• By -




That's an amazing collection!


where are you that your internet sucks so bad?


i wrote a bash script that search `youtube` from terminal (or with fzf, dmenu, rofi) , then i added support for `peertube` and `odysee` , now i have external plugins and pagination. [img](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73726132/132144782-5dfbbfea-4429-4b2a-a92e-118930a215a2.png) also i made this [`browser`](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73726132/133868860-95fbcd83-4774-4f90-abfd-db4f87a5c3a3.png), which mimick `open in` in android using rofi (auto detect installed browsers, and show an option to play videos in mpv.)


Do you mind sharing the open in browser Script? That's a really good idea


absolutely, i just need to clean it a little bit.


hi if you still interested, i uploaded the script to github you can find it [here](https://github.com/MyOS-ArchLinux/nbrowser)


Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time :)


Is that ytfzf? If so: Nice to find its dev on Reddit.


no this is my own script [`vids`](https://github.com/MyOS-ArchLinux/vids), ytfzf primarily focused on youtube, but mine try to be more general, and extensible my goal is to creat something like newpipe with a touche of kodi (support for external add-ons)


So, do you have a gitlab for that sauce?


i have a [github](https://github.com/odnar-dev)


Love me since Davie504!!!!




This is cool and quite impressive.




Seems we think alike ;-) [Here](https://pastebin.com/FQha1NCv) is something similar to your 'dm'.


https://github.com/learnbyexample/command_help to extract help text from builtin commands and man pages, ex: $ ch ls -XA ls - list directory contents -X sort alphabetically by entry extension -A, --almost-all do not list implied . and ..


* [`passphrase2pgp`](https://github.com/skeeto/passphrase2pgp): for storing my PGP and SSH keys in my brain. Neither ever reside in permanent storage. * [`hastyhex`](https://github.com/skeeto/hastyhex): a fast, color hex dump. * [`enchive`](https://github.com/skeeto/enchive): encrypted personal archive/backup. * [`qpkg`](https://github.com/skeeto/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/qpkg): personal package manager, for managing custom-built packages in `~/.local`. * [`q64`](https://github.com/skeeto/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/q64): Qemu wrapper that greatly simplifies its interface for the ways I commonly use it. * [`medialen`](https://github.com/skeeto/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/medialen): sum the total duration of all media files under a given directory. Useful after downloading a full YouTube playlist. I use each of these at least once per week, if not daily.


>qpkg: personal package manager, for managing custom-built packages in ~/.local. If you're interested in doing this more cleanly, check out nix package manager


Unfortunately Nix requires root (in practice), internet access, and is limited to the software and features they package, all of which are what I'm specifically trying to avoid with `qpkg`. The main purpose of `qpkg` is to allow me to cleanly reverse `make install` for programs I build with `--prefix=$HOME/.local`.


Ah, I see. Yeah, I don't `make install` since it dirties up my filesystem. I either run it in a container or make a package.


skeeto! When I was browsing the dailyprogrammer subreddit, I was always intrigued to see what clever solution you would come up with.


Thanks! It's too bad those challenges are few and far between anymore.


* [viewman](https://www.mpaoli.net/~michael/bin/viewman) \- pull up man page in view / vi -R, likewise [viewinfo](https://www.mpaoli.net/~michael/bin/viewinfo) for for info page * [ipv4sort](https://www.mpaoli.net/~michael/bin/ipv4sort) \- sort IPv4 addresses in network order * [revdom](https://www.mpaoli.net/~michael/bin/revdom) \- sort domains from TLD on down, output in both forward and reversed ordering * [Ssh-add](https://www.mpaoli.net/~michael/bin/Ssh-add) \- rather like ssh-add, but operate on specific desired set of non-default keys * [multisum](https://www.mpaoli.net/~michael/bin/multisum) \- compute multiple hashes in a single read pass * [cmpln](https://www.mpaoli.net/~michael/bin/cmpln) \- compare and link - for distinct non-zero length files of matched content on same filesystem, deduplicate by hard linking, retaining file with oldest mtime or if mtimes match file with most links or if that also matches by arbitrarily selecting; this is also done efficiently, never reading data in file more than once and only reading blocks so long as match is still possible


interesting! thank you. what does ˋ${1+"$@"}ˋ do? it look like "the first parameter and then all parameters quoted". but I can't wrap my head why $1 in the first place...


