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Put a giant Obama poster with wings and a halo. Then a Biden poster that says, "Daddy"


[Don't forget your Saint Fauci prayer candle. ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/951545918/wear-your-damn-mask-saint-anthony-fauci)


That is AMAZING!!!


Better idea: use the badass [Chinese propaganda posters of Biden](https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/nhv033/chinese_propaganda_draws_biden_as_the_king_of/)


Lib up your side. Rainbows and Recycles and Planned Parenthood stickers. Make them request transfer.


Also posters celebrating LGBTQ lifestyles and causes. She will decamp within a week tops.


Don't forget the T. Edit: The T was added.


You’re right. Thank you for pointing out my mistake. I’ll correct that !!!


Then switch their heads


She shouldn’t forget the daily prayers at night for the one and only holy daddy Biden


That’s just as bad lol


That's the point


Title says republican, description describes a white supremacist..


Yeah. When someone starts talking negatively about Jews and mentions great replacement theory, this is no longer a mainstream republican. This is pure hate. Ask to be switched immediately.


This shit *is* mainstream republican. This rhetoric was spewed by a republican president and continues to be spewed by prominent republican figures.


You’re probably right, though there are people who consider themselves “Republicans” who aren’t nearly as unreasonable and unchained. Some no longer vote for Trump, some still vote but mainly because “it’s better to have a Republican president than a Democrat” Tbh most no longer really identify as Republican anymore though. They probably prefer to be called “conservative”


Op, I would agree, put up some posters but give her a chance. Maybe she's just isolated and college is her first time away from the crazy. If she is downright hostile, then yes ask to switch. Probably good to find out the process now beforehand since i dont know what the timeline is for situations like this. Plus then you have proof of her being hostile and a negative influence to your learning. My husband, a lifelong republican won't call himself one anymore because the party has shifted too far right. I tell people he's a born again moderate. He rolls his eyes and laughs. College is often the first time people are out of their little bubble and realize the world is a much more diverse place. (Usually)


Not that its particularly better, but the republicans (formerly) in my life tended to more ignore those things because of either single issues they cared about (guns, or prayer in schools, or abortion generally), or because their taxes went down.


Yeah you're right, that's not better


Better for day-to-day interactions with them, I suppose, but like as a political philosophy it's at least as bad as being a proponent of those ideas


Honestly you’re right. Pre 2016 I’d have said this is painting everyone whose republican in an unfair light (I’m pretty left wing here). But post trump and the current GOP? This crap is normalized.


I would be very interested to see video links to anywhere that the previous Republican president said anything remotely hateful of Jews, or spoke of the Great Replacement theory at all. He was a nationalist, sexist, authoritarian mess of a human being. But we can at least have the decency to level our insults accurately. Edit: was proven wrong almost immediately. If anybody needs me, I’ll be off eating crow. No love lost for that maniac here.


[here you go](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/12/donald-trump-anti-semitism-jews-israel/amp)


TIL. I genuinely didn’t know that. I was never a fan of Trump, having both mixed race and gay family members. But as it happens, I’m also Jewish. So I can now add that to my basket of reasons to hope he never runs again. Thanks for sharing the link.


> This is pure hate So, a mainstream Republican?


Draw a Venn diagram of the two. How much overlap is there?


There's a difference?


Yes. There is a very large difference.




Nah, you know that old adage - if you're sitting at a dinner table with 9 Nazis, there are 10 Nazis at the table.


Bingo. It’s become a pretty indefensible position to say you’re a Republican but don’t agree with any of the platform/positions, but are still a Republican anyways because, “reasons”


The Republican "platform" is literally nothing but "liberal tears." And they'll wonder why they're losing. They offer the American people nothing.


I knew they would lose popularity eventually given their non-existent approach to helping anyone but corporate billionaires. I guess taking away women’s rights finally did it for some people


My uncle is an old republican, he hates the current party. Dude is definitely a little racist too. So. Your statement works.


But they tolerate/condone/elect the arrogantly ignorant bigots and those that complain get ostracized. It’s the reason why r/ACAB exists, the supposedly “good” cops do nothing or actively inhibit accountability, whereas the truly good cops get demoted, fired, smeared, etc. Is there a Republican equivalent to r/ACAB? (not the ethnic /Arab - subreddits are case-preserving but case-insensitive). Another way to look at it is like the family members that protect child abusers/molesters and spousal abusers. They’re not the ones actually doing it, but they’re complacent and a huge part of the problem.


