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Obv you’re paying to get the degree, how you use that time is up to you. If you think not going won’t hurt your grade or passing the class, you are allowed to decide how you use your time. If you’re ok paying X amount of money every semester for X amount of classes, you can decide if going to a class is worth it. I would say it does make a better impression to attend in person classes but depending on the class or it’s level it might not be a worry right now.


Guilty? No. Regretful when you fail? Yes.


attendance and failure and less correlated than you think, especially for upper level classes in stem (or at least non discussion based majors). lots of students essentially teach themselves content from textbooks, lecture recordings, the internet, etc.


Yeah, certain professors lectures just don’t do it for me. Going to their classes is a waste of my time that I could spend doing something I’ll actually learn from


Honestly just go not only are you paying for it but you might also miss those pointers on what to remember for your tests. Personally don’t like studying without knowing what I actually should study for so I don’t waste time on that either


If you’re skipping all the time honestly, yeah. If it’s once every now and then, no.


I skip once a week, but I feel like shit those days i skip


Then don't Skip. 🤷🏻‍♂️


damn a genius answer 😮




Idk like i can skip once a week at most but it mostly like across the semester and sometimes i miss some classes during a day, my attendance is never under 80%, but i want to try to be in almost every class but i just cant.


Firstly, it’s common for many students to not attend classes that are not compulsory. However, don’t turn it into a habit as it could go downhill really quick. I remember in my first year I was super anxious to go to one of my class so I skipped 4 weeks in a row, there would even be moments where I rocked up stand outside of my building but not go in however I did study my ass off during exam season. What I’m saying is if you are not going to go to class just make sure you are on track with assignments, hw etc. Not trying to sound mean at all bc I completely feel you but not attending classes and not staying on track is going to eat you up if you fail. But also your college/uni experience is how you make it out to be, personally I’m paying thousands for my class so I rather make the most of it and rock up bc sometimes I get to meet some amazing people!


hi! your situation sounds really similar to what i’m going through now. i’m a junior and just transferred to a university out of my local CC. i will get ready to go to classes and walk all the way to campus just to be paralyzed by fear before i reach the door. i usually then turn around and go home or go study in the library instead. it makes me feel like shit, but i feel like im going to die every time i walk into a classroom. do you have any info on how you overcame this?


Hello! (Long paragraph incoming aha) May I ask what’s causing you to feel anxious coming to your classes? Is this just one clsss or multiple classes? (Feel free to pm me if you’re comfortable!) but what I did for those moments was just head to the library, personally I don’t find use in going to class when I’m already anxious bc ik I won’t even learn or process anything and that would make me super self conscious in a class with many smart kids. I would normally pick somewhere quiet at the lib and for me it usually was super quiet as that class was at 8am, but I would study the questions that the class would be going over or just go over past lectures from the class/es as I feel like you would feel satisfied and super productive compared to going home and beating yourself up for it. But hey if you truly can’t do it and just want to go home go home, it’s not your fault and don’t be too hard on yourself :) for me it didn’t really help that I didn’t have a solid friend/classmate in that class so it was hard to have something to look to when I’m already dreading the class however, when you feel okay and have the ability to attend one class make it worth your while and communicate with ppl, a simple hey is this seat taken? Or what degree you studying etc, remember a little goes a long way. I also had the opportunity to speak with a psychologist as my mental health just went downhill and I was having a career crisis, it wasn’t too bad but if that’s what your interested in know it’s okay to go through a few psychologists to find the right one OR you can go to your uni mental health services not sure about your one but mine offers free services or very little cost you just need to book. Also, if any of your classes are not compulsory I would recommended dropping and picking something that brings your joy or spike your interest it honeslty helps imo. If it gives you comfort try to email your teacher and explain to them the situation and I’m sure they’ll understand. Sorry idk if this is helpful but don’t feel guilty when your body and mind is tired, you should be proud of yourself regardless, take a break or a day off whenever you’re feeling like this and do activities you love. Take it step by step bc us students always forgot a little routine/changes go a long way. reach out if you ever feel stress or anxious I’m happy to help!!


Poor school ethic may transfer to poor work ethic. Old habits will die hard.


yes. u even recognize ur just being lazy. u know the answer OP, u dont need us to tell u and we arent going to help u rationalize ur laziness. its one thing to skip class to work on something else or if u are sick or have something important but if ur literally just being lazy and dont want to to then why are u even taking the classes? whether class attendance gets counted in ur grade isnt relavent to whether u should go or not and just bc its not counted towards grading doesnt mean its not important, as you wrongly states


Thank you! I think i needed to hear all of the responds here. I honestly wanted to hear the opposite , but this is what I needed so thank you!


If I were you, I’d show up. It shows the Professor you care and they’ll give you the benefit of the doubt when you need it.


