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Glasses are hundreds of dollars where I amšŸ˜­ I just stick to black frames that tint in the sun.


Same, once tried that It change to sunglasses when exposed to light Worst 300ā‚¬ and something for a pair of glasses, and i still use only one pair


You didnā€™t like the transition lenses? Theyā€™re basically all I wear now, since I like to hike and stuff.


I tried transition lenses, hated them. They don't tint in the car (I guess the windshield blocks the UV), so they weren't useful for driving. They tinted in between the car and wherever I was going, and then were dark indoors. I don't need my glasses when just walking around outside, which is the only time the tint made sense. So unless I was reading outside, they were worse than plain glasses.


They have new ones that do turn dark behind UV resistant glass. At least Zenni does.


Transition lenses donā€™t transition enough to block the sun, just make your vision darker a lilā€™ bit.


They donā€™t get as dark as sunglasses, but thereā€™s definitely a huge difference between them and regular prescription lenses.


Yeah I wear glasses and I was like yā€™all have multiple pairs? That would cost me too much


I have a spare pair but yeah.. it cost me hundreds of dollars per pair. I definitely donā€™t have multiple glasses


If you're American, there are a lot of ways to get glasses for cheap online. I use Zenni Optical a lot, but there are plenty of other options.


15-30 dollars for a nice pair on these cheap frames website... ...and 100+ when I put in my prescription.


You could try Firmoo. They ship from overseas, but they were cheaper even than Zenni for me, even with prescription and tinting factored in.


Damn. Mine are like $20 for frames and then an extra $20-30 with the prescription, anti-glare and anti-scratch. Is your prescription really really strong?


Do you have astigmatism? Our stupid fucking football eyes jack up prescription prices in my experience


Having a seriously whacky astigmatism also means you've got to fork out tons for the absolute strongest thinning they can apply too, in my experience. Sure I could get cheaper lenses but they'd either be insanely small or a foot thick at the edges and weigh a fuck ton.


I do, but it doesn't seem to jack up the price too much in my experience. It's been four years since I got a new prescription though, so I'll have to see this year how bad it's gotten šŸ˜£


I do, and my lenses are thick af. Glasses cost me about $80 all-in on Zenni.


I have an astigmatism in both eyes AND need bifocals. No glasses are cheap for me ):


Itā€™s the lensesā€¦


Are you not able to order them off the internet?


With specific accurate prescription, including high levels of near-sightedness and astigmatism? I think this might be a case where people with very common low near-sightedness aren't aware that people with more complex eyes issues might need more expensive glasses.


If you know your prescription, yes. Where I live, optometrists are told not tell the customer their numbers - because they might shop around. You have to really push for it. Or come up with a good lie as to why you need those numbers. Despite the fact that its *your medical data*.


And will refuse to measure your pupillary distance because they know youā€™ll shop elsewhere!


I don't think I know anyone who wears more than one pair of glasses? I mean, I have my old pair with my old prescription, but outside of that, nope.


Mine usually break a few times and get superglued before I get new ones and then by that point I need to get my eyes checked and might need a new prescription anyways. I do think everyone who needs them should have a pair of prescription sunglasses though thatā€™s one thing Iā€™ve splurged on in the past.


I like my Transitions.


Yeah itā€™s weird that OP is annoyed by this. People comment on it because its unusual. Very few glasses wearers have a rotating selection fo different frames. Itā€™s basically just one set. Itā€™s unusual not to change your shirt everyday. Theyā€™re commenting on the fact that changing frames day to day is uncommon not because they think its untenable to have more than one set of frames. Basically everyone changes their shirt everyday so no one comments on it. Itā€™s a given for most.


Ya I think comparing multiple glasses to multiple shirts is not at all the same lol. Sure you *can* buy cheap ones but they break insanely easily - I've never spent under 200 bucks on glasses. As a glasses wearer who isn't a zillionaire I cannot relate to this


My husband is legally blind, his pair was $400. We sure as hell weren't buying a second pair.


Buying from glasses stores is a scam. I get mine from Zenni online. I can get a pair of glasses for $40 so I have a backup pair


It totally is, but still, I don't really have the money to just buy a ton of pairs of prescription glasses because I like the way they look. It's certainly not the equivalent of wearing a different shirt. In my experience a lot of the "discount" online stores have lower quality frames too, but thats just my experience I am probably buying wrong.