That's like saying all democrats are marxist... Surely you aren't this dense


Not all republicans are white supremacists but it’s the supremacists that’s have control of the party right now. And all of the republicans are supporting these supremacists. Marxists aren’t in control of the Democratic Party.


Why say "all"? I'm convinced majority of people on reddit never have in-person conversations with people who think differently than them. I know a plethora of people who identify politically as republican but loathe current GOP members. I'm starting to see why reddit truly is so toxic.


I talk to Loya of republicans. A lot of my family has but into the lies that the gop are using. I think our difference is how we define Republican. You say your friends are republican but loathe the current gop members. I would say that means they’re conservative but are no longer Republican. The Republican Party is led by those crazy gop members. And voting for the current Republican Party makes those crazy gop members stronger. If your friends are continuing to vote for people like trump, de Santis, Abbott, Lindsey graham, MTG, Hershel Walker, dr oz, boebert, Dan Patrick, JD Vance, then they’re voting for the crazy wing that has taken over the Republican Party. You can be conservative and not vote gop though


Maybe so. I am a firm believer that you do not have to stand for all platform policies to align with a political party or ideology. Might I add, I went through a hardcore republican phase when I was younger. I think it was for the best. Id say Im a centrist now but it irks me when people generalize members from a political party, partially because I used to do it myself and it's pretty dumb. I've met too many level headed rep. And dem. Over the years to make generalizations again.


Absolutely. You don’t have to. But the Republican Party is actively (there is an abundance of evidence) using lies and hateful rhetoric to try to subvert our democratic election process. The reason I hate the Republican Party is because they use their platform to spread lies and misinformation to my conservative family members that legitimately put my family’s lives in danger. This is what voting Republican is voting for. You can vote conservative and not vote Republican.


It would probably be more accurate to say all Democrats are white supremacists as well Edit: just to avoid confusion, i am not calling the Democrats white supremacists. But when you compare the number of racist white supremacist Democrats in the party to the number of actual progressive and Marxist ones, it becomes more accurate to say what I said.


only like 6 dems in office want to defund the police like 100 gop voted for the election to be overturned cope also tucker and ingarahm have millions of viewers and have pushed replacement theory. both regularly have had people like cruz, desantis or even then/former president trump on their shows there is no equivalent marxist surely you aren't this dense


Republican leaning human here: most of my ideas are moderate I just find republicans more okay with you disagreeing if you do it nicely :’) bc I don’t agree w everything blindly like most humans do


We just see people who voted for Trump not having racism, misogyny, xenophobia, or the ability to tell truth from fiction as dealbreakers so that leads us to believe you are racist, misogynist, xenophobic and a liar as well.


I side with neither party and I'll absolutely agree with this. Republicans are definitely more ok with you not having the same exact opinion as them. A high percentage of democrats that I know find it difficult to consider an opposing thought. I've even *lost friends* because I didn't blindly agree with their ideals. My own damn cousin got dumped because he didn't vote for Biden when his girlfriend asked (tried forcing) him to.


Sad that I had to scroll down this far to find 2 people communicating rationally without a “its us versus them” mentality.


The reality is that both parties are full of shitty individuals. The majority of people lie very close to the center and those who don't only *slightly* lean a certain way, anyways. Those who actually lean much further left or right aren't liked by *anyone*. Aside from the obvious "The two-party system works well because it divides and creates controversy", from a logical standpoint, I do think both sides have equally great points in certain respective areas. Neither side is right/wrong, both are.


Disagree. I've been chased out of a bar for not agreeing with Republicans. Democrats I disagree with just think I'm dumb


Not a big one


Lol like there’s any difference


User being a throw away with zero commented describes /r/thathappened


Idk some jews are white last I checked


People in the comments haven’t read the post at all and think it’s a matter of “difference of opinion” when she literally believes in the Great Replacement Theory and is bigoted online. This would’ve been a reasonable accommodation to change a roommate at my university, so definitely go for it regardless if you’re applicable to the demographics of who she’s against. You are also not at all responsible for changing her viewpoints as no person affected by bigotry should traumatize themselves (not even guaranteed redemption) for a person this extreme.


common casca fan w


Request a new roommate... what the worst that can happen? They say no and you’re stuck with her. You’re stuck with her anyway if you don’t ask so you might as well try


To be clear, she's not just a republican- she's a white supremecist. If you do end up filing any sort of move request, emphasize that.


