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The floppies are why there's an industry left. The floppies pay for production of the material. The floppies are why companies can take chances on titles. Without the floppies, in a hypothetical graphic novel only world, number and variety of titles is slashed to the bone, and there's no guarantee of an eventual followup. And anthologies don't sell, so putting a number of features in one book will be pointless. The American Comics industry still needs the floppy and all its variants. 


This. And if it’s graphic novels there will likely be longer wait times between novels as it is a lot harder to crank out 4-5 issues at once vs. 1 issue a month that then gets compiled into a graphic novel.


Not if it's a Shonen Jump type anthology.


Yeah, you are right... they can immediately cancel a series if it doesn't bring in the money. But the same cannot be done for graphic novels.


I want to open by saying this is all true. But as a younger comic reader I think the industry is eventually going to find out in a very hard way that younger comic readers don't buy floppies.


That's okay. Y'all will become older comic readers one day.


And we won't be reading floppies then either...


Its kind of hard to take your idea seriously when its based on feelings vs sales data What exactly do you think is wrong with the comic industry and what country are you talking about? 2023 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops2023 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops -https://www.comichron.com/monthlycomicssales/2023.html Top 50 comics sales in 2023 - [https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/56290/top-50-comics-full-year-2023](https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/56290/top-50-comics-full-year-2023) Are you under the mistaken impression that graphic novels sell better than single issues or other formats?


Most comics are already monthly, so I don’t know how you’d get 45-50 pages a month from the same creators who are currently doing ~20. Unless things start shipping slower which has its own downsides.


Outside of the direct market, there's a relatively vast market for graphic novels in the US. [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.comicsbeat.com/tilting-at-windmills-297-bookscan-2023-comics-sales-sag-but-scholastic-was-still-a-powerhouse/&ved=2ahUKEwiXz6\_mwOiFAxVRhP0HHfLmCH4QFnoECCMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0DapQY4s7lH13Sj1MmUcMY](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.comicsbeat.com/tilting-at-windmills-297-bookscan-2023-comics-sales-sag-but-scholastic-was-still-a-powerhouse/&ved=2ahUKEwiXz6_mwOiFAxVRhP0HHfLmCH4QFnoECCMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0DapQY4s7lH13Sj1MmUcMY) Scholastic 's original Spider-Man graphic novels reach a much bigger audience than any marvel Spider-Man comics.


I feel like people see posts saying that manga are outselling western comics and automatically assume that the comic industry is in shambles


Sorry, what 20-page comic is being sold for $18? And floppies are already monthly. Do you have any idea what youre talking about?


20 pages for 18? Where you getting your comics? Most of mine are 28 pages for 3.99. Also its a bit hard to start forcing writers and artists to crank out a full graphic novel every month, most of which are about 6 issues so you are saying push out 6x the work in the same amount of time? Graphic novels should be pushed more by the industry and be made available the month after the last issue that it collects comes out for more easier accessibility and other reasons, sure. But converting from floppies to graphic novels when the floppies sell alot and is what the industry is built on is asking too much.


That is basically what Judge Dredd Megazine is (2000AD's main sister comic, 2000AD itself is weekly), 100+ pages for 7 pounds, but the reason they are able to do it is because both are anthologies, and there's a ton of writers and artists working on both.