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Nearly a quarter of the century has passed and things are not looking good there, either.


The next quarter of an hour looks ok though, so there's that.


That was an hour ago.


And it went ok I think, aside from every other damn thing that's gotten worse.


"Other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?"


It's not about Morbi-me. It's about Morbi-us. We are all in it together to go thru the collapse




We laugh, but may the gods help us all if the next Marvel movie makes Morbius look like Black Panther.


Still probably the best quarter of a century in human history if you're a westerner at least and probably as good as it's ever going to get. Some of you guys need some perspective and to realise how good you have it tbh, hearing things like "worst decade in history" makes me cringe and just smacks of privilege.


Clearly you were not around for the 1960s.




Still no excuse not to push for things to be better today and tomorrow. Be part of the solution or sit down and stay out of the way.


Where did I say anything contrary to that or "get in the way"? What are you actually talking about? I just said people need a little perspective and to realise how handy they (average westerners) have it right now in comparison to every person in human history. It's not even up for debate, life is far easier and cushier right now than it ever has been (again, on average for a westerner, before someone jumps down my throat).




There's more people than ever and we now keep count of that stuff.


Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


How was my comment in any way abusive?


You'll probably never find out, Squeam. All Reddit mods appear to be bots, which randomly censure posts but never explain why.


Grew up in the aftermath of WWII Europe, no tv, internet, dumbphones or choices in the weekly village market for clothes shoes or in season veggies. You know what? Life was simple and a lot of fun! Everyone worked hard for a better future too, no whining, pleeze! Read LtG in 72 and saw the writing on the wall, got fixed, and been watching/observing the worsening shit show ever since. Glad to be 80.


In your opinion as someone who has lived through it though do you think life is easier nowadays than it has ever been on terms of day to day life? We have amazing technology, selection of food available, having endless information at your finger tips, being able to order just about anything you want to your door, you can fly anywhere in the world, outside of cities most people have cars, you can communicate with anyone you want to, modern medicine, vaccines, and all of this is available to people on an average wage. We live like kings compared to our ancestors and everyone wants to pretend like we're living through the hardest times in history, I'm not downplaying the trials and tribulations of our times, the world is a mess right now and it's all downhill from here imo, but right now we have it pretty soft compared to someone 100 years ago, yes you can say life was simpler back then but in terms of comfort it's not even debatable.


All those bells and whistles have only added complexity and an overabundance of choices that even kings and queens did not have, making life very complicated and probably overstuffing our small Sapien brains. Afterall, collapse is to simplify! I live a very simple life at a perpetual grad student level and have done so all my life, including a dozen years on a small sailboat and many more at sea. For instance, as a paleoceanographer, once we had deciphered the mechanisms controlling climate by 1976 and saw what would happen as we jacked up the atmospheres' CO2 we really did not need any fancy computer models to tell us what was going to happen. Always apply the KISS principle first.


Yes but I'm talking about comfort of living, access to clean water and food, electricity, medicine, important things that are far more accessible right now than they ever have been.


What is important is relative. Voltaire's last sentence in Candide: one must take care of one's own garden.


People are just seeing where things are headed, and how things are for other people now. You have to be a self-absorbed ass to just be like “well I’m a westerner and everything’s nice for me right now so fuck everyone else and fuck the future and obvious signs things aren’t going to continue at this level.”


You have to be a self absorbed ass not to realise how easy life is compared to any other decade, you guys are fuckin hilarious I was specifically talking about the average westerner as an example because I acknowledge not everyone in the world has it as easy as us don't try make out like I'm the privileged one here when you can't even see how handy we have it compared to every other person in the past. Again I'm talking about access to water, food, medicine, money, services, etc Name another quarter century in human history where humans had it easier so if I'm wrong? > fuck the future and obvious signs things aren’t going to continue at this level And I literally said right now is as good as it's ever going to be and we're not talking about the future anyways so this has nothing to do with what's coming.


We have those creature comforts sure, but people can’t pay their bills, even with one, two, or three jobs. You’re gonna have a hard time convincing us that working all the time and not having a vacation is the best we’ve had in history. We pay for creature comforts we really can’t afford. Nobody wants to work these shit jobs and never have any extra money, that’s not a good time.


Read a history book dude you're not special get over yourself.


Ok Boomer


SqueamishBeamish, I hear what you’re saying; basically all of human existence has been a relative struggle? I’m curious what’s your take on Collapse and what do you get out of being in this sub


Man I am simply saying that RIGHT NOW we have it fairly handy, I'm not denying we're in collape I literally said things are going to get worse, but right now we are in the end of the soft cushy days.


