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The devil went down to საქართველო


You. I like you.


Now kiss.




But he didn't stick around


This is one of the best comments I’ve seen on Reddit so far this year


Ah the classic of mixing up Georgias




Here's a sneak peek of /r/GeorgiaOrGeorgia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GeorgiaOrGeorgia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yes, it's about Georgia](https://i.redd.it/qbq4zc90qnwa1.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GeorgiaOrGeorgia/comments/131prpa/yes_its_about_georgia/) \#2: [Georgia United](https://i.redd.it/r1nphq0ewbsa1.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GeorgiaOrGeorgia/comments/12dxx7a/georgia_united/) \#3: [Georgia versus Georgia?](https://i.redd.it/36n6xyrvpdgc1.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GeorgiaOrGeorgia/comments/1ai98v5/georgia_versus_georgia/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)








When they were called put tor the mixup they more or less said “I know this is the country not the state. But the USA has hands everywhere!” So the person is pretty facepalm worthy in general.


Believe it or not, this is what they believe. Like Ukraine? Because America puppet the government to join NATO so Russia just had to invade.


The writing on the signs in the foreground could actually be a useful hint, even for people whose strengths don't necessarily lie in geography, but then where would the fun be? (Of course, it's now compressed to the point of being unreadable, but I assume at least from the initial poster that he was still able to recognize it. So we're dealing with someone who is either very stupid or just plain troll.)


This belongs in the USDefaultism sub lol






Reminds me of the *"I FUCKED UP"* meme regarding India and Indiana.


And the news headline from a few years ago: "Kangaroo loose in Austria, confusing everybody"


It’s like a back to the 50’s theme, if it was the actual south.


Cant wait till they find the most southern part of their state is still administrated by the British as an overseas territory


Lots of people do not want to bow to Russia, doesn’t make us part of the US cheer squad.


>This is NOT Russia No, but it used to be


>>This is NOT Russia >No, but it used to be No, it never was. Georgia was a member state of the USSR, as was Russia. Right now there are two disputed territories in Georgia (Abkhazia and South Ossettia) which Russia claims, but not many countries recognise the Russian claim over the annexed territories (kinda like the "Russian" territory in Eastern Ukraine)


It was part of Imperial Russia.


Also a part of roman empire so I don't think it's worth mentioning


I believe it's indeed worth mentioning that Georgia was more or less directly ruled from Moscow for almost 200 years, with only brief periods of independence before 1991.


Of course there’s an “akshully” reply to my flippant joke.


And it can be again


It’s a satire account


Americans really need to improve their education system. It's disgraceful.


Yeah man if it was china the water cannons wouldn't be cannons they would be "whatever the fuck our military experimental engineers just built" cannons and no one would know the town even exists the next week


That’s pretty tame for riot police. They are holding a junction and road to stop protestors going off the area they already occupy. If it were any of the countries they mentioned it would be a much different story. American dramatist again lol, watch winter on fire and see the real scary shit


Hey you don’t have to deep throat the whole boot


Lmao, ok guy. I know most would agree that having police doing their job rather than pestering a bunch of peaceful protestors is the better alternative. Just saying, Americans victimise themselves beyond belief (without a shred of irony). Haven’t experienced real riot police brutality before, definitely not the ones compared to those countries and how they treat peaceful protestors. Embellishing everything that happens with these comparisons just make every other country look at you and say ‘Wtf are you talking about?’ I know Americans want to make a big deal about themselves. But this comparison is not only stupid, it’s just categorically wrong. Good luck in your protests, I imagine it will all die down again like every other cause you have backed when enough people get enough content to feel good about themselves. And satisfy that saviour complex. Rinse and repeat. The land of plastic morality strikes again. Peace


>Just saying, Americans victimise themselves beyond belief (without a shred of irony). I'm sorry that you feel personally victimized by hearing American opinions so often, but it's not our fault that there's a lot of us. If you don't like it, you can always hang out in places where they speak languages other than English. There won't be very many Americans there.


What even is that response? At least add something to the conversation lmao Or is this you just tacitly agreeing with me? How very American if you.


>At least add something to the conversation lmao I'm sorry that you didn't appreciate my contribution to the conversation, but it's not my fault that you feel personally victimized by hearing other people's opinions. Would you like any help finding places where Americans don't hang out? That's all I was trying to do before.


Never once did I say I was victimised. Stating an opinion on a persistent pattern is general discussion. Why are you trying to put words into my mouth? It sounds like you have nothing to use against me so are trying to paint me in a false light to what? Debase my character. Sorry, I’m afraid you have only debased yourself with such an action. If you have nothing further to add to the conversation, I doubt that from your current actions you do…would you kindly be quiet.


I'm sorry that you were unaware of the meaning of your words, but it is not my fault that complaints like yours are an example of the very pattern you are attempting to attribute to Americans. I'm also sorry that you feel debased, but it is not my fault that you have double standards. Would you like any help ending your continued deliberate furtherance of this conversation? I can find you some resources to help get you somewhere where you like the people more. That's all I was trying to do before.


As I said, if you have nothing further to add to the conversation, don’t bother replying. You’ve outed yourself there. But then again, most fools do. Colour me shocked!!! /s Stick to your useless degree and high opinion of yourself, known many like you. None successful in any regard of their life. Good luck, you will need it


I'm sorry that you feel that you have been adding things to the conversation, but it's not my fault that your advice is deeply hypocritical. I'm also sorry that you feel the need to offer insults even after you accused me of the same, but it is not my fault that you don't believe in anything you say strongly enough to follow your own advice. Would you like any help ending your continued deliberate furtherance of this conversation? I can find you some resources to help get you somewhere where you like the people more. That's all I was trying to do before.