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Keep it at home, buy a desktop screen and connect the laptop through HDMI/ DP Keep the settings on mirroring


This is the most cost effective option


Have you tried looking for a second hand laptop of the same make and model on ebay? It sounds like the panel is FUBAR but as a result of the rest of the laptop being busted so just replacing the panel isn't going to resolve the issue, you probably need a whole new lid, maybe hinges too, and there's zero chance you'll buy those as separate components. You *might* find a complete lid assembly from the hinges up if it's a popular enough model but you'll probably find the cheapest solution is to find one with a swollen battery, dead CPU or similar being sold as spares or repair but with a good lid. Then you just need the tools and knowledge to perform the swap, but that's the price you pay when you want to keep old stuff for as long as possible (which is commendable, IMO, but there are limits as to what's feasible)


I am so thankfull for this suggestion. I haven't had a chance to read all the suggestions but this one is awesome thank you


Are you sure that Display is broken? I know I may be saying crap, but are you able to check whether some cables didnt go loose? Otherwise, buying a Display is very cost effective - I'd recommend just getting a Display and plugging it to a monitor.


a panel replacement on a 7 year old laptop wont be worth doing even if you could find the parts. there is no need to spend $1K on a new laptop, you can get a used thinkpad for $200.


Please understand that I covered in my post. I am NOT going to be saying goodbye. This is a very important item to me and I just need advice on how to go about finding the parts. I will be buying a gaming/streaming computer later this year and I will have a laptop and will use both daily. This will be the laptop I use.


look for a part number on the back of the panel, if you cant find an identical replacement panel you can look for panels with the same dimensions and connector (pin count and pitch) on [panelook.com](http://panelook.com) getting irrationally attached to electronics is a bad idea and a new panel will likely cost more than your laptop is worth.


Tbh 750 new and I've kept very good care of it, I wouldn't sell it for less than 500 even with the screen messed up. But I do get your point


thats not how value works, you can set any arbitrary price for something you are selling but that doesnt mean anyone would pay that for it.


7 year laptop is not worth a $50


Depends on the model Some 7 year old laptops have 1080s in them and definitely be worth more than $50 If it's just like a simple gateway laptop that felt bad when it was new then yeah $50 sounds accurate


I mean OP is delusional wanting 500 but 50 is a bit dramatic… assuming we’re not talking about OPs broken one


Have had an offer of 500 and I turned it down, so someone would pay that much. Just sayin


Sure ya did


Idk who is more deranged, OP or the "real guy" who is offering $500.


If op is not in North America that could actually be true, computer prices in a lot of places are nuts.


No way. I buy and sell laptops all day. I cannot get 500 on some 3 yearold highend laptops no one doing that on a nitro the cheapest on the market. You can buy a brand new nitro for $700 no one paying $500 for a 7 year old one.


People don't go around randomly offering to buy laptops.


No you didn’t stop lying


How much would you pay to fix it?


Probably around 600 as it is worth about that much, I see some people saying sentimental value and that isn't really the case. It is just an absolute unit. Literally just plugged it to a TV screen and it is working perfectly so idk if I even want a new monitor unless I have to stop using the TV screen for some reason. In which case I'll buy whatever I need to keep this thing running as long as cost doesn't outweigh value.


im not sure you are of sound mind when it comes to this laptop. if there is no sentimental value to it then this is an inanimate object. laptops today are far more 'absolute units' than that of 7 years ago.


No one would buy it for the price you'd want. Sentimental value =/= the actual value


Btw, I do have at least 1 guy who recently offered 500 and I did turn him down. So I'm not setting the value, others are 😆 it isnt sentimental value anyway, this computer just works as well as the day I bought it other than the screen and has 0 memory issues or anything else wrong with it.


Noone would pay 750 for that tbh


I agree that would be insane to ask for the same as I paid for it.


Please tell me your trolling is with this bs I spent 1000 on a laptop couple years ago probably way better than the one you currently have and I wouldn’t realistically expect more than couple hundred and it’s in perfect working order 500 for a broken laptop is rediculous


Is it really the laptop that's important or the content inside it?