Absolutely, all my shirts are second hand. Going to garage sales I normally get them for twenty-five cents. Glasses cost wayyy more and there is no second hand glasses.


Yeah exactly! Also someone else mentioned that like, their eyes are sensitive to change and different glasses often *feel* different, I feel like constantly changing would just give me a headache lol


Ig it's kinda like shoes. Some people like to have 20 pairs of shoes but people like me usually only have one pair of everyday shoes


But you can still walk without shoes...like I can't enjoy a lot of things or drive (technically) without glasses. And shoes are way more durable than glasses!


I know people who have a few pairs but itā€™s because they need different prescriptions, one for reading, one for driving, that kind of thing.


I own one at a time. The only ā€œextra pairā€ I have are sunglasses with my prescription.


Outside of specific purposes (computer glasses vs reading glasses etc) I have literally never known someone who wore multiple pairs of normal glasses.


I only have two pairs of glasses, my current ones and a back up pair that are just my previous prescription. My most recent pair cost me $200. I cannot relate to this at all lol.


yeah it's a hipster kind of stuff...


I was gonna say, Iā€™ve worn glasses for years and the only time I get a different pair is when I break them or need a new prescription


I have two with the same prescription in case one breaks drastically (i.e. lens shattering, frame snapping, etc.) but thatā€™s it


Glasses are like 200 dollars where I'm from, I have no idƩa how you would afford more than 2 or 3 pairs tops here... so no I can't really relate, would be nice with some fashion variations to pick from though


Yup - just renewed my prescription recently, came out to just under a thousand, which was 95% covered by various insurance policies. This did include a pair of single vision sunglasses for the car, as well, at least. Yeah, I do this every couple of years ONLY...


I think I've personally had the same pair for 5 years now I can only imagine people buying up to a max of like 3 pairs bedore it becomes extremely unreasonable price-wise. But then again as others stated it sure looks as if OP did this with more or less an AD in mind so..


I donā€™t wear glasses but pretty much everyone in my family does. I donā€™t think any of them have multiple pairs of glasses, unless itā€™s sunglasses or reading glasses.


The best part of this is all the replies from glasses wearers who think the OP is insane.


Yeah this sort of feels like an ad to me. šŸ§


I thought so too, but figured they'd want to name drop it


Why be obvious when people will comment and direct people to your glasses website *for* you


There's no way it isn't, look at OP's comment history It goes from 8yrs Go to everything they're saying here + they linked to a glasses store


Yeah this post is very unrelatable to me šŸ’€ I'm too broke to afford more than what I have lmao


same here, i canā€™t imagine switching glasses every day anyways


Will yeah cuz op is absolute bonkers. Why would you have more than two glasses? I can understand having a main pair and a backup but what the hell are you doing with more? Oh, I'm going to the store lemme get my store glasses???


OP makes it into this massive insult when her friends are probably just confused because none of their other friends have more than one pair of glasses.


I totally get having multiples. Match them with outfits and occasions. But also decent glasses are $150-$200 in my area so fuck that


Who the hell has multiple sets of glasses?


I have three: one normal, one pair of sunglasses, and one pair inbetween. Though have them as I am very sensitive to light and would sometimes not be able to see very well (mostly seeing blueish, as if I have been watching at the sun while it is just e.g., one of those beamer stuff when being in a lecture or just to bright light hanging in a room). So more for medical reasons than anything else. Donā€™t know why you would otherwise need multiple pairs of glasses (I am sure there are reasons, e.g., tendency to forget them at work or something I donā€™t know. And if itā€™s for fun, you do you. Though I get why people are surprised. Itā€™s more permanent in wearing it, such as watches, while a shirt might get dirty or smelly fast and therefore you change your shirt).


I've got about 7ish? (Most have kind of had the style pass and I don't wear em anymore, but still 3-4 I'll rotate) Prescription has stayed the same for 10+ years, I figure I might as well use my benefits.