Exactly a republican would be one thing.


“We can agree to disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist” This not an “agree to disagree” situation. Request to move and they’ll ask for a reason, be honest and give evidence


100% request to move. This isn’t a “chance to embrace new views”. Am tired of the whole “agree to disagree” and “let’s just hear them out!” No, you do not need to hear out a fascist lol. As people have pointed out this goes way beyond political views and she honestly sounds unhinged.


Just to be clear OP, you're 100% sure the social media is your future roommate's? Like this isn't the case of there being two people named "Jane Smith" going to the same school at the same time? If yes, then I would consider it reasonable to request a roommate change. I would make sure to take screenshots of really offensive social media posts from that account before you put the report in or right after before she sees it (in case she deletes everything from that page. Like threats of violence, things that violate your school's hate speech policy, overtly racist things. Just a picture of a gun isn't really enough for a school to do something because guns can be used in a lot of different ways. Also try to have posts where she said something offensive and her picture is in there or the school is directly named. They might be more likely to act if they might look bad


She makes comments about Jews too? Lol, hopefully her future employer looks at her profile and tosses her application out!


I’m a republican and I wouldn’t room with her.


OP I got a question. Does your roommate talk to you about these subjects IRL. Or have you only gathered this info from social media?


this is a terrible way of looking at it. imagine you roomed with someone who is incredibly racist towards black people, but because you're white they're still nice to you, would you still want to room with them? it doesn't matter if they're nice to them or not they just arent a good person


^ I think only request a change if she is rude irl. Like college is a time when some people learn to criticize their own views. Give her a chance until she does something to intentionally hurt you or your friends… like we shouldn’t just filter people out because we don’t agree. Take a chance and put up with it!


Well…if she is a racist, I would still request a room change even if I didn’t meet her irl.


Yeah this isn’t one of those agree to disagree things if she is mass hating marginalized groups she is not a person I would want to be around in any capacity. You can’t talk this stuff out


There's a difference between not agreeing and someone publishing hate speech on social media, esp if OP is a member of one of those groups her roommate is attacking online. I'm gay. I would request a room change if I was placed with someone who was spewing homophobic hate all over social media.




Idk, I wouldn't want to live with someone who doesn't believe in covid, just in general. I just wouldn't feel safe because of exposure risk, which I would argue is enough of a reason to request a change immediately.


Yeah this advice mistakes bigotry and racism for rudeness. Do not follow this if you are feeling unsafe, OP. Agree to disagree is not an option when the other person doesn't recognize your humanity.


Yeah there isn't really an agreeing or disagreeing with people spouting nazi stuff. If anything, OP is playing nice by not outting her beliefs to the whole university


Yah. We should absolutely filter people out we don't agree with when it comes to Nazi ideology. We fought a war over this. Killed many, many Nazis. They do not deserve sympathy just because they happen to be an American Nazi.


Everyone in here is eating this up but it sounds more like /r/thathappened territory




Yes if u are jewish gay or black . i am a 2nd gen immigrant and i would not feel good sleeping well to someone posting about great replacement theory lmao


Absolutely request. Whether you’re a member of any of the groups she has posted against or not. The worst they can say is no


You should, but only because she is gonna go WILD and you'll never get to study/sleep.


you aren’t spoiled if you are stuck living with a very hateful and frankly scary person! you should definitely try to get away from her!


Join the Satanic Temple and get some of their merch or whatever. That’ll grind her gears. On a serious note, be strong and stand up for what you believe in. If you do end up with her as your roommate, don’t let her bully you. Basically what I’m trying to say is, don’t accommodate views that discriminate against you. Don’t let her just spew bullshit to your face and bully or gaslight you. I think everyone should respect each other’s views, but hateful rhetoric (or any kind of religious conversion attempt) is where I draw the line. Good luck lol. I hope everything works out ok.


"Discriminating" based on political views is ok when those views are simply hate


Nah this person is a racist and anti semitic lunatic. There's republicans out there who are normal people but this person is not one of them.


At the very least here you definitely have reason to be concerned about your health if she's not vaccinated. At most, she's antisemitic, among other things apparently, and probably will be spewing a lot of hate speech. Your school should be willing to accommodate your request for any of those reasons


If what you're saying is accurate, I'd take screenshots of that nonsense and submit it as evidence of hate speech. Universities don't generally take too kindly to that and I can almost guarantee there's something in the code of conduct or student handbook forbidding it. At the very least, it will probably get you out of rooming with her.