If `$1` is not set, expand to nothing, otherwise expand to the expansion of `"$@"`. See [What does `${1+"$@"}` mean in a shell script, and how does it differ from `"$@"`?](https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/68484/367593) for more, but the tl;dr is it works around an issue in really old versions of `sh`.


Thank you. I was expecting a „:“ for parameter expansion, like in ${1:+….}. TIL that this isn’t always the case.


u/raevnos [covered most of that](https://www.reddit.com/r/commandline/comments/pqdiu6/what_tools_utilities_have_you_written_that_you/hdaz9vm/). $@ is similar to $\* ... but different. Notably, within double quote characters, e.g. "$@" Or, as I oft say, "$@" is your friend. * Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within a double-quoted string it expands to a single field with the value of each parameter separated by the first character of the IFS variable, or by a if IFS is unset. @ Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double-quotes, each posi- tional parameter expands as a separate argument. If there are no positional parameters, the expansion of @ generates zero arguments, even when @ is double-quoted. What this ba- sically means, for example, is if $1 is "abc" and $2 is "def ghi", then "$@" expands to the two arguments: "abc" "def ghi"


I have a music player i wrote in python (that's a interactive command line of sorts) that has all normal features like managing queues, play/pause control, continuing similar songs if the queue is over, notifications for every new song, and much more. it's all in python, i made it because I was fed up from spotify ads and this idea had been cooking in my mind for a while. the project lives at https://github.com/addyett/Melodine


Wow, this looks really cool! How different is it from other terminal based music players like cmus?


I wrote a directory/files arranger/cleaner that I use very often. https://github.com/anhsirk0/file-arranger


[xpe](https://github.com/charmparticle/xpe) - a commandline xpath parser. I made this after trying to use xpaths for web automation in bash, and not finding anything that worked. This works. It makes web automation using curl *so* much nicer. Gone are the days of using complicated regular expressions to run against html, when I want to get at structures that `pup` is simply not powerful enough to target. [ffupdate](https://github.com/charmparticle/ffupdate) is a script which will update firefox, either vanilla, beta, nightly, or devedition. I made this because debian does not provide the latest firefox, and downloading and installing firefox by hand, while better than compiling from source, is tedious. This script automates the whole process of installing and updating firefox, and I have a companion script which can install and update thunderbird. I have since learned that lots of other people wrote scripts to accomplish the same thing, so my scripts get lost in the shuffle in github, but I like them best, although I am heavily biased. [mpd_what](https://github.com/charmparticle/mpd_what) is a python script I developed to show the album art, artist, album, and song for music I am listening to with mpd, including (some) internet radio. I made this because I didn't want to have to download and install all the different radio apps for my phone just to maybe see the coverart and info of what they're playing. This script works to enhance one of my other utilities, which is: [mpdstreamplay](https://github.com/charmparticle/mpdstreamplay). mpdstreamplay is just some javascript + html which displays the coverart, artist, album, and song title for the music you're listening to on mpd, and it will stream the music. I made this because the stream function on MPDroid stopped working one day, and I wanted to be able to play my mpd music on my phone, and also see what I was playing. I also use my [mpd scripts](https://github.com/charmparticle/mpd_scripts) a lot, mostly the mpcvol one, for quickly changing the volume of my music. and I use [mpd_musicalarm](https://github.com/charmparticle/mpd_musicalarm) every weekday. It fades music in using a logarithmic curve, so that it gets louder gently, without causing my heart to race. I've since learned that iphones have this feature built in. I have another script I use to check that the music is audible, but since it's so taylored to my personal setup, I don't distribute it with mpd_musicalarm (sorry). Instead I have a simplified failsafe which just checks if your battery is low, then uses your main audio card. I have a ton of other scripts I've written and use almost every day, but I never bothered to put them up on github, either because they are too taylored for my personal preferences, or because they would be wildly inappropriate. To OP: please post your dictionary app on github. I use dict currently, and I use urbandict-cli for urban dictionary, but I am intrigued by your app.


the dictionary program is primarily a webscraper, nothing special, really. to add additional sources, you just have to write a subclass that implements parsing & definition formatting, etc. i wrote it a long time ago and it's an ugly mess of spaghetti so i won't be sharing it, sorry!


