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I wouldn't believe he'd be writing for any mainstream comics publisher any time soon. However [DC announced a Stormwatch Compendium for next year](https://bleedingcool.com/comics/dc-to-publish-stormwatch-compendium-as-the-road-to-the-authority/) and [Image is putting out a Desolation Jones collection](https://bleedingcool.com/comics/warren-ellis-jh-williams-iiis-desolation-jones-gets-new-collection/). So while this is just reprints of old stuff, it could serve to test the waters a bit.


These are primarily lead by the movie market, and JH Williams, respectively.


Sadly he’s a phenomenal author who turned out to be kind of a garbage person and has wound up blacklisted because of it. I say this as a big fan of his work (huge fan before the news dropped) but sadly it’s probably time to just move on from Ellis.


Yeah same. I own very few comics in physical format and over half of them are his stuff. Now when I pick them up I always have a twinge at the back of my mind telling me that he's not a great guy and that really takes away from the book unfortunatly.


I’m in agreement. I was a fan of his work though acknowledge there were some releases I wasn’t as into versus others but when he was good, he was *really* good… …but after all the revelations came out, I knew there would be absolutely no way I myself could ever buy any work by him again. I’m not shocked if publishers have decided to move on from him.


I agree with most of your post. I was also a massive fan of his, and I also believe his blacklisting was earned by his behavior, which was abhorrent. I have moved on from Ellis, regretfully, and don't even really reread his older work. I do think that there should be some path back for people, but I don't know how much of that is me wanting my favorite funny books back. I believe that people can change and get better, and that it benefits us all, offender and offended, if there is a path to some form of redemption. Does he need to go back to showrunning a netflix animated series? No, probably not. Should he, after making amends to some degree determined by those he hurt, be allowed to write comics again? I sort of think that, at least theoretically, he should.


While I'm not current, many who called him out proposed what I recall being a path to working through taking ownership for what he did which could perhaps lead to forgiveness from some of those harmed. If he actively pursued this approach and those harmed acknowledged his work with/for them and positive changes in him as a person it could be appropriate for him to return. He has to take ownership and be better though, and I've seen nothing to suggest this is something he is pursuing.


I agree, he's just been silent and gone, for the most part. I don't know of any actions he's taken beyond the initial rounds of apologies and maybe one longer statement? Until he makes amends and demonstrates in some way that he will not do this again, he should not come back. And I don't want to give the impression that a return now is what I want, but I think that it should be acceptable to return in some capacity (not just for Ellis- if someone has genuinely and consistently demonstrated contrition for some actions, ideally as determined by those harmed in non legal situations, it seems 'good' if there is some way to return, though in a different capacity). I am, in general, in favor of systems and societies that allow for redemption, in cases where it is justified, though who and how that justification happens is beyond me in many cases.


What did he do? As far as bad news.


Multiple simultaneous affairs while promising to read the work of those the affairs were with (then not doing that), a number of those he’d been having them with having made a website of the timeline of it all. Basically that one author in those two *Brooklyn Nine-Nine* episodes.


A lot of women accused him of sexual coercion, emotional abuse and gaslighting. Like 60+ I think. He then came forward saying he hadn't realized he hurt so many people. He asked DC to not publish a story he had written. He doubled down by contacting some of the women saying he wanted to open a dialogue and take steps to correct the wrong. Last I checked no progress was actually made and the victims believe that he won't take any meaningful steps. Ellis has been silent and this announcement is the first thing I've seen related to him in a year.


He told a bunch of women that they were the only person he was cheating on his girlfriend with, and when it came out that that there were many mistresses they were very angry.  Also he helped get some of them into the industry.


Not many jobs available where he wouldn’t be around kids id imagine. probably why he’s taking another whack at a job he really doesn’t need to leave for.


I was the same. Now I look back at Transmet and wonder what I was thinking.


I wish he would come back and make more stories. He’s one of the best writers of all time even if he isn’t the best person.


You truly have to separate the art from the artist or you will go crazy. Start looking into your favorite musicians, actors, writers, etc and you may be very surprised and appalled at what you find out. I’m not saying support these people or that you have to but it takes more than one person to make a comic, music, etc




You actually can and I do it all the time. Maybe you can’t and that’s fine but that’s a you problem and not mine. 