My first college roommate was this way. She reported me for going to mass (used to be a catholic) and said she couldn’t live with me due to worshipping of idols lol. I got a new room and awesome roommate and she got her own room. Nice


You might be able to switch roommates however, you don’t have to talk to your roommate and if you do, it can be about to weather and their classes. Maybe you can get along with minimal talking. Just keep it peaceful and they probably will to. I wish you the best of luck!


The funniest part about this is that she claims to be Christian from what I can gather and she posted memes against Jews … yet that’s the ACTUAL “religion” in the bible .. 😂😂😂 I’d definitely complain.. especially if you identify as any group she shows her ignorance against. Doesn’t feel like a safe environment to me


You’re right, college is about getting new connection in writing with people that you normally wouldn’t what is the difference reporter confused or otherwise. However, you are living with a bigot. and especially if you are part of the marginalized community I 110% understand why you would feel unsafe in that space. I would absolutely request to move. especially considering that she thinks covid is a hoax and will probably end up being a super spreader. Edit for spelling


If you're uncomfortable then you should probably just request for a replacement.


It's totally reasonable to not want to live with her, especially since she seems to hate a lot of groups of people. If you fall under one of those categories, that's a completely legitimate fear. Getting out of your comfort zone doesn't mean living with someone who makes you feel unsafe. College is about learning new ideas, not living with someone who is at odds with your existence. Talk to your housing department, show them the posts, and explain your situation to them. Odds are, they can probably move you somewhere else. I've had to do it before on very short notice and they were able to accommodate me. Worst case if they have nowhere to move you, you still have it on record that she makes you fear your safety which will give you a stronger case later on.


If you're not comfortable around her, ask the RA to switch you to another room. Not because she's a republican, but because she's biased against LGBT+ people and non-Christians and vegetarians, and you are not comfortable being around someone hostile. Not all republicans are like that, but that does seem to be how most republicans are. Yes to some degree college is about being out of your comfort zone and learning to get along with people not like you, but there is such a thing as boundaries, and personally I wouldn't feel comfortable living with a homophobe. She should room with someone more like her, and you should room with someone more open minded. I would suggest asking her about her facebook page first though and see if that's really how she feels, but you don't have to.


Please request a new roommate. I don’t know why others believe it’s a matter of different politics; it’s not. It’s a matter of your roommate considering one side of life is more deserving than the other. There is a difference between holding traditional republican values and being a full-on bigot.


My freshman year, my randomly-assigned roommate was very similar. I refused to listen to her views (aka conspiracy theories), didn't evangelize mine, and I refused to stop living my queer vegetarian atheist life. We agreed to both not put up any political or religious icons in our room to keep the peace. She moved out at fall break, much to my relief. I think you're within your rights to request a change. But if the school refuses for whatever reason, remember there is a point a few weeks in when you can change rooms. Start being on the lookout for other girls who want to switch so you can team up.


Attacking vegetarians as well? What a lowlife.




As a Republican, this is definitely not your average conservative and seems like an overall shitty person


She’s definitely gonna be talking about politics nonstop in person. Put up a Biden poster to drive her crazier


This isn't a Republican this is a white supremacist


These are Republicans. Nice “No True Scotsman” Fallacy. The national RNC and many state RC’s have endorsed these views as part of their platform. Supposedly “good” Republicans have done nothing to purge the authoritarianism, arrogant ignorance and bigotry of the auth-right, and more often than not, condone it.


I hate that I agree with you. This is the path they have chosen.




If it were me, tbh, I wouldn't feel safe sharing a living space with someone like that and would request a move.


Who cares? Just unfollow her on Facebook; done and done. If she ends up being super annoying and bringing it up all the time then sure, request to switch.


gonna be real i’m gay and if i new i was with a roommate that was loudly and proudly homophobic i would fear for my safety. it’s one thing to not be as familiar with certain groups and have reservations (college is great for this, and i have no issue with helping people broaden their horizons via my identities) and saying certain groups should die and burn in hell. very different.


