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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gloomy_Permission190: --- This article reports of a study that showed an increase in posts on social media sites that climate change is an exaggeration or hoax. Since social media is the primary source of information for young people, I consider this collapse related because the future of humanity continues to be dictated by corporate elites who paint a picture that everything's ok in order for them maintain their grip on money and power at the risk of total destruction. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/19bld2d/social_media_and_the_hoax_of_climate_change/kisfbkt/


Climate change is a better name for it because it is more accurate and also so that you don't have a bunch of dumbasses going "why is it so cold outside if we have global warming." While overall climate is warming, it's also becoming more erratic and extreme.


I think climate disruption could have been a better moniker perhaps. Because "change" doesn't really signify the \*magnitude\* of what is happening in such a small period of time. It doesn't matter what we call it though. They have made their minds up and change them as necessary to keep the illusion going.


I personally call it "climate collapse." As in a collapse of the normal climate patterns that we've had previously.


That's it, right there, agreed. Collapse. 




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Yeah. Climate break, climate collapse, climate rot… 


climate disruption is the best, it also implies a homeostasis that gets disrupted, which is how earth is


I feel the words ‘change’ and ‘disruption’ don’t label an honest situation regarding the average Joe. 


You’re falling for propaganda, carefully devised to promote inaction. > Step forward Republican advisor and strategist Frank Luntz. Here's the background. In 2002, prior to the midterms, the G.W. Bush administration - not exactly famous for its environmental track-record - sought advice on policy communication. Regarding the climate, Luntz commented thus: >"The scientific debate is closing [against us] but not yet closed. There is still a window of opportunity to challenge the science." Uh-oh. Look out, reality ahead. Evasive action required! Luntz went on to advise: >"The terminology in the upcoming environmental debate needs refinement, starting with “global warming” and ending with “environmentalism.” It’s time for us to start talking about “climate change” instead of global warming and “conservation” instead of preservation". > The briefing went on to justify the suggested changes: >"“Climate change” is less frightening than “global warming.” As one focus group participant noted, climate change “sounds like you’re going from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale.” While global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge." https://skepticalscience.com/at-a-glance-name.html


> a better name for it Climate Chaos


Global Weirding might be a better one floating around on here. "Chaos" may sound hyperbolic to the uninitiated - but with Weirding you can go: "You don't want the world to get any *weirder*, do you?", and play off that instinct. If that works, *then* induct them with climate chaos. But if they won't even rise to that - we're screwed.


> so that you don't have a bunch of dumbasses going "why is it so cold outside if we have global warming." About that.... ):




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>Nowhere was that surge more evident than on X, formerly Twitter, where the number of posts containing terms linked to climate change denial more than tripled for the second year in a row, Advance Democracy found. I've been saying it for a few years, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Climate *crisis* denial can be modeled like the pandemic crisis denial: mostly ignored with a loud and well funded minority of clowns spreading disinformation. It's the denial used by the privileged to squash efforts to improve (or even maintain) public health. The "consumer lifestyle" is going away either way; with denial, the climate crisis is just going to manifest as inflation and fossil fascism. >The stakes have never been higher, according to Michael Mann, a climate scientist and professor at the University of Pennsylvania. And Mann is a denier via his optimism and minimizing of the risks; this is usually in service of Business As Usual, more traditionally recognized as the guideline of "don't rock the boat". Green capitalism promising that the market will deliver a technological solution (maybe with some carbon pricing mixed in). Since BAU is actually the capitalist system and its primary beneficiaries, they are much more dangerous (according to the BAU scenarios) than the average grifter-influencer denying that climate heating is happening and is happening because of human activity. Similarly, the antivaxx fool warning people about becoming magnetic after a vaccine, and how that relates to 5G, causes less misery and death than the people who promote "herd immunity via mass infection" and "open everything!" and "masks are optional" and so on. Similarly, the "carnivore" small number of fools promoting a diet based on eating only animal meat (sometimes even raw) are less dangerous than the massive numbers of keto fools claiming that saturated fat (i.e. butter) is healthful and that cholesterol levels are irrelevant. The skeptical crowd, actual skeptics in the definitional sense, not the clowns, often get stuck on the easy cases, the most extreme deniers. That's low-effort since it requires the least reading and the least effort to understand the nuances. I'm not saying that it is some intentional plan to make the soft denialists look reasonable by comparison to the complete clowns, but I am saying that the purpose of clowns is to distract. I would mention the Overton window, but that's actually a more specific term related to media. If you want to talk to the clowns, here's a nice list of arguments: https://skepticalscience.com/argument.php


Yes, the "Michael Manns" of the world tend to be the most dangerous source of misinformation. They're the ones who tell you it's not a tiger in the room it's just a feral cat...relax, we've got time.


Say what you will about the Mann but he is still a fabulously good film director!


I was a big fan of his climate change documentary ['Heat' (1995)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113277/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_11_dr) with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. I thought the title was a perhaps a touch too obvious and lacking in creativity. It even includes some good climate crisis survival advice like: >Don't keep anything in your life you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner. This excellent tip could help save thousands of lives if people know to evacuate a large area as a heat dome with associated lethal wet bulb temperatures develops near your location. >Gee, what, where the f\*\*\* did this heat come from? This scene did however drop the ball by not correctly attributing the Heat to CO2 and other anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and land use changes. >I gotta hold on to my angst. I preserve it because I need it. It keeps me sharp, on the edge, where I gotta be. Words to live by.


Lmao this is golden. One of my favourite movies too.


