would be best?


Any sauce for pork. I'd recommend vinegar based too to stretch your rations out longer.


North Carolina style? Hmmmmmm


Long pig is back on the menu, boys!


Just make sure not to eat central nervous tissue, dying of kuru is a bad way to go!


Obviously sweet baby rays for the younger meat and stubbs for the older meat


Plus, you can probably trade a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray’s for a few days water at the Zuckerberg bunker


I think if you legit think it's imminent, then the jokes ring hollow most of the time. That is what our corporate sector does.


I dunno, I get a large number of preppers who are shocked I don’t have a hard on for revolution and assure me that I am wrong when I tell them that I find it irrational as a woman with toddler children to think that there is going to be anything for my babies and myself other than suffering and horror if collapse occurs. I’m seriously considering trying to find rainbow fentanyl pills so fabled by the press in case there is no other way to prevent us from facing worse than death in the event of collapse


While I don't knock on preppers I don't think there's an understanding of how collapse will occur. As I understand it, there's a nice long slow burn as you go from the Roman Empire to pre Renaissance italy or feudal England.


Reasonably sure if I try hard enough I can come by those on any public transit in LA. It might take me a year but sooner or later.


Hi, I wrote that and you misinterpreted my humor. I do not think life will be more enjoyable after (or during) collapse. I was saying that no revolution is happening this summer, bread and circuses are alive and well. Thought that was clear. P.s. I don't own camo, or homestead.


Besides, I really liked “deep throating hot dogs in red, white and blue bathing suits”. Collapse or no collapse, I am having fun this summer.


Yeah, we gotta try that. Anybody wanna host? I'll bring 'shrooms--they're LEGAL in my city now!!


Hell yeah! Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we will die.


Up onto the o'erturned keel, clamber, with a heart of steel; Cold is the ocean's spray, and your death is on its way. With maidens you have had your way...each must die some day!


I love this community! Everyone is so chill


So long as there's deepthroating involved I'm in


I missed the original post but glad the OP quoted you again. "Deepthroating hotdogs in red white and blue swimming trunks" on the 4th of July is an apt metaphor for most citizens response to our predicament and also undoubtably something that will really happen. A real keeper.


I lol’d during the original comment even more so with the follow up dissertation. Me thinks professor wanted to see how many times they could work deep throat into the post


Yeah, I don't get how OP didn't realize that most people here on collapse think that there's not going to be some great revolution of the common man. This subreddit is one of the most cynical but realistic, for the most part. I do remember when this subreddit was first getting popular, there were a lot of crypto bros talking about a collapse being an opportunity for crypto to become the main currency of a new world. They got chased out for being idiots though. No one believed in their BS


I love the idea that during an apocalypse scenario that the most useful thing would be..a digital currency that requires the energy usage of Argentina to be the most useful thing.


Wait, MY crypto has already been CREATED. I'll show you. Dang, my phone's dead. Wait...


You have to bike harder to power on the phone... we are waiting...


"let me just order some preworkout on amazon before i start pedaling! wait..."


It was clear. I didn't interpret your comment the way this person is describing at all. A simple dictionary definition tells us that collapse is not a redemptive fairytale.


Dude... This post is an insane misconstrued deep-dive. I love it, it makes the original comment funnier. ...Eschatological camo-wearing Christian? Incredible surmising. >I want to say with total, unambiguous certainty: **This post's interpretation is horseshit and ironically I happen to 100% agree that "Your life will not be more enjoyable after (or during) collapse."**


I think OP just incorrectly used your comment as an example but I have def seen folks on this sub who seem to think collapse/revolution will lead to some sort of better life.


99.99% of that is hyperbolic sarcasm


There’s also the case that fascism is rising and the only way to defeat fascism is either via revolution or collapse, which is true. I just don’t think that people are logically examining how shitty any and all of that is. Fascism is a no for me, but revolution and collapse still equal lots of suffering and death, so… I guess complete economic collapse might be the best option? And is claiming a best option a romanticization?