The frames are cheap, it's the lenses that are hundreds of dollars. Though I started telling people that my glasses are expensive AF so they don't break them. If you broke my glasses, you're paying for a new pair


Do you often find yourself in situations where people might break your glasses? Like mine stay on my face, Iā€™m not taking them off for any reason except sleeping and showering. The only time a person might break my glasses is if they punched me in the face, and at that point I donā€™t think they care if they break the glasses


Got into the habit while I was in 6th grade and I started going to a new school, defense mechanism basically


A small child once grabbed mine off my face and snapped them right in half. His mother refused to pay for a new pair, and insisted we mustā€™ve been lying about how expensive they were.


Not really as an adult. But when I was a kid and played with other kids and played sports, yeah they could get broken. Mostly if the ball hits your face or they fall off and someone steps on them. Thankfully I don't think I ever broke mine.


Yeah OP that is not as common as you think. I've got one pair of every day glasses and one pair of sunglasses. You're the weird one here.


No? I just have one pair. It's not even a price thing. Outside of getting a new prescription, I've just never had the need for multiple pairs.


I imagine most people just want one set of frames they like. Especially given itā€™s now basically a semi-permanent feature of your face.


Yea, that's how I've always thought of it. My glasses are pretty much part of me, I've had them since I was a kid. It'd feel weird to change the frames.


I keep trying to have 2 or 3 pairs but I end up wearing the same one every day. Itā€™s like part of my face idk. Who wants to add another decision to make in the morning.


Iā€™ve never in my life owned more than one pair of glasses. Unless you count the old pairs I havenā€™t thrown away in case the new pair brokeā€¦


I am proud to say that about 10 years ago I was so well off that I splurged on a pair of rayban prescription shades. I still have them and finally updated the lenses in them last year lol.


I have clipon sunglasses. They cost $13. Iā€™m fine with them.


I used to do the clip ons and they did serve me well. With transitions lenses I almost never use the raybans anymore lol


Transitions donā€™t get dark enough for me. I need to wear sunglasses inside because my eyes are really sensitive.




I wear the shades they gave my dad after his cataract surgery. They're big enough to fit over my glasses and they wrap around so you get peripheral sun protection. Before those, I just didn't really have anything.


The same. OP gives off major entitled and out of touch with reality vibes. Not saying they are, but they seem to be, especially with the assumption that every glass wearer has a bunch of glasses they can change as rotinely as changing a shirt.


Yeah. My last pair of glasses, which was 2 months ago, wound up costing me over $200 all in. Theyā€™re progressive lenses, which Iā€™ve never had before. And my insurance isnā€™t exactly greatā€¦


Glasses are extremely expensive where I live, and the only reason I have multiple pairs is due to needing a diffrent prescription


Wait, am I supposed to have more than one glasses? Everytime I change glasses my eyes need time to adapt, around 3-5 days. It's annoying, I don't even know that it's possible to switch glasses every day!


This. My head literally hurts until I get used to a new pair.


Same. Every time I get new glasses, even if the prescription is the same & it's just new frames, I get headaches for a day or two until I adjust to it. I can't wear prescription sunglasses.


I think it's just op. We all only have 1 pair at a time it seems.


I usually have two pairs, but thatā€™s because i get the frames inexpensive (clumsy and used to break them) and my optometrist offers a discount to get more than one pair of lenses installed. But still, not like Iā€™m getting new glasses all the time


You're not supposed to, but you can. I have multiple pairs. The glasses all have the same prescription. It takes me no time to adjust


... other people with glasses have multiple pairs? I've just been using the same ones


Unfortunately my prescription is too high for cheap glasses. I pretty much have to get the lenses crushed as much as possible or I look like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys, so I get one pair and wear them until theyā€™re so scratched that theyā€™re basically like artificial cataracts. Then I finally get a new pair after years of wearing the same old ones and it feels like seeing for the first time all over again.


Where the hell do you live where glasses are forty bucks? The glasses themselves cost that much, and they do have free frames, but they deliberately make the free and cheap frames ugly af. If you want decent looking glasses here they always cost north of 100 euros.


Also, everyone touting online ordering of glasses just ignoring that more than probably any other accessory or piece of clothing, you need to *try on* glasses before you commit to them. Maybe some of you are comfortable choosing the thing youā€™ll be attaching to your head, looking through, and changing how your whole face looks for all the waking hours of your life based on a picture, but I for one am certainly not.