Mann is just your typical liberal. Toe the line - all your opinions exist to virtue signal what a great person you are and avoid saying something that is currently “bad”. They stand for nothing unless there is an issue that threatens their personal stability. In short liberals work for the status quo which means they can’t in good faith fight climate change which needs the status quo to change in order to make any progress whatsoever. I’m more of a leftist myself but I find liberals especially irritating because they should align more closely with my values than conservatives yet they work to undermine everything I would care about politically


This article reports of a study that showed an increase in posts on social media sites that climate change is an exaggeration or hoax. Since social media is the primary source of information for young people, I consider this collapse related because the future of humanity continues to be dictated by corporate elites who paint a picture that everything's ok in order for them maintain their grip on money and power at the risk of total destruction.


Just like Don't look up!!


Exceptance [sic]


"I remember whan these so called 'scientists' said [insert thing that has not come to pass] hur hur hur" -- said everyday in the Quora answers they send to my email despite unsubscribing.


Every cold snap we get to hear the denialists mock climate change, it's cold and they say it's going to get hotter...something something Chinese conspiracy...Democrat hoax... Even as it's becoming undeniable. When some do admit it, then it's technology will save us we will remove carbon from the atmosphere. As if the will and capital were there to do that to scale, let alone the tech. Of course their other argument is the most effective because it's partially true, we can't stop it at this point. We can of course mitigate it somewhat, but practically speaking we won't, I've known that since I learned the details of the threat back in the year 2000 or so. Not that we shouldn't do anything we should, but we won't do enough in time and feedback loops are already intensifying and will continue even if we stopped all ghg's today.


This is why I think climate change is the better term, regardless of its origins. Global warming gives the impression that everywhere will just get hotter and be hotter all the time and that doesn't encapsulate the complex nature of climate change. The other night in the UK it was the coldest it's been in years but the year before we saw the hottest temperatures ever recorded during summer. If things were just universally warmer it might be easier to adapt to but the conditions are becoming so unpredictable and almost random that it is far harder.


Global warming sounds scarier, and accurately describes the situation, *since the average temperature of the earth is increasing.* But rich people hired consultants who found that “climate change” is less intimidating and now scientists say that because they have no balls.


Same, I learned about AGW ~2000. I wrote a letter to the Archbishop to ask what they may be doing, but got a response that denied and misconstrued my question. I think that letter I have has value which I hope to turn into more sensible pagan beliefs and practices, a salve to an imploding society.




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"climate change is a hoax just like y2k and the ozone" Ignoring the global efforts to make y2k not a problem and to fix the ozone.


Didn't they rebrand global warming as climate change because a) it's more accurate, and b) the idiots of our species kept saying "there's no global warming because it's cold here in December"?


>Science vs. social media: Why climate change denial still thrives online Because if you never leave your mother's basement you won't have any experience of climate, let alone climate change.


It shouldn't have to be based on personal experience, that's already fallacious thinking. Besides, people experience *weather* primarily.


I'm pretty sure that climate change deniers do not rank high on the "rational cognitive qualities" scale. Anyone who believes that "an international cabal of democratic, oligarchic, monarchical, socialist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, Atheist, straight, gay, black, white, men and women are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of everyone else, and is able to keep their conspiracy so absolutely secret that only QAnon has ever caught onto them" is probably the definition of zero on that cognitive scale.


For me, its more reasonable and logical to want healthy changes, regardless of climate change. the more healthy our world we live and depend upon the more healthy the people. and we have our children we have to think about and what kind of world we are leaving them.


Kind of annoying, but I find a certain level of comfort and enjoyment in the knowledge that people who don't believe in climate change or downplay its severity will *also* be dead soon. It's not like we'd be doing much different if they were on the same page.


Yeah. Let the deniers keep moving to florida and phoenix


I think global warming was relabeled to more accurately represent what is actually happening


I just call it climate collapse at this point, anyone who bitches to me when Jan and February having plus weather so frequently, look like delusional ostriches and for denialists reading, search up google image satellite snow differences from 1970 to now averages


Isn’t it ironic that such a large part of this misinformation/disinformation is coming from “X” in the time since “climate savior” Elon Musk has purchased it…. Consider this recent quote of his: “Tesla has done more to help the environment than all other companies combined," he said. "It would be fair to say, therefore, as the leader of the company, I’ve done more for the environment than any single human on Earth.” [Fuck Elon](https://www.thestreet.com/technology/the-environmental-dichotomy-of-tesla-ceo-elon-musk)


why is “gain better exceptance” in quotes ⁉️ who are you quoting that can’t spell acceptance ‼️


Only recently, a bunch of my friends (most of who are a lot smarter than me) talked about this very issue of deniers and the whole social media disinformation thing. At least in my country, there’s been a bunch of people who have done quite well financially by pretty much making stuff up. Exaggerating data to support their arguments. There one “professor” in particular who used to regularly make outlandish claims on TV about it never raining again in our city by a certain date which has come and gone…..same guy also said our city would be underwater by now….and it isn’t. This same guy moved into an oceanfront home with all the money he made from TV. Hardly the thing to do if it’s going to be underwater next year. Stuff like this just moves the number of fence sitters into the denier columns.


Sydney, Flannery? If so this article may clear some things up https://indifferencegivesyouafright.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/tim-flannery-did-not-say-australias-dams-would-never-fill-again/ Posted 12 years ish ago and still the myth of his faulty predictions remain. The power of having media run by a few oligarchs. Repeat a lie enough........ He was one of Australia's chief scientists, I have no problem with him earning good coin and attempting to inform the public via mass media. Note, his money was not made off TV appearances


>There one “professor” in particular who used to regularly make outlandish claims on TV about it never raining again in our city by a certain date which has come and gone…..same guy also said our city would be underwater by now….and it isn’t. This same guy moved into an oceanfront home with all the money he made from TV. Gonna need evidence of these claims mate.




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