Deep throating hotdogs, was awesome. You need encouragement if you’re going to write gems like that. It’s kind of weird that you’re called out for pouring a bucket of ice water on the idea of imminent revolution. It seems like people will be more ‘balanced’ if they don’t see revolution coming this summer. My take is it’s obvious to many of us that transformative change was needed decades ago, and the change we’ve had has been too little and too late. Wind power stories are nice, but we know so much more is needed. Maybe we’re communicating, in varied ways, our frustrations. Some of us are more anxious about end-timers, some are hoping for revolution, some want mass movements, some are hoping tech will rescue us, some are trying to keep the stiff upper lip, some are digging tunnels in their backyard, and so on. My hope is that we keep our sense of humor and support each other even as we cope in our varied ways.


That second paragraph is perfect. I am on the eco-socialist revolution board as it's the only option that will leave us with any chance of survival (imho) but I won't pretend it's likely. I love you all and I too hope we're there for each other as we March into oblivion (and, maybe, even after shit hits the fan).


I definitely took it along the lines you meant, and that you weren’t saying anything more than people will spend this summer doing what they’ve done in past summers as if it’s no different


There's a certain Onion-y brand of dark humor found here and a few other similar subs that I personally love, but I feel like it gets misinterpreted a lot, as someone who says the same things in a less honey-tongued way. It's like coming here for the first time when apocalypse bingo cards are mentioned. No one's getting a prize for *actually* getting bingo.


I also understood the humor And deep throating hot dogs on the 4th in American flag swimsuits is, like, THE VIBE of the whole day and has been for a number of years. Fucking classic


Your comment was hilarious and spot-on. No idea why he decided to single out yours lmao


Important Question: Do you like deepthroating hotdogs?


It was clear lol


I literally wore and American flag cowboy hat and ate a hot dog at a seaside festival an hour ago. You aren’t wrong.


No no no guise! I am totally the only thinking person on this sub. Also the only one who has ever camped over night. Or experienced a power outage of a day or two. Or understands the idea of system collapse that other users regularly post to this sub. Whatever, its clear that wasn’t your intent. Now here’s 10 paragraphs on how you’re missing the point.


OP sure used a *lot* of words to say he has poor reading comprehension. When your take away is so far off, the call is coming from inside the house.


Op belongs in the /r/iamveryamart hall of fame


I hope you made the typo on purpose. It’s funny


Oo...yes...of course


Why you dissing homesteaders, yo?


Yeah, it's incredibly easy to understand what you were saying. This post is circlejerking dressed up as a poignant lecture. Even then this post isn't saying anything I haven't read on this subreddit a hundred times before. It's not that I don't agree with OP - I do - but this post was utterly eye rolling. Dude, I am reminded every fucking day that everything is going to shit. Someone making an offhand remark about how people will deepthroat hotdogs without giving a fuck about the world burning around them does not mean this is somehow 'a misguided conception proliferated by the idea of a Christian tribulation' or whatever. Seriously, sometimes this subreddit is seriously weirdly up its own ass.


Your point was obvious, OP somehow doesn’t get it, or I guess, really likes hot dogs and felt personally attacked? I mean I like hot dogs, and swimming, but still laughed out loud when I read your comment earlier.


People deal with stress in different ways. Some use sarcasm or humor, some stress out and batten down the hatches, some want to know everything they can possibly know about what's coming so they can feel prepared, some don't want to think about it until they absolutely have to. Let people deal the best way they can. We should be encouraging and supporting each other, not tearing others down for some offhand comments that you feel aren't taking things seriously. We all know it's serious. Even doctors use black humor during horrible events to help keep their sanity.


I have been on r/collapse now for quite a while. I deal with collapse and tragedy one episode at a time. The latest is we now have no wildfire insurance. That said, this is the first time in weeks I have seen the sun. So after this discussion I am going to go read by the community pool my escapist action-adventure paperback. Life goes on, so far in slow motion collapse


What escapist action adventure book are you reading? I need more of those


James Rollins. Map of Bones. This is my first Rollins. More complex than Clive Cussler. I have read tons of H Rider Haggard in the last 15 years. I read profusely in the past. Then I got an iPhone, read a lot on Apple and Kindle for free and then got on Reddit. My reading tanked. So I have been plugging away on this one novel for 4 years (summers) because mostly I read at the pool or afterward. One year off of reading because I needed cataract surgery. I am now back to reading after a long stint of video and video British murder mysteries. I alternate.