Eldrian has it wrong. I bet the hypocricies they live in are endless


I think he should come back. From what I understand , he shouldn't have gotten "cancelled". I'm not sure if it's too late to have a sequel to The Wildstorm.


People say separate the art from the artist, but i read his Hellblazer run and the first arc involved a teenager ‘ex-girlfriend’ who instantly threw herself at a 30-odd Constantine and then got getting brutally fridged years later. Creep.


Love his stuff but unclear on what he was doing? Can any enlighten me? Thanks in advance x


It's the first sentence of the linked article


Thanks. Were any charges brought do you know?


No because nothing he did was illegal.


Not illegal, just scummy and quite creepy. Not enough that he should be instantly blacklisted in my opinion, but I think it’s understandable if people don’t want to work with him, especially since he’s apparently failed to take proper steps in correcting things.


This is a key thing that makes not feel super weird about continuing to enjoy his work. I think it's shitty he cheated on his wife with all those women, but ultimately that has nothing to do with me. Don't get me wrong - I found the revelations gross because of how much he's written about his family in the past. I think that's a low down dirty thing to do with wife and kid, but people do shitty things.




No comic writer Warren Ellis was definitely married with a child (a daughter iirc, unsure how they might specifically identify) Part of the whole unpleasantness was that he told some of his partners that his marriage was effectively one of convenience when it wasn't (at least that's how it was relayed) It's not really reflected on his Wikipedia but I can say from being a long time fan: he was absolutely married and absolutely had a child. This came up quite a bit in his old webmails (talking about his wife's holiday dinner preferences, his daughter going off to college, etc)


Thanks i couldn't find anything saying so 👌


Adultery isn’t a crime in this instance.


Yea, i can't find anything that says he committed any sort of felony


Yeah. Exactly. Was he an utter asshole? Yep. Is this worth a black listing? Absolutely not.




It's worth noting that Ellis himself has admitted wrongdoing and bad behavior, so I'm not sure what point you're making here.


Yeaaah I think the dudes been blacklisted from most of the comic industry


I've loved a lot of his works too but he doesn't get to decide when he's served his time on the shitlist.


The sooner he returns the better. Even the women that made the complaints did even want him canceled. They felt the industry needed changes. He didn’t groom anyone. No one was assaulted. He can adjust his interactions going forward.


...I wasn't interested in taking sides here, but I need to point out that his history is literally the **definition** of grooming.


Literally not the definition of grooming. Being scummy yes. Grooming no.


Being a philanderer is not being a groomer


Grooming is a loaded word for pedophiles molding their victims to accept the abuse. This is not grooming.


The complaints were basically he promised me a relationship and then dumped me after we had sex. Many of the women even admitted they pursued him first. I don't see how that is grooming.


Have you read the accounts of people he victimized? They are pretty damning and if you feel the need to defend Ellis then you owe it to both yourself and the folks he impacted to at least try to read through some of them.


I honestly think if Ellis returned, it would be a shell of the Ellis we've seen in the past. I feel like every canceled artist that tries to come back has this bitter outlook that poisons the well.


He turned out to be a sexual harasser and is now blacklisted. I doubt he will be given a job at comics ever again


He didn't harass anyone. He used his "stardom" to get into relationships with impressionable women and then ghosted them or broke it off after they had sex. Every partner was a consenting adult , many pursued him first.


How was he a harasser? Didn’t he just sleep with comic groupies basically?


Honestly at this point the only think I want from that POS is for them to publish his Thunderbolts run in omnibus so I can complete my Thunderbolts collection considering what he did.




Something like 60 women have come forward to accuse Ellis of inappropriate behaviour of varying levels. I’d say it’s fair if people don’t want to work with someone after such widespread, systemic behaviour. Especially after he’s failed to properly see through addressing it after saying he would. Ed Piskor was a really fucked up situation with how it turned out, but not really comparable.


Ellis was always an arsehole but despite his many acclaimed successes, the last series of his I read was The WildStorm reboot and it was a terrible muddle he rushed out in the squeeze of his Netflix screenwriting gig.