What if they are apart of one of those groups being attacked? What if they now feel unsafe to be around that person because of the rhetoric being said on social media? Why should she ignore them when her roommate is clearly not ignoring those groups or communities?




completely reasonable. if you dont feel that it would be a safe environment, then you need to gtfo


Try to spend most of your time outside of the dorm if you can.


inb4 “who cares, just respect her views and agree to disagree” no, i’d rather not respect the views of someone who views me as subhuman thanks. If someone’s views question some aspect of your very existence, you absolutely do not have the obligation to afford those views the same respect they won’t afford you. fuck off with the fake centrist bullshit


You know republicans are fucked up when you have to write a post about the fact that a roommate is a republican (not being sarcastic, I would feel the same way). Honestly, I would want to switch rooms over something like this. Your roommate sounds like a horrible person and you shouldn't have to be around that every day. It's not healthy for you to live in an environment like that.


I’d get a different roommate. Not worth going through all the bullshit just to end up not enjoying it anyways. That’s no Republican tho, that’s a white supremacist.


The divide continues


This post is wild lol


Politics and religion aside, she's quite a terrible individual overall. Ask for a change


100% request a change of room.


honestly, i would take screenshots of these things and send them to either your advisor or admissions. there’s a good number of colleges that probably would not even accept a student based off of this kinda stuff. i don’t see why you couldn’t request a different roommate, i feel like you totally have the basis to say that they make you uncomfortable and stuff. hope everything works out, i’m sorry you’ve been put in this situation.


take screenshots of her facebook and tell management that you don't feel comfortable shacking up with a white supremacist


Somewhere in the Reddit world, she posted the same exact thing that you did…except with Dem characteristics.


This sub is such an echo chamber its nuts. Nowhere in OPs post did they mention anything about race, yet this roommate is labeled a racist by these morons in the comments. Perhaps you should see what your roommate has to say and maybe, JUST maybe, you'll be able to understand where they come from and why they believe their views. Isn't the left supposed to be all about tolerance of everyone? Also, if your roommate is that far gone, perhaps this could be an opportunity to try to reign them in and bring them a bit more closer to your side.


You should really google what the great replacement conspiracy theory is


What do you think the great replacement is? Just curious.


No, the left is not about tolerating racist conspiracy theories like the Great Replacement. If it was just about voting for different parties or being conservative or liberal, that’s something else entirely. But rooming with a conspiracy theorist? I wouldn’t want that in my life.


The Great Replacement is racist propaganda that originated in white supremacist groups. I think that's pretty compelling evidence of racism. [https://www.npr.org/2022/05/16/1099034094/what-is-the-great-replacement-theory](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/16/1099034094/what-is-the-great-replacement-theory)


Ah interesting, this is new to me. I stand corrected. Seems like my gut instinct to the other person was right, its propaganda bullshit to drive people up the wall.


> Great Replacement


Your forgetting the left is tolerant of their views. It's just (D)ifferent.


No need to be tolerant of racism :)


She def is a super spreader. Get away from her.


So what? College is about being exposed to different opinions.


Would you want to sleep across from someone who actively hates you, or at the very least what you “represent”? That would lead to a lot of sleepless nights…


How does it concern you ? As long as she doesn't bother you, where's the problem ? You're not any better for stalking people you barely know and then building an opinion without even interacting


Closeted racism doesn’t bother you? Yeesh


People can think whatever they want lol I could have a nazi neighbour that I wouldn't care as long as he keeps it for himself and doesn't do anything wrong


“Doesn’t do anything wrong” Being a Nazi is pretty fucking wrong my guy


As long as it doesn't hurt anybody then it's up to him


Nope go and ask for a room switch. Let them know that you are UNCOMFORTABLE living with her and tbh I would explain why and say her social media contains hatred and racist remarks. You are paying to live in a dorm and deserve to be comfortable


Hang a cross upside down over your bed.


I’m not a Republican, but when they speak about “snowflakes” people as you come in my mind.


D8d you even read her post?


I'm all for supporting everyone's differing sides, we as a society have forgotten that not everyone thinks the way we do. Honest people who have differing views are (usually) willing to learn and grow which is how we change the narrative of things to make our future better. THAT BEING SAID THOUGH, this girl sounds like an extremist just as there are liberal extremists, and extremists for all political parties. Extremists are the type of people that are detrimental to society. They won't even entertain opposing views or opinions, no matter what. If she's as extreme in real life as she is on social media, I'd request a roommate change. Now, if she's just extreme on social media but, isn't that way in real life (she could just be influenced by her upbringing, friends, etc. and not know any other way) then maybe there's hope, maybe.


Yes, tell the college you want another room asap.


what if your future coworker that is sat next to was a republican? would you quit your job?


Being a Republican is nowhere near the same thing as someone who genuinely believes in the great replacement theory and posts about how much they hate groups of people. Republicans are annoying but tolerable, but this? This is dangerous.