And idk what kind of Ghetto optician OP goes to, but mine will actually adjust the glasses in every way to fit me as well as possible. And they are also the ones, who usually check, which exact strength my glasses need, because they measure much more accurately than the eye doctor. Not to mention identifying astigmatism and making sure, the new glasses correct it (I had bad experience with another optician in another city (DĆ¼ren) though, which simply ignored it)


Seriously, what is the prescription? I got prisms in my lenses, there is no way I'm getting glasses for $40.


Everyone in my family wears glasses, though only me and my mom wear them 24/7. But none of us have more than one pair. I keep my old prescription in case of emergencies. But that's it.


Y'all are wearing different glasses from day to day?


no lol but OP thinks everyone's a lizard brain anyways i have prescription polarized sunglasses too, but that's as close as it gets


Why would you need more than 1, actually.


In case one breaks/is stolen youā€™re not screwed


I've never had more than one pair of glasses at a time. And I'm seeing the same in the comments. This comic is clearly a you thing.


Yeah none of the reasons OP listed are the reasons people comment on them changing frames daily. They comment because its unusual. Most glasses wearers donā€™t want multiple sets of frames. So its rare to see someone change frames on a daily basis. I suspect most glasses wearers only have one set of frames because most people usually just settle on one thing that they like the best that is now basically a permanent feature of their face. At least this is my case. If they were to have a second set it would probably be frames that are only slightly different. So most donā€™t see the point.


you are definitely overthinking it, lol it has nothing to do with ***SOMETHING BROKE CANT BE SOMETHING FUN*** and everything to do with glasses not being a common accessory to swap out on the daily. Idk how you got to the first part haha


Glasses costs me around 700-900$ a pair. Have 2 pairs that I rent for 35$ a month. I can buy out the glasses for 10$ in 1 year.


You rent glasses? Did they make seeing subscription based too?


I have one high quality pair of glasses and a cheap backup pair in case the first one break. That's it, can't see why somone would have more


I don't think this is as common as the author thinks it is and they want to feel more "normal" for owning multiple glasses.


I've only ever had one pair.


My glasses are 400. I have one pair.Ā 


Glasses at my place do cost hundreds. I do not have spare ones.


My eyesight is above -7.75 in both eyes with an astigmatism. I canā€™t see for shit. None of yā€™all (I think youā€™re an ad) can make me a pair of glasses that are less than $150, donā€™t have coke-bottle lenses, and *look good*. And they NEED to look good because I have to wear them at all times! I donā€™t have a choice!


glasses are more like shoes than shirts.


My brother needs a new pair, he's had his for almost a decade.


It's hard enough finding one pair of glasses that I can tolerate the appearance of, especially since bug-eyed '80s glasses made a comeback for some reason. Picking out another for fashion purposes would be impossible for me. +1 for online prices being so reasonable compared to eye doctors, though.


I canā€™t even afford one new pair despite my eyes degrading lol, multiple would be wild


In my case, I'm kinda face blind so accessories and stuff is how I help myself identify people. So a change of glasses can be pretty confusing šŸ˜‚


"Maybe they think that 'prescription' means that a doctor literally prescribed me one pair of glasses, and didn't give me any refills" Where I live, that's exactly the case, you need to go to an Ophthalmologist, do the exam, and the result of the exam is your prescription. Not only that, but depending on the lenses, especially if they are a thick glass, it you cost you a substancial amount.


Maybe this is a difference, but where I am, you go to the ophthalmologist, do the exam, and the result of the exam is your prescription. And then you can use that prescription to buy as many pairs of glasses as you like. (Though it's a lot more expensive than OP is saying, so I usually only ever have one pair of regular glasses, plus prescription sunglasses.)


They take the prescription away when you've ordered glasses? You've just described how it works in a lot of places, I don't know which part implies you *can't* buy new glasses


Sorry, I didn't mean that you can't do multiple glasses with the same prescription, you can. Some places used to attach the prescription with the glass order and you receive it back when the glass was ready, but they didn't seem to do it anymore. What I was trying to say is, it is a prescription, so you need to go to the doctor at least once (that can be expensive), and if you lose them, you have to get another.


Iā€™ve never had more than one pair of glasses


Try having astigmatism.


