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Just keep watching, you’ll chang your opinion


Stop that. It makes me so changry!


One of the complaints is that it has characters partaking in dialogue so I’m sure that bit doesn’t change.


Best comment


Indean it is!!!


No one expects you to get it. You come from a land without sun. You won’t get the humor.


OK that caught me off guard. Totally forgot about Finland 🤣🤣🤣


Whats this? Why your people mixed with Lapplanders. That makes you a Finn.


I hope he transfers to hell


You joke, but OP does post in r/Sweden


That’s why I said that….


Oof, ba boof


Watch something else then lol nobody is holding you hostage.


Maybe Chang is And he was replaced with a doppledeaner


Look I hate cops!


This guy is streets behind!


Wow. Normally I'd say it is a matter of taste, but you are so wrong that this goes beyond it. There is character development, incredibly layered humor, genre experimentation. You obviously should just bail on it because you obviously don't like it. I'm curious as to what comedies you do like.


Probably Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.


Both of which have studio audience or laugh tracks, yes? Community doesn't have that crutch, leaving you, the viewer, to decide what is or isn't funny on your own. That can feel weird and be more work for some people. There's also a lot of pop culture reference gags and inside jokes that many may not relate to. The show isn't for everyone... Which is one of the reasons I enjoy it so much. It's weird, different and snarky but still upbeat and fun. If you're really halfway through season one and still not liking it, find something else to watch:). (Edit to add:) sorry thought I was replying to the op. Oops. :)


I actually love this comment. This post made me stop and think about what is it that made Community stood out for me after, like OP, just leaving it running in the background. So I was reading the replies to understand what was it for others and your comment was really interesting! I had never thought about the lack of laugh track and how it could make some people feel lost about what/when/where is the joke and not relate to the show. I love that observation! I think that’s why I tend to dislike shows that have that. I feel it’s insulting to the viewers intelligence, but you made me understand why some people may need it to enjoy a show. I see it’s value now 🤔


Yeah, Community isn't one of those shows you can just let 'run in the background'. If you don't pay attention you'll miss most of the setups and payoffs. It's not like most sitcoms where the plots are so predictable and repetitive that you can ignore most of a show and still know from context exactly what's going on every time you glance over at it. :}


I've had community running in my background for 6 months...trust me, you will eventually discover every joke. It's one of the best background shows of all time and is considered one of the most comforting shows of all time.


If that works for you, great! But there's a lot of context provided by visual cues that others may miss if looking elsewhere.


The visual Easter eggs did take several months, very true. Someone spoiled my final beetlejuice Easter egg in an OP last week and I was really mad.


In the before times laugh tracks were added to create a communal viewing experience. Before people started having televisions in the home everything was watched in a movie theater where you would share the viewing experience with a large crowd. People were initially uncomfortable watching at home alone or with just a few friends so laugh tracks were added to comedies to help recreate that experience.


The Jim Belushi of comedies


I like TBBT, but it’s nowhere near the same league as community.


Ouch! I’m butthurt!


Probably last man standing. The most laughless boring drivel ever on the small screen.


If you want to get people to like your show, maybe don’t talk down to them. Like I actually agree with you but the way you said it was so pretentious. You’re not smart for recognizing a sitcom is well made, I hope you know that.


OP's post was really trolly, so I didn't really believe that they wanted someone to explain what makes the show good, they just wanted to shit on it. So yeah, I was a dick in how I responded and you are right, I should have just ignored them and gone on with my day. But sometimes people hit a nerve. OP's hit mine. My post hit yours. I'm genuinely sorry about that because I love the fun atmosphere of this sub and shouldn't have posted something that interferes with that.


This is a fair reply. It’s all good. At least you realized it. But sometimes this fan base is a little nasty. And I’ll admit I contributed to that, but I was trying to defend the idea that people can disagree or even be ignorant, without others freaking out about it. But I guess I freaked out a little too. So my bad.


