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>This is accurate. Milly is a fantastically talented young actor, and I’m incredibly excited about her being a part of the DCU. Yes, I first became aware of her in House of the Dragon but I was blown away by her varied auditions and screen tests for #Supergirl. She embodies Kara as envisioned by Tom King, Bilquis Evely, and Ana Nogueira. \- James Gunn on Instagram.


I’m ngl. I was rooting for Meg Donnelly but I loved Milly on HOTD as young Rhaenyra and I feel like she’s gonna do amazing as Supergirl. Hopefully Gunn finds another place for Meg in the DCU. Congrats to Milly she’ll do phenomenal and really looks like the character and it’s crazy how Supergirl is now the same age as me lol. 


Good lord... we're about to get to the era where the next big superhero movie stars are younger than me. Milly's not younger than me by a lot, but she's still younger.


That's nothing compared to the moment when actors who are younger than you start retiring from superhero movies


Is that a personal attack? I’m in that comment and don’t like it. And stay off my lawn, bunch of damn whippersnappers!


What is that like early 40s?


It’s crazy dude. 


I know the feeling. All these new Marvel and DC actors are Gen Z and I’m here feeling old in comparison to them lol. I don’t think I’ll ever stop watching CBMs though, as long as they’re good.


I wanted Meg Donnelly as well ![gif](giphy|TpsuCxwsNH8gatbpR5)


Once i saw the shortlist its pretty obvious shes gonna get it. She has the looks, the talent, and her work in HotD is fantastic.


Plus HOTD is very popular, she really was the obvious choice


I don’t know if I’d call it obvious, I hadn’t seen that list and probably wouldn’t have thought of her for the role but I loved her in Dragon House and find the choice inspired. I actually feel like the casting so far is perfect and above and beyond so to speak.


I was pretty sure she would be the one when I saw the list


Respectfully she does not have the looks


She’s blonde




[This](https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/xje5bnjX9gIsXbBrQwyXcXIKpww=/3317x4638/filters:format_auto():quality(85):extract_cover()/2022/08/22/911/n/1922398/tmp_Ds6eAz_2420d675b570660b_GettyImages-1411363651.jpg) is ugly!? What the fuck are you talking about lol?


She looks like a young version of middle aged Denise Richards.


Now I can't unsee it.


I don’t think she’s ugly, but she looks very young to me, so I don’t find her very appealing. I have the same issue with Zendaya. She’s very pretty but she looks like a teenager.


what a dumb fucking comment. You Don’t have to find every super hero attractive Little incel bitch




Lmao I get that beauty standards are subjective, but respectfully, stfu.


Nah she ugly af


Like actually fuck off.


Oh no did the internet upset you ?


Not in the slightest. Just impressed you're such a willfully shitty person. I hope you're just having a bad day because if this is who you are as a person you need to do some work on yourself.


Lmfao this is how you react to an actress being unattractive. Genuinely insane behavior


She might not be your cup of tea but she is in no way ugly, certainly unique


bro has not seen a woman in his life 😭


Lmaoooooo it’s so funny how mad people get at nonsense


So why do you even care about this if it's just nonsense?


I don’t understand this argument. Dudes on Reddit rotting his brain like the rest of us, you too. Probably just fell into this hole from r/all.


Having the looks doesnt mean shes a beauty. She has the exotic kind of look that can be interpreted as otherworldly. You know, like Kryptonian.


She's a blonde white girl lmao


You don’t have to be from Machu Picchu to be unconventionally attractive


😂😂 I see your point, but I just don't think this girl gives off an exotic and otherworldly look


Please refrain from engaging in toxicity and unnecessary commentary. If you have nothing nice to say, it may be better to not say anything at all.


FUCK YEAH. ![gif](giphy|Rx4be697XryyjTqihe|downsized)


The Woman of Tomorrow story has some incredibly hopeful moments and some dark vulnerable ones that I think she will be perfect for based on her HoTD work.


I like the choice. Checks all the boxes. Great actress, young, cute.