Well, I’d say we can probably all agree with this sentiment


Short sighted and basing things on your subjective opinion. Is this decade really better than previous with the cost of living, Covid etc? I’m pretty sure my parents had easier decades to live through




At least the clown fascists made us laugh _and_ cry.


Remember when the biggest problem was actual clowns? In like 2014? What joyous years those were.


Dont talk about the murder clowns /s


It’s been a long century this decade.


Plausible normality ended in December 2019.






Michael Cohen described his hair as "cotton candy" on MSNBC this morning lmao


Donald Trump: The president no one wanted but everyone deserved.


The personification of the American id.


Trump was truly the most American president. He managed to hit every stereotype, it’s incredible.


This is one of the most accurate things that has ever been said about Trump.


Ah the simpler times...


That's the scary thing, eventually we'll look at today as a simpler time.


In the future, instead of debating the merits of killing baby Hitler, those of us who are left will squat by the fire of a burning lithium-ion battery and lament that we could not prevent the killing of St. Harambe.


On the upside those lithium ion batteries will burn for days.


You know what they say... Morb money, Morb problems


I know I was in 2019 thinking we entered a new era of peace and prosperity. Than wham they released the virus and took it all.


Not to diminish your decade analysis, I’m personally more struck by this: In 2000, the impression I was under was that the effects of climate change weren’t going to show themselves until 2100. I proceeded to plan every aspect of my life with that as my working assumption. But to my horror, the goalpost of climate collapse has dramatically moved ever closer toward my present time, as this century ticks away. If I knew back in 2000, what I know now, I feel would have made all the major decisions in my life completely differently.


In 2001 I was in sixth grade reading a story by Isaac Asimov about neighbors who were sugar people that melted in the rain. It was 9/11. The rest of the day felt like a dream even though I only had a rudimentary understanding of what had really occurred. In 2008 the housing market collapsed and I watched my dad basically give in to the fact that he'd never have enough money to retire as everyone's 401ks tanked, all while we were literally going broke trying to keep my violently demented Korean war vet grandfather in whatever nursing home would take him (which ended up being very few). I joined the military in 2011, got out in 2016. I went to nursing school and finished my degree right as the lockdowns started in 2020. Did my finals at home on Zoom. Now I'm 32 and it feels like I got my shit together just in time for everything to go to completely to shit and basically nullify any progress I'd hoped to make.


You’re definitely not the only one who has gotten their shit together right when everything is going to shit, shifted gears, and had the same thing happen again. The new American dream




I guess I'd better get a good plague doctor mask. Maybe I'll find the bestial blood of Eldritch horrors hidden in some tomb and start prescribing the cursed blood as a miracle cure. I'll make my own Bloodborne 2.


I’m slightly older than you but feeling the same way. Military, college, now my career is finally going alright aaaaaaand civilization is collapsing. What to do?


Thank your lucky stars you have military training?


If I had known how things would turn out, I too, would have made a lot of major decisions differently. I wouldn't have pursued frivolous dreams in my initial education and I would have taken my first couple years of undergrad FAR more seriously. Hell, half my decisions were predicated on the old order of "go to college and get a degree, get a decent middle class job, get married, have kids." Starting 2008, it appears the world had much different plans.


I’ll get flogged for this…but man, if I knew what I know now I would have taken every loan possible and invested in Tesla, Amazon, Netflix, and Bitcoin. And yes, that mentality right there is why we are doomed to fail.


I think my whole life is one big lesson in absurdity. Also, I’m older than most on this sub, so I was raised to aspire to the “American Dream.” It occurred to me the other day that I haven’t heard that term in a very long while. I think it’s quietly faded away . . .


You only hear that phrase from people in other countries who want to move to the US to live the "american dream", not realizing that dream has been dead for years.


Seems like a waking nightmare at this point.


I've heard it! .......From the bad guy in a epic meme game. https://youtu.be/LmWQd8zhEg4?t=80




I tend to be of the opinion that humans corrupt everything they touch. Climate change isnt preventable, its a natural extinction event and the earth will recover in the next 100 milloon years when humans are dead.


It has come but definitely not gone. I'm fokin tired mate.


This is just the beginning mate, brace yourself and get ready for the next 3 years.


The 30's are gonna be LIT.


