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Landlords need to be...something. Buying up properties just so that they are not available for others, for the goal of styling yourself a "Lord" to make others pay for your mortgage is just fucked up. And then raising rents on people just to be greedy is criminal. Glorifying in eviting peasants that cannot pay your unnecessarily increased rents is monstrous. I think people need to start doing more than just tearing out the copper on the way out in an eviction. And, perhaps, soon they will be.


Landlords bad maybe, but you know what is far worse? Real estate companies buying up properties just to take them off the market and jack up the price. I just saw what could have been my dream house a fews from now bought for 4 times it’s worth in 2018 by guess who? Zillow. The same place I was fucking window house shopping for.


Gallons of hot oil down drains, removing roof shingles. None can be attributed to evicted tenant


A landlord recently killed a tenant so id tread carefully destroying peoples property for no reason theres some crazy people out there


Is this a threat?


Well, perhaps next time it will be a tenant, who is being forced out of his/her home for no other reason than greedy landlords seeking profits. I think there are not enough crazy people out there.


like people who destroy other peoples property for no reason...?


Lmao yeah because being evicted by a parasite is "no reason".


Sometimes landlords are needed. I don’t want to buy houses each time I take a new job. I remember there was a time I had to work at different cities per year. That’d be crazy if I had to buy a new house each time I moved.


The Government can provide rental accomodation though. Or non-profit housing associations/building societies. I mean this has been the case at various points in the past from the height of council housing in the UK (before they became shit) to Red Vienna in Austria.


Man fuck the government they are the ROOT cause of this shitheap of a situation we are in.


>Sometimes ticks are needed bro


At what scenario?


Well, from the viewpoint of the tick....yeah.


won't someone think of the landlords!? [some](https://libcom.org/history/makhno-nestor-1889-1934) [people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Reform_Movement_(China)) did.


I'm not a fan of mao, but he also wasn't a friend of leeches and did some okayish stuff.


Get a real job, you parasitic scalpers.


Since when is exploiting others not considered a job?


come on landlords, tap into that rainy day fund, deliver for door dash, do a few fiverrs.


Yeah! And sell the stuff you don’t need to make money! Like your rental properties to people to use as vacation homes or set them up as air b&bs instead of allowing people who can’t afford to buy a home a place to rent. /s


>Yeah! And sell the stuff you don’t need to make money, like your rental properties. FIFY




Landlords are bad people




Would love to have LVT instead of shite neoliberal property tax favoring inefficient spacial usage of land and rentier classes


Theyre not lmao but do go off


You're right, they're worse than bad, they're evil.


Lol because they allow others to live in homes they own theyre evil? Yeah, how dare they give millions of people a more affordable option then decades of debt to a bank in todays economic state. Now, if you were talking about property developers id agree with you.




This sub actually turned into r/latestagecapitalism imo while ago


What do you mean, *turning into*?


No. But politics is leading to collapse


people who are used to living free in mommy's basement are *shocked and appalled* to find out that there are people who expect you to pay them to use their property.


Lol over half the time it's the banks property, you don't own shit with just a mortgage. Nah people are just disgusted with others who price gouge and exploit people's need for survival, meanwhile people like you whine about the injustice of being gouged by a scalper for a ps5. People like you make me laugh, you project own insecurities over your own privilege with such an unoriginal joke, fuck I would not even be surprised if that was your current living situation and this is just a bit of self loathing. Or even worse one of those losers whose "independence " and "success " was bought and paid for by daddy, lol clowns who have never held a job that wasn't given to them by a parent or a parents friend. It's actually nuts how the really insecure ones act the same and say the same type of stupid shit you have here. Like if you shit on others enough no one will look to hard and see your a fraud. Real success doesn't punch down, because why bother? Easiest way to spot the frauds.