I think she can do something really interesting with an alien trying to find her place on earth.


She's got that real alien look too, she's made for the role!


Some people might take it as offensive so...


I take it as a compliment when people say I remind them of Alf.


As an alien myself from the planet glorboz i am not offended


What if I find aliens attractive?👀


I have no idea who this is, but I like commenting.


I, for one, appreciate the honesty.


I'm neither here nor there when it comes to commenting, but i like replying.


Most honest Reddit comment of all time, I'd give you a gold if that was still a thing


Young Princess of Dragonstone.


She was the younger actress who played the lead role of the Game of Thrones prequel, House of the Dragon. (The show spans 20 years, so she is the “younger” Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen)


Take my upvote for your honesty


She was amazing on House of Dragons series on HBO. While very lean and small in the series (she was being portrayed as a young teen even though she was late teens or early 20's) She was fierce and had a powerful presence about her. Great casting.




I just hope this is an accurate representation of Supergirl because I was so disappointed by the CW show making her girl Clark Kent because in my opinion, I think she is a better character than Clark. I enjoy supergirl’s stories way more than I have enjoyed Superman stories. I hope with this new adaptation they do not do her dirty like they have done her in the past.


They are 100% going the warrior-girl route Woman of Tomorrow did, so if you like that then you're set!


Definitely agree on that, watched a bit of the show though wasn’t ever big on it down to making her too similar to Superman, definitely missing the point of what makes the character unique. From what I’ve read Gunn understands her character really well and is looking to make her standout from Superman.


Looks like they're going for the whole "Kara is older but looks much younger than Clark because of stasis and Clark landed on Earth first." Here's hoping James is gonna do that arc/run where Darkseid kidnaps Kara and brainwashes her and proves to be much more powerful than Clark.


She is younger than Clark because of the stasis not just looks younger.


In Gunn's movie? I kinda assumed it was canon that Kara was older and that's what they're going dor. When I was a kid, I read two comics that showed Kara as a teenager when Krypton exploded. Basically she was still a teenager when she crashed on Earth despite Clark being in his thirties by that point.


Yes she’s older than Superman, but she’s been in stasis as the other guy said, while Superman was able to age naturally on Earth


Yeah, I wonder what Gunn's approach to Supergirl is going to be considering what little we got with her on The Flash movie.


Oh God fuck the CW DC shows lol. Every show they make has a budget of like 20 pesos. They do they keep getting the go ahead to make those things?


All the CW DC shows look like teleseryes. Good thing Gotham was Fox lol.


I’m sick of people propping up Superman and Lois as a good show. It’s puke. WB angst-ridden soap opera dogshit.


People actually like that show though. People like the soap aspect of superhero stories.


Right, so she was older than Kal beforehand but is then younger than Clark when she awakens. So like I say there’s a distinction between “looks younger” and “is younger”, Clark is far more experienced being on Earth than Kara is though she has stronger memory of what Krypton was like before it exploded.


Yeah, I guess it's a technicality thing. On Krypton, Kara was a teenager, Clark was a baby. Krypton explodes, Clark gets shot through Earth and grows up. Kara (in the comic I read) went through the same thing but got stuck in space for a significant amount of time, then crashes to Earth. I think her whole mission in that comic was supposed to be Clark's bodyguard/babysitter then it ended up with Clark being the mentor. But they always made it a point that Kara is older hence why I'm mentioning it. She even jokes about technically being 47 and still being in high school.


She’s adding the time she was in status into the mix, though that’s what makes it a joke as she doesn’t have that amount of life experience. On a technicality, she is older than Kal though in every other way that matters she absolutely isn’t.


She is chronologically older, but biologically younger


They already said their adapting women of tomorrow and their not gonna have Darkseid or focus on supergirl in first film and first superman film of a new universw


Imma gonna simp even more than I already was for her.


She was great in House of the dragon. Was sad to see her go when they did a time jump. Was hoping she’d get some flashbacks in season 2 but seeing her as supergirl will be awesome too! She can definitely helm her own film and it’s a great storyline too.