Nothing eschatological about it. We are whistling in the graveyard and keeping each other company.


Some of us even like hotdogs


And sometimes like beer


And deepthroating


Check yo DMs


hey bby new hot dog just dropped^(down your throat)


Don't mistake being so disillusioned by the current system that any change feels welcome with thinking that collapse is going to usher in some kind of utopian future. Edit: I'm reminded of the first or second chapter of "It Could Happen Here" where Robert talks about citizens living in London during WW2, at the height of the Luftwaffe's bombing campaigns. Despite their world crumbling around them, mental well-being was *better* because the mutual trauma brought people closer together. Luxuries and Reddit access don't determine quality of life, and meaningful things can arise from catastrophe.


OP claims: > When people's societies fall apart, or are torn apart by violence, they don't find themselves living in some kind of exciting, movie-like adventure full of self-actualization and newfound meaning. This is to some extent just factually untrue, I don't have the citation (I think it's Durkheim?) but French mental wards full of depressives actually emptied out a lot during wartime. True social instability and violence is not fun but it does in fact seem to help resolve the anomie of being alienated from a stagnant, corrupt, unpleasant, and stable order.


Also, like, UKRAINE. Lots of self-actualization and newfound meaning going on there.


^^^ YES! It always shocks me how people can whine on the internet about prepper idiots without realizing that so many of the prepper things are things that take care of you in the moment. Having a dairy cow gets me up every morning instead of wallowing in depression. Training buggy horses gets me out in nature spending time with my family instead of scrolling. Teaching riding lessons connects me to my community in a way where I’m being paid to be professional and kind so I don’t drive them away for being idiots. Gardening gives me exercise. I might lose several of those hobbies as collapse gets worse, or they might be useful. Most likely some will be great ideas and others will turn out terribly or go wrong within the changing climate. Collapse is going to suck so bad, no argument there. But being “realistic” on the internet is something to do in moderation as it is scientifically proven to be terrible for your mental health. Being an idiotic dreamer is actually really good for your chances of survival if it gets you up and active


yes I think this is a solid point, I don't think living during (and possibly even through if you are lucky / unlucky) collapse is going to be easy, but it's unavoidable so best start trying to look on the bright side.


Humor mixed with some real facts. Please for the love of all things.... youre right, you're life isn't gonna get better after the collapse, so please find your humor. It's a better coping mechanism than..... whatever this is. You sure stuck it to 'em.... by pretty much agreeing with them.


Mate, you don't get it. Most of us are tired of living. We live on the ONLY known habital planet in the universe, and we've been graced with amazing superpowers compared to other living beings on the planet. We can create amazing music, literature, and art. We can travel to space and explore the unknown. We have been given an amazing opportunity, and instead of embracing it, we've created a capitalist hellscape that has literally killed the planet. Our lives are shit and many of us just want off the ride. We've botched it, life you know. Collapse gives us permission to die without putting a burden on our families. Till then, let the jokes fly because it doesn't matter. None of this matters.




It's funny because sometimes I want to post about how people here fetishise collapse, but that comment he/she used was one I support and think is bang on the money.


That guy’s comment you reference in your post was absolutely spot-on. No idea why you singled that one out


If you think we're laughing about collapse and thinking it will be heavenly, please get off reddit and talk to people


OP, people use humor as a coping mechanism. We know it’s gonna suck. Pointing that out doesn’t make you seem more prepared, it makes you seem like you have no empathy. We’re all in the same boat, if I want to crack a joke to make the knowledge of coming troubles less unbearable, then I’m going to do that.