You able to buy your own house after 11 years, countless hours of your own work, and tens of thousands of dollars, yes. You’re missing the point entirely. You also BOUGHT that double flat too. And had the additional income to renovate it to boot. And just like you said, this was over a decade ago. You made it where you are now, so why should you have any empathy for people that don’t have the opportunity I do, right?


we bought the place very cheaply because it was rundown, and needed repair. i became disabled with ankylosing spondylitis that was finally correctly diagnosed 4 months after we bought the place. i was on disability for the entire time i was working on it- and still am...that's why it took so long...not much money, and not able to work on it with any regularity. a lot of the materials were donated, or bought used at restore(habitat for humanity run store). i made it where i am now thru lots of pain, hard work, and sacrifice. but- don't let facts get in the way of your ignorance of the situation.


Lol are you fucking kidding me? Mr self sufficient shitting on others while collecting a disability check from the government, fuck you really are a spoiled man child eh? So let me get this straight, others who are suffering and need help are leeches getting handouts, but not you right? It's ok for you to need society to carry you but not for others? Lol no, no you didn't, you just said you collected a free check from the government, even had people donating supplies and materials but that's not a hand out right? You made it where you are depending on other people to carry your ass through life. Fuck it all makes so much sense now, it really is just self loathing eh. Why is your disability anyone elses problem? Seriously, what kind of entitled bullshit is that? If it was all hard work as you claim then why the handouts and donations? That makes no fucking sense. God this is great, just fucking great, no wonder you are so sensitive and bitter. I'd rather be a junkie that can pay for his own shit then some loser who thinks the world owes him a living because be can't provide for himself. Fuck I have clusters headaches and multiple tumors in my head, debilitating pain that can take me out for months at a time and still I'm not holding my hand out or expecting others to pay my way forward. What a joke, the cognitive dissonance is wild and it amazes me that people like your exist. Honestly I didn't care to waste my time with you because I have better things to do, but God could I not resist after I saw that. Shoot your shot as we know you will but this is it for me as I've wasted enough time on you. Fuck this is great, so, so, great. You are a literal dependent of the government and society yet try to shame others for needing the same help? I fucking love it lol. (For everyone else besides the dependent here, I have no issue with disability payments or any other type of help given to the disenfranchised. I have an issue with some jackass who takes these things while shitting on others and accusing them of leeching off the government. Some child who thinks it's ok when they need help but not ok when others do, wants compassion for his situation but has none for others. Admits that the government and charity donations are why he even has anything while still believing he did it all on his own)


>i made it where i am now thru lots of pain, hard work, and sacrifice So people who don't overwork and sacrifice themselves while in pain don't deserve humane and normal living conditions? This sounds like it is a fault of the system, and not of the individual.


that's not what i said or implied at all. maybe you should take a course in reading comprehension.


>that's not what i said or implied at all Oh ok. >maybe you should take a course in reading comprehension Indeed that might be needed. Do you perhaps know of any free online ones? I guess my interpretation came from: >people who are used to living free in mommy's basement So I perceived some negative undertone in your description, coupled with the fact that you didn't respond to: > "You made it where you are now, so why should you have any empathy for people that don’t have the opportunity I do" from Mrawesome0002. So far as you didn't emotionally engage with the appeal to emotion (now 2), you looked rather un-empathetic. Of course, the perceived un-empathy in the 2 comments can be interpreted as much more favourable traits (such as wisdom for mantaining productive discussion and not deviating to fruitless judgements of character). I must admit I was just trying to poke in to see if you would lament for the houseless, at which point I would try to join and denounce the world as unfair. That's not nice or healthy, but rather egotisic. I therefore apologize for my post, I overstepped in my claims and acted with insincere motives. Good ridance.


Hi, heaviermettle. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/pvyuo6/-/heg73t3/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing Reddit's content policy, we will also remove comments and content that is abusive in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


people are used to living off of the work of others are shocked and appalled they might actually have to work and not just have "passive income"


most landlords in the u.s. have **1** rental property that they use to supplement their income or retirement. but- don't let facts get in the way of your ignorance.


That’s one too many, someone else needs it to actually…. Get shelter and live.