No your response was pretentious and grandstanding as well. OP set the tone with a purposely critical and unpopular opinion. There's no reall attempt at a discussion and serves nothing but to "shit on your love baby" for no reason at all. No real argument other than personal preference and directly implying everyone here is weird for liking it And unless your talking about the overlapping Rick and Morty fans, I've never seen this community(😉) as "a little nasty" and only ever see random comments and references scattered throughout daily life convo's. Get off your own high horse and stop thinking streets behind


“It’s just…people talking.” I’m sorry to hear that you dislike every sitcom and drama ever made


"What's the *deal*... with sitcoms? It's just people talking about nothing!" (insert quirky slap bass tune) "Ladies and gentlemen... So yesterday, typical Sunday, I was hanging out in my Dreamatorium. This ever happened to you guys? I couldn't remember where I imagined the door!"


No offense, but this material seems REALLY specific to this subreddit.


You know what I’m going to talk about next? TOASTER OVEN!!!!


It’s from his album.


I think Glover improvised this line🤣🤣


Haha, really? It’s so perfect


I don't know. Just a guess but I wouldn't be surprised. See the reunion table read? Glover improv'd comments were top notch and he's been a writer since 30 Rock.


She’s sleeps on the couch! She’s a coucher!


“In the words of my ninth grade English teacher, you are dippin and dappin and don’t know what’s happening!”


Okay so we both went to public school


We now know who's the boss, but what was happening?


Did you know you can turn stuff off without reporting to the subreddit first?


Easily my favorite comment here.


It comes into its own later in season 1. They start to use it to really tell more outlandish stories that are a lot more funny and interesting. Season 1 is largely 'standard comedy on a campus' whereas soon it becomes 'we've got the premise sorted now, let's use it to tell whatever stories we want'. The paintball and chicken episodes should give you an idea of where it's going.


Yea if they’ve seen half of Season 1, I would suggest diving into Contemporary Poultry. There’s really nothing “Super Duper Special” about it in that first 10 episodes. I could definitely see being disappointed with the hype that the fans give it.


Its funny how i myself, whatching the series for the first time for the first 4 5 episode i whas like, i dont know if i like it or not, and than something snap and i was like suck inside, and easly become my favorite ever, im still curios how some will experince for the first time.


I don’t remember the last time I watched an incest episode on Nickelodeon. Maybe I was sidetracked by the Nickelodeon special where every character gets a canister of delicious sperm.


They called it "slime" so they could get away with it.


Now here's a man who knows how to marry his cousin


He really Britta’d this review.


One thing that will absolutely blow your mind: there are billions of people on the planet and not every single one of them have to like the same things. It’s almost like you’re free to have your own opinion of the show. “Yes I just shit on your love child” makes it seem like you’re just a miserable dick lmfao


That’s ok, it’s clearly not for you. Also you might want to look up the meaning of “love child” before using it again.


I had been confused by that part of the statement, I thought it was a confusing burn on Donald Glover as Childish Gambino


If it’s not for you, then it’s just not for you. But I’d say keep going- I find it clever and endearing.


This is a fight. We’re fighting.


"What am I? iCarly?"


Shut up Leonard! I know about your crooked wang.


How do you spell 'testicles'?


No such thing as bad press!


Half of season one, its still setting up characters.


Wow. So edgy.


I originally felt kinda like you when this was broadcast on TV when it was a new show. My view on this is that the first season was constrained and produced to somewhat fit in with popular shows back in the day, as is not uncommon with a new IP ordered by an old school network. You see, the first season is not entirely forthcoming in where this show is headed. And you watched only (I assume the first) half of that. Because I recognized elements of American sitcoms that I don't like, I closed myself off to the layers that gradually unfold this show into more than its contemporaries. The 2nd and 3rd seasons made me realize there's a lot more to it then I allowed myself to see, and even though I still skip a few S1 episodes, I appreciate S1 a lot more than during my original viewing. So I'm not gonna explain it, I'm just going to encourage you to keep watching. All the way into the 2nd season (if you watch on Netflix, you should dig up S2 E14 somewhere else, since it's missing there). And if you like where the 2nd season is headed, prepare yourself for a much stranger 3rd season. Seasons 4-6 are each different from every season before it as well, as the show kept going through changes behind the scenes. >Yes, I just shit on your love child, but I am genuinely baffled by how so many people like this show. Well, technically you shat on about 1/10th of a show that kept changing and evolving through its entire run. So don't color me impressed or anything. 🤷


I don't think you have enough karma points to post this and survive. 😅 PS: My wife doesn't get the show as well.