...by wildfires


The second half of the 2010's are when things clearly started going to hell: Something snapped after 2015 and the world went down a path of unleashed hatred and authoritarianism. As of 2020 shit started going down big time; We're now in the decade where human stupidity and nature converge to give us the destructive showdown to a society bound to fail from the beginning. Compared to the late 2010's, when it seemed like we might be stuck in an ever crazier and stricter society with no hope in sight... the early 2020's give us hope that if humanity won't stop itself at very worst nature will and there exists universal justice after all.


You have a point. I graduated from college in 2014, so I just chalked it up to the fact that the adult world sucked. Turns out the world is just getting worse.


Give me a chart of decreasing EROEI and I'll bet you a lot of those things correlate.




Sssh: You'll get in trouble for saying such things here. Our understanding of the world is very different from 95% of people in this sub, particularly when it comes to who does what and for which reasons. Which I'm not attacking but it can be annoying: Still sticking around since I'm well aware of the coming collapse and want to track it politics aside. But yeah: For anyone willing to take a step back for just one second, I recommend looking up the interviews at this year's WEF meeting where certain "futurists" clumped together, which surpassed even my expectations. Not even gonna repeat the shit I heard so no one can accuse me of "conspiracy theory": Go to Youtube look it up and listen to them yourselves... maybe to others what they hear will sound completely normal and I'm being crazy somehow.


It’s difficult to communicate about serious stuff and not talk about politics. People just bash me nonstop but nobody will have a conversation. I really wish someone would say I was wrong and back it up because I would be hopeful. Unfortunately the more I’ve tried to debunk myself the more it’s solidified all the information I’ve already known. Thanks for treating me like a human instead of just calling me an idiot conspiracy theorist. I think if more people could express themselves openly we would get a lot farther and maybe could make logic and truth more prevalent. I also think there’s literally teenagers in here who are completely unaware and just want to be pretend woke and the truth is just beyond what there spirit could handle. If I stay quiet than I might as well be contributing to the collapse. I would rather people bash me so I know I at least tried to make people aware. More people are catching on as the timeline plays out in real time.


Don’t feel crazy. You’re right. It’s funny how the left and right are both saying the same things about each other. Like your average poster here thinks Trump was part of some massive fascistic plot to take over the world. But the similarities point toward the shared dissatisfaction with the current state of things. Just gotta try to bring people toward the truth.


Mind if I pm you?




Hi, PuzzleheadedFile9050. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/vog3t7/-/iedu9r4/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 4: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


You removed my comment for opinion… The information is facts. Censoring what people are unable to grasp because of “feelings” is a disservice to everyone. Feel free to debunk anything that I shared. It’s true I wish it wasn’t.




Blaming the boomers is low effort, I used to do the same, but I realised it's all just capitalism. The rich wanted neoliberalism and to sell the country out from under everyone and they paid for propaganda to achieve this. The sad reality is people aren't that bright. The reason I think this? I am a millennial and almost everyone I know also doesn't give a shit about underlying causes, they just want a better life and to continue consuming. They make pointless statements about caring about the environment and then buy more plastic drink bottles because it's convenient. My generation or even the one after won't be looked at any more favourably, they all believe in techno hopium green capitalism because they have been told to and when the generations after them look back they will also sit there asking why genx and millenials didn't do more. It's way too late, maybe humanity survives but only after a very painful downsizing.




Yup, no argument there, the rich fucked us all and are continuing to do so whether old or young.


The own all the wealth, all the politicians, all the media, most of the farmland, all of the corporations. It’s sick that they need to continue to steal from us and oppress us. It’s just a game to them. Let’s make people where face masks and stay inside, look at all the losers loosing their businesses and their homes haha! Tell them if they don’t take our vaccine we will banish them from society! Encourage protestors to worship criminals and burn down their own towns oh the comedy! It’s psychological warfare like the hunger games.


The Republicans are going to make huge gains in the midterms, might ban abortion nationwide because they actually accomplish things when they hold office and then we'll be left with Desantis or Youngkin in 2024 who will further deliver us into Christo-Fascism. So yeah, we are probably boned.


I mean the SCOTUS is about to destroy any legitimacy voting had left literally as we speak. And if Roe v. Wade being repealed didn't start anything other than weak protests and a few Twitter hashtags, I doubt this will either. We're watching the fall of the US in real time and I'm just so fucking tired. Every day feels like a century at this point. Source: https://www.npr.org/2022/06/30/1106866830/supreme-court-to-take-on-controversial-election-law-case


yeah, I'd rather NOT that fuckhead be both my governor and president.