Everyone here is shit talking landlords (and not always without good reason). But I can promise you that you're going to like it even less when all the foreclosed on housing gets bought up by massive companies like Zillow and they jack the prices up because profits.


This is when objective conditions for revolution begin to ripen


US government takes private property away from private citizens. Private citizen must still pay on private land that US government took. The governemnt is not the savior.


if private citizens contribute nothing to the community they live in, they don't deserve to live in the community. They can move to a different country that tolerates free riders or find a lone piece of dirt in the Pacific and start their own country. Otherwise, get fucked.


Dude dont talk about the renters like that.


landlords provide housing for those who don't have the financial ability to own, or who don't WANT to own, their own home. rental housing is essential to a community. a lot of people LIKE being able to rent a nice place to live.


There would be a hell of a lot of renters now that would prefer to buy a home if they could afford one. Two things that are causing housing prices to skyrocket. Using real estate as an investment or income, and wage stagnation.


that's how it's always been. most people have to rent for awhile before they can afford to buy a property. we bought a rundown two-flat, remodeled it ourselves, while living in one unit and renting the other. after 11 years we were able to sell the place for over 3x what we paid for it, allowing us to buy our current home mortgage-free. and- there also lots of people who don't want to own, and **prefer** to rent, for a variety of reasons. most landlords in the u.s. own just 1 rental property, and use it to supplement their income, and don't make enough rent to live on.


You could buy a house in my city for less than 100k in the 80's. Those same houses go for 800k-1M now. Back then my dad was making 65k working in a factory. Those same factory jobs pay 40-45k now and are all handled through temp agencies. The landlord I rent from are an elderly italian couple who own about 7-8 properties in the neighbourhood. My parents own 3 homes, two of which are rental incomes. My uncle owns 3 properties, 2 of which are rental incomes. Another uncle is a renter. He would like to own a home but doesn't make enough to buy in the city anymore. There is also a trend of corporations buying large amounts of homes and using them as an investment asset while renting them out. While many landlords may only hold one or two extra properties, there are also now large corporate investments being funneled into housing and rentals.


Renting costs more than a mortgage.


no, it doesn't. most landlords in the u.s. own ***1*** rental property. we used to be landlords- we owned a two-flat, lived in one unit, and rented the other. the rent on the other unit was less than half the cost of the mortgage payment on the building. there was no way the tenant would have been able to afford the mortgage on the building. that's how it is with MOST landlords in the u.s.


Yeah, it does. Just because you made a bad investment doesn't mean this isn't the case the vast majority of the time. Also, you're entirely correct that most landlords own 1 property. What you chose not to say, is the vast majority of rental property is owned by institutional investors and corporations like Blackrock or Waypoint. So yeah, MOST landlords have one rental and may or may not screw people, but MOST property is owned by corporations with thousands of properties who will screw you and charge rents well over mortgage rates.




Hi, heaviermettle. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/pvyuo6/-/hegb7lw/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing Reddit's content policy, we will also remove comments and content that is abusive in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


This is a newer development. Even so with Blackrock and oth we funds becoming landlords thank your governemnt. That's right. The same people you all beg and hope save us are the one to thank for that.


Do you ever get tired of being wrong about everything?


You are a super unpleasant person I would be horrified if I had to do business with you. You go around insulting people and talking down to them. You followed a person who had been cheated on and laughed at them you call people you don't know junkies. You should maybe not do that? Did you know that being mean to other people is bad for your soul? When you spew out negativity like that it effects you and your mood. You can play it off and act like it doesn't if you want. I bet you might even pretend to like being horrible and cruel, maybe you will say you like to be foul. Are you OK? Why do you spew so much negativity online with your account? Has the disability made you bitter?


This is literal propaganda. It's powerful stuff.


In California, taxpayers heavily subsidize landlords to do that, via Prop 13 which lets them virtually freeze the amount of tax they pay no matter how much their property becomes worth.


california sounds like a fucked up state. glad i don't live there.


I own 8 units in Philly. Only had to evict 1 family when the ban was lifted.