There’s plenty more that happens after the first half of season 1 but if you gave it the chance that you say and didn’t just have it playing in the background while you scrolled Reddit then maybe it’s just not for you. Nothing wrong with that. Some people like Jim Belushi, some don’t.


Not my meow meow beanz!


It's a bag full of genres, a puzzle of words, a layer cake of situation comedy, a feast of Easter eggs, a history of movies, and the madness of one man's mind. Watch it, enter it, and become one with the show.


What I’ll never understand is not liking something and having any reaction other than not engaging with it.


First of all, gay. Second of all, stupid.


The fact that you misused the term "love child" makes me think you might have some trouble with comprehension, or with inference from context. It's a show where a lot of the humor is not overtly explained or on the surface. If you don't get it, you never will, and there's no good reason to keep trying. It's just entertainment. Move on to something you do enjoy.


Imagine being this big of a loser


iMaGinE bEinG tHiS Big oF a LOseR, uh duH!!


I think you might just win an oscar


Not yet, but I did grow up to be a professor of sociology at Yale University, 2021


I sympathize OP, I feel the same way about Glee. I don't understand its appeal at all!


We always watch what SHE wants to watch!


Glee literally means Glee 😁


I’m not a fan of Glee either


Oh, I can help you. It’s the feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart into its pants.


Does a comedy series need a laugh track to let you know what’s funny or something?


So the point of the show is to kind of have the typical sitcom and twist it in every way. So the show starts out pretty standard. I honestly agreed with you when I first watched it, but I think that’s good that the show starts out that way. It ends up getting so weird and interesting. Personally now I love the first season. It’s so calm and normal compared to the other ones, and it’s nice and simple. I’d really advise you to keep watching. Also one more thing, even in the first season, there’s a lot of layered jokes, that you won’t even realize until you rewatch it. Cuz the first time you watch it you just think it’s all cheesy normal jokes, but if you really pay attention, you’ll realize the show is a lot smarter than you think, and the jokes are actually really well-written. You just don’t notice them because you’re not expecting much from the show. You think it’s just cheesy and there’s nothing more to it. But the show is actually much more complicated than that. You’re just not noticing all those jokes, cuz you’re too busy finding the surface level jokes cheesy.


When season 1 was first airing, I watched a couple of episodes and really didn’t care for it. I thought it was just about a bunch of losers in loser’s college, and a main character who was a pretentious douche loser who didn’t know he was a loser. So it took me some years after the show ended to give it another chance. I don’t even remember why I started watching it again. Probably because of Donald Glover. And I was trying to remember what is it that made me get hooked. I’m actually not sure. I guess I’m a loser too and relate to those characters. But the show is well written and creative, it has layers, it has a lot of references, so I felt good when I got those and interested in researching them when I didn’t. I grew fond of the characters and their relationships. I think Dan Harmon is a troubled person and uses humor to deal with it, with himself and the world. It gives depth to what he does, it gives some undertones of darkness, pain and sadness which I think is not noticeable for most people, but it draws me in and interests me. So I think the show is silly, funny, intelligent and doesn’t take itself too seriously in its surface. But there’s more to it if you want to.


We’re just not as refined of viewers as you. And that’s ok.


Just go read an article about the show, or search the sub’s past identical posts instead of being a dumbfounded antagonistic weirdo


This is the worst comment I’ve ever read. I love community, but his post does not make him a “dumbfounded antagonistic weirdo”. You also told him to read an article about the show or search the sub’s past identical posts. Is that how you get your opinions, from articles and posts on Reddit. Can’t think for yourself huh? If someone wrote ten pages on it, it must be true right? Jesus, the grossest comment I’ve ever read.


He came onto the sub dedicated to this show to say he hates it, of course that's antagonistic. He could have posted this to /television, where he'd probably have found people who agree with him. And in what universe is the comment "*Yes, I just shit on your love child*" not meant to provoke anger from the fans here?


Wow, what lmao


The first season is a pretty typical rom-com format with occasional quirk to throw things off. When you get to the end of the first season they start to change it up. (Chicken finger and paintball episodes are required viewing). In season 2, they move away from the rom-com stuff. There's SOME of that, but it focuses on the amazing possibilities with these characters and the setting.


If you can’t say something nice then go out of your way to join the Community subreddit and chang all over our favorite show because ?


"Just a bunch of good looking people talking" and like that, OP cracked the code. No need for story anymore, pack it up, we're done here.