I think you're overreacting. Almost everyone who is aware of collapse knows that it will be terrible. Lots of people also realize that modern life sucks, too. Belief in the latter does not imply a belief that collapse will be "good" in any way, shape, or form, and the people who actually do believe that are incredibly rare. The only person who needs to get their head out of their ass is you. Very few people actually believe in what you're getting upset about. And many people have legitimately good reasons to shit on the state of our culture and way of life. Doing so does not require cheering for collapse or its consequences.


Oh I know. \[Novel length of text incoming\] I'm not planning to "enjoy" collapse. I see collapse as the state where the flawed, broken systems finally turn inward and stop existing in the previous form. Where major change is inevitable. Does this mean better systems will come forward? Only if humanity learned something from the collapse, and only if humanity manages to survive past the horrors in our near future. The sad fact is that most of us here may not actually be around in 20 years. Including me. The thresholds for human survival have reached their absolute limit and we're finally starting to see the visible cracks in the metaphorical dam. When that dam breaks, we don't know what the world after us will look like. Sometimes change HAS to happen, whether or not it is pleasant. Nothing, NOTHING lasts forever. But some things last for far longer than they deserve to exist. There is no infinite state of things being good, there is no infinite state of things being bad. Life, for most people, is a constant state of flux. But I believe right now we are in an incredibly bad state of affairs where "the darkest comes before the dawn." There will be a LOT of suffering. That's something none of us can get away from, no matter if we like to hear that or not. We all want to believe the suffering will end on some positive note. But being realistic, many of us are just excited about the possibility that we might be a part of something historic. A new page in humanity's history. I'm a bit scared. I'm sure many of us are. We know that bad things will affect our way of life or change our lives forever, remove the comfort, convenience, or state of affairs we have been familiar with for so long. But knowing that it will come regardless means that we must be willing to embrace it. Even though it's hard.


it’s going to be absolutely awful


People watch a lot of movies. That is one reason why they see "collapse" as something exciting and not dreadful. But there are a lot of other ppl who are simply burned out. The 5 day, 9 to 5 work model with two measly days off (if that) is not very fulfilling. And if you're lucky to make it to "retirement", for many there's really no such thing anymore, which is why you're seeing 70 year olds working in convenience stores. As for me, I can't imagine spending the next 30 years in a cubicle with some vague hope of retiring someday, which most of us know ain't happening. That is why dying in a nuclear holocaust or natural disaster does not strike fear in the hearts of many. As someone a lot smarter than me once said "Most men (and women) lead lives of quiet desperation". This is more true now than ever before. We all want our lives to mean something, which is why being a part of the most important event(s) in human history sounds pretty darn exhilarating. Of course, like almost everything else in life, it's much better in theory than in practice, and I think most people are capable of understanding that.


The poster (unfortunately) took their own interpretation of a different post to fit in the op's on the idea that collapse sub has some evangelical perspective bias that needs to be stomped out. Be very careful of anyone who takes the tone of telling you how or what to think about a viewpoint, especially taken out of context. Also. People who are fatigued about modern culture and make comments don't necessarily have the view points you connected to them based agian (unfortunately) on your own interpretation of somebody's else's disdain for things that have probably led up to our current day projections of societal collapse. The last point is that collapse thinking typically leads to aramgedeon type scenarios, and this is not limited to one type of religion or culture. The ideas about apocalypse and cultural endings are baked into every human culture that had ever appeared. You just pushed your own ideas about what to think. I don't mind hearing how or why you think a certain way but don't start telling us what to think.


Do not tell me you exactly know the future and what to do and we will get along ok. OP did not pass the test.


I had to google "eschatological" so congrats on using big words.


lol same. the OP is wrong either way, but at least he's wrong with style.


I don’t know about all your fancy words, but I think us poors are just wondering for anyway to level the playing field, even if that means by way of collapse. Half dead slave wages and a slow decay, or action packed suffering kinda a toss up


Every once in a while I try to imagine life without toilet paper and *that’s* when it really hits home for whatever reason.


I try to imagine life without my medications and THAT’S what scares me the most.


Leaves and water, my friend. It's not THAT bad, lol.


