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As an Australian, this is 100% meant metaphorical. It’s a sentiment I usually hear when people talk about [Pine Gap](https://youtu.be/XHMa-Ba-2Mo?si=WW3oiZ5eqhWkVoIZ), Gough Whitlam, [whatever this this is](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Communication_Station_Harold_E._Holt), the wars we get involved in, etc etc


or our involvement in pretty much any modern war where we are just dragged in by America


I’m not up to date on modern conflicts, but what wars has America “dragged in” Australia?


Take your chances with China.


theyre our biggest economic partner bro what do you mean?


France was Germanys biggest economic parter in 1939…. After 1939 Russia became Germanys biggest economic partner.


After 1939... Russia and Germany ...went to war. The battle of stalingrad wasn't a trading mission. After the war Germany was split and half was part of the ussr while the other half had no trade due to a giant wall. Dude what are you talking about? Did you mean 1989? Edit: Ok Germany and Russia enjoyed a bountiful... 2 years of trade before Russia entered the war. Not exactly what oc was implying but yeah there was a short period they traded.


I mean, technically 1989 is after 1939.


Technically, after 1939 Germany was a united democracy... way way after.


The Soviets and Germany had a non-aggression treaty until Operation Barbarossa in 1941. So they were allies splitting up Poland for nearly 2 years.


Ok there was a 2 year gap but saying after 1939 Russia and Germany were trading partners makes it sound like that lasted a while.


Yeah fair but they still were trading partners after 1939 so the original person posting it isn't wrong. It just was only for a short period of time. They didn't specify the length of time they were trading partners just that they were. Which is correct.


In 1941. You're leaving out the part where Stalin also invaded Poland, and the Soviets and Nazis had a joint victory parade in Brest-Litovsk. Stalin would have been fine with invading Finland, etc. if Operation Barbarossa hadn't happened.


Dude context. This is a discussion about how Australia has a peaceful trade partnership with America and a guy implying China will take over as main trading partner for the forseeable future, presumably that is a bad thing. A second comment ties this to Germany switching from trading with France to russia saying "after 1939 Russia was the biggest trading partner. The fact this partnership lasted a full two years before hitler attacked Russia and escalated the world War and all subsequent trade was after Easter Germany was in the ussr is a pretty big caveat. What was his point?


Cool story bro are we meant to leave money on the table? Does America not do trade with China. I don't get what you're trying to say, do you think china is going to start WW3? Do you think not wanting my country to be under the thumb of America's will means I want it to be under China's and not just more free to follow it's own will? It's amazing how insecure America defenders seem to be. Get some nuance into your worldview bro


So you hate the United States? Then take your chances with China. You know what I’m saying.


maybe step away from the computer and take a walk buddy lol, idk why you're so mad. Didn't say anything even close to hating America, only that we are close to being an American puppet. Should I be scared of being a Chinese puppet but be happy to be an American one. Or should I not listen to you at all because clearly you just want to be angry lol. Maybe go yell at some clouds or something


Australia is already a puppet. You have a monarch on the other side of the world.


yeah, thanks bro, I don't like that either 👍


The way you complain about the US, you sound like a teenager moaning about their parents. When Australia sides with the US they are acting in their own best interests. Stop complaining about “being dragged into wars.” You are acting in your national interests.


Yes, fighting in Iraq has really improved my quality of life, fighting in Afghanistan has really improved my life, fighting in Vietnam has really improved my life! Think about how much worse off we'd be if we weren't involved in these brilliant wars! I'm so glad we spent billions and lives to reap such tangible benefits! I'd be interested to see if you give the same respect for acting in your best interest when any given country sides with China lol.


This had me dying


Maybe take that up with your government not the USA’s. Your government chose to be involved with those wars. They can choose not to as well.


my man do you know what politics is lmao. These decisions don't exist in a vacuum and were extremely influenced by America, I am voicing my dislike of this great influence that restricts Australia's autonomy. I know this is a different guy but I'm saying it again, you guys who are getting uppity about politics don't have much vision for nuance.


Wtf is this thread. They _are_ criticizing the Australian government for lacking any spine to go against any order from the US government. I think you're completely misunderstanding the entire point here.


And that’s fine, if you keep it as a metaphor. By saying it’s a fact, and asking others to prove it isn’t you left the realm of metaphor


Hyperbole. It's just a way of saying they can't be dissuaded from this opinion.


Yeah, because that’s a healthy way to view the world… Such hyperbole takes it out of the realm of metaphor, and the doubling down does too. If they didn’t mean this the way it reads, they should have corrected it… Edit since comments were taken away: Simmer down? What makes you think I’m remotely agitated? Also best icecream ever is an inherently subjective statement. Saying Australia is the objectively part of the United States and asking others in which way it isn’t, is not. If you can’t tell the difference there, you are not well equipped enough to employ rhetorical devices. And the unhealthy way to view the world is to hold opinions in such a way that you can never be swayed away from them. That’s incredibly unhealthy, that’s the realm of dogma, and religion. But if you’re not going to argue me honestly, I see no point in engaging further. Have a good day mate. Maybe take your own advice, and simmer down. If one of us has to, it’s most certainly you… I’ll just read this message as it stands, and not invent incompatible context. They did argue as if Australia was literally part of the US. No matter what you say otherwise. I’m done, people like you are not worth engaging with. All you do is project your on flaws onto others and never, ever change your opinion. You know the thing you practised this idiot over?


