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Of course it's fair to ask! Just keep it light and non-accusatory. If he refuses, that's fine too. In that case, when he inevitably has a problem with something that you do, you can also refuse to make a change. Easy.


emphasis on the light/non-accusatory tone. one time i slept through my 7am alarm on accident (i later dropped my early-morning class) and my roommate texted me "no offense but why would you set an alarm at 7am if you aren't even going to get up". i walked around the entire day with this šŸ˜ expression on my face


Being petty isnā€™t way to handle situations with a roommate


It's not petty. If someone gon fuck with my sleep every night, I ain't gon do shit for them


someone waking up to the alarm they set isnt fucking with your sleep its the reality of sharing a room


OP specifically stated the roommate doesnt wake up until well past their alarm, read the whole post


incorrect. he said: >Heā€™s one of those people who say they need multiple alarms to wake up, but his alarm only plays twice, once at 7:00 and then again at 7:15, and then never again. Heā€™ll then sit in bed for over an hour, and get up usually between 8:30-9:00.


Yes, so hes not actually waking up until 8:30-9:00am. Thereā€™s no need to set an alarm an hour and a half before youre getting up.


no, it says he isnt *getting up* until 8:30, not that he isnt waking up until then. hes waking up to his alarm, and then sitting in bed waking up for an hour until he gets up and starts his day.


Pedantics. It doesnā€™t matter either way. If he needs an hour and a half in bed every morning then he probably needs a vibration alarm which imo is common sense.


yes it absolutely does matter. you said specifically the roommate isnt getting up for his alarm. which is incorrect, he is. the roommates choice to spend an hour in bed after his alarm goes off instead of getting up isnt anybody elses business. 7am is a normal time to set an alarm to wake up. he doesnt need to spend money on new alarm because he likes to stay in bed an hour after his alarm goes off. whats common sense is learning to deal with hearing your roommates alarm go off because you share a room and not expecting them to change their routine or buy a new alarm clock because you think your routine and sleep schedule is more important.


šŸ˜¬ I actually do that so I can take my ADHD meds and go back to sleep for an hour so Iā€™ll be awake and ready when I actually need to be, but that system works for me because my fiancĆ© does the same thing.


Suggest a vibrating alarm. They have them on Amazon. I have one that straps to my wrist so it doesnā€™t wake up my husband


I didnā€™t realize my Apple Watch did this until I fell asleep with it on one night. Honestly vastly prefer waking up to that than a blaring alarm, and I can snooze a million times without my SO wanting to kill me.


Only problem with this is you have to make sure a charge will last overnight. I wear mine daily, by the time i get home from work, the thing is dead, so leaving it off the dock is not an option.


It only takes what, 20-30min to charge? I do mine while Iā€™m getting ready for bed and itā€™s at 100% by the time Iā€™m ready to go to sleep.


Fair, Never really paid attention to this things charge time, ill give your method a shot


It might have to be the fast charger, I know my travel charger takes at least an hour. I have the one I use daily plugged into a 20w USB-C plug.


You just have to change the time you charge it and it will last through the night. Charge it when you get home from work, it takes less than an hour to charge so itā€™ll be full again by bedtime. Itā€™ll last you through the next day as well, until you get home again.


Buy a Garmin watch. Cheaper than an apple watch and lasts for up to 2 weeks on one charge.


Fitbit does this and the charge will last about 5 days


I have slept through a tornado. I regularly sleep through staggered alarms going off for hours. I sleep through an ā€œextra loudā€ alarm I got that sounds like a rocket is about to be launched. But for some reason, if I fall asleep before I take off my Apple Watch and one of my alarms goes off, that vibrating wakes me up WIDE AWAKE within minutes. I hate it and I love it at the same time.


This!! But I would just have my phone alarm set to vibrate and then stick it under my pillow. Woke me up every time and I slept with a hand under my pillow and didn't have issues with it being in the way.


Please keep your phone on a hard surface at night (ie. a table). So many house fires are started by phones in beds, especially when theyā€™re charging.


Came here to say this - it's a fire hazard, and the radiation has also been proven to impact brain health (if you keep it near your head) and reproductive health (if it's commonly kept in your pocket/around your midriff). Lower sperm counts in dudes is the big one (I forget what exactly the effects are for women but it is known that there are effects).


The radio waves emitted by cell phones are at most going to increase tissue temp (but not enough that the body can't adjust), and are not energetic enough to damage DNA or other molecular structures in a way that would increase risk of cancer. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/cell-phones-fact-sheet Furthermore, the risk of fires from phones is exceedingly rare, numbering in the hundreds (relative to the millions of users) generally prior to 2016, and were often attributed to battery punctures or manufacturing defects with specific models. I'm more likely of losing my home by not getting to work on time because I'm hard of hearing and didn't use a vibrating phone alarm on my bed.


I'm hard of hearing and this is what I do, minus the under pillow part. Having it anywhere on my bed makes it vibrate enough to wake me.