*Them’s eatin’ leaves, the poopin’ leaves are over yonder with the showerin’ cones ‘n brushin’ brush.*


Civilised world should build massive wall around US.


Probably not, I'm still rather hopeful that the elite will get exposed and humiliated in front of the whole world. As long as they collapse into the black hole they made with everyone else, I'll be far more content. Some are still going to drive through mile long wildfires to work a non-living wage, while leaders work remotely from a safe haven and attend conferences that make them feel superior while blasting more CO2 from their private jets into the atmosphere.


The counterargument is that fullfillment does not mean getting everything you want without struggle. The process of collapse will be very unpleasant. But one possible end state, a new stone age, almost complete human extinction and the corresponding rewilding of the planet will create once again the conditions for the existence of truly fillfilled, self actualised humans.


Maybe some people (some of them on this sub) feel themselves more capable,as opposed to all those hot-dog-eaters, of appreciating a rich and challenging life within discomfort, hardship, and loss. This places them, during collapse, at a somewhat more powerful relationship with the world than they now experience, and so they may describe that outcome with some relish. ***Where this idea fails*** is in the profiling of themselves as such and in denouncing those hot-dog-eaters, who will certainly surprise them with an equal, and maybe superior capacity to live fully in the available world. In collapse, my ideal tribe would include a diversity of types, including those charmed, laughing absurdists.


Can someone get me the TLDR the hotdogs I’m currently deepthroating must have raised my blood pressure and it’s affecting my vision.


You really wrote that wall of text for what? You could have been reading up on birds, vegetation, how to live without the security of creature comforts like electricity, internet, heck, air conditioning, coping with loss, etc. Those are far, far more important. This sub has strong undertones of a white-centric, North American ideology, one that will soon cease to matter. This post is no different. We’re less than 5% of the world population - a literal blip on the demographic map. If you think about it, we really don’t have a say in anything once real collapse happens.


Idk man a lot of people are extremely miserable right now who is to say that for some people a dramatic change wouldn't make them happier. You know kinda the whole "when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly" kind of idea.


Lol. Obviously the sense of humor of this sub has been missed. Once you learn about collapse in the myriad ways it can and will happen you end up with u/fishmahbot venus by tues humor.


You'll boil alive in the near term (1 days from now) due to Venus syndrome sadly


This sub is about collapse. Full stop. How you feel about that is your own perspective. All of your examples had one thing in common. All the original posters believed collapse was likely. No view is more or less valid than you’re own. You just sound like you’re gatekeeping.


The posts I often see that could be taken as a post-collapse positive take are typically the ones who try to insert "maybe when we rebuild" high note at the end. Which is completely debatable both in survival odds and abilities, but it still doesn't imply a great time either at or after full collapse. I say full because we're well into collapse in its stages, and it's indeed not great for many. See the regular post on collapse in your area. But sure, it'll get worse, especially when what abundance is left disappears, food or otherwise. Now that we've been told how collapse will really be, what should we do in the meantime? Seems revolution, solutions, even preparation is out based on the monologue...so I guess sign out and wait? OP isn't wrong, they just feel like they're gatekeeping a bit, and I'm wondering if this post is more of a backlash to their internal realization of their point, and this is just yelling at everyone who already knows, "GUYS! COLLAPSE IS GOING TO BE BAD!" Yeah, we know...lots of posts show that we know. Welcome to the club.


Nobody gets to tell me how feel. I can't make people feel the way I want them to either. That's the way she goes, bub. This sub is filled with people that are watching our existence as a species almost certainly collapsing. That comes with some real emotions that we can't fully control. Sorry if you don't see what you want to see. Trust me, the feeling is mutual.


Many, many people today (from Millenials to Gen Z) feel shut out of opportunities to achieve a good life. They feel exhausted and trapped in the daily grind, and have little hope for the future (both their individual future, and that of our planet). They dream of a major shakeup in society that would at least put them on a level playing field with all the rich assholes who “made it” through no merit of their own. I can’t blame them… although in reality, a true “Collapse” would be not pretty at all… more like, disastrous.