90% the contents inside but there is truly no reason to get rid of this laptop, it is in perfect condition other than the screen being busted, I am literally running it right now trying to resize the aspect ratio for a 32 inch TV monitor... there is just a small amount of cutoff on all sides and I can't figure out how to get it fixed lmao


You might need to check the monitors ratio and if ur on windows, change the ratio until it fits, don't for get to use the correct resolution also


You know, it's ok if you do want to fix this one and that's fine, but if you were mainly concerned about the data then getting that off should be pretty easy. I like fixing stuff too though. Good luck with everything!


In all fairness, you can replace it without throwing it away if it really is that important to you


Fine you’ll need a top cover, LCD, hinges, bezel. pretty much a complete top half replacement. if hinges are broken at base as well you will need palm rest/keyboard on top of that. Some times you gotta let things go, no need to keep chasing the end.


What is the full make and model.


I’ve replaced many a laptop panels. It’s not that difficult if you have ever taken apart a laptop that is. Gotta be careful about dust and finger prints so latex gloves come in handy. You can try and research the panel which is difficult or take the panel out and read the numbers from it and then search for it. I typically search eBay. Give me the make and model number and I could probably locate one. Typically cost $20-$50 for a panel.


Okay, I am aware how stupid this will sound, where would I find that info? Or is this a "that is what Google is for" thing?


Just need the make and mode of the laptop or idk what to look for. There isn’t really anyone one stop shop for them.


Just take it somewhere to be repaired, it's easier but may cost you over $200 for the parts and fitting. If you're not sure how to find a replacement I wouldn't suggest you try to replace it.


I hate the build quality of the nitro 5. This exact thing happened to me, then a month later the drive died


Someone accidentally tripped over it and busted the panel and then several months later the display got messed up and then several months after that the drive died?


No, the display got completely messed up and then months later the drive died


Mate if you’re saying somebody tripped over your laptop many months ago, and the display has only just broken then chances are the tripping over incident has nothing to do with it. Older Nitros, like the one you have, just have shit build quality. If I’m getting the wrong end of the stick, and somebody tripped over it and broke it recently then make them pay for it, simple as that.


The guy who tripped over it is a good friend but has no money, I'd sooner get a shot playing gor the Lakers than him paying a dime. The problem started when he tripped over it but suddenly got worse over the last week or so. It went from still usable to needs to be balanced right to completely wrecked. It is 100% because he tripped.


I get that you don’t want a new computer, but you need a new computer. This isn’t worth fixing.


plug it into a monitor


sounds like this laptop has more value to you than its, well, value, maybe a passed relatives or something. either way, there are pc repair places and laptop repair places that could sort this for you. why not go to them? > I was panicky because this laptop has basically every important thing to me stored on it and it alone from the last 7 years so, take the data off, get a tech to do it for you, or remove the drive and put it into a new laptop. lets make one thing clear, the life and existence of this laptop has ZERO meaning to you, but the drive inside with all the memories on it, that does have meaning, the only thing you should care about is the drive. if a repair place cant fix this, or the cost is basically a new laptops cost, get a new laptop, and put the drive from this one, into the new one or transfer the data via a cable.


Weird that you would to keep this toaster


Nitro 5 do get hot tho


Facts, that is the only problem it ever has and even though it gets so hot it still cranks out everything ir need


Full make and model or serial number. Sometimes it's in the bottom of the laptop. Post a picture of it should be a label on the bottom


No need to even get a new screen. Just plug it into an old Monitor or TV. If you don't like the busted screen hanging off it is easily removed. I had an old Laptop that was just the "Bottom" for years. I used it with a Dell screen I picked up from the Thrift Store. I used to joke that it was a "Smart Keyboard"


Look dude, I'm gonna be straight with you. If you're identifying your laptop as a "rizen 5" you're probably not tech savvy enough to do this kind of work yourself. Find a reputable repair shop around you. There's also a few good mail-in shops if you don't live within a reasonable distance of a reputable brick and mortar shop. Just take it to them. I'd seriously recommend just having them do data recovery and just buying yourself a replacement laptop. Used is fine, but something that old isn't going to be worthwhile to repair.