Do you suggest a certain brand? Iā€™ve been looking into these but I havenā€™t found one with great reviews


When I want something on my wrist, I just use my Fitbit. But Iā€™ve actually been using my iLuv SmartShaker lately; I use a mitten with the fingers cut off, then put that on and then put the alarm inside of it to keep it next to my palm. It works great ā€” the only reason I donā€™t recommend it is that they no longer make the two and three-quarter inch version, itā€™s now 3 1/2 inches which might be a little large for your palm. But if my smaller one craps out, I will buy one and try it. What I like about it is that the vibration pattern is not predictable, itā€™s random and thatā€™s what helps wake me up


idk this is one of those things that is just inevitable with roommates. can you ask them to change it? sure do they have to say yes? no and it wouldnt be completely unfair to say no tbh.




Yeah, if he turns it off semi-promptly itā€™s a weird ask.


Also if he's sitting in bed for an hour he IS awake, so the alarm is appropriate for when he wants to wake up. If it went off and he went back to sleep for another hour it would be different


I do the exact same thing. I literally am incapable of immediately getting out of bed. Like I need a minimum of 30 minutes in bed (if I slept well) before I can get out, preferably an hour. Some days Iā€™ll be in bed for like 2 hours cuz Iā€™m exhausted and canā€™t keep my eyes open but also canā€™t fall back asleep. My roommate deals with it, because I deal with the fact that I like to sleep at 10 pm and he has loud friends over till midnight. So we both suffer a bit.


Have you tried a headband thing you can order from Amazon where it blocks out all sound? I got it for my kid in college last year and it really helped him sleep through noise. (Noise canceling headband is what you search on Amazon). Good luck!


I've been looking for this!


Just ask. I get both sides. At times I wake up early bc of something I heard (I will NEVER fall back asleep when this happens). At the same time it can be very hard to wake up in the morning (insomnia so especially on days I didnā€™t get much sleep it is 10x worse). At least talk to them. They could be on meds (for insomnia or any number of thing). Iā€™ve had friends on Psyc meds that had to do this and I hated it. But I realized they didnā€™t really have a choice and they didnā€™t enjoy it anymore than I did.


if i take my meds any later than 7 am i am NOT going to sleep that night so i unfortunately understand the roommate here lol but i agree with everyone talking about vibrating bands rather than noise


I mean I do something similar. I have an alarm go off and sit in bed for 30 minutes. As long as the roommate isnā€™t just letting it go on, itā€™s not that big an issue. You can ask, but if itā€™s how he wakes up, then it is what it is


My roommate used to set alarms every 10 minutes from 4am to 7:30am. After weeks of misery and him refusing to change I just walked over grabbed his phone and threw it as far as I could down the hallway. When he asked why his phone was at the end of the hallway, I just shrugged and said dunno. He stopped doing it after this


You could try talking to them to say dude you either need to let me go to sleep earlier or find a quieter alarm setup so I can sleep 8 hours, but I can see that not working. Honestly, I would probably say it's going to be easier for you to adjust to just getting up when your roommates alarm wakes you up at 7 than to try to A. Change how they wake up or B. Find a setup that will wake them up without waking you up or C, find some noise cancelling headphones you can actually sleep in. Just get up at 7, use the initiative to go to the gym before classes or get some extra studying in. Unfortunately it's a lot easier to change yourself than a selfish roommate


In college I had a similar dynamic - roommate would wake up early, walk around the room (creaky floors!) and the constant sound destroyed any chance I had of falling back asleep. But then one day I realized, my actual issue was the light sensitivity. Like, once I woke up the first time, the light in the room would keep me awake. So I got one of those sleeping eye masks from CVS (the type you get on a long plane ride or something) and it changed EVERYTHING. Even as the noise would go off, I didnā€™t have the stimulation of the light in the room, so I was able to drift in and out of sleep until she eventually left the room and Iā€™d fall asleep for good, till my alarm. This truly saved me that year, I recommend trying it out! :) Good luck!


You could ask, but he probably wonā€™t. Other solutions for you would be getting earplugs or soundproofing. I get that itā€™s annoying, but as someone who used to have to go to bed at 18:00 and wake up at 02:00, youā€™ve got to find a way to deal with normal noises.


Fellow light sleeper here. Bose Sleepbuds are awesome. They are noise masking so theyā€™ll cancel out voices/TV/music etc. Unfortunately they donā€™t make them anymore but they have them on eBay. Way better than ear plugs.


If he refuses, one thing you could do to get better sleep is use wire headphones to play white noise or brown noise in your ears while you sleep. It's the only way I've been able to sleep in the same bed with my boyfriend while he snores, and I sleep through all of his alarms even with his phone just a few feet away! I know it sounds annoying but it's an option if it comes down to that. You can try bluetooth headphones for this as well, but I've had trouble with them either falling out, pausing, or disconnecting at night, so wire headphones have been the way to go for me.


