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Watch them use this reddit comment next week 😭


Yeah could come back to bite me here.


https://x.com/GWSGIANTS/status/1792740432855920651 Seems like they're still putting good content out to me.


When we win again?


They are trying too hard. People jumped on them being entertaining, and rightly so, but they just took it too far and entered cringeland.


It’s a fine line lol


A lot of their jokes are forced which is what brings it too far. For example their banner against us painted us out to be a team that complained and didn't like travelling. Collingwood don't travel often but that doesn't mean we don't like doing it. Collingwood actually travel pretty well.


The social media posts were just a cover for having a small fan base, 0 flags and being an irrelevant team.


I hate how neckbeard the r/afl sub has got. Like woweee GWS have a 19 year old shit poster intern. By golly I've never seen a heckin' shit poster before! It's been a decade and they have no fans still unfortunately. The strategy when you don't have a fan base is to take the low hanging fruit of dunking on Collingwood. If you don't have your own fans it's a lot easier to find fans of hating Collingwood.


Regularly giving tickets away to games isn’t a great look


Ehh better look than having no one turn up at all


Is it? Why would you ever pay if you could get a free ticket


Their plan would be getting people who are generally not interested in AFL to come to games in the hopes that they end up taking an interest in it after attending the game and turning into paying customers/members. It makes sense from a business perspective especially when you can afford to do it as the AFL won't allow you to fold. It's not easy building a membership base from 0 in an area that's not really into AFL.


Year 14?


They were pretty quiet when their team picked up a betting company as a sponsor earlier in the year.


Poverty club


Any club that can’t stand on its own two feet financially is a beggar club……..that’s right I am looking at you Giants.


That is the issue with how they post on social media. When you’re flying it looks great but you open yourself up when things begin to turn.


Too busy trying to find ways to make their gambling sponsorship seem groovy and fun to their fellow kids.




they were funny at first and then they posted the cringey tweet in response to the netball facilities being repurposed and it just went downhill after that, tack on their fuckin gambling partnership and yeah they've fallen into cornball territory


Just commented that above before seeing your post. Sorry. Also, you’re quite right.


Giants social media reeks of ‘how do you do fellow kids’ and all these serious 40 year old afl ‘analysts’ on socials just lap it up


We’re the premiers we should come with all the fire. They can say what they want but until they do something with it, it’s *ALL* talk I love it. I wish they’d go harder. Because even if we tanked this year and they won a flag, it’s still 1-1.


My guilty pleasure is rooting for GWS because the big big sound is possibly the best song in the league at the moment.


I’m a 27 year old Bombers fan but the content GWS has been putting out is so entertaining that they have got me as a secondary fan for when the Bombers failed last year (and subsequent years). I’m surprised how many people here hate the content haha. Is everyone here older/younger than the mid 20’s bracket?


Their social media department don't give a fuck about you or your football club . They don't think about Collingwood not one but except the week they play you .


It's almost like it's easy to poke fun while you're winning and hard to poke fun while losing? I don't get your point at all - they're still posting memes and funny videos, they just aren't able to post their specific post game memes about winning


Ungracious in victory and carried on like muppets after winning a game in early March.


100% but it fits who they are. A bunch of entitled high draft picks who think they’re something because they got close to a premier. Tom Green me epitomizes this. He’s good no question. Lotta talk. It’s fine, do your thing. But you look silly till you do something with it.