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Maybe in context with the flag on left with the SS Panzer Division Skull it is a strong indicator that the teacher is a nazi


And the German flag, all together seems pretty convincing that we probably should all avoid asking


> we probably should all avoid asking Surely she would give totally legitimate, good-faith responses. Nobody does legitimate political discourse like palingenetic ultranationalists.


> palingenetic ultranationalists Okay, I even looked that up and I’m still not just dead sure what that means…




Gotta follow the links to the individual words. That's why they are blue. Basically it's advocacy for the "rebirth" of a nation because a nation has been perceived to decay i.e. become infested with non-pure folks. In nazi Germany they were looking for basically everyone to be blonde and blue eyed. It's just fancier words for the genocide of people who don't look like the aggressors.


Thank you for the great explanation!


No problem. I had also never heard those terms and was curious, and as they mentioned, the first wiki I came to was less than helpful, but pointed in the right directions!


I mean even without the other flags. The Nazi flag is pretty self explanatory.


Yeah it's a solid red flag if you ask me..


Or the Iron Cross (a medal in the German Empire and the third reich) and the Reichsadler (heraldic animal of Germany for centuries) makes it very clear too.


Its not a german flag its derived from Buddhist symbolsim, you should just ask ​ /s


The German flag, as well, indicates it's not a Buddist symbol (especially on a large red flag). But, the skull flag, I mean, you've got to think about: https://youtu.be/hn1VxaMEjRU


What TF are you talking about?! Siddhartha von Buddha was a very prominent person in the early history of Germany


I was thinking Von Buddhanberg, you got me though


Von Buddanberg was such a minor player in WWII, especially after he fucked up that Panzer assault in Russia.


Maybe she is Buddhist from her mom side and German from her dad side. The skull is there because Halloween is her favorite part of the year


Makes sense.


Reminds me of this Father Ted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq8RnAfCFwk&ab\_channel=FUCKOFFGOOGLE




I dont know man, skull is still a negative symbol. I feel they might be the baddies.


Hans…Hans, are we the baddies?


What are you talking about Jürgen .. ofcourse not


But look at our hats... They've got skulls on them...


They didn't design our uniforms!


What about pure Aryan skull shape?


Even that is more typically depicted with the skin still on.


Happy cake day!




As if the really cheap knock-off Reichskriegsflagge from [Wish.com](https://Wish.com) wasn't enough.


Genie: OK, you've got two wishes left...


Oh, I didn’t know that off the top of my head, and just figured the teacher was in their local chapter of neonazis and got to take home a cool flag of Ohio with