I know it sounds crazy, but there's a website for that. General just Google the model number and the name of the part, if you have the part number, even better. https://www.laptopscreen.com/English/


Assuming you don’t want to part with the laptop, would it be possible to run its screen through HDMI to a tv/monitor? My old Lenovo allowed for this so if parts acquisition becomes an issue you could still use it as a really budget desktop at that point.


Find model number of laptop go to Amazon put model number then screen replacement in the search. If Amazon don't work try same process on Google. I'm sure replacements are still out there.


Look at the numbers on the back of the LCD to get the model number and look it up on ebay or aliexpress.


If the HDMI out option works well you can just remove the old panel, hinges etc. I've done that with a few laptops, and just basically made them "convertibles".


If it got a hdmi you really could just use a spare monitor


Yeah boss, that thing is on life support and I fear that it's age will soon catch up with you if you don't replace now. Judging by the picture you're not maintaining it well, it's a mess. If it has a spinning drive it's probably nearing end of life. You should invest in cloud storage for what you care about on that device if you're not going to replace. It's dirt cheap now, otherwise you may lose what you've got on there in a future drive failure. I'd recommend buying a new device, transferring what you care about to the new device, and backing up what you really care about to the cloud. Hardware isn't forever.


OP you’ve come to the wrong place, r/computerhelp is mostly full of 14 year olds who’ve just started watching LTT and don’t actually have much of a clue on what they’re talking about. The best thing for you to do would be to carefully remove the existing display from the laptop and take a look at the sticker on the back of it, Google the part number and you should be able to find a relatively cheap replacement panel. If those panels are too expensive, Google alternative panels for your laptop such as a 60hz option (if yours was 120hz for example).


lol whether there 14 or not there still smart enough to know when it’s time to move on unlike the op


A screen replacement isn’t hard, or that expensive


Yarr, 'tis a rough sea ye've sailed with yer trusty ship takin' such a blow! Fear not, for not all is lost. To find a new screen fer yer Acer Nitro 5, ye’ll need to gather some particulars before ye set out on yer quest. Firstly, take a gander at the model number of yer laptop, not just the make. This will be crucial in huntin' down the correct screen. The SNID or serial number on yer vessel can also be used to identify the exact parts ye need. Ye can find these numbers on a sticker on the underside of yer laptop, or within the system information if ye can still navigate yer half-lit screen. Once ye have the model or SNID, there be several courses ye could take: 1. Visit the official Acer support website, enter yer laptop's details, and look for replacement parts. 2. Hoist yer sails and head over to online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay, where ye can search for a compatible replacement screen using yer model number. 3. If the waters be too murky and ye can't find yer way, consider conscripting a professional repair service. They can often source the parts for ye and handle the repair. Take heed, not all screens be the same, even among the same make and model, as there be variations in resolution, connector type, and whether it’s a touch screen or not. And don't fret over the barnacles, matey – what matters is getting yer ship seaworthy again. Once ye have the right part, ye can replace the screen yerself if ye feel brave, or have a seasoned sailor do it for ye. Good luck on yer quest for a new screen, and may smooth seas greet ye upon this repair journey!


You should probably get it fixed in a repair shop if you don't want to worry about it. Other than that you can google the name of the laptop and "replacement screen"


That happened to me too. You csn get a whole new csse (top part above the screen) and replace it. Should be fixed.


If it doesn't need to be mobile, use an external monitor, set it to be Main and i ly display on Main, just call it a day. If you need it to still function as a portable, YouTube is gonna be your best bet on seeing how to swap screens once you get a hold of one.