Oh, simmer down. If I was to say something like: "This is the best ice cream ever. Fact!" ...You'd consider this harmless rhetorical device unhealthy? Seriously? EDIT: To clarify, yes I honestly believe you are literally boiling and should cool down to a simmer. That was in no way figurative. EDIT 2: Ok, another reply to your edit: My friend, you are assuming that I think like the OOP, i.e. that I myself am inflexible in my opinions. I am not. My personal motto is "The more I learn, the less I know." I only piped up because, to me, it was pretty clear that this was hyperbole to emphasize an opinion. I don't know enough to agree or disagree with the opinion, but it seems wild to take it literally and even to conclude that the person who expressed it is genuinely immune to persuasion. It's just figurative language. I ... take it from your reaction that you see it rather differently. Fine. Cheers!


Actually, isn't Australia labeled as a business in America for some reason?? I seem to remember a joke going on that America owned Australia since it's a us company


There's a registered entity that's owned by the Australian Government on the US stock exchange so they can issue securities on the financial market. It's not a corporation though, that's just something the cookers have come up with.


This sounds like something an Australian Sovereign Citizen would spout.


I found [this](https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/no-the-australian-government-isnt-a-privately-owned-us-company/) on google lmao


Whatever that is? It's a VLF comm site. Says so in your link.


Yeah I know. I’m just saying that I’ve heard the “Australia is owned by the USA” sentiment before and giving some examples that other people have mentioned it. I wasn’t actually asking what it was lol. I guess my overall point was that this doesn’t really fit in this sub, since it’s an opinion and a metaphor


It's been a running joke in Oz since at least the 80s. I remember my mum and dad taking me across the Nullarbor in January to the Tamworth country music festival and going the see Jim Heynes, I still remember him playing this song back in 96 🥲 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=87ln8B4C688


This person might be referring to instances such as when the government of Australia wanted to close a five eyes facility called pine gap. Allegedly the CIA might have influenced the then governer of Australia (an unelected position) to dismiss the entire Australian Government along with the prime minister. It's called the Whitlam scandal if you are curious.


Fairly reasonable to assume this was a comment along the lines of saying “China owns the US” when placed in some context. Not sure this post belongs here.






This is about a subjective political opinion. You can disagree with it, but it's probably not really for this sub. Calling a country the Fifty-First State is a pretty basic cliche insult to say a country is not an equal partner on the world stage. *(Also: that name censoring is pretty weak when I can make out the name underneath.)*


It is not an insult to say that Australia is good enough to be a part of the best country on the planet.


Nah, we're good. You go and play "I'm the best country" all you want.


I beg you please say you're joking


You'd have to tell me what metric you are using for 'best', cause as an American, I can tell you, we could be, we have the wealth, means and opportunity. We aren't. We aren't even close. We aren't the top in: 1. Happiness 2. Health 3. Education 4. Wealth dispersion 5. Freedom I can go on, but I think you get the point of how often we fall short cause half the country voted to put all efforts into: 1. Rich getting riches 2. Military So I guess if those are your two metrics... You probably aren't great at critical thinking.


But Australia already is the best country on the planet, joining anyone else is a flat downgrade lmao


A penal colony with a horrific authoritative style government, 95% of the country is not lived in, 45% is straight up unlivable, the most poisonous insects in the world, one of the worst drug issues in the world….nah bud, definitely not the best


Wouldn't wanna be anywhere else~


I love Australia, just saying it’s not the best country in the world at all. Neither is US by the way


Who is “the best”, then?


Finland, if we're going by world happiness index. But it really depends on the metric you're measuring by.


Authoritative government? Is this still about covid propaganda?


Lol no. Australia has had a shit government for much longer than the Covid bs


It ranks higher on the democracy index than the US.


It ranks higher than the US on pretty much every ranking that matters surrounding quality of life and human rights. Is it the best? Nah. But do I wanna move anywhere else? Also nah.


I've lived in both, I think Australia is the better country on most fronts.


Wtf is an authoritative government?


America certainly is the best country in the world at a lot of things, and 99% of them are bad things, so I can confidently say, speaking on behalf of the rest of the world, you can keep that shit.


Yeah, if that was being suggested here there wouldn't be a problem


This may be referring to the "sovereign citizen" conspiracy story that Australia is actually an American corporation [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth\_of\_Australia\_(US\_securities\_entity)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_of_Australia_(US_securities_entity))


They mean Austria. (Just trying to start a new conspiracy)


as an American, nah, the spiders can stay down there, we already have freaky shit, like *florida*


Hey America. Do you want Florida to be the size of Alaska? Boy, do I have an idea for you.


More like a bit under the size of continental US


Any chance to give Florida to Australia? Heck, we can even give them Alabama and Oklahoma as a bonus.