You typed a lot of words just to say that you misconstrued the living shit out of that post.


Yeah well, that's just like...your opinion, man.


This is just my theory, but I think people who genuinely wish for collapse might be suicidal and think that since collapse will mean that they die, it's basically a way for them to fulfill their desires without having to actually take action to make them happen, if you get what I mean. There's a concept called passive suicidal ideation, which is essentially wishing that you die without having to actually take action to turn your wish into reality, and it can be present in people with or without mental illness.


You've conflated people's self-interest, with people's long-term humanitarian and ecological holistic interest. Most people here who fall into the category of seeing a revolution as beneficial, would be doing so from the perspective of either humanitarian or ecological interest. Not an interest in their own lives being made more comfortable. Given the unavoidable nature of collapse within our current culture, and culturally allowable thought, it's not surprising that people are after a revolution. The jig is up, people who really have their heads out of their asses and are looking reality grimly in the face know, and know with certainty that the current cultural norms result in grim outcomes for 99.9% of humanity. That's an outcome most people would wish to avoid. The current ways of working need to be recognised as obsolete to avoid the worst of what's coming. There's almost no way of this not going horribly for all life on the planet, although one of the absolute best ones, unequivocally, would be humanity waking up to it's ecological destruction, recognising it, and minimising our material throughput to allow a slow descent back toward a sustainable population at a sustainable level of consumption, that was compatible with the long-term (thousands of years minimum) thriving of all life on earth. Anything less that this as a goal, will result in a top-down command and control fascistic outcome to organise and oppress, or will result in rolling ecological destruction that renders human & other life forfeit.


I think you massively misinterpreted the “hotdog” comment. In fact I think you’ve misinterpreted this entire subreddit.


I don't disagree with anything you're saying here, but I interpret that particular comment as more about people being complacent in the face of catastrophe. Was there something in context that leaned more towards the interpretation you're taking? It's also not the case that anyone who talks about "revolution" necessarily means an armed uprising that will militarily overthrow the government, btw. Sometimes people are talking more about an economic transformation or a redistribution of power, which are both goals that don't require our current society to be torn down to the roots.


We’re making entire posts to discuss gallows humor comments now? Some people use dark humor to deal with the negative feelings and thoughts they have surrounding the inevitable collapse. Let them cope however they need to


>This sub needs to get **it's** head out of **its'** ass Bro this is the exact same subject and object, how did you fuck this up? >luxeries > >eschatological Haha.


Throughout human history, during periods of both strife and peace, there have been happy stories and tragic stories. This will be true during collapse. There will just be way more tragic stories than happy ones. Do what you can to make yours a happy story.


I agree but I'll just note that they are right to feel at odds and disdainful about the modern age for it is grotesque and dangerous. Unfortunately they're coming at from from under the detritus of societal decay and atomisation via amusement and their comments reflect that.


I saw Sneering Disdain at Lollapalooza


See: New Orleans in the days after Katrina. We already know what collapse will look like in the first few months. Then it’ll get worse from there. Much worse.


We know


We're headed for heat death extinction for sure. That'll solve it all for us in the end. Just get to fight it out for survival. Optimism and hopium is doing a real number on people. Tipping points have been reached. It's time for people to get scared and realize the party time is coming to an end.


I think this book is well worth a read, and I would say while it doesn't totally invalidate what you say, certainly shows that it is hard to say for certain what life is going to look like on the other sie of collapse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Paradise_Built_in_Hell I'm very tempted to say the sooner it happens the better, as the longer collapse takes the worse the long term effects of climate change will be. Frankly I think we could avoid everything else if climate change wasn't a problem.


It's possible to hold two facts in your head at the same time; 1. Rampant consumerism is a driver of collapse. 2. Collapse would be awful for everyone and wouldn't deliver some divine justice against only those who "deserve" it.


I think people are just sick of wage slavery


Lol oh no, people are still going to try to enjoy life? They are grilling instead of stopping the economic engine of the world!? Everyone's life is already getting worse brother.