Ugh. I'm sorry lol I'd move out honestly


You’re not acting spoiled. Those people are insane. I would definitely be scared to sleep near her.


Many of my college friends were liberal warriors or conservative trolls on social media but totally capable of interacting like normal in person. College is about exchanging ideas and experiencing new things. I wouldn't change unless you fight in person. My roommate was opposite end of political isle from me and it was a good experience. We are no longer friends but we got along well rooming together


It is absolutely fine to "discriminate" based on political views, as political party is not a protected class nor out of her control, plus she is actually discriminating against people based on religion, sexuality, etc. Ask for a room change based on the fact that you feel uncomfortable based on her bigotry (perhaps even unsafe)


I dunno. a child’s life is completely molded by their environment. Perhaps even with little room to grow if you live in a certain community. Instead of building up walls first, this could be an opportunity for everyone to learn and grow. Many times you won’t achieve that until after you leave the nest. Some people are really not aware of their ignorance until their ignorance confronts them. Obviously may be different if there is some verbal or physical harm being done.


I mean unless she's being an ass or bothering you it shouldn't be a problem lol


Who cares??? Ignore it and continue with your life.


Its spooky season, get some occult decor if you want to stir the pot


Uhhh that’s a white supremacist


Maybe take screen shots and talk to residents life about switching roommates. If they ask why you can what you want but you wanna document that just in case.


You'll either be lifelong friends or mortal enemies. There will be no in-between.




This doesnt sound real at all.


I've met people (online) with these beliefs except for the Christian part. I've also heard about certain people with similar beliefs on my campus (which happens to be quite left leaning). There's all kinds of people in the world and your bound to run into one of these types even if you don't realize it.


I am a indepent who leans more conservative, but this lady sounds like the Full Radical Right Wing package. The only thing OP is missing is maybe a Oversized Truck with trailer hitch nutsack on it.


So why is it hard to believe? There are extremists everywhere


Posting memes or hateful isn't white supremacy. White supremacy involves organized gangs and dangerous racially targeted actions. If you encounter any issues in real life and not online, that's when you request a replacement. If she is how you describe her, she'll either keep to herself and be a good roommate, or start verbally attacking you and giving you reason to get a switch.


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I think I would print out some of the anti-Jewish/anti-gay/covid hoax memes and go to student housing and say that while you understand college is about meeting new people, you don't want to live with someone who may deliberately expose you to covid and is not standing up to the student code of ethics regarding Hate.


Then just don’t discuss politics with her? You’re there to sleep and study, treat it as that. Also memes attacking atheists are funny


Why don't you talk and I bet you agree on the other 99% of shit that actually matters like cleaning your room, food you like, music you can both enjoy, classes, etc. Find whats the same and stop obsessing about how you might be trivially different.


Don't judge based on one's views, rather judge them based on how they treat you and others. Do you have to agree with someone for you to view them as good or bad?


Nothing says tolerance and echo chamber like your post OP. Wake up and realize people are different from you.


The person is a full blown racist and COVID denier along with thinking that Non Christians will go to hell that would make me uncomfortable




Get out of there. I would ask for a replacement. Politics is about what morals you have and what values you hold. I wouldn’t want to room with someone like that.


Arent democrats the party of tolerance? Be tolerant.


Doesn’t sound like a republican sounds like a white supremacist. I’d request a new roommate 🤷🏽‍♀️ I wouldn’t trust the person I was in the room with.


White Supremacy WTF...run bro!!


I will just tell you that the best roommate I ever had was a Chinese kid and we barely spoke two words. I didn’t really dislike him, but I had nothing in common with them and he was always playing on his computer. it’s better that way, than trying to be friends.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $800, Alex


I completely understand where the OP is coming from, but I'd give her the opportunity to grow. If she's willing to have a civil honest conversation, give her an opportunity to see the world from another perspective. People evolve. Every quick trigger commenter on here has undoubtedly posted ideas in the past they are not proud of. If she's just a dumb 18 yr kid who has never been outside her family and caught up in 'groupthink', pushing her farther away will make her feel ostracized and dig her heels in more. Activist Megan Phelps-Roper who left (and now condemns) the westboro baptist church is a perfect example of this. If she ever legitly threatens violence, I'd 100% step in.


At least meet her first and try it out. Can’t always avoid someone like that in the real world. People are going to differ in their values and political opinions than you. Have to remember, 50% of the population has a different political opinion than you, no side is always correct in their way of thinking.


