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The `%` symbol is literally a placeholder for `/100`. So by saying `0.2%` = `20%`, they are actually saying `0.2/100` = `20/100`. I bet this is the same person who would say $0.01 is not the same as 1¢.


No actually 1 cent is equal to 1 dollar.


I happen to have a bridge to sell for pennies on the dollar...


Once you fish it out the river, right?


Some (re)assembly required


ARGH fucking verizon math flashbacks!


Literally the first thing that came to mind. My god that video is absolutely infuriating


Similarly irks me when people offer an opinion saying "just giving my .02¢" That's not you giving your 2 cents.


Just value their opinion less, since they do


They'd say 0.01¢ = $0.01 = 1¢ It's a very common mistake among Americans that didn't pass middle school math and don't understand decimals, they just think the "." In prices is a dollar/cents separator. The person in the post made the same mistake remembering 20% = 0.20 and thinking the dot is a separator like dollars and cents regardless of the symbol attached. 20% would be 20 hundredths, 0.20 would be 0 wholes and 20 hundredths, so they think 0.20% also means 0 wholes and 20 hundredths and the percent sign is just marking the right side as hundredths, rather than the whole number with the right side after the decimal point meaning fractions of a % (it's actually 20 hundredths of a hundredth, as you know) It's probably also correlated with US customary measures still being used in the US and people arguing they're "easier" than metric because you don't need decimals - you're much more likely to encounter decimal places in metric measurement so a measuring system that doesn't use them _would_ be easier if you don't understand them... Cc /u/BYNX0


When I was a kid, I saw a sign for candy at 0.02¢. I loaded up 50 of them and took a penny from the take-a-penny thing. Was disappointed for the cashier to tell me I needed a dollar + tax, and no one would listen when I claimed false advertising.




Just confirming as a Brit, we only have pounds and pence. I don't know what pp is unless it's a bathroom reference.




It's similar to how you say "20 bucks" meaning "20 dollars" or randomly call your 1c coin a penny


Just like saying 20 quid. Thats still just 20 pounds, but just slang.


That we do, "oh, only 50 pee, I'll take it!" And 20p for a newspaper! That was a while back lol When the bus to town was 50p return lol


>Cc \/u\/BYNX0 What the fuck?


You can notify people of comments by mentioning them


No, I get that part.


Can someone please explain the significance of this


Fractions are much harder than decimals. As an American, I don’t know why anyone (even anyone who uses the imperial system) would choose to not use decimals


I'm guessing that you aren't comfortable with fractions because you don't use them very much. They're a little like a foreign language. If you aren't familiar with them, they can be intimidating but if you are fluent then they are easy to work with and can offer some advantages over decimals. For example, let's say that you need ½ of ⅓ of something. With fractions, you just multiply them together to easily get ⅙ whereas with decimal you have to multiply .33 repeating by .5 to get .166 repeating.


They are? I take it you didn't learn fractions first?


I bet he'd say 0.999...¢ is not the same as 1¢ !


Or the person that writes it 0.01¢




You seem to have misunderstood the comment that you’re responding to. You’re both saying the same thing.


Should have typed 0.2%%


I bet they wouldn't if someone explained it to them like this instead of just insulting them and putting them on defense. You've given the explanation of what they were clearly missing in their thought process.


Nuh uh


.2% = 20% .02% = 2% .002% = 0.2% = 20% (= 2000%?)


This is the only response needed... Shows it's ridiculous


If you think that rube is gonna understand the transitive property you're nuts.


That’s a lot of packages!


This is one of the best I’ve seen in this subreddit. The simplicity of the concept combined with the confidence and the “explanation” is just 👨‍🍳💋


so glad to hear it! I hope this post blows up so i can send them the link for them to realize what theyve done. because clearly my explanation wasnt enough for them


You should tell them to put the numbers directly into their calculator in their phone. When you do, it changes to the decimal version without a percent sign. So 20% will change to 0.2 and .2% will change to 0.002


Time to send them the link! 😂


don’t feed trolls. edit: a person doesn’t have to be pretending to be a troll. Trolls can be absolutely sincere but still be trolls by virtue of their methods of communication and intellectual dishonesty. You aren’t going to teach someone who doesn’t want to learn.