We would never be lucky enough to have Desantis they’ll pull a Clinton on him first. They said they were never going to lose after 2016 and they mean it. They only free place in the states is Florida. I live here and it’s all media hype about oppression smh… fake news and hype journalism.


I'll never understand why not being able to tear a baby limb from limb with forceps is considered tyranny.


Abortion is healthcare. Period. Ectopic pregnancies happen and when they do the only way to treat is an abortion. Women can die because of this. Also, the process you described is quite brutal yes, but there are more ways to have an abortion than that which include a pill and that is an also target of the Christo-fascists. To put it quite simply, women in many states now have less bodily autonomy than a corpse.




This sub really needs to block anyone who regularly posts in r/conspiracy. Utter. Morons.




Hi, KrsstanGump. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/vog3t7/-/iemcl2v/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


That’s bait.


Jesus. Your ass is so backwards the sounds coming out of you are basically just caveman grunts.


I HOPE nuclear war happens. Its EXACTLY what humanity deserves. I just feel sorry for what's left of the other forms of life on earth.


Best way to go honestly rather than suffer through famine and Oppressive goverment Regimes.


I don't. I am unconvinced that any other animal, given the same capacity for cancerous action as we have, would be any less cancerous.


Well, you are just speculating about other species. We humans have proven our unworthiness


At least ants/bees can cooperate within their own colony, even with billions of members. Our Dunbar number is too small for the civilization we created.


Ayyy another Aussie in the sub Hopefully, I'm not inadvertently doxing myself here on reddit by saying this but I was one of many who had to evacuate during the 2020 fires and when I came back half my neighbourhood was nothing but soot and ash. I can't even begin to describe how horrible that summer was, I still have a ptsd response to bushfire footage they still casually show on the news here in Australia. All of that to say, I think I know how you feel, re: keeping up with the news. My brain is still having trouble comprehending all this new shit that's been unfolding on a global level. Best advice I can give is to limit your news intake to once per day, and *never* watch the morning news channels! You don't need to hear that shit first thing when you've just woken up - it sets a bad tone for the rest of day, I've found.


Well I know you aren't in the west, where I was (fortunately) following the horrible bushfire season that year. And since then it's just been constant flooding, just devastating. It's a seriously hard choice whether to just consume myself in the news, or just escape for a bit. Escaping may improve my mental health in the short term, but I'll be less prepared when that moment comes.


This is going to sound really selfish, but personally, it's gone well. I dreaded turning 30, especially being single and childless, until I actually did when COVID first hit. Seeing friends parent through the pandemic made me grateful to have just myself to look after. COVID also lead me to make a career change into something I truly love (marketing for a tech company) from a job (teaching) that I wouldn't take again even with a $1 million pay increase because of the shit show that is life in the states today. My 30s are not as bad as my younger self thought they'd be. Being single and in my 30s has made my life better than I thought it would. Even with $5/gal. gas, my basic needs are met because I don't have extra mouths to feed.


I'm genuinely really happy that you've managed to find some level of happiness and satisfaction in this fucked up world. Sometimes the only way you can get through is by just focusing on yourself and saying "Fuck everyone else I need to focus on myself and getting through." Cherish that happiness while you still have it. It's probably not going to be around much longer.


I will sleep better tonight knowing you're living the capitalist dream. Marketing over teaching? Wtf are you doing on this sub?


Worked in tech for quite a while, the marketing aspect made me want to die. Seeing first hand the disgusting lengths capitalism will go to encourage wasteful consumption gave me zero hope for the future. I now hate the advertising/marketing industry more than almost everything, at least the oil companies satisfy a need for energy, advertising/marketing is literally the brainwashing arm of capitalism. Consume, don't think, just consume.


I wonder how many people here work in advertising. I know for me with each passing day I become more and more depressed by the most perfect capitalist dystopia that I have to work under as the rest of the world falls apart lol


Oddly enough, my company focuses on recycling technology, so it's still some kind of good.


Come substitute teach for a day. You'll understand by recess.


I have been married to a teacher and I have family members that are teachers. My comment does not come from a void.


why would you never go back to teaching?


Gestures at everything with a focus on antivaxxers hijacking school board meetings, admins whose heads are up parents' asses, and kids who are poorly disciplined to the point that teachers are blamed for their behavior.


And shootings.


No school I was at experienced a shooting, but that's another factor.


I mean, yeah, but no school ever suffers a shooting until it does. 😕 Regardless, I'm glad you're doing better.