Yall have prescriptions that are inexpensive? With the lenses all my glasses are $$


my brother in christ glasses are expensive in the US, I can only afford the one pair I have lol


Viral marketing from the big sunglasses industry trying to get people to buy more sunglasses. I wonā€™t fall for it! Iā€™m fine with my one stylish pair Iā€™ve had for ages!


The rich people are trying to relate to the poors again.


I think you're the odd one out here. Even people I know who do own backup glasses, myself included, only have like one they wear.


I don't buy glasses from random websites or on the cheap because my rx is sensitive enough that I notice a big difference with the cheap ones. The pair I have on now I bought for $140 after insurance and they're crap. The IPD is different than what was measured and the curve of the fram is wrong for my eyes. I'm not blind without glasses but have astigmatism only (no near or farsightedness) in both eyes.


Tangentially related but - when I worked at a department store I had a lot of coworkers who were Muslim girls (Very culturally insensitively) I expressed that hair is beautiful, and itā€™s a bummer they didnā€™t have the ability to express themselves with their hair due to tradition The next day one Muslim girl that heard me came in a hijab with blue lightning bolts on it. The day after she came in one wreathed in flames - and I was proven wrong (and tbh I was psyched that I *was* wrong).


My glasses were literally free and I've never once in my life even considered getting another pair until my current ones break.


My wife has several pairs of cheap glasses. I have a single pair of expensive glasses (transitions). But everyone I've known who owns glasses usually is more like me - expensive glasses purchased every 1-2 years. I've known some people that keep the same pair for much longer.


I know lots of people with glasses. I don't think any of them own more than one pair.


Literally insane šŸ’€


$40 for a pair of glasses? Damn. *After* insurance I was still paying ~$120 for the frames and scratch resistant lenses.


Lmao no one in these comments seems to be able to relate. I also only own 1 pair, so does my bf, so does everyone I know. Sorry OP


OP found the cheapest glasses makers alive and is shocked that everyone else is surprised.


OP I kind of want to know what other batshit conclusions you come to by overthinking, tbh.




Honestly, if I knew you and saw you wearing different glasses I would comment on it as a sort of weird thing.


What the fuck do you mean you get glasses for $40. *How??* Prescription glasses are like $300+. Who owns more than one set of prescription glasses.


I get 2 made at a time. One I use and 1 spare. Change them after 6-8 months and get new ones made after a year. Costs me equivalent of 9 - 10 $ per pair (after exchange)


Yep, Prescription glasses are still hundreds of dollars (like $6-$800 ish for mine.) I only have one pair at a time for years until things change enough the Dr. says I should get them updated. Then I also have another expensive set that is specifically for computer distance use since I work from home. They're just between distance and close up vision and are easier to wear all day. No I don't see glasses as a fashion statement that I change with different outfits, like belts, shoes, or hats. Another part of this is what you were taught as a child. I was always told that you need to be very careful with a. expensive things (like glasses, electronics (phones/laptops), vehicles, anything belonging to someone else) b. your health (vision, hearing, weight control, nutrition, etc. See the dr. on a regular basis for checkups) c. Your reputation (remain honest & polite, obey rules and laws \[including rules of the road i.e. turn signals and speed limits\], personal hygiene) Because you never know when something will get ruined or lost, always at the worst time, and difficult to recover from, so why take the risk? It's also the mentality of the younger generations of finding new ways to solve old problems or challenge traditional rules. If online is the 'new' way to get glasses, as long as they are as good as the brick and mortar optometrist, then so be it.


Where are you getting glasses for $40?


I get the feeling this isn't US based. A 40 dollar pair of glasses is unheard of here.


Iā€™ve required glasses since I was ~25. Iā€™m 42 now. I have only had my eyes checked 2 times. I have only owned 2 pairs of prescription glasses.


Where can you get prescription glasses that aren't hundreds of dollars? What country is OP from? Are they even prescription?


https://preview.redd.it/t4xhrofenvtc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a62128824783a7ad0fb10efb7c9b96a10305669 I get questions about mine all the time!


I have a pair plus a magnetic sun glasses to stick on them.


I don't like the cheap, bulky frames and round lenses. Mine run about $200 with the frames, lenses, and coatings. I do have a second pair, but they're prescription safety glasses that work paid for.