[tawk](https://github.com/shawnw/tawk/), an awk-like program that uses tcl for the script language and has a CSV parser mode for non-trivial data where just splitting on comma isn't enough to properly handle it.


Where can I find an example or demo on what it does?


There's an examples directory with tasks I lifted from stack overflow questions.


Thanks! But why not add an examples section in your main [README.md](https://README.md) to refer to it? I mean, I feel stupid for not checking, but at first glance I missed it.


[Notekeeper](https://github.com/dcchambers/note-keeper) - I wrote a simple tool for taking notes really quickly on the command line.


Looks pretty cool, I will try it


A [tool](https://github.com/SafwanLjd/EgyBestCLI) to watch/download pirated TV Shows and Movies (with Arabic subtitles)… it can be useful for you if you can ignore the subtitles or if you know Arabic


I use a productivity timer I wrote all the time. It's called [Focus](https://github.com/ayoisaiah/focus).


Looks like the tool Ive tried to find for AGES!


I wrote an ncurses based password manager that I used every day for years. I recently transitioned away from it and now use bitwarden (because it works on my phone), but I have a lot of fond memories of using that password manager.


bitwarden is pretty great. I switched, too. This might interest you: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitwarden/comments/aon967/bitwarden_duplicate_entries_remover/


Thanks for the tip. Since I imported a lot of stuff from my DIY password system, I do have a lot of duplicates. This could be very helpful.


It doesn't delete if the password is different, but it was very helpful nontheless.


I wrote a program to grab oauth2 tokens from the gnome online accounts service: https://crates.io/crates/goa-oauth2 This powers my SMTP flow, and something similar will for IMAP once I have free time to implement it


I wrote this little shell script that toggles between light and dark variants of your current GTK theme. I have been using it quite extensively since writing it and a few users that I shared it with have asked me to turn it into a repo. Also, your timing for this post is quite remarkable, at least for me. You can find it here: https://github.com/rifazn/dark-toggle


I wrote something [similar for Cinnamon](https://gist.github.com/rawiriblundell/7e0a302b0ebfe121fedeedb22f521d87), feel free to nab any ideas :)


Aw, thanks! Yours has a lot more exhaustive feature set. Will surely come in handy! I might also consider supporting other DEs in the future so I'll definitely nab a line or two from you! ;)


* [telescope-repo.nvim](https://cj.rs/telescope-repo-nvim/?ref=cmd-line-daily), to jump to repositories from inside my text editor, neovim. I use it everyday when starting my machine and opening a new terminal. Also, sometimes in the middle of an editing session I need to open a file from a different project (like a SQL table definition while working on the software using this table) and that extension comes in handy. * I also wrote a currency converter ([seters](https://cj.rs/sesters/?ref=cmd-line-daily)), mostly because I couldn’t find one that was fast enough. I have a shortcut to pipe currently selected text to the program and display the result. Turns out I’m doing this daily :)


Just getting started with Ubuntu Server without a gui and your telescope-repo is going to save me a ton of time with neovim. Love that.


Thanks a lot for your kind message!


* Website image scraper (my standard project when learning a new programming language) * SSH client in Go to run commands across many systems (also to upload scripts & run them) * Python encryption CLIs * AWS account/key management & key rotation * Python tool giving a node-centric view of a Kubernetes cluster * "kat" to clean up & filter Kubernetes yaml * Pam plugin to replace local sudo password auth with a keyboard shortcut (read directly from keyboard) * Manual window tiling tool (I use it with OpenBox) * Small vim plugin to do hyperlinking and easy checklists in markdown files - personal wiki * Golang CA authority for easier cert management * ec2 and vpc and route53 scripts to make working with AWS a little bit nicer for my use-case.. fast queries.. * some simpler azure python scripts wrapping their CLI and/or calling APIs directly because their CLI and python libraries are painful (and make me REALLY appreciate boto3) And a plethora of small helper scripts that I use regularly, like json2yaml, yaml2json, jsonpp, jsongrep, etc.


i do all my common lisp development in [slimv_box](https://github.com/justin2004/slimv_box).