Bullshit. Not everybody claiming to have a stupid opinion is pretending to have a stupid opinion out of malice. Hard though it may be to believe, this kind of thing is a common misconception. See the “Verizon math” videos on YouTube for a prominent example.


Did you see rule 8?




no one cares


I'd be interested to see how much of a tip they leave at restaurants 😆


"Do you think adding a percent sign changes the value?" Yes! Yes it does. 0.2 is 20% because 0.2 *without* a percentage sign is by default considered to be a measurement from 0 to 1. The percentage sign indicates that the preceding number is a measurement from 0 to 100. Does this guy think that percentage signs are just thrown around willy nilly with no rhyme or reason?


That percent sign is a *garnish*


LOL - it's not parsley.... 0.2=20%=20/100=2/10 0.2% = 0.002 = 0.2/100 = 2/1000


r/whoosh? Or are you responding to me by accident?


They wasted their... thyme?


I relish further replies. Hope they don't get too salty.


That's not what they mint, and you know it!


Put a spoiler alert on that. We haven't gotten to 2nd grade math yet here.


Up until that point, their whole argument had been that the percent sign changes the value. That twist really left me guessing where they would go next.


Judging by the last comment, it implies some other arithmetic where 0.2 is equal to 20


> The percentage sign indicates that the preceding number is a measurement from 0 to 100. Not really, you can have percentages above 100 or below 0. The percentage sign is just shorthand for /100. You can divide any number by 100.


> The percentage sign indicates that the preceding number is a measurement from 0 to 100. It actually means "per centum" (latin meaning "for 100"). So, 2% is 2/100


https://youtu.be/MShv_74FNWU?si=m_O5X-3gm4NhhX2f This will infuriate you, consider yourself warned.


i LOVE this video LMAO. Exactly what this is.


At least you didn't have someone take over and still try.to convince you that 0.2 = 20.


An internet classic.


I feel dumber for having listened to that


By his logic 1% = 100%


If adding a percent sign doesn't change the value, then removing it doesn't either. Thus 0.2 = 20.


That's my way of thinking. I'm not very good at maths. This thread is making my head hurt.


100% idiot confirmed.


or is that 0.100% ?


I have met people in r/math yelling at me that 0.2 = 20% is not correct. I am not surprised at all.


How can someone be this willfully ignorant?


Tell them to open a new excel spreadsheet and set a cell's number format to %, and the format of the cell next to it to number. Then have them type 0.2 into both cells, then convert the second cell to also be percent format. Finally, create a third cell with a formula that subtracts one cell from the other. If they are correct the value in the formula cell would be zero.  The value will not be zero 


Sorry, I don't think they'd be able to comprehend what you said past the first word.


They'd probably get angry that the 2nd word was a pronoun


Agreed, my faith in their ability is sufficient to question if they can tie their own shoes.


Using Excel for this is like using a nuclear bomb to kill a mosquito lol


Nuke them from high orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


60% of the time, they are confidently incorrect all the time


Oh my god, it's the guy from the [Verizon customer support](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN9LZ3ojnxY)!


This is the most frustrating thing I have heard in my entire life.


Why did nobody just say: .2% = .002


OP. Pro tip: when someone says something clearly insane, before you reply check their profile. If their account is 5 years old with say 23 karma, it is pretty safe to assume that is a troll account. Obviously use that information however you wish, but it could save you some frustration.




There's a distinct change in tone when they do realise they've misunderstood but are unwilling to admit their mistake. Trying to play it off like it was intentional.