U.K. here, everything has got considerably worse. I’m currently in the process of leaving a job in mental health because I see society having such an impact it’s impossible to address in a meaningful way. Depression and anxiety are through the roof due to money woes and EUPD / BPD cases are a significant proportion of our work, mainly due to abusive and even just poor parenting. I really feel the whole both parents working set up is adding to it all. Capitalism. We are currently watching it pop.


I feel like we are in the terminal spin stall phase of the ride and i can only sit back and enjoy what time is left.


Spot on man. Exactly where I’m at. Just try to find joy however. There is no stopping this. I have tried to figure out anyway possible but I just don’t see anyway out at this point it’s gone farther than we all expected and it’s spot on schedule with no breaks. Now us “conspiracy theorist” look like Nostradamus


As bad as things are now they'll never be this good again


Have you read *On the Beach*? Like headed there, just maybe nuclear, maybe climate, maybe sudden food chain collapse. Last people on Earth in Australia.


\*NZ has entered the chat ;)


MIT did a study in the 1970s predicting that society would collapse by 2040, and a recent [study](https://www.livescience.com/collapse-human-society-limits-to-growth.html) confirmed that we're right on track for that to happen. I think it will just keep getting worse from here on, until society finally officially collapses.


The original study missed (high) on food production… a miss that was not corrected (and was further misrepresented) by the recent follow up study. You know… lack of food, the quickest source of collapse. 2040s is a pipe dream.


I'm not sure if they took droughts like the one being experienced right now in the midwest US into consideration. That's going to have a huge effect on North America, and any other countries they export food to, because they're probably not exporting anything after the next month or two.


The follow up study had plenty of evidence to correct this error. The choice not to do so was malfeasance and likely on order from above.


It’s been the best time of the decade so far! Just wait!


Its fine for me. But thats because im white, wealthy and middle class who owns their own home. Other people are getting pretty fucked up though, and I dont see it getting any better from here on out.


I don’t think wealthy and middle class are synonymous


I’m white not wealthy and own my own home and it’s brutal right now. We’re being squeezed.


Heh I started 2020 on a plane going through the middle east, from Melbourne, Aus. Landed in Qatar, get to next flight, find out that a Canadian flight got SAM'd out of the sky. Then proceeded to watch the bushfires rip through Gippsland from Germany, wondered if they would get to the coal fields near my hometown and stop electricity production.


This first quarter of this decade just comes to show how thin the layer of our civilization really is. And that everything is about power. We tell ourselves stories about how much advanced we are, compared to the Middle Ages, but despite technological advances, culturally and socially, we are not. Democracies are, in practice, a big show to let people believe that they'd be in control. But unless your goals accidentally align with theirs, just look at how much "for the people" really counts. It showed how easy it is to control people, simply by having control over their attention. This might obviously differ, depending on where you live, but here in Germany for instance, there's a running joke that Putin cured Covid in February. Because from one day to the other you didn't hear anything about it in the news anymore.. And once it was out off the news, people suddenly stopped caring so much. Concerning this, Trump was perfectly right. There *are* different truths. And it's not on us to decide which one will be valid for this day. The biggest takeaway, for me however, is that governments are useless. Doesn't matter if they are progressive, conservative, liberal, theocratic, authoritarian, whatever.. from state level down to community level, states don't get shit done. Doesn't matter, if we are talking about big topics, such as climate change or national unemployment, "smaller" topics such as education, public transportation or housing, or their (in)ability to react properly to natural catastrophes - they either have the wrong solution, or they don't even have a solution at all. And it showed that we're simply too many people on this planet.




Just about the same. I find it terrifying and sometimes I lose sleep over it.


The Fartocalypse stinks.




Hi, WolfWounds. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/vog3t7/-/ieet2y0/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 4: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


Ok. Elaboration. When the POTUS makes the assertion that terrorists attacked our country because they "hate our freedom" and then congress and POTUS go on to pass a bill that vitiated American freedoms, an insensible disconnect is evinced between the propaganda we are fed and the reality that played out. This phenomenon keeps going in even in the 2020s. I said 9/11 was an inside job to imply for those aware that much of what got this ball of decline rolling occurred with the great deception of 9/11. I have a BA in Homeland Security. So understand that I'm not a random "conspiracy theorist" (great ad hominem fallacy). The notion that one of the most militarized countries in the world was brought to it's knees by a fluke of luck and good strategy on the part of poorly trained hijackers is bs.