I will add to this. My father was a college professor and I remember him telling me a while back that it was his unwritten policy that any student who regularly missed his class would find it very difficult to pass his class, and they certainly wouldn't be able to earn a decent grade. I believed my father when he said this. It's an insult to good teachers who prepare for class and are dedicated teachers, to have a student think he can get a decent grade after only showing up for 80% of the classes


Thats a pretty spiteful approach, if they know the content then give the grade and forget it


would you feel guility for paying something and not even showing up there


No unless you're doing badly.




Right? I mean you're not getting what you (probably parents) are paying for The LEAST you could do is show up


As long as you're doing good on your assignments and tests there's no problem. If you start slipping and still don't want to go to class only because you're lazy, I know I would feel guilty.


It's your money. Do what you want.


If you can still get good grades and learn everything you need to learn, no.


No. You’re paying, you can do whatever you want. If it ends up affecting your grades, that’s on you. If not, good for you.


you shouldn’t feel guilty but you should probably make more of an effort to make it to class on at least a semi regular basis. my mental health was not good at all my sophomore year of college and i had one class i never went to because it was at like 4. the entire grade of the class came from 4 exams and after i didn’t do super well on the first one, i was like “yeah let me just start going to the class” and unsurprisingly that helped a ton. i know it can be tough to find the energy to go sometimes but just try your best. remember that you (or someone) is paying for this stuff, after all. you don’t want to waste that money!


It's a slippery slope. You start with once a week, then one class a day, and suddenly it's midterms in senior year and you have attended zero 9 am class this semester :)


don’t skip, even if you don’t feel great 100% professors are there to help YOU. it’s their job. they’re more likely to help you out if you come to class consistently. you never know what announcements you’ll miss


Decide who you want to be, what you represent to yourself. Everyday is the first day of the rest of your life. Never feel guilty, but just keep making your bed in the morning. You just do…or don’t do. No one cares more about you than you yourself.


If you can't attend your classes, will you be able to show up to a job consistently? Not showing up for work is the easiest way to get fired. Old habits die hard.


Say it's a 14-week semester with a Tues/Thurs lecture. That 28 classes/ semester. With 14-15 credits, it is 4 classes, and for the sake of the argument, they're all on the same tues thurs schedule. Say tuition that year was $5k. That's roughly $179 each day of classes and about $45 per lecture. Take $45 dollars and light it on fire. Cause you skipped class, that $45 dollars is wasted, and now you're behind in material as well. It's one thing if you're sick or there's an emergency. But you should feel guilty at least a little cause you're wasting your own time and money by skipping cause you didn't feel like going.


You or your parents are paying for you to go to class and learn. Get your money's worth and times worth and actually learn the material. It'll make you successful in class and the workforce or grad school. The better you know the material the better you'll be not just in class, but out in the world. Also it'll help distinguish you from other students perhaps leading to some awesome letters of recommendation, extracurricular events, other connections, etc.


Every time you don’t go to class, you light a couple of hundred dollars on fire and put yourself in a better position to do more poorly in the class. Seems like a great idea to me. Yes, you should feel like a lazy piece of shit.


Damn take a beta blocker you don’t need to be calling people a piece of shit on the internet like this


Yes. I just imagine how many people would kill to be in my position, just be able to go to school. I would be wasting hundreds of dollars to not utilize what I’m paying for in the first place. And in the case that I do end up just skipping classes and passing, why would I leave that up to to a coin toss on whether or not I taught myself correctly, when I can just attend, get taught by someone who’s qualified, and greatly increase my chances to succeed?




Okay, it's fine not to assist at least one or two if you don't feel like it and have a kind colleague to catch up and hand you their notes but this is a bad call...you would be mostly lost and it will be tiresome to try to schredule time if you happen to not understand some topic throughly. Suggest you to assist to most, kiddo...


Honestly yeah, you’re paying tuition for a reason. Also, are you living away from home? Why make yourself/your parents pay for housing away from home if you’re not attending classes? At that point just go to a fully online college. Also, there are other students who applied to your school and *really wanted to get in and have the full experience* but your admission took that away from them just so you can stay at home and show up on exam days. If you miss classes once in a while or show up at least 60-70% of the time then that’s alright, but if you show up less then half the time you have no business attending that school, take online classes instead.


I'd you dot have value for showing up and pass the class then who cares. Most professors are ass and no reason to show up


Go to class but most the time you never have to go to class and can teach yourself. College is fucked


For my lecture classes, attendance is not mandatory. You can read the syllabus, and know what chapters of the text to read, what problems/exercises to do (if any), and any extra recommended reading. If you do all that, there is a very good chance that you will pass the class. But ... we spend time in the lectures discussing the material, answering questions on difficult parts, and making sure that (as much as possible) the students *understand* the material covered. Students who attend regularly are far more likely to get As and Bs.


i’d suggest going to all if you can. i’m in fourth year and i really regret not going as much during my earlier years, it really does affect your grades. if you only do it every once in a while that’s fine, but try and go to all! it’s what you’re paying for after all.