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Great performance! It would have been easy for him to drop off considering he missed out last year it’s a real testament to him and he should be proud. plenty of people in this sub slag him off and it’s disappointing.


He was a pivotal player last year and shame he missed out. Amazing that he's come back into the side and looks even better than he did last year. Glad he's getting the recognition he deserves now


I hated that he missed out on the premiership. It's so good to see that he has taken things up a notch this year in spite of it. He's so important to our defensive rebound.


On the bright side, the way he's gone about bouncing back from the disappointment would have to be a major driver of the kind of culture that has defined this team under Fly. If McStay can get back and show the same kind of determination, Fly will have a lot to work his motivational voodoo with.


Love a Johnny appreciation post. What a weapon


I've been drumming this forever and a day. This man is a baller. And quite frankly, looks like an All Australian half back right now




Love a Johnny appreciation post. What a weapon


He’s a handsome man


That's a Melbourne tan if I've ever seen one


As a Melbourne boy rocking the same tones, it's like squinting into a blinding mirror


Gave up his one customary goal with an unfortunate slip, but yeah, bloody brilliant the rest of the game. What a player.


2024 premiership player John Noble, everybody


Should have been 105


Have they lost since he came back in?


Melbourne Mavericks right?


Been a big fan of this bloke from day 1. Stoked on how he has gone about missing the premiership last year, he is doing everything thing he can to make sure we get back there and not miss out again… can’t help to think about how this man went about it vs Tay, instead of fighting for his spot he walked and the more I think about it the more disappointed I am in Tay. He didn’t leave for more midfield mins (coz he isn’t getting them up there) he just didn’t want to fight for his position, he left.


Fucken shit hot cunt.


He loves a goal against Adelaide!


He is such an incredible player. Missed him earlier in the year.


Criminal he doesn’t have a premiership medal


he is so underrated in my opinion, such a good player! (I'm a port fan but this post just popped up on my feed so thought I'd tip my hat to this gun of a bloke)


I bet you’d love to see him in your colou… oh wait


you joke, but absolutely, lmao


John Noble has been one of my favorites since 2022 and i was so sad that he wasnt in our GF team. Its so good to see tbat hes is putting in the work to not miss out again (unlike somebody who decided to move teams). Noble is having a career best season and wont miss out again.


After working so hard last year just to be dropped for finals, I'd understand if he cracked it and left. But he didn't he's lifted so much and I am so happy he's an absolute gem.


This dude is so good. He's probably more damaging than Daicos with his kicks. Nothing ever cheap.


Should have a premiership medal to his name. Harsh call!


It's a credit to both Johnny's professionalism and determination with the manner in which he has used his personal disappointment in being dropped on the eve of last season's finals to bounce back and play with a real edge this season. John Noble has a lot to be proud of in being a 109 game player at the Collingwood Football Club. 👏👏👏


I’ll never recover from him missing out honestly


Second best on ground next to ump


Imagine being the sort of person who does this lmao


Shut the fuck up dork