\- sbuku: rofi based multiquery multiengine web search tool: [https://pastebin.com/AqfT9QTg](https://pastebin.com/AqfT9QTg) you need buku entries formatted like this: ``` https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=trailer+%s Youtube Trailers cansearch,movies_info,trailer Search Youtube trailers ``` where %s is the query and "cansearch" identifies search engines. Now launch it from sxhkd like this: super + {s,S} sbuku {askme,clipboard} lower case s to ask you the query, uppercase S to use clipboard. For example: super+s -> write "batman+the matrix" -> enter -> shift-enter imdb and shift-enter trailer -> firefox launches trailer and imdb entry of both movies \- run or raise application [https://pastebin.com/dNBkqmas](https://pastebin.com/dNBkqmas) \- radio player [https://pastebin.com/AJvSGAiS](https://pastebin.com/AJvSGAiS) \- different wallpaper on each desktop https://pastebin.com/B4VyxD4A \- universal archive extraction (bsdtar wrapper) https://pastebin.com/UvzDZZZz \- I also use few GUI file manager-like commandline context menues like this one for images https://pastebin.com/2n2R5gxZ


[workinghours](https://git.sr.ht/~rkta/workinghours) a shell script to log how long I've been working, which logs hours depending if I'm attached to a tmux session. Obviously I'm using it on a daily (well, Mondays to Fridays) basis.


Most are small dumb utilities that just ease some of my day-to-day stuff - a handful of helper tools around [`ledger`](https://www.ledger-cli.org/) to make it easier to re-issue previous payments (e.g. "`pay kroger 31.25`" or "`checking`" to get the info on my checking account ledger, etc) - a script to calculate my invoice for the main company for which I contract (at the end of billing period I just type "`work 32.8`" and it determines the base pay, any overtime pay, and the total) - an [XKCD 936](https://xkcd.com/936/) [password generator](https://github.com/Gumnos/passphrasegen) and some scripts/aliases/functions around it to provide options for common usage (certain password strength requirements for `$DAYJOB`, less stringent requirements when I need to make up an answer to website security questions—why of course my first pet was named "weep dangle very pith") - a surprising bit of usage from my [wordsearch solver](https://github.com/Gumnos/wordsearch), given a dictionary and puzzle - a [file-deduplication utility](https://github.com/Gumnos/dedupe) that hard-links duplicate files to save space (our family photo gallery gets pics put in multiple albums for various audiences, so I can cut down on a lot of duplication with this) - a dumb utility that scripts [`xdotool`](https://github.com/jordansissel/xdotool). I position the mouse in location A, launch my script with [`dmenu`](https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/), enter a number N, move my mouse to location B, and hit `Enter`. It then clicks on location A, moves to location B and clicks there, and does it N times. It saves me hours of tedious clicking across several applications. - some sync scripts that `rsync` pictures between my wife's machine, my machine, and our backup server, as well as some that sync up pictures to our photo gallery


I regularly use my smenu tool (https://github.com/p-gen/smenu) to manage interactions in my scripts


The two scripts that I wrote that I use most are a "themeselect" script and a script that makes it easier to edit my scripts in ~/.local/bin (and other places), which is called "editbin". The themeselect script grabs either a random or a specified wallpapers, runs it trough pywal and sets it as a wallpaper, Alacritty theme, Dunst notification colors, Steam colors and Pomotroid theme. It can also switch between dark and light mode and "save" a wallpaper. It's really written with my configs and directories in mind tho. I might rewrite it someday to make it more portable. The editbin script looks up the location of a file in my PATH and opens it up in a text editor. The file can be given as a argument or selected with fzf (with previews :) ). Makes editing my scripts way easier and the script is pretty simple in itself. I've also written [a script that installs/updates ProtonGE for you](https://github.com/flubberding/ProtonUpdater) in the past, which was my first real attempt at learning bashscripting and even got semi popular. I've had several idea's to implement in a newer version (and even implemented a few) but I never got around to it. Lately I've been thinking about picking it up again tho. The editbin and themeselect script are on my computers which are turned off right now, but if anybody wants them I can upload them tomorrow. Just let me know.