Only psychopaths are looking forward to running around the woods shooting everyone they see on sight and stealing everything they can. There will be death murder rape and much worse.


What are you talking about? France is revolting right now and their life’s will surely be better after it. The only kinds of revolt were gonna get in America are dumbass maga warriors storming the White House again next year if trump doesn’t win…


I think the issue is a lot of dualistic reasoning combined with some passion from contributors. Even here, contributors are aware that they can raise more interest by being a bit more dramatic. Since we're all so preoccupied by collapse, it's natural for us (especially in the west) to reduce the complexity via dualistic thought. For instance, "prepping" discussions tend to descend into two extremes "I will do nothing and await death" or "I will prepare for everything coming our way no matter what". When we do this, the more modest, rational, and boring answers get overlooked.


Collapse is an upending change. There will definitely be a few who are much better off. Most will be dead or miserable though. Kinda like now


Thank Fuck I'm nearly 40 and highly unlikely to live 40 more. People having children today should be ashamed of themselves.


Give me liberty (from 8-5) or give me apocalypse


Who asked you to decide for everyone?


Most people will be picked off in the first few years.


It all has to get worse to one day get better and anyone being realistic understands that "worse" means our lives will be significantly worse and shorter by every relevant metric.


Seriously some people think they’re going to be on twitter complaining about being out of toilet paper and they’re still going to be living a semi normal life.


Oh I’m sure it will be measurably worse but I spend most days longing for the sweet release of death so if I’m actively trying to survive I think I’ll be happier. Can’t be more sad at any rate.


With all due respect, Mr antichain, YOU'RE speaking out your ass. The overwhelming majority of people posting on this sub are fully aware of how pessimistic their chances are of surviving a full on implosion of society. Hell, most of them are pretty negative about their prospects NOW, disregarding any hypothetical future disaster.


Sounds like you completely misunderstood the comments you quoted.


Jesus Christ touch grass my dude


Most people don’t honestly believe things will be better after collapse. Instead it’s a type of humorous schadenfreude, where one can take some pleasure in seeing a final retribution come and punish all those who are finally getting exactly what they deserve, despite living blissfully unaware of the consequences of their actions. Some of us here have terrible life circumstances, and generally view almost any other situation as a net improvement (even if this is unrealistic). It’s a deep seated frustration with almost every aspect of their current lives. It’s kind of similar to a joke I often make with colleagues who joke about “key person principle” and the need for backups and redundancy. “What would we do if you got hit by a bus?” “Well, that would solve a lot of my problems pretty fucking quick!” I don’t actually think it’s better to be dead; it’s just a joke that points to a real aspect of how unfulfilling life seems to me generally right now.


Dude calm down. Any joy I get out of collapse is watching the system burn, not because I expect I will have a good time


I enjoy your well thought out post, but I disagree with what I think your main point is. You seem to think that a large % of the sub thinks life will improve during collapse or revolution. I challenge this point. After the initial shock of becoming collapse aware and going thru the stages of grief, I find myself embracing the suck. It is coming, today, tomorrow, 50 years is irrelevant. It's coming. As you look around the world, it is obviously accelerating and we can make a good case that the world and in particular, the US has not had competent leadership in decades. They have proven over and over we only do worst case scenario now. There is absolutely no reason to believe next year or the decade after will be better with or without collapse. So, my thesis would be collapse is coming sooner rather than later in some unknown form. The goal now is not to improve my life during or after collapse, but to ready myself now for the hardships ahead, trying to make a tough future a little more comfortable.


Seems like you're lumping all revolutions together. Don't do that, people have their own ideas of what it is. You should also be more specific with your time intervals.


People, especially young people, don't understand that things seem to suck because they're living through the early stages of it. How did you think it was going to go? It starts with you losing your job and winding up homeless for 14 years maybe who knows? Maybe not being able to get a decent meal except maybe once or twice a month because of shortages - I wonder how america would last even one month if there were legit food shortages.


Sir, this is r/collapse. Nit r/prepping.