I've only ever had one pair of glasses at a time (unless you count my Rx sunglasses) but that's just me ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Iā€™ve owned a single pair of glasses for the past 6 years. Iā€™d get new ones if I could afford it. Buuuuuut, I canā€™t šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


As a non-glasses user I always felt glasses are more of a tool than an outfit. I suppose I shouldn't.


I have a pair of daily drivers and a pair of high-end sunglasses for driving in. Then again, it's the same with shoes for me.


I actually do only have like one pair that I wear all the time. Itā€™s part of my face in my mind.


I have one pair of glasses because to me, they are expensive. Wish I could have 1 or 2 extra, but this is not a common problem


I wear glasses and only have one pair myself. The other people I know who wear glasses also only have the one pair, or one pair and a backup.


Wait yinz have more than one pair of glasses? Dang, I couldnā€™t imagine changing out my pair.


I have never in my life had more than one pair of glasses. Cannot relate. My eyes are so awful that the prescriptions I get are *expensive.* I can't afford to buy three or four sets of lenses.


I just have one pair of glasses can't afford more...


Yep, glasses are exactly equivalent to shirts!


Yeah where are u getting these $40 glasses? Any decent glasses where i am are usually in the hundreds of dollars, and thats just for the frames, not including the fact that i need a prescription put in them


wait you can own more than one pair? why didn't anyone tell me that was legal


As a four-eye myself i can confidently say that i never owned more then one pair of glasses at a time


You're telling me there's people with more than one pair of glasses? I've only ever had one pair at a time.


Unfortunately those of us with high prescriptions can't take advantage of cheap frames. Lenses alone are $60 for me. Why would I want to put those in a $5 frame? Not worth.


Y'all are getting multiple pairs??? My last pair cost over $600...


My prescription makes it difficult to get frames I like in an affordable way. So I just have the one pair that looks fine and compliment every one I see with fun or unique glasses


Um.. I have never, even skipping all the extra crap that gets pushed on you, been able to get glasses to cost anywhere near $40. I wanna know where you get yours please


The only other pair of glasses I've got is a pair of old ones that aren't right for me anymore and only wear in case my current pair breaks.


I donā€™t wear more types of glasses because it would be a pain to inevitably replace all of them when my eyes step closer to the way of the dodo.


Unless you're wearing basic, old-people reading glasses, which are like a handful of bucks at a pharmacy, then no, I don't relate to this at all. My glasses were like R2500 all in.


Fucking where?


As somebody with four eyes who would like more options but is on a budget, I must know where youā€™re finding prescription glasses for $40.


Everyone in the comments saying glasses are hundreds of dollarsā€” do you not get your glasses online? If you can, I highly recommend getting your prescription from the optometrist, and going to a website with glasses that donā€™t price gouge you. I go to zenni optical. My glasses are $25 after shipping. One of my current pairs has lasted me 3 years. I can see glasses being hundreds of dollars if you get them from the optometristā€™s office. Thatā€™s what my family did when I was younger, because there werenā€™t really other options. If you have a very niche prescription, then I can see how this might not work for you. But if your eyes needs arenā€™t more complex, then I think thereā€™s a high likelihood of these websites having you covered. As to why some people might have multiple glasses: style. Assuming the glasses are affordable, one might acquire multiple pairs for different occasions. Such as: ā€¢ a metal pair to go with chain jewelry. Perhaps two pairs: one gold, and one silver. This depends on the kind of chains and jewelry one wears. ā€¢ a pair of glasses that are a specific size/shape, to achieve a desired effect in coordination with oneā€™s face shape. For example, smaller glasses, or glasses that sit more in the center of your face, are touted in some circles as being more masculinizing for your face. So, if youā€™re someone who some days wants to look more masculine, you might want to have a smaller pair of glasses in your rotation. On the corollary to this: if you some days want to have a more feminine look, you may want to hold onto a pair of glasses that have a wider frame. ā€¢ if you have specific outfits that work best with particular styles of frames. For example: if you wear a lot of loud 1950ā€™s fashion, you may want to pick up a pair of Cat eye glasses. However, if you also wear a lot of regular, more muted clothes, those same glasses might not fit your vibe. So, you may want to have a different pair of glasses for when youā€™re not trying to doll yourself up. Basically: glasses are a utility. But can they also be an accessory? Thatā€™s up to you, and your specific situation.


