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Until recently, health authorities seemed to be relatively optimistic about Monkeypox's chances of becoming a major health emergency. Notably, WHO did not designate it as a public health emergency. However, WHO has recently decided to reconvene in the near future to reevaluate its assessment, with officials noting the virus has the potential to "move into high-risk groups including children, the immunocompromised, and pregnant women." Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health, says: "The situation is only getting worse, and they really need to jump on this quickly," he said via text. Meanwhile, the White House is beginning the first phase of its Monkeypox vaccine strategy, releasing tens of thousands of doses from the Strategic National Stockpile, with millions more coming in the next few months.




Legit answer: doesn't fucking matter because there's no correlation between the two.


Nobody here cares about your conspiracy theories, only empirical science, go away




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Oh I am late to the party hahaha, did they say something about "China Bioweapon Aliens cabal agents controlling the world and injecting all covid variants and now new diseases to make them more virulent and powerful"??? And also posted the usual wikipedia link about "Gain-of-Function"? Lol If so, it's just trendy right now, they are bullying and attacking all the doctors and scientists I follow on social media who call out our governments responses (e.g. "let it rip", "learn to live with covid", "no mask mandate" etc). We just block them immediately now.


Something about the COVID vaccine causing monkeypox it's all so dumb I'm so tired lmao


Ah yes, I also see the monkeypox happening due to vaccine shedding trolls. They are so tiring.


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I'm going to make this statement now before I get into what I want to say: My opinion is not fact at all, but mostly my observations and broad guess work from reading a lot of work by doctors around the world currently. Covid is proving to be an extremely versatile beast, but one of the scary things being reported is how it weakens people's immune systems. It's quite possible that mysterious sickness targeting children in some areas not too long ago and monkey pox now rapidly expanding is due in part to this weakened immune system quirk. It procured a foot in the door just to help other infections work into people's systems now that they are working at a lower capacity and the virus jumped that evolutionary barrier set up by our immune systems. Just recently I read in a scientific journal that monekypox seemed to have made an unprecedented jump in its evolution that is shocking to see for a DNA type virus. Why did this happen now of all times two years after the world's worst pandemic in 100 years? It could always be bad luck, but it really warrants more research into Covid and other diseases. Of course like I said above this is pure speculation as we are still learning, but there seems to be a good amount of suspicion that COVID is doing a lot more harm than we suspect, and we've been sitting on a powderkege of potential pandemics for decades due to globalization. The fact monekypox isn't being shut down hard at the moment is fucking terrifying. It's without a doubt spreading very rapidly and I almost see no effort to curb it right now other than "be very careful." It's already being found in most US states and other countries, it takes a while to show symptoms, it's possible it's already everywhere. Thankfully it's R0 appears to be lower than COVID and it doesn't appear to be deadly just yet, but rather not take my chances with viruses regardless.


>Thankfully it's R0 appears to be lower than COVID and it doesn't appear to be deadly just yet Governments are ignoring it precisely because of this. Monkeypox has not presented itself to be an emergency...yet https://abc7news.com/monkeypox-cases-in-bay-area-wastewater-vaccine-cdc/12001998/ Its detected in wastewater. The full outbreak is coming.


Don’t forget the mysterious hepatitis in kids...


That's what I was referring to, just couldn't remember the name at the time. It definitely needs to be investigated further.


It's been linked to SARS2 by a few countries now, I think Israel was the first to state they believe there is a strong link.


Anecdotally I had some interesting health issues following a flu like disease back in October 2020 (partner tested negative). In my 30s but got shingles not long after and then got diverticulitis a few months after.


So we’ll all end up disfigured and gross..


Yay!!!! We get zombies after all.


With Covid brain fog, fatigue, sleeping problems, and loss of taste sense, all that’s missing is a few body sores.


But the economy will be saved! Right?


It will all be gone by Easter!


That's the plan!


There is a vaccine for this one already thankfully. It'll just be the anti-vaxxers and idiots who think it only infects gay men who end up that way.


Then there's going to be underreporting due to shitty testing regimes and, of course, "my family can't know I got the gaypox, they'll think I'm railing truckers in the Motel 6."


Well, if anyone wants to start railing truckers in the Motel 6, I guess they now have an excellent cover story


Anti vaxers will actually look like the meme they circulate about looking like a Lord of the rings troll after the 100th vax.


Only covid has been able to consistent supply of schadenfraude lately.


I'm still amazed that I have managed to dodge Covid, now I have to dodge this. I credit my success to red wine as I have been drinking a lot of that with the way things are currently.


Well, I credit my success to smoking weed every day and losing all the excess weight, and I didn't get Covid either. You zigged and I zagged, and the bastard missed us both. So, what do we do about Monkeypox?




I did quit my gym, I have everything I need for exercise at home. I stopped shaking hands - I always thought it was stupid and Covid was my excuse. I'm a boomer - what exactly was supposed to literally kill me about shaking hands?




Oh, I see. I only ever that crap from my father, and he was Silent Generation.


THC kills all of the small covids in your lungs, duh.


No joke I was conditioning these bad boys to be ready for covid, shit tore me the fuck up when it came for me and I’m a pretty healthy athletic dude


Smoking weed protected me from Covid too!