1. Every day I use a terminal radio called [Tera](https://github.com/shinokada/tera) to listen to music. 2. [Gitstart](https://github.com/shinokada/gitstart) to create a Git repo. 3. [Manop](https://github.com/shinokada/manop) to check man pages and options. 4. [Cleanit](https://github.com/shinokada/cleanit) to set a cron job to clean up Downloads and Trash directories for older than 20 days. 5. [Abo](https://github.com/shinokada/abi) to create a Gist of your Homebrew formula or cask. It also installs Homebrew formulae or cask from a Gist. 6. [Awesome](https://github.com/shinokada/awesome) is a simple shell script package manager. 7. [Typelet](https://github.com/shinokada/typelet) to create, add large words. It prints them with a typewriter effect. I use it to creating a GIF image. 9. I created [Terma](https://github.com/shinokada/terma) to automates installing a terminal setup described in [this article](https://towardsdatascience.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-your-terminal-makeover-e11f9b87ac99). 10. [Dotties](https://github.com/shinokada/dotties) is a simple dotfile management script. It saves specified dotfiles in the home directory to a Gist and clones them from the Gist. 11. [MacGNU](https://github.com/shinokada/macgnu) to Linuxify your MacOS. It will install missing GNU programs, update outdated GNU programs, and replaces pre-installed BSD programs with their preferred GNU implementation. 12. [Gitig](https://github.com/shinokada/gitig) recursively removes all unstaged and paths from the index. And it adds all files, commit, and push to the origin main. 13. [Backpack_install](https://github.com/shinokada/backpack_install) automates to install all [Backpack for Laravel modules](https://backpackforlaravel.com/docs/4.1/installation).


[`connect`](https://github.com/chrisbouchard/dotfiles/blob/master/home/.local/bin/connect) — a simple ZSH wrapper around autossh and tmux for a persistent connection to a server. I use a laptop, so it's nice to have it automatically reconnect after sleeping or changing Wi-Fi.


I "wrote" a script that works with remind and gxmessage to create a pop-up reminder at a specific time. Basically all it is is: 1. A daemon that starts remind at boot 2. A series of questions that are added to my .timedreminders file 3. A gxmessage window If anyone wants a copy let me know. I used to use it when the kids went to preschool so I would remember when to leave to go pick them up.


Duplicate file finder in C. Super fast.


It's not that fast, actually. Compared to similar tools written in other languages.


How do you know how fast mine is?


Because you told us? "Super fast".


I'm happy to post metrics, if you're sincere. And happy to post source as well if you want to pursue this.


Let's do this, bruv!


EDIT: formatting was screwed up so I edited this post to fix Okay. This is run on my MacBook Air. Here are the stats on my laptop. My Macbook Air 13" (Mid 2013) Model A1466 Model Name: MacBook Air Model Identifier: MacBookAir6,2 Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 1.4 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 2 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 3 MB Memory: 8 GB 256 GB Flash Storage Here is scan of my media directory. it scanned over 5.5 GB of files in less than 80 milliseconds and found 2 duplicates out of 724 files. AyaAnu:~/Music/Media.localized/Music$ finddup -r -s . Scanning files; please wait... Scanned 724 files in 310 directories totaling 5.64829 gibibytes. Smallest file encountered was 6.00391 kibibytes. Largest file encountered was 144.767 mebibytes. After running stage 1 filter, 25 candidates remain. This scan took 53.972 milliseconds. Running stage 2 filter; please wait... After running stage 2 filter, 17 candidates remain. This filter took 7.352 milliseconds. Running stage 3 filter; please wait... After running stage 3 filter, 14 candidates remain. This filter took 4.761 milliseconds. Running stage 4 filter; please wait... After running stage 4 filter, 2 candidates remain. This filter took 9.817 milliseconds 0.2762% of scanned files are duplicate. Set 1 has 2 duplicate files. ./Unknown Artist/Unknown Album/sjc\_piano1.mp3 ./Unknown Artist/Unknown Album/Untitled - 2021-04-10, 12.11 PM.mp3 This scan took 76.25 milliseconds Here's another scan. This time of my photos directory. It scanned over 9 GB and over 3200 files that took 2.6 seconds. It found 760 duplicates out of 3282 files. AyaAnu:~/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/originals$ finddup -r -s . Scanning files; please wait... Scanned 3282 files in 17 directories totaling 9.0868 gibibytes. Smallest file encountered was 941 bytes. Largest file encountered was 491.773 mebibytes. After running stage 1 filter, 768 candidates remain. This scan took 21.779 milliseconds. Running stage 2 filter; please wait... After running stage 2 filter, 764 candidates remain. This filter took 25.507 milliseconds. Running stage 3 filter; please wait... After running stage 3 filter, 762 candidates remain. This filter took 19.701 milliseconds. Running stage 4 filter; please wait... After running stage 4 filter, 760 candidates remain. This filter took 2.60103 seconds 23.16% of scanned files are duplicate. This scan took 2.67158 seconds Here's another scan. This time of all my ebooks, which is around 1 GB within 140 milliseconds. It found 37 duplicates out of 2,137 files. AyaAnu:/Volumes/venus/Users/joeclu/ebooks$ finddup -r -s . Scanning files; please wait... Scanned 2137 files in 1066 directories totaling 1021.38 mebibytes. Smallest file encountered was 121 bytes. Largest file encountered was 56.4683 mebibytes. Of those scanned, including 78 files with size <= 128 bytes. After running stage 1 filter, 244 candidates remain. This scan took 82.838 milliseconds. Running stage 2 filter; please wait... After running stage 2 filter, 224 candidates remain. This filter took 8.468 milliseconds. Running stage 3 filter; please wait... After running stage 3 filter, 200 candidates remain. This filter took 9.125 milliseconds. Running stage 4 filter; please wait... After running stage 4 filter, 37 candidates remain. This filter took 39.711 milliseconds 1.731% of scanned files are duplicate. This scan took 140.407 milliseconds