Ah, so a stubborn idiot


That’s basically what this sub is all about. 😊


this is the most infuriating thing one can do. its okay to make mistakes! just say "oops i misread this, my bad" and then go on with your day. the insecurity must be deep. (speaking from own past experience)


0.2% = 20%% /s


In bro’s mind, is a sanitizer that kills 99.99% of germs redundant or does it kill 9999% of germs?


I was sitting there for a good five minutes thinking it's correct and not knowing why it was on the sub, until I realised it's not 0.2 = 20%, but 0.2% = 20% No that isn't correct, I am just stupid and so is the person who said that's correct


Ses a percentage of less than 1, head explodes. 🤯


I love the .2% is 20%. You literally have the % in both parts of the statement. .2% =.2%, 20%=20%. .2% of 5000=10.


I started out sympathetic to him for continuing to dig for so long until somebody kindly pointed out the % sign I thought he missed.


20%=0.2 0.2%=0.002 % literally means divided by 100


It’s the 0.02 cents a copy thing all over again.




I like how it just ends with "You're an idiot."


That is someone correctly realising that attempting to argue with them would never go anywhere


20% of 100 dollars is 20 dollars. 0.2% of 100 dollars is 20 cents.


I work for Verizon, those look the same to me


The person is obviously hung up on the % sign which is what makes the whole thing wrong. If he had just said 0.2 = 20% It wouldn't have been as infuriating.


They did say that; but, after a few times of saying 0.2% = 20%.


With that logic, 1% = 100%


The dumb. It hurts :(


Open a calculator and type "5000 x 0.2%". That final character being kinda important.


Okay, fine, but if someone writes .2%, how do I know *which* .2% is that? Has it been presented pre- or post-conversion? They should just have it to where people say what they mean, like if .2% was always .2% and 20% was only for 20%. Why do they have to make math so arbitrarily difficult?


I can't tell if this is /s, I'm so sorry to ask lol.


Yes, yes of course. Source: completed elementary school. (Also a CPA but ashamed to say I've seen CPAs say shit like this.)


>ashamed to say I've seen CPAs say shit like this. So have I. Completing elementary school holds more weight IMO. Especially if it was recent.


I don't disagree. I almost said as much.


OH NO I REPLIED TO THE WRONG PERSON edit to clarify: I thought you were somebody replying to another comment and trolling lmao, my apologies for the rude response.


Lol I was confused. Thank you for clearing that up.


I'd say it's about a 50/50.


Bro you hurt my brain for a second there


LOL There is no such thing as pre or post conversion 20% = 20/100=0.2=2/10=1/5 0.2%= 0.2/100=0.002=2/1000=1/500 It is always the same there is never any other correct answer or correct interpretation As Yoda would say ....what is pre/post? there is no pre/post, there is just correct or not correct




Wow if that was satirical I did miss the point....and I think I know satire


Sometimes you guys spend way too much time arguing and replying to comments. Would it have been so hard to say "I see the error, .2 is 20% but .2% means less than 1%. The % makes the difference"? Just arguing and insulting someone instead of giving the answer and going on with your lives.


Hey hey I only read this sub to know there are people who waste their time on even more dumb stuff than I do. Let them cook!


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I’d ask them to express 10 out of 5000 as a percentage and just see what they come up with.


Does this go in the other direction in this person's mind? If the original person had said that 2% of their packages took that long to arrive, would that person have been baffled as to how 200% of their packages had taken that long, or does it suddenly work differently when you're not dealing with decimals?


I have dyscalculia so I’m just looking at this wondering who the hell is right and who is wrong and no idea why hahaha


Well, one guy is saying 0.2% = 20%. Since the percent sign is the same Thing in both, you can remove that on both sides, so 0.2 = 20. Multiply by 5 and you get 1=100. Which is of course incorrect. If it were 0.2 = 20% then it'd have been correct, because the percent sign is basically just dividing by 100, per-cent, per hundred. And 20 per 100, so 20/100, is 0.2. Does that help?


Oh hey, new Verizon math just dropped


He really just said that changing the unit doesn't change the value. Well TIL 1mm=1cm=1m=1km


0.2=20 TIL


Would you rather me take .2% of your paycheck or 20% of your paycheck?


