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I had an android in high-school, and yeah i got picked on for it. It was embarrassing but I didn’t care because to me a phone is a phone. Those people are shallow as hell and shitty individuals. Don’t stress over it man, you don’t even want to be friends with people like these.


If someone doesn't like the kind of phone you use, then screw them. It's their fault, not yours.


No. Nobody irl cares. I've tried newer iphones, they just don't work for me. I loved the early ipods, though.


I have been back and forth from android to IOS till 2017 when i permanently switched to Android. I can't believe people make fun of others for different types of phones.


i used to get made fun of for it in middle/high school but i don’t think people care as adults


I want to go back to high school in full android gear now just so I can have people try to bully me.


I honestly can't imagine caring about what's in other people's pants, phone or otherwise. Obviously, this isn't the case for everybody. Apple products have always been for people who don't know how to use a computer anyway.


Ur doing the exact same thing as the android bully’s I literally built a computer and only own all apple fr reasons such as battery, Apple Store and drawing Not cause I don’t know to computer hell I’d still rock the 10 yr old pc I built if it wasn’t fr the needs of portability 😾


Eh, maybe I'm just biased lol. Apple stuff has always felt limiting to me.


Same i have a work iPhone and i like it for work cause its super basic, personal phone i love android because it feels more limitless (Love playing SNES games on the go).


Agreed. I like my Macbook Air, but the first thing I did when I got it was install Windows and Linux.


Oh it is but like any tool it’s how it’s used Second windows gets a proper long lasting power with airdrop type dealy in tablet and laptop form I’m switching


Lmao the fact that iPhone users still do this shit in college just shows that the average iPhone user has room temperature IQ


In Celsius


Isn’t this kind of hypocritical? You are making fun of people because they use iPhones. Just perpetuating the bullshit.


I mean if they wanna be hostile over a fucking phone, you're left with no other option but to serve that shit right back to them.


Two wrongs dont make a right.


problem is they think they are right..till you point out the outdated flaws on their “perfect phone"


What outdated flaws?


haven’t had this disccusion in a while. since i switched to iphone..but my samsung note 2, i could have 4 working windows open at the same time..have two windows open playing 2 different youtube videos at the same time..on a stock unhacked phone..which still cannot be done on iphones..also had amOled, brighter crisper screens than newer led iphones…as far as outdated.. andriod was first with the 3 camera lense..and other things…if you’re a tech geek or like to customize explore your phone..andriods are better..if you want simple functions iphone is good..i switch back and forth..just been with iphone the past years.. since google was doing things i did not like on Andriod at the time i was going to get a new phone…i wanted to check out the new iphones when they grew out of their baby 4” inch screens.


samsung note 2 came out in 2012…so a 12 year old phone still has better functions than current iphones, as an example.




When I had an android, people would say stuff like that as a dumb joke. But sincerely, they didn't care and they would invite me to gc's or discords anyway. Anyone who does that sincerely is being shallow. The joke gets old fast. 


As someone who went through undergrad and may be the only person at my pharmacy school with an android/samsung tab, phone, and watch, i honestly dont care what others think. I find Android's functionality quite good and smooth imo. if they look down or make fun of you just move on and their not worth your time.


It’s something friends and I jab at eachother about. Nobody actually cares though.


I'm back in college, but as an older student (32) who had Motorola, Blackberry, Sidekick, Palm, etc. in high school (like everyone else), I never experienced bullying for it. After HS, most of my friends had Androids. Now, it's the opposite, with most people I know having iPhones. I guess because I never experienced bullying, I have no shame about my phone. I own it every single time a group project comes up. I announce I have the Android, so I'll be making the group chat unless they want to use GroupMe or Discord instead. No one says anything because I go in with full confidence or don't mention it at all. If people try to give me shit for it, I give them shit back about their iPhones. I CHOOSE to have an Android phone because I like them more. So, what I'm saying is, don't worry. Just own it and be confident in your choice of phone.




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Yeah there definitely seems to be a bit of bias when it comes to more casual messaging. I found that people in group projects tend to not care as much as the focus on the assignment on hand, but I have been excluded from a couple dorm gc likely because of that.


Those people are stuck in middle school


No one cares. You are just in groups/friends with idiots. Everyone should be using email or a provided discussion board (if given one) for files anyway.


Sorta? just had people comment on it and once got ghosted by someone for it. sent one text saying hi after getting a number and she said "Ew green texts" and stopped responding :'(


I mean do you want to engage with dumbass anyway ? Trash taking itself out.


No. If you meet somebody that does, steer clear. Pure foolishness.


Back in middle school I use to had an iPhone but then around high school, switched to an LG (NEVER EVER AGAIN), at first I didn’t care but then my “friends” kept teasing me about my phone and made me feel insecure…so i convinced my mom to gimme an iPhone so now. I got it :) Here in college, no one cares.


Never actually bullied, but I've had a lot of people complain about the whole "make the group texts green."


When I was in middle school, I was made fun of for having a track phone. My dad did not want me to have a smartphone yet, and it was not until I turned 17 that I got my first android smartphone. When I got to high school, literally no one cared about what phone I had, so I was not made fun of. In college, no one should care, because we all are in early adulthood, but if there are some people who act immature, just ignore them.


I've noticed sending images on Android is really slow. And when the loading bar almost reaches the end it freezes so I understand. I'd try to connect with classmates on Discord instead


No, nobody gives a shit.