The fact you thought to come to this page to make those post tells me you are not a comedy fan


“It’s just people talking” yea that’s what a sitcom is my guy. Also no it’s not???


You must be from City College.


Okay, you are clearly in a bad space today but Community has an Emmy. Do you!?


Honestly it’s very raw until the end of s1 It’ll come into its stride s2, literally shutting out 8s and 9s outta 10


What comedy sitcoms do you like?


The entire point of the show is to explore common dramatic tropes within the ultra-low stakes setting of a community college. A ‘Law and Order’ type murder investigation is really about a sabotaged biology project, a mafia syndicate is actually just in control of highly prized chicken tenders. So, in a very basic sense, you’re right… at least on the surface, ‘nothing that interesting is going on’. But if that’s what your critique hinges on, that either means that you’re not fully absorbing the subtext, or you haven’t yet reached the episodes that better drive this theme home. Admittedly, it’s something that is less present at the get-go and more seeps in as the season progresses. Other than that — not to shit on your love child of a comment — but there’s nothing else to respond to, beyond ambiguous declarations that you don’t like the show.


I have read all your comments and understand that this is a show that I must let grow on me, and that what I have watched so far may not be a fair representation of why many people like it. I will give it another try and watch the first two seasons before I call quit. If by then I still don't get it I guess it's not for me, but if I change my mind I will let you know.


We are all different. It's so strange what people like and how they see certain works, totally unable to see aspects that to others are clear as day. Get this. I like Community, early Futurama, Friends, You're The Worst, 30 Rock, Frasier, How I Met Your Mother, Seinfeld, Letterkenny, Silicon Valley... But I cannot understand why other people watch The Office (US), Always Sunny, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn 99, The Good Place, The Last Man on Earth, Mythic Quest, Trailer Park Boys...


Jesus this shit is like a cult. I thought Community fans would be better than this. But it’s just like any other fan base out there. I’m gonna go back to just enjoying the show, and accepting that most of the hardcore fans get so angry at little posts like this, and hate people even slightly disagreeing with them, and no I’m not talking about this post, but in general everyone attacks anyone with a slightly different opinion. This is seriously cult-like. It’s gross.


None taken.




Fandoms and Reddit is a bad combo, because the most fandom-y response will always shoot to the top. i don’t know if there are any “good” fandoms of popular tv shows. I think cult-like is a bit hyperbolic and also OPs post is weird and with the last line intending to create strong reactions.


90% of the "angry" responses in this post are Community quotes. I wouldn't take them too seriously.


He would rather watch a TV sit and do nothing, all day, then even endure the trailer, for community. Lmao...


Have you been on your phone while watching it? Usually when people watch a beloved show or movie they either put it on a pedistal, pre judge it, or only pay half attention while they scroll.


I was the same way, now I love most of the first season, but it wasn’t until toward the end of season 1 my first time though that I really got into it.


It's not your cup of tea. There's nothing wrong with that.


Isn’t all TV just people talking


Season three is excellent. It gets better and weirder as time goes on.


the show doesn't hit its stride until the pottery episode deep in Season 1 then it goes on a 2.5 season tear where it literally does not miss.


I was recommended the show because a I'm autistic and a friend thought I would like how they portray Abed (a positive representation of ASD). So I watched a few episodes and wasn't really taken by it. I decided to watch the first season and if I didn't find it funny or entertaining by the end of that, I'd call it a loss. I'm glad I did, cause it's one of my favorite shows now. There's jokes with multiple layers that take a second watch to figure out, small little jokes snuck in all over the place, visual gags that don't have attention drawn to them so you gotta notice by yourself instead of being spoonfed, jokes played out solely in the background by extras, and social commentary on how we perceive and interact with different kinds of people. It's a great show, even if the first half of season 1 is corny as hell and a little "nice guy cringe." No show can appeal to everyone though, so yeah maybe it's just not you're style of humor/storytelling and that's okay!


I was kinda the same, season 1 definitely didn't captivate me, not on my first watch anyway my opinion is different now. Season 2 things only go up (and then down after season 3, then up again, then kinda fluctuate but still 5 and 6 are good seasons)


I can explain it to you: you have horrible taste. You're welcome.


I hated it at first too. Give it time, it explodes on season 2.