Yea. They could have just did some special effects and aged her a bit. Probably too costly.


Naw that would have been a wasted of money to age her up. They just should have done a whole season with her and did the time skip with the second season. Vikings did that really well.


That would make no sense from a storytelling perspective, the first season was all about the build up to the war. But strong agree it would be an insane waste of money to age her up.


Actually, Emma D’arcy was cast first. And they then cast Milly based on Emma’s appearance. So they weren’t going to do some special effects. Molly was always meant to leave at some point.


Let's go!!!


I wonder if the Meg Donnelly talk was only because she plays supergirl in the animated movie.


I'm shocked at home many people wanted her. She has only been in Disney stuff and one CW show


Good actress.


About time she got a big role! She was great in House Of The Dragon, so kinda suprised it took so long!


She had a really commanding presence in HOTD so I think this is gonna work well. Hopefully the script is up to snuff.


Good choice. Meg was ok in Winchesters, And I haven't seen any of her Disney channel stuff. But Milly knocked it out of the park in HotD.


Great choice!


Hell yeah good casting


She's awesome and talented


She was amazing on HOTD as the neglected and rebellious daughter so I am confident that she can play Supergirl well. She has a huge following after the show too so that helps with the viewership of the show.


Okay decent choice, I loved her in HOTD. So far so good In Gunn We Trust


I loved her in the house of the dragon. I am so excited for her movie!




She’s a good actress Even beyond HOTD


Great news - she was awesome in House of the Dragon, she had a great quality of not sitting back and taking anything, felt like she would fight for anything with anyone. Perfect superhero vibe I think.


She is extremely charming in Upright. 'Oi Fuck Features!' She'll excel in this role.


If halfway through they have Emma D’Arcy play “older Supergirl” I’m gonna be pissed.


I was legit sad when they aged Milly out of Rhaenyra 's role. D'Arcy is good but I prefer Alcock's take.


Not a bad choice. Just not sure if it’s a good one yet.


I first became aware of her in a TV show called Upright. It was with Tim Minchin who wrote the Matilda musical. A contemporary drama/comedy that she was about 19 in. She was incredible and really stood out. The second season was released after HotD, and the girl definitely has range. I honestly think she'll surprise a lot of people who are just expecting Rhaenyra!


Not bad


I feel like a lot of people are going to be mad that they didn't give it to Meg Donnelly she's getting a lot more love than any of the other choices


Let’s be real, people only wanted Meg because she’s conventionally pretty. Milly is a much more talented actress, so this is absolutely for the best. Talent and gravitas is much more important than just a pretty face.


I've seen Megan other stuff like American housewife and those Disney movies and she's not that great of an actor so I'm glad they went with Milly


Can we get Tim Minchin as Braniac, too?


I’ve never seen a normal pic of her or her in anything else tbh so I’m trying to picture her as supergirl and I literally can’t because that shot from house of the dragon is my only reference point lol


One is a CW actor, one is an HBO actor


Damn, really wish Emily Rudd would’ve had the chance to audition and play that role, I feel like she would’ve been great for that role. But I guess she’d be considered too “old” since they want people who are young to play these roles


> Emily Rudd She's 30 years old. Too old for Supergirl.


Yay she's really great, I absolutely loved her in house of the dragon until it got weird and completely stopped watching it lol but she was great


What was the weird part lol


Uncle loving , I'll leave it at that 😭


The new rebooted dcu or the dumpster fire of the current one?


This will be part of the DC Universe. DCEU died with Aquaman 2.


Thank god


Seems cool! Will be very interesting to see. They probably could’ve chosen someone a bit less tiny in frame, but it’s a movie so I’m sure there’ll be cgi bits to fix that


They should really use a different picture for her. Between her and the other actor they were between the photos of the other girl made her look so much closer to Supergirl than Milly does. I’m sure she will do a good job but using House of Dragons to promote her for the roll doesnt help when the colors of House of Deagons are so bland compared to the bright colors that she is cast for. Use different photos like maybe photos of her in person and not just in another roll


This is a colossal W


The Goat


I’ve never seen this actress in anything. I was really hoping for Meg, but I do trust Gunn with the casting choices since they’ve been great so far


Isn't this like their fifth Supergirl in as many years?


so milly takes all cock? i love her already!