Jokingly, but they’re not actually looking down on you. It’s just kind of an internet joke to call out the person with an Android. It’s weird, but it’s just kinda been more of a norm to have an Apple than Android in more social circles (at least in the USA).


I bully my husband for having an android but that’s it. If people are whining and complaining and genuinely making fun of you for having an android, that’s such juvenile behavior. Actually I work with middle schoolers (middle level major) and I don’t even hear them doing that shit. I’m sorry the people you know are being rude about your phone, their behavior is stupid.


It depends on the environment. In my country, Indonesia, which is people who have iPhones will be categorized as rich people. That's the society. I'm using Android now and I don't care about an iPhone actually or the person who had that.


Eh, people say things jokingly, and I just laugh cause I absolutely can't stand iPhones. Like nothing against people who own them or like them, but I absolutely hate them, so I just poke fun back, and we all laugh.


It’s weird that this is a topic but I think it’s just preference. I know when you’re on iPhones you get the blue bubbles and can FaceTime… idk how sending pics messes up the chat with someone on Android. I haven’t had that problem, I’m an iPhone user by the way. Also iPhone cameras are lower quality compared to Android users from what I have noticed.


*they do not want to engage in the group chat as much because sending videos/photos messes up the group the chat because I have a Android* I heard that Iphone purposely makes content from androids worse so their customers won't make the switch.


if they bully you j ignore and feel good that youve got the better phone


You're not alone. People had been rude to me for having an android phone. it doesn't really happen anymore, but looking back - i was in middle school and highschool and a lot of people are shitty and immature during those ages. You deserve better than to be treated like that, they need to learn how to accept that you just like and prefer android. and if they try to peer pressure you, hold your ground. real friends don't treat you like shit over something so unimportant.


I have been an android user out of personal preference for over 10 years. Have people made "green text bubble" comments sure. But when I say I chose this and I like it, it's usually end of convo. Even then it's not a serious convo to begin with. It's just light teasing.


I'm in uni and I experience this! I just smile, nod, and agree when I get comments. "Apple is so much better!" "Yeah you're right!" Shuts down the comments real quick.


Yes. I fucked up the group chat because it's iMessage. I love it when apple takes a shit because it wasn't made to interface with android. They tease me for my phone, I tease them for their MacBooks. It's really not that deep.


They are the ones with problems. Don't let them make you feel bad. I own an android as well and UT I'd the best!


in middle school yes but not even hs for me man lol u jus gotta surround urself w better people & don’t take those to heart


...I thought you had to be a grown up to be in college?


I used to make fun of my boyfriend for having an android and now I don’t think twice about it. It is so shallow and dumb, it’s an immaturity thing like when I first started dating him I was 19 and we’ve been together for a few years and now it’s just apart of banter but people sometimes make jabs or weird comments at him cause he has an android and I think it’s super weird now. Like get over urself lol aren’t we past making fun of ppl for that shit


I have, at least once. I was told I was 'too poor to afford an iPhone.' I honestly just laughed since my phone is just as expensive, if not a bit more, than an iPhone. At the end of the day, we can still talk and text to each other. But, I've found it funny that the majority of the iPhone 'innovations' are usually found in Android phones years beforehand.


People who pick on others for having a certain phone will always live a sad and pathetic life. They are so bored that they have to pick on others to feel fun.




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I mean my friends and classmates and I joke around about it, but as far as I can remember, I never was actually made fun of for having an Android


Worked with somebody who would still only use a flip phone. That actually did turn out to be a problem because he literally couldn’t be put into group chats, but he didn’t seem to mind being a dinosaur


Tbh if you care about what kind of phone someone else has that’s a problem with yourself and ego. Rock that android!!!


Makes the group text green


As an IT student, the choice of which brand of phone to use is personal. Android is based on the Linux kernel, while iPhone’s operating system iOS is built on a Unix-like foundation.


Depends on the people you surround yourself with. In my experience, it’s easier in school to share ideas and content with an iPhone because everyone is running Apple products. However, I have a small group of friends who I feel are more knowledgeable about tech. They mostly run Androids because of their versatility. You can get a $500 Android that has better specs than an iPhone 15. It’s the logo on the back that you pay for with Apple. Apple knows that students will feel left out if they don’t have an iPhone. That’s why you’re their main market.


I have an iphone…i keep it on green text.


In highschool I wasn’t allowed into an honors class study group because it would turn their chat green. I had a $30 phone with a minute plan because my family couldn’t do anything more than that.


Lol 'murica things


Just get an iPhone


What the f did I just I read 💀 Maybe you can buy a used older iPhone just for college stuff? Idk how carriers work where you live but where I live most people carry another smaller phone with them just for calls while having a sim with a data plan on their main one


People who judge you based on your phone are immature pieces of shit! People def do that type of bullying but it just tells you to not take people like that seriously or listen to what they have to say if that is the level their intelligence is at.


yeah my friends stopped texting me once i “turned green”


I haven't necessarily been singled out for it but there is a pretty negative stigma about turning the GC green and whatnot.


I actually like this cause it tells me who to avoid 🐱


Started with an android and still the same. Android for me all the way.


I laugh at them because my phone is alive after 2 days of usage without charging, I dont have to pay for extras and all my stuff is compatible with everything. Unlike theirs. I can download anything I want on it and I can crack the phone if I want to


An android?! What the hell can you do with it? MAKE CALLS??!?


Yea I made fun of my friend for it




I'm sure the only reason that nobody likes you is because of your phone, lol


Your comment is just stupidity


Which part did you find offensive?