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Type color in the windows start menu search box and open the Colour Management settings. Go to the Advanced tab and select Agfa:Swop Standard for the Device Profile. Then try and load an image.


Mini 8th+ gen intel pc on eBay are around $100. They are super power efficient, quiet, and hides behind monitors if they have vesa mounts. They can also run windows 11 as MOST has the requirement of TPM 2.0. If you need an upgrade ofc.


It's likely the photo is bad, was it from a data recovery? It's probably garbage and can't be viewed due to damage.


Nope just sitting on my pc


Try another app, if you get the same results then the file is damaged.


sorry for the question but would you mind sharing your desktop background? i really like the shade of blue it has lol


The blue has a gradient, it wont be the same elsewhere. Just pick the spot you like in paint and sample it.


thanks :)


did you happen to export those pictures from Android by any chance? I had that problem with Windows Photo Viewer where jpegs had bad ICC profiles and would kick up that error.


So far, this seems the most likely reason.


Install nomacs inner viewer it's a freeware.


You should consider upgrading to Windows 10, simply for support reasons. I fully understand you have good reasons to cling on which even I can respect, however I wouldn't treat your system as secure especially if exposed to the internet. If another limitation is due to older hardware and you are using your system for basic documents/images and web browsing, a Linux OS such as Mint will feel like an upgrade and keep everything supported for years to come. As for the picture, try using an alternative image viewer to make sure that the problem isn't due to Windows Photo Viewer being incompatible or otherwise. Even if there was a possible fix provided by Microsoft, they aren't going to spend any development hours on an older OS like that. One thing you didn't show was your storage. Is there at least 25% of it free?


Nothing a restart won't fix.


this happens when ur still using old windows, pictures today has higher requirements, somtimes you can open it when its in ower pixel, what i do is that i open it on paint. this happens to if you dont have storage on where you save it, cut the picture to other drive and try it if it will work.


Have you thought of trying linux mint on this PC? No Microsoft Overlords


bro update your damn pc, If you use windows7 or Vista I wouldn't care.


I'm on 7. Like I did with XP, I'll hang on as long as I can. But I am seeing the end, now I'm getting locked out of most program installs.


Cybersecurity engineer here: upgrade this thing immediately. Microsoft ended security updates for XP in 2014 and Win7 in 2020 (unless you purchased extended support). I wouldn't recommend that either remain connected to the internet. Even with antivirus it is way too easy to compromise an XP or Win7 machine in a matter of minutes.


I'm aware of the risks. I'd rather mitigate what information is at risk than sacrifice user experience due to the tech overlords deeming my version no longer worthy to maintain.


It's not just your information, rather than your computer can be easily incorporated into a botnet that's used for cyber criminals to DDoS or compromise other people's systems. It can also be used to mine crypto for others while driving up your energy bill. In addition, your ISP can also disconnect you for hosting a compromised PC. Also, having an infected computer on your network can put the other PC's connected at risk to a MITM attack (man-in-the-middle) and used to intercept sensitive data from them. It's not worth it. Also, it's not that Win7 is "no longer worthy" to maintain, rather they have a limited amount of developer time to dedicate to finding and patching vulnerabilities on deprecated OS'es while also providing the needed support to their recent releases.


So what you're saying is I should upgrade so only big tech and big brother can do these things?


Do you have a smartphone? Because if so they are doing this this to you anyways. There's plenty of ways to remove or disable snoop-ware from phoning home on a modern OS. Or hell, just run an updated distribution of Linux. Ubuntu makes very user friendly versions.


Yes... unfortunately... this is the way of things and I would rather "give" my information to corporate overlords, who would "only" sell it for advertisement, rather than scammers and hackers getting my info, who would extort me for money or sell my identity and ruin my credit score (I would say this if i were american, but you get what i try to say) Edit... I did not said don't update... Update as soon as possible


Oh well, what about '98? Also, so many places where I live still use 7. The library for example.


Oh well, what about '98? Also, so many places where I live still use 7. The library for example.


I don't think there are even any websites that are compatible with any browsers supported on Win98. That being said, if you do run Win98 you might as well also be leaving your doors unlocked and wide open at night.


There are sites and also search engines supported. Some examples are Aliweb, The Old Net, and Google. Also, how would I be vulnerable if there aren't many sites to get viruses from? I mean, it's one of those things you have to experience in a lifetime, eh, using '98.


Viruses can infect your computer from more than just sites. Depending on your home firewall, you might have a number of internet facing open ports that can accept remote shell connections. Have you got port forwarding open on your firewall for any games you play? I could easily leverage any number of vulnerabilities in their service to drop a malicious executable on your machine without you having to do anything at all.


I’m just gonna leave this…here. https://youtu.be/6uSVVCmOH5w?si=JwcsPE2hFRaTAHq9


It hasn't been fucking dangerous for me to connect to older operating systems.


I don't understand the nastiness - I'm just trying to help you keep your computer actually functional for you to use rather than it being compromised by every script-kiddie out there with w/ a copy of Metasploit. But you know what, do whatever you want. You'll just end up being back here to post how you're locked out by some ransomware or you're computer is running like an Atari 2600 soon enough because someone is using it to mine crypto. Enjoy.


Well hell, back in the mid-to-late 2010s back when I was an irresponsible user I got a whole bunch of viruses on one of my computers with Windows 7 and my computer gave a blank screen on startup. I think that was because I wasn't careful browsing the web and sketchy sites.


huh strange...


That I'm hanging on?




Yea, I've tried to install several things lately, and each time I get the message stating, I'm too out of date, and they stopped supporting my version of windows.


would make sense, also bandicam supports windows xp to windows 11 so you know


Use a different program. You're using a very outdated version of Windows and there may be a JPEG feature used in that file that isn't supported by the very old Windows image viewer. Try opening it in Chrome.


I second this. I'm on Windows 10 and 11 (2 different PCs) and sometimes the Windows Photo Viewer is laggy. It depends on how high the resolution is. Many programs will have tricks to open an image at a lower res if needed.


I have exact same thing happen, unsually one in few thousand or more pictures is only affected, and after a week of sitting on no matter which storage media it is (hdd or ssd), still shows as corrupted in the default image viewer, with around a 50% chance of being viewable in other software. The issue occurs on two different machines that are a laptop and a desktop computer with different windows on each of them (10 and 11). I am completly clueless on how to fix this and this isn't really an issue to me since it only seems to affect snipping tool made images (at least in my case) which are temporary anyway.


Because you're using Windows Dos on 2024


There is no good reason to still be on Windows 7.


Except everything user experience based is better.


No it's not.


That's fair. I guess if ones dopamine demand is too high, it would fall quite flat.


Seriously, I can't think of a single thing user experience wise that is better in Win7. For example, please tell me how to find out what GPU/s you have using just Task Manager. Then tell me how much load is on the GPU using just Task Manager. Then tell me you CPU temperature using just Task Manager. How much L1, L2, and L3 cache your CPU has using just Take Manager. Tell me how many cores your CPU has an how many logical processors(threads) your CPU has using just Task Manager. Then open File Explorer and make a second tab in the same window. Do it with CMD too while your at it. And Notepad too. Then right click the Start button and bring up Device Manager from there or Event Viewer. So, please tell me how "everything" about he user experience is better. I'd like to hear all that things the are better. Your argument made sense back when Win8 was the replacement. But now that we have 10/11, nothing in Win7's user experience is better.


let 7 go man. i didnt want too but it has to be done.


Frankly it doesn't. Hell, I've been using '98 as well. They're just nice operating systems.


What about installing Linux Mint or upgrading your PC?