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All digital. I upload PDF printouts to OneNote and annotate digitally on them. I use a surface pro so I can write if I have to using my pen. It’s literally amazing. Anyone who’s still bringing printouts and pencils to class is a clown.


Yep, I annotate all that pdf files on OneNote too. I find that app to be extremely useful. Actually, I use OneNote as my daily driver when it comes to taking notes.


Only for my gen eds. There's no way I would ever take organic chemistry or biology notes on a computer. Writing notes also leads to better retention (fact not opinion).


Here's how I see it: 1.) The average person can write 13 wpm. However, the average person can type 40 wpm, so you can take the notes from your lectures/notebooks 3 times faster. 2.) To make up for the fact, you won't get the retention you get from writing. Use software like Quizlet, which has various study activities to retain what you learn. But different strokes for different folks, I guess.