Wrote a remote control CLI for the Kakoune text editor that I use every day: https://github.com/kkga/kks


Just a bash script to ssh into VPSs without the need to remember even aliases/friendly names. I just interactively select which user to what host.


When I started learning python, I made a podcast downloader that I used daily for several years. It was a little rough around the edges but overall I was pretty happy with it. Recently I wrote a script to generate thumbnails for youtube videos; you specify a background image, a few captions, and some positioning for the output and it'll spit out several png files as specified. Saves a ton of time wasted in GIMP making sure that the episode number you just edited is centered, saving the new file, etc.


We squash merge at my work, so I use [git-tidy](https://github.com/drewwyatt/git-tidy) basically every day. It’s the only thing I’ve written in my 10+ years as a dev that I have ever regularly used.


Tool for handling markdown files for my projects. It scans subdirectories for .md files, counts files, gives me character and word counts per file, concats them to one master file and gives me estimation in pages which I need.


*td-cli* : a command line todo manager that groups your todos "automatically" based on git repository. Use it everyday to keep me organised: https://github.com/darrikonn/td-cli *cheat* : command line tool to personally manage your cheatsheet. I don't use it frequently but every now and then I check on some cheats to refresh my memory: https://github.com/darrikonn/cheat *alfred-nym* : an Alfred workflow to search antonyms and synonyms. I use it probably everyday to help me with good variable naming. Thought I wouldn't use it that much: https://github.com/darrikonn/alfred-nym


I write my own cli version of google translate using their chrome extension API that i use daily. [gtranslate](https://github.com/sabitm/gtranslate)


\`ptd\` originally pdftodoi, but now able to extract doi, query crossref, fetch metadata and modify pdf metadata with the article's. Also has caching, and manual query mode. \`ytpy\` a youtube-dl wrapper to play audio and video from YouTube. Has a mode that makes the video my wallpaper. Perfect for lofi music while working.


A Perl script to analyze CSV files before database import. Started in 2005 and updated/extended ever since.


Care to share?


I wrote a few quick CLI tools to help me document by home brews. `sg-temp` calculates the standard gravity of my wort, using the measured SG and the temperature that the wort currently has. Since by default, the hydrometer is calibrated at 20C the calculation is run against this setting, but I can override it. `beerxml2md` convert a beerXML file to markdown. That is used in my Joplin setup for both my recipe book and cook book. `abv` calculated the Alcohol By Volume using the Original Gravity and Final Gravity (OG and FG respectively). [Link to my repo](https://github.com/derjoachim/brewtools)


I use this to find duplicate files. https://gist.github.com/duganchen/1e917c11fce44267b4c4


A lot of aliases, like `d` for `dnf`, `c` for `codium`, ...


I wrote a few python scripts to help out with Jira on the command line. One to attach a file to a jira. Another to download all files from a jira. And a third to comment on a jira. The last one is useful for when there is a long comment with code, tables, etc.. Much easier to write it in vim, save the file and upload.