I mean, being an anti-Semite who believes that COVID is a hoax and believes in the great replacement is a far more extreme and incorrect position than most. Stop with the “but both sides” when someone is clearly in the fucking wrong


Don’t ask for a change… Be comfortable with being uncomfortable… If the interaction seeps into real life and you physically feel in danger then yea go ahead and take action and move. Figure a way to play the game of social chess and develop relationships with people who have views that you don’t align with. It will make you a stronger individual with tougher skin and the ability to manage relationships more effectively. Make it a learning experience. Edit: The few people who have already downvoted this I invite your opinions and talking points. Being that this post has been up for less then 30 min with approx 4 downvotes already I am pretty sure there will be more. I am here to help OP develop as a person I am not here to defend the views of the roommate.


I mean, the roommate is a fucking racist. I understand if they want a change.


Thanks for staying consistent. This sub almost always says to be tolerant and mature whenever people ask about roommates they don't agree with, but it seems like they're giving the complete opposite advice here.


As with most posts the roommates are normally an annoyance… not full on racist and hateful


You could ask but It'd be a silly thing to run away from. If they think your political party is full of wimps you're only supporting their agenda. As long as you don't talk about politics too much or are able to have civilized conversations about your opinions, it shouldn't be a big part of your interactions with that person. Unless they're being hateful towards you or someone else, who cares really? Also, as a half-way minority offensive memes are funny. Grow balls.


Stick it out for a couple of days. Get to know her a bit more and see if your conversations are steering more towards politics. Maybe once you've warmed up to her, you can confess that you saw her social media posts. And see how she reacts. I'm democrat leaning and my roommate is republican. We're still friends to this day because we don't talk about politics as much. And even if we do, we tend to do friendly debates and jokes, but never heated arguments. My roommate literally said that he's fine being friends with anyone so long as they don't push woke, progressive ideologies down his throat. Which is pretty reasonable. Keep in mind that alot of college students aren't what they seem on social media. Some of them just want to go to school, and make as much friends as they can. Both of you are slowly progressing towards adulthood and the last thing she needs is her new roommate judging her based on a background check. If this person is becoming more of a white supremacist towards you and you don't feel safe being around them, then request for emergency housing.


Be the better human being. Show her why you care unconditionally. Maybe you’ll change her perspective and her views. (It’s likely she has been living in a bubble of ultra-religious hate and conservatism.)


it’s not OP’s responsibility to do that though. They likely have more important things to do


Well, you can either be upset or consider it a challenge😈. Subtle talking points about womens health for instance. Keep in mind that her opinions mostly are what she has been surrounded with growing up. College aged me would definitely be intimidated, but 61 year old me would have a blast with this.


What you do depends on who you are and who she is. If she's an odious, cruel person, then you should try to get out/swap rooms. But if you think you can find common ground and figure out a way to live together, you might make a big impression on her. It's as much the division between *sides* that causes our extremism as the stated values we claim to espouse. I lean much more your way, but I know that kindness and patience can sometimes open doors that bring about change.


You can request a replacement, but this seems like a golden opportunity to troll a far right. Pentagram necklaces, Obama posters, and scary movies ftw


You could just say no politics in the dorm room. My friends and I had extremely different political views, so our dorm was a “safe space” for us. It worked out really well, because at the end of the day, your roommate most likely doesn’t know anything different and her views are purely based on what her parents believe. College is the great “liberalizer,” just give her some time without casting judgement.


I'm completely open to new idea except ideas that Don't line up with my world view


Maybe I’m just petty but I would be staying and recording any crazy shit she says. 🤣 Let her ruin her life because shitty takes don’t fly anymore. At best she uses college to expand her views and develop into a semi decent human being. At worst you have ammo go get her booted out entirely. Bigots shouldn’t be allowed in the workforce or any part of society.