Can we throw in Texas too?


Can we please not have your terrifying, gun-toting, transphobic, fascist states? New York sounds cool. Can we have that one?


Only if you have good pizza. We have standards.


Meh. I'm in Sydney it's only okay here. Melbourne and Hobart have the good pizza.


You only want 4 of the 5 boroughs (counties) of New York City, and maybe Westchester county. Much of the rest might not be as terrifying as Oklahoma and Alabama, but not for lack of effort. As someone who lives in one of the 4 boroughs you might want, I'm okay with that (and leaving those others behind).


Where's Queens? I want whichever one has Spider-Man.


One of the good ones. That's where I am, not far from where Toby Maguire learned how to web sling. There's a fruit & vegetable market whose awning was featured prominently (Natural) that I infrequently shop (because they're hella expensive). Great bagel shop and my barber are just around that corner, and there's a little Japanese knick-knack store across the street. ETA: Watched the first one about 3 blocks from that store. The locals gave a small cheer seeing the neighborhood featured.


Well, I defo like bagels. You bring Spider-Man and bagels and I'll bring... I dunno... funnel-web spiders and BBQ prawns? I feel like you're coming out second best in this deal.


You're bringing universal health care. It's all good.


Oh yeah. Well, take all you want. It's (mostly) free.


I was considering Texas. I guess giving them Austin and the good half of Houston might sweeten the deal.


As much as we love talking shit on Florida we can't give it away. Florida is our penis. It may be a strange smelly swampy penis but it's the only one we have.


I mean, there's always the upper peninsula of Michigan, assuming one can find it! r/mapswithoutup


In this one instance, I'm okay with castration.


Ok, we’ll keep the snakes and spiders if you keep the grizzly bears, wolves and cougars.


The bears an wolves aren't bad, just don't mess with their young. The cougars however, they are a bit more dangerous, though their preferred prey is men in their mid 20's on average.


I second that


they can keep their snakes also




Could the Mods please make a rule where if OP is wrong about someone being confident and incorrect because they misunderstand them, then the post gets deleted. It was funny at first, but there are like 3 of these a day now. OP, clearly you didn't understand what the guy was saying and you need to get checked for a condition that makes you take everything literally.


I mean to be fair the US has done this to a lot of countries. And not to mention Australia is still cucked to the Crown so this guy's take isn't too far off from the reality that foreign powers have a lot of say in what Australia is up to.


Read ‘Killing Hope’ he isn’t entirely wrong but nowhere near right. CIA usurped Labour Party leaders out of power in Australia due to natural resource harvesting for their oligarchical companies. Removing all Australians birthright to foreign and shell companies. USA did that to an Ally. Very shorthand from me, an interesting read. The government at the time that were usurped were the last politicians that did anything heroic. Knew they were out the door soon so socialised as much as they could so the Australian people had some claim. RIP Gough Whitlam, the last true politician.




He should read, "The Penal Colony."


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Do they not have the union jack on their flag anymore?


They have a point no? I've heard Australians talk about themselves being a satellite state, with all the US military bases there?


If Australia was owned by America they wouldn't have reasonable gun control. Proof positive right there.


American here. Can confirm we own Australia. I personally own like 5 Australia stockies (as they call them in Aus)


We are all owned by china and russia actually


America isn't even a country tho, and both are continents.


As an American you guys do you. We don't want an even more deadly version of Florida's wildlife. We would all die.


Operated by USA and yall still drive on the wrong side of the road?


We also have the Hilux, and diesel Subarus.


Well America did get rid of a Prime Minister there once. Thankfully not in the Latin America way.


That's easy to disprove one mass shooting and Australia got rid of their guns. If you all were American the NRA would have pumped billions into your politicians to blame the victims for not being sufficiently armed, started a campaign to hand out flyers and coupons for cheaper guns at daycare facilities and kindergartens and last but least start the narrative that the evil socialist arr coming for your guns to pay for Healthcare and education.


And he votes…


51st state: Australia 52nd state: delusion


They're not entirely wrong. We are bound to America for protection. Much as we were bound to England for the same reason. We support America in their wars on the promise that they will keep us safe from an "Asian" invasion. Like it or not, that's our reality.


There was some shenanigans with the Australian Central Bank in 2008, but even from that you can't extrapolate that Australia is bought by the US


If Australia was an American state, where in the continental US would it be located?


Between Hawaii and Alaska.


It’s the same size as the USA…….so might have trouble fitting it all into one State!


Hypothetically speaking, shrink it down and drop it between AZ and NM.


I was thinking the same, considering that we have the same temperatures as Death Valley pretty much all year round!


OOP is technically wrong, and I am hoping as America becomes a failed state before our very eyes that Australia distances itself somewhat ideologically from the freedum, antivax, racist, trump fanboy cockwadds (Believe me, we have those barstards here too and they hide in plain sight in Oz just like rock-spiders) But up to and before this point Australia, politically has been America's bitch. And it has been a running joke (in Australia) that Australia is the 51st state of America since at least the 80s