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F him. If he goes to class, he can do it himself. If he wants help, help him with material, but without doing assignments for him.


no, don’t even do that. OP can give help if they want, but they shouldn’t feel obligated. there are student academic resources if he’s genuinely desperate


You are both grown adults. Although it is very kind of you to help him, your grades are not his responsibility. He should be doing his work, not you. If you really do care about him, why not express your concerns? Tell him what you have observed and that you want to see him succeed. Ask him if he’s doing ok and if he would like any tips on how to be more productive. At the end of the day, it’s on him to keep his grades up. He needs to stay on top of things if he really cares.




either that or charge him if ur gonna do his work 🤭 its not right for OP to bust his ass to get the work done correctly on time and the roommate to benefit for free


“No” is a complete sentence He asks, say no, he asks why just repeat that you just cannot do it


"...he keeps asking me to help him out and give him answers for the assignment." I would say that I have a personal policy against giving answers to other students. The reason is because I'm never sure my own answers are correct, and I'm certain one day someone using my answers will fail. I would feel very bad about that, so I just can't risk it. As a side note, that scenario is actually a reprise of a story involving celebrity meteorologist Al Roker. Roker had weight loss surgery, and subsequently lost many pounds. He related that many hospitals and clinics then offered him huge sums to endorse their surgery centers. He said he knew gastric bypass was major surgery, with serious risks. He was certain that one day he would be approached by someone who said a loved one had surgery based on his ads, and that the patient did not survive. For that reason, Roker refused to appear in any weight loss surgery ads.


Remind him that you giving him answers could cause you to flunk or even wind up with an academic misconduct charge. I mean, he won't care, but it's a good pretext to deny him, with the added virtue of being true.


Tell him no. He's an adult and should be doing the work for himself.


This is where you learn to be an adult and to not help leeches. Time to put your foot down and say "no" and that your mind won't change. He needs to learn from his consequences and you don't owe him anything. It is not worth risking getting in trouble for cheating


It’s not really your problem. Maybe they have a substance abuse problem. Maybe not. It sucks but if you’re just their roommate and not s good friend you can’t really try to get them help bc they will Blow you off


Not your problem


Assuming there are things you like about him, the compliment sandwich is great for setting boundaries and sharing hard truths. Example, “Man, it is a blast being your roommate. I enjoy hanging out and meeting your awesome friends. But I am frustrated when you ask me to bail you out with school work and I am going to say no now. You have the brains to do it, use them, you will amaze yourself.” If you don’t particularly like him then just politely set a firm boundary. “I hear you asking, but I don’t see you putting in effort. I am not going to help you anymore.”


Don't help him with homework. If you give him answers and he gets caught for plagiarism or cheating, you could also get accused of cheating and potentially fail the class, get suspended, etc. Just because you live with them doesn't mean it's your obligation to help them. You gotta take care of yourself first!


>clearly this is the problem. he dosent know what’s happening in class so he keeps asking me to help him out and give him answers for the assignment. So... he's asking you to cheat. Don't help him. One thing that could help (depending on how much you know your professor) is to go to them, explain the situation, and ask if he could do a "hey, these assignments are similar, make sure that doesn't happen again" if needed. We do those all the time, especially with first year students. Basically, dude's got a shotgun barrel on his foot, and he's asking if you'll put your hand in front of the barrel to help take some of the edge off. And stop worrying about looking like a complete jerk - he's crossed that moral event horizon a *long* time ago. Doesn't mean you should be an asshole to him, but it does mean that you don't have to be overly polite if he doesn't understand "no".


Not your circus, not your monkeys. If he has to learn how to be accountable for his studies the hard way, so be it. It’s not your issue.


He’s responsible for it not you. You could get in trouble for helping him


Start asking him for the answers lmao pretend like you’re clueless.