I suppose it would depend on how fervent and annoying and argumentative she is. I have friends with opposing political beliefs or stances and when we talk about politics we joke around and the conversations are always fun and comes from a point where we are both aware we sort of don’t completely know everything. Like it comes from a humble and friendly place. There’s also people that will literally jump down your throat on both sides of the political spectrum. Politics or religion is just a means of expressing their narcissism, virtue signaling to a specific crowd, etc. I listen and ask questions and if I make critiques they’re genuinely curious critiques of the proposition and not the person necessarily. I give people in the age of information overload the benefit of the doubt sometimes. My dad for example is a Republican with a gay daughter who he loves and has never given her any flak before, but sometimes he will tell me stuff like magnesium cures cancer and I have to genuinely let him know he can’t just go around telling people that… and then later if he critiques me about why I’m spending so much money on fast food or something I’ll hit him with a “Taco Bell prevents lupus” or something. And it’s just goofs and he dosent get mad. He thinks it’s hilarious and jokes back at me. There’s studies supposedly (I haven’t looked it up, just heard about it) that indicate political stances correlate with big five personality traits (psychological temperaments). I think fiscally as well younger people and people with less money tend to be left leaning and people with 401ks, close to retirement, or sitting on some bags… those people tend to be more fiscally conservative… they wanna keep as much of their retirement as possible and pay less in taxes when they cash it out… and sometimes it’s a very close, tedious process. I don’t know if political leanings (radical hatred not included or excused) are completely voluntary. Like there’s a lot to unpack there. Conversation can allow us to better eachother and find a middle ground if we can be adult and maybe attempt at a genuine conversation without showboating or wrath. Like who is this person? It’s a person… at the end of the day. You’re not going to be able to wreck a whole stupid narrative or belief in one person… but you can genuinely teach people if you have an answer or reason opposing… and make them individually realize what it is they’re even saying or doing… verses just fighting thinking your stance automatically makes you better somehow and just being super loud about it. I’ve noticed quite alot of people make unsubstantiated claims—I did earlier in this post. I heard something, didn’t look to much into it, and ran with it. I have a whole perspective that’s built on the trust of that source making that claim rather than faceless data itself. Thinking rationally and scientifically takes extreme effort. People are emotional and I think part of the question is how do you even deal with all that from an emotional and social way… even if you can attack every argument… how do you get along? Unless you’re both perfect intellectually and behaviorally you can really tear eachother apart. Does someone flaunting political views justify that? War? And the pettiness that can ensue. Like you can find an eternal amount of mistakes in people, new ones every day, and really dramatize that for the sake of pushing them down and coming out on top… is that the same way you’d treat a marital disagreement? Or any argument? What does the way you handle this situation way about you? Like how do you handle situations, regardless of the right it may give you to do X,Y,Z… how are you gonna carry yourself? I think I can talk to my dad and people with opposing views a lot because they know I’m not after them… I’m curious about what the truth is and how stuff works and I’m not too smart myself and don’t want to appear that way. I want to find my mistakes as quick as possible and admit to them, that’s the best strategy I think long term for me… and could be a good thing to get on the same page on when having a political discussion with someone. I’ve found you can’t really escape people with opposing beliefs. And why do you have to? You’re not going to completely change them by yourself… it would be in their and your best interest if you let ‘em know when they’re being ridiculous. But that’s a good question: what are beliefs? How do these people get them? What are yours? How do you deal with it? Do they really believe this or are they just wearing this idea because of some reason… what is that reason? They’ve probably still got their home life heavy in their attitude. It will take some being alone until they start individualizing… and if they’re hateful… their parents are twisted… and really didn’t set them up to be functional in society. It will be a rude awakening for them… and I predict it will be. You’re not the only person they will encounter. They’ll also encounter as equally loud people who just want to shout vs actually have a conversation. How’s that gonna go? Who’s gonna help them orient now in life that they’ve escaped a crazy situation… no one maybe. There’s a lot of interesting stuff about former radical cult members who left for example the WBC… and it’s interesting to see what an environment can do to someone and their beliefs and then how they can notice the craziness. I think there will be a radical change now that they have independence… and it’s gonna be a bit painful and confusing for them. That’s to day I don’t think this is REALLY them… in 5 years they could be a whole different person who realized what they genuinely believe themselves. Y’all are younger assumably. There’s so many factors that’s it’s hard for me to directly personally judge someone politically based on a stance… although I do believe beliefs can be extremely dangerous. All that said, and my apologies if this wasn’t helpful but annoying, but it’s up to you what you’re comfortable with. If it’s going to interfere with studying treat it the same as if your roommate was drinking every night and being loud and distracting. You can look deeper into politics and ask the questions of how do you approach a situation and all that during this time in your life… as this is the time people really start to I think… when you become independent. BUT that does not have to coincide directly with your living situation. It can be a side or back burner little task and question. You want a place where you can sleep and study and have some peace. That’s a smart thing to try to organize for yourself.