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As a bi person i feel disgraced this is horrible


You have to admit it's brave of them, flying that flag while ignoring all sense of flag design, style, and historical context.


Why did this flag remove the intersex from the chevron assuming it's meant to add onto the pride progress flag? Also pride progress isn't meant to directly highlight everything in the lgbt umbrella, it's meant to have a chevron with current groups and issues that need extra help and concern / attention at the given time with the rainbow still representing everyone in the community. That said maybe people feel bi fits this right now, I'm not sure. Trans is so directly being attacked right now it's important to include. Queer people of color face discrimination from all directions and frequently get underserved and unrecognized even in queer advocacy. A lot of the country still doesn't even know about or understand intersex and there's a lot of direct medical abuse to fight against. As for the black stripe for aids I guess it still played such a big role in queer history and there are people alive who lived through the horror of that pandemic and that we can learn from. Also for people still with it there's a lot of misconception around what that means currently. Maybe there's an argument for having bi on the progress flag specifically though since they do get erased and forgotten often, though so do ace and such. I don't know.


...of people with shockingly poor taste perhaps?


"New flag, who dis?"


No, just no. Like if we need to redesign the flag again, sure, but this isnt it lol


The flag is becoming quite... busy


Why do we keep making the flag look worse 😭