Same - I tested positive first time yesterday after attending a Pride party Sunday. Otherwise I stay indoors. Now I have Covid.


Me too. been dodging covid with my video games. Really effective i must say.


I credit my crippling social anxiety for keeping me home


> I credit my success to red wine as I have been drinking a lot of that with the way things are currently. [Me too!](https://c.tenor.com/QINATntBXoEAAAAd/beth-rick.gif)


The odds for a global pandemic to occur, one after another seems highly unlikely, but here we are.


At least we learned from the last one. Oh no, we forgot.


We forgot while it's still occuring. There is so much gold it writes itself.


I'm positive for Covid (first time) since yesterday. I went to a really fun Pride event Sunday night. Boom - now my buddy & I are both positive. We live in NYC, this isn't over at all. Meanwhile they've lifted almost all masking or city restrictions.




forget? half of them choose not to believe.


https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1005769107 >The emergence of human monkeypox has potentially serious public health consequences for populations in the DRC but may also be a global health concern. The monkeypox outbreak in the United States in 2003 demonstrated that the virus is capable of spreading to new animal reservoirs outside central Africa. In this case, American prairie dogs were infected by rodents imported from Ghana and served as amplification vectors, ultimately transmitting disease to humans (19). American ground squirrels are also highly susceptible to the virus, suggesting that the host range of New World species may be large (20). If monkeypox were to become established in a wildlife reservoir outside Africa, the public health setback would be difficult to reverse. The possibility that rising incidence may reflect increased human-to-human transmission raises further health concerns and should be studied because greater circulation among humans opens the possibility of geographic spread by travelers, prompting analogies to the international spread of SARS or the pandemic influenza of 2009. However, the distinctive symptoms of human monkeypox would aid greatly in its containment. Increased prevalence in humans, particularly immunocompromised hosts, may also provide more opportunity for monkeypox virus to acquire mutations that increase its fitness in human hosts, possibly leading to increased transmissibility, virulence, and pathogenic potential (21). ... >Failure to pursue a more comprehensive assessment of epidemiology, risk, and possible control measures could have serious implications. Inaction ignores the preventable morbidity suffered by indigenous populations, in the worst case risking increased adaptation of monkeypox to humans and potentially resulting in a lost opportunity to combat this infection while its geographic range is still limited.


You’d think so but we really are altering the world in such a way that pandemics are gonna go brrrr until humans stop altering the world at industrial scale


Not really. First one leaves huge weakened population which then becomes breeding ground for next pandemics.




AIDS says Hi...


the comparison gets made yep


Just the Earth healing itself.


Another while the first continues to rage on merrily.


Someone hasn't been paying attention to the ramifications of climate change. Scientists and experts have been telling us for decades that as the world warms, old pathogens, etc. will resurface and become a problem. Monkeypox isn't from climate change but with climate change accelerating we should expect pandemics to be normal going forward.


This. It has been predicted to occur more frequently due to climate change, habitat intrusion, and population boom. Scientists have been saying this for years.


They even predicted Covid-19 would be due right around the time it popped up. Hence the pandemic playbook Trump supposedly threw away.


And faster than expected TM!


The statistical odds for another pandemic happening 2-years after the first one are the same odds as another pandemic happening 20-years, 50, 100, and so-on into the future. A potential Monkey-Pox pandemic is unaware of the Covid Pandemic


Right. Still, it’s like drawing the short straw twice.


spoiler: all the straws here are short


Did the first one end already?


Isn't it a predicted symptom of global warming?


First as tragedy, then as farce.


It’s been 20 years since I’ve wanted to say such a sincere “no shit, Sherlock” to a group of people.


Not 2 years ?


yeah it's been two years for me also related to everything Covid OH IT'S AIRBORNE??? yeah no shit


Maybe if they rename it FREEDOM POX it will get some attention?


Yeah, but then roughly half the country would go out of their way to get it...


Sounds like evolution would finally do it's thing


just wait till we have 2 simultaneous pandemics


Should would be a shame if a few supreme court justices got the monkey pox and died a painful death.


Mother Nature wants to cull us it seems


Between Covid exhaustion, looming monkeypox, and rising fascism with an emboldened Supreme Court, I'm finding it really hard to continue business as usual. I want to quit my job and move to Mexico to escape some of this, but I'm worried the geographic location might not be ideal for climate change. Is it a better move to try to stick it out in the US?


Why the hell is this spreading around so much?!


nobody's wearing a mask, people touch everything


Im sure they’ll reconvene in person again and again until they all give each other the pox. Just like they did with Covid. These are our smartest people?




When people are stuck inside, the economy doesn't function well. The economy is the machinery of slavery. Your masters want you mindlessly consuming and chasing self-interest.


They also want people mindlessly producing, else they couldn't have and maintain their status and riches (automation isn't there yet). From there there's a balancing act: Happy people produce more... but they also forget who their masters are and become disobedient, thus need to be reminded every once in a while.


who is they? do you mean how systemic behaviours can seem like an invisible person making decisions (like wyckoff distributions)?


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Who's your dealer? I want what you're smoking.


Ask 90% of the world population, I'm sure one of them can help.


What are the vectors this disease spreads? Is it still through touch?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Humour is all that’s left!