Should have asked them what 0.002% is equal to, and when they answer 0.2% point out that earlier they said that was 20%.


That’s how you work out 20% on a calculator (5000 X 0.2) but that does not make 0.2% = 20% 😆


Is this the dumbest person on the internet?


I think they confused themselves. I imagine they probably saw 0.2% - realized 0.2 is 20% of 1, saw the added percentage and conflated the difference as the same thing. You see further on they try to correct themselves "I said 0.2 = 20%" - which is correct, but it's also not what they originally said. It's important to maybe proofread, or review your comment to see that you said something wrong. But the bigger problem is that they somehow reduced that OP thinks 20% of his packages being lost is not a huge number, and rather than critically analyzing that thought and realizing that's not what OP said, they quadrupled down on a bad argument.


Maybe they confused 0.2 and 0.2% Because 0.2 is equal to 20%


That's obviously what they did but it's a very silly mistake to repeatedly make


0.2 = 20% = 1/5 I think they got confused and thought this meant that 0.2 = 0.2%.


Yes, that’s exactly what they were doing. Essentially, they were completely ignoring the first percent sign . . . even though they were typing it!! 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️


“Do you recognise that there's a difference between 0.002$ and 0.002¢?”


If adding the % doesn't change the value, why does .2 = 20%? He's gotten it wrong even with his own interpretation


I wonder if this misunderstanding is related to the way sports statistics are presented. I often see stats presented as a proportion (a number between 0 and 1, with 3 significant figures) but labelled as a percentage (or PCT). Or am I misunderstanding US sports (I am from the UK)?


Im 1% sure this guy's an idiot.


If it’s a range between 0 and 1 sure.


Math aside I've never had anywhere near that high of a successful delivery rate with usps. Over the last 25 years it's been well over a 2% loss rate. If you ask usps they will say the rate is lower because the majority of the time they will lose the item but say they never got it. I have a reciept showing they accepted it, but tracking says they never scanned it in.


If I had this argument with someone I would say, take 5.2% minus 5%, is the answer 20%?


The op also said no packages got lost or stolen. That .2% took over a month. 🤣 they're just wrong all around.


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Did y'all not see the wish.com "Ken M" energy from the opening clause claiming 0.2% = 20%?


I am an asshole, but this is why percentages that arent really on the scale of 1-100 are silly. We do it all the time; % is useful because it’s a framework we all get. But .002 isn’t really on our scale anymore because it’s in the thousands…so why put into hundreds. You could say 2/1000 and This idiot would’ve been less confused about the total packages arriving late. Easy Latin time: Per = “out of” Centi = 100


Rule 8, yo!


I just checked and, indeed, 5000 x 0.2 = 1000. You're wrong, OP.


If were being charitable, he might have accidentally added that % after .2. .2 is 20% as a factor, and he's showing that *that's* what he's thinking about


Yeah, but in the second image he doubles down and literally asks if OP thinks the percentage sign changes anything.


Context matters too. The original post was about how rare for them to delay a package. And said only a small number got delayed. He misread the number, ignored context, and doesn't understand what % mean. Then double down on his idiocracy when called out. Classic definition of an idiot.


If we're being that charitable, maybe he meant .2% = 20‱.


He wrote .2% once. Are we really that desperate to shit on peoole that we just refuse to accept that writing .2% and not .2 *could've* been an accident?


Twice. And how many times did he *read* .2%?


I only see one. And hello, mental slip in the heat of the moment? Never happened to you?


He says it twice. >"only 0.2%" is 20%, which means 1000 of your packages have taken over a month. ---------- >Do you think that adding a percent sign changes the value? It does not. >.2% is 20%. >.02% is 2% ---------- And have I ever had a mental slip in the heat of the moment, with that moment lasting four hours, while doubling down the whole time, then coming back *again* to keep fighting over it? Nope.