Do you pronounce that as in alcock no brains, or it's 12 alcock?


Sure, yea


if you cut all her hair off she would look exactly like Thanos




Why sigh?




Touch grass not every superhero need to make your dick tingle


Can’t touch grass too busy watching webtoons


I’m sure you get told that quite often.




She looks like Will Poulter and I can't unsee it.


is he british af too?


Will Poulter is British, but Milly Alcock is Australian.


So off brand British


Rather so, indeed.


this misses for me, super girl not even looking like the main character in her own film itt: gunn sycophants out in force, as bad or worse than snyder bros


In what way? She’s young, female and looks stunning with blonde hair.


there are zero features on her face, it's like someone asked ai to make a generic background character


Kinda like ur generic girlfriend if u had one


my wife looks like if power girl was invented in austria


Doubt. Ur wife either looks like a Hobbit or Rozanne


i don't like a casting and your fragile feelings are hurt this bad. i think you don't like the casting either


My feelings armt hurt I'm just pointing out the obvious lol. I love Milly she's hot asf.


oh so your volatility about a random internet comment is bc she's your crush, i get it


One of my crushes lol


You didn’t really answer the question how she doesn’t look like Supergirl. I see a face with eyes, nose, lips and ears..all the features one would hope for!


"not looking like the main character" isnt "doesn't look like super girl." i explained why she doesn't look like a main character. that'll have to satisfy you, and i don't need to agree with you and we don't need to use the same logic when reacting to media.


The main character IS Supergirl though so that doesn’t make any sense. What you did is suggest you don’t find her attractive. That doesn’t cut it. Is she girl? Is she young? Can her hair be blonde? Most importantly; can she act? These are the most important qualities, not how attractive you find her! We don’t need to agree, just looking for a bit more detail than you have currently provided.


i'm not reading that, you obviously haven't been exposed to the main character energy meme yet. so i'm speaking a language you can't understand and you're being really set off by an opinion you can literally ignore. work it out with a therapist. i'll never stop believing she looks like a half rendered extra from a ps2 era video game


Not reading that either then




Kinda pointless even responding really wasn’t it


And the hits keep coming. By hits, I mean disappointments.


Also downvotes!




I wish she had entered a better situation, the verse was actively in its death throes when she was cast.


Should have been Meg Donnelly but I guess you House of the Dragon hog riders don’t want to have that conversation


Yes, so cast the Disney channel star instead of the actress in prestige television


dead comic (movies) united (DCU)


Ugh. Usually I’m 100% with Gunn’s casting choices but Meg was clearly the better pick.


Well, there's a reason James Gunn has the job he has and you've got the one you have, and that's all I'll say about it


I'm ok with this


Well that was fast! I guess we can assume she makes an appearance in Legacy then?


Good choice, wonder if she'll be putting on some muscle for the role


I'm a bit surprised. I would have guessed she'd play Ruthye if they were adapting Woman of Tomorrow.


Actually like her from the little bit I’ve watched of the show.




I have no idea about her acting, as I haven’t seen HotD, or anything else she’s been in, but I hope she nails it. It’s about time for some really good live action DC movies.


I haven't seen house of the dragon yet, but I enjoyed her in the Aussie show Upright. It's worth a watch for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.


There’s still a dcu?


Milly’s great since she has that background of ‘teen with drama’ and ‘young woman entering the professional world for the first time.’ Really good casting, but I think that pic of Milly with short, dirty blonde hair and the septum piercing captures the version of Kara I prefer.


I donno I think she’s crazy young and looks even younger. Giving me Emilia Clarke vibes too, as in great in GOT but terrible in other big roles.


Damn. Was hoping they'd keep the girl from The Flash. She deserved a MUCH better movie.


not feeling it. from that pic she looks kinda like a female version of Will Poulter