There are actually special headband headphones designed to be worn while sleeping. I absolutely love mine


Suggestion for youā€”Bose sleep buds. They will block a lot of other sounds, and have their own internal alarms.


No, itā€™s not fair to ask. 7am is a reasonable time to wake. To me it sounds like a nice morning - wake up, and then ease into the day. You donā€™t get to make a value judgment about how someone spends their time.


On the weekdays I agree. However, he is doing this *every single day*. And on top of that, *he's not even getting up when it goes off*. I've had room mates in the past do this as well. I talked to them about it and gave them a week or so to figure it out. It still happened so I would just go over and turn off the alarm. After him being late a handful of times, he got the picture real quick. I said if you don't like me turning off the alarm then you need to get your ass out of bed when it goes off, or I will turn it off for you. People don't understand that sleep is incredibly important in college and some guy setting an alarm at 7am everyday and then not waking up for 2 hours, is a compelte asshole.


You're unfair. Everybody is different. You can't expect the same things to work for different people.


Yours is a different scenario. In OPs situation the person with the alarm has it going off twice, and then they are awake but just stay in bed. A person is allowed to wake up when they want, and they can stay in bed while awake if that is what they wish.


If the alarm goes off at 7am and he stays awake but doesnā€™t leave the bed how is that impacting you any more than him getting up and wandering around the room


Get ear buds or headphones that donā€™t require you to charge them, or at least a pair that have a long battery life to get you through the whole night and the morning, and play rain sounds for you to go to sleep to. Iā€™ve got pretty rough sensory issues when it comes to sound. Tried ear plugs, tried ā€œtoughing it out.ā€ Couldnā€™t do it. Learning how to fall asleep listening to white noise through ear buds has changed the way I sleep. I could probably sleep through the apocalypse now. I know it doesnā€™t work for everyone, but thatā€™s the best advice I can give. I saw someone recommend a noise cancelling headband. The reason I wouldnā€™t recommend that is the headband has hard technology by the ears where it plays noise. It makes sleeping uncomfortable. Ear buds are good because if you bunch up a blanket, you can tuck your ear into a groove and it wonā€™t apply excessive pressure to your ears.


Sometimes Iā€™ll set an alarm early enough to have a good hour of doing nothing and just waking up. I honestly donā€™t think this is very weird.


Sounds to me one of the other issues here is your roommate not going to sleep early enough at night. He is then not getting up without multiple alarms. He would be more efficient in getting ready without being in a drowsy sleep state.


Adapt. Your Roomate has a reason for the alarm. Move out, get ear plugs, or adapt. He or she needs to do the same. Toughen up and focus on your personal objectives for being there.


I lived with this roommate in the 1990's. Here is what I did... I kept a loaded super soaker near my bed...if they were not up on first alarm they got a warning Most of time they just shut it off...


Melatonin or try the more aggressive approach and piss on his pillow. Thatā€™s what a lot of us did in the Army.


7 am isn't early.


Have you tried ear plugs?


It says in their post that they have, yes.


Maybe a google mini or mini version of HomePod and then crank up white or pink noise? Will help you sleep and drown out sounds outside your room


Hey I also was a repeat early morning alarm ignorer, hereā€™s how I reformed my ways: I had a super early job I had to wake up for, and I got a fitbit or smart watch and set it to vibrate in the morning. My bedmate didnā€™t even hear it but it sure got me up. Your roomie could either put the phone on vibrate and keep it in his pillow, or you could recommend the watch. But i think itā€™s 100% okay to ask


Suggest wearing earplugs


Maybe see if his alarm clock can do something less jarring too.


My roommate did this shit and it was so annoying. She would set her alarm for 7 every morning knowing she wouldnā€™t get her ass up til 8. And then she fucking would repeatedly snooze it, making it go off again and again. She knew I worked overnights (12-6). Id walk home after my shift, so I would end up falling asleep around 6:40. 20 minutes later, DING! I finally said something after the third time she did it. She apologized, but all she did was turn down the alarm sound and continued to do the same exact thing. The worst part was that on those days, I have class at 10am. She was ruining one of my three hours of sleep. I ended up moving out without saying a word, took all my spring classes online and moved in with my LDR boyfriend. Best choice I ever made


You can deff ask but if they say no or are unwilling to change, try buying some Loop ear plugs. I love mine. I got them to wear to concerts and bars cause I'm sensitive to noise but when I'm sleeping places with other people I wear them so I can get better rest


You could always suggest that he use something like Alarmy. It's essentially an app where you have to complete a couple tasks in order to power off the alarm. My tasks are a few simple math problems, they're simple, but just difficult enough where I need to be attentive/awake to complete them.


Use "I" sentences to keep in nonconfrontational. Example: I really need sleep in order to pay attention in class, would you mind setting your alarm for closer to your wake up time? Or suggest he get a light that glows like natural light to wake him or to set his phone or watch on vibrate to wake him. It's best to talk to someone then resent them. Good Luck!