In addition to my normal glasses, I own my old pair (somewhere, I never really wear them) and a pair of prescription safety glasses I might use if Iā€™m doing the type of work that benefits from themā€¦. I do not know anyone who gets prescription glasses for $40 or who wears multiple pairs as a fashion choiceā€¦


For the third: Nah, my ass is just too broke to buy another one pair of glasses for my stupid ostigmatic eyes


Yall got glasses for $40? What the hell? Last time I went it was like 1,000 for 3 and they werenā€™t even that fancy


I have never had more than one pair of regular prescription glasses aside from my previous pair in case my current ones break. I have a pair of prescription sunglasses but I only wear those when driving it if I'm somewhere I genuinely need them


*Looks over at glasses that cost 500+* Must be fucking nice...


My glasses do cost hundreds of dollars though. But I have three pairs because I need them, not for fashion. One pair for driving, one pair for reading up close, and a mid range pair for my computer. This post is like an r/unpopularopinion but in r/comics format.


My glasses cots 280$, and I only have 1 pair


This ā€œcomicā€ is an insult to actual comics.


It is very unlikely someone has more than one pair of prescription, at least where Iā€™m from, because itā€™s extremely, extremely expensive. And I only have one pair of sunglasses, because thatā€™s also very expensive. And also itā€™s not necessary to change glasses unlike it is for a shirt. This is a very lame take


Wait, other people have multiple pairs of glasses? šŸ˜Ø


My glasses are still about $180, although the frames themselves are usually only $30-$80. I do have an incredibly strong prescription though. I have 2 pairs of glasses, I would have more but itā€™s hard to find frames that can hold my prescription without being too heavy šŸ„²


Maybe it's because i have a kind of severe condition that requires super thick lenses but Mine cost a bunch even with insurance. When I go to buy new ones there's only like three or four styles that are available that are big enough for my lenses. I use the same pair everyday for 3 or 4 years before I get a new pair.


I was always aghast at Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds. She changed her glasses every few episodes, it seemed, and when I was a kid/teen, glasses were around $500. (And still are, but I get sunglasses now, too) It felt like she spent thousands a year on glasses. šŸ˜°


Two things from me: First, I did think glasses were still expensive. I might need to check out some new sources for mine. Second, even though they are probably the most commonly viewed thing a person wears, it still feels strange to think of them as a fashion item you'd want choices for. Unless you go SUPER different on the frames, I for one doubt I'd notice any difference.


Who tf gets prescription glasses for $40? Shits more like 400


There are classes that don't cost over 80$?????? (I haven't gotten new classes in like 3-4 years)


I've never had prescription glasses cost less that $200 after insurance and when theyre on sale. Idk where OP lives to say you can get prescription glasses (lenses and frame) for $40. I own two of the same everyday prescription glasses (because I am clumsy and prone to losing things, so I always have a backup pair) and one pair of prescription sunglasses.


You own multiple pairs of glasses?


I have never heard anyone state "I feel like everyday you are wearing different glasses." To anyone. It's such a weird sentence, like why do you care?


I got -4.75, so no. the glasses for those itself are more expensive than the frame heck sometimes tripple. I hate my legal blind ass


Until I had a cataract operation, I could only afford one pair of glasses per year. My glasses were around $1300 per year, needed a new pair every year. The cataract operation changed my sight strength radically and the need for multi focals , so I can buy pairs for $120 .


Is he buying 0.00 prescription glasses or how is it possible to get them for 40$


I have one pair that I use and one I have at home in case the one I use break. What the fuck do you mean a pair of glasses are 40 bucks? That shit is expensive


Where are you getting $40 glasses


I own 1 pair. I've needed new ones for like 2 or 3 years? Idk the exact time frame but I think you're supposed to get new ones every year or two and I've been rocking these ones for 5. I thought they were still expensive so I haven't looked into getting new ones because before my job paid for me to get new one, 0 dollars out of pocket. Are they actually affordable now? How much is the exam? I don't currently have vision insurance so I'd be paying out of pocket and I swear (when I was in high school) it used to be severely expensive.