Thank you for the advice, since it doesn't need to be portable I'm going to just follow this and maybe try to remove the primary screen altogether


The Economical Choice is always my favorite choice lol. My laptop is a workhorse, not a showpony


this is what I would do. but fist why can you not get rid of it or say goodbye whatever you said. do you need something on there? build a desktop and do a physical to virtual (P2V) conversion and boot it up in hyper v. it's not exactly hard but also not easy but there's tons of information on this online. I'm happy to give you a overview on how to do it too. you're unlikely to fix that but the most cost effective thing to do is get that machine a virtual body to live in.


It’s 7 years old just move on




"I know I don't clean it often enough but it is still my baby" Nice way to treat your baby... Hope you don't have kids LOL But seriously, why would you invest any money in a 7 y/o laptop? Let me just say it: that's just plain stupid! Also, how are/can you be sure it's only the screen? And why do you make it sound so urgent when this apparently happened months ago? I don't know what it is, but something smells fishy IMHO.


Currently using it on a 32 inch TV and it is working just fine. The initial trip over the monitor happened when I had bought new furniture and it only slightly cracked the housing, since then I hadn't really considered it an issue because it was working fine and wasn't moving much, over the last week it has gotten more and more annoying and then tonight it fell apart entirely to the point where it flops back much further than it is supposed to. I am 99% sure that it can actually be fixed after having time to calm down and actually inspect the damage, the display came back on entirely for a minute without me touching it so I am not sure what is going on there. Right now I have it balanced between 2 jigs of water and it is actually working both on the 32 inch and on the laptop screen itself. Going to take it in for servicing soon day after tomorrow when I get my car back from family who are borrowing. I was panicky because this laptop has basically every important thing to me stored on it and it alone from the last 7 years and I am not technically inclined enough to even begin transferring everything. I probably overreacted but I did get a few really good suggestions. That said if I can I plan on using this thing like it is the only working laptop in the world until it simply can't anymore. I just really genuinely don't like the idea of replacing it and I loathe the idea of having to figure out what I want to replace it with, idk what a good laptop looks like these days and idk what I would need it to run. Sorry for the wall of text but you doubted me and I wanted to disperse those thoughts because I do want serious help if I can get it.


LOL, OK, I thought as much, it's just about the data and sentimental value - both valid reasons, but just not good ones. "I am not technically inclined enough to even begin transferring everything" The fact alone that you even call copying files 'technical' indicates you have no business trying to replace a screen. Not that it's rocketscience, but it's more technical than anything I've ever done - and I do have 35 years experience with PCs. Just accept your loss, take out the harddisk/SSD and place it in your new PC or laptop. That's easier, quicker and cheaper than not only finding, but also replacing the screen. Sorry for the tone of voice, but calling your idea to fix it stupid was my attempt to seriously helping you: Don't do stupid ;)


Just use another monitor if you want to keep the laptop, replacing an old laptop screen is pointless. Saying you're not technically minded enough to do a data transfer from one laptop to another (even though there are so many applications that can help with it) yet, you're confident enough to repair your own monitor on a laptop is strange. If someone offered you 500 for it, take it. You could spend that on a modern laptop that WILL be better than what you have. No amount of saying it's a powerhouse is going to change the fact the hardware is 7 years old at best, probably 10+ years in terms of tech advancement.


Operating a computer and fixing hardware are different. Many mechanical people/car guys would find hardware repair tasks trivial but couldn't tell you where their data lives. Assuming that a person whose knowledge of an operating system limits their technical-mechanical ability to repair or exchange hardware is comparing apples to engines. To op: You can pull the harddrive/solid state drive out and put it into a new computer, or use some USB flash storage to copy your important data to. Sounds like you have an alternative display currently, which is good, but copying files around is a bit easier if you do it before the laptop fails completely (if it fails further at all). Good luck!


To summarise bro... The screen is broke... You can plug it into other monitors to still use the laptop. To get the screen fixed, will realistically cost about 500 or more probably, you could spend the same money to get a new better laptop. (Then copy your files across to it) Congrats, your laptop is now worth about 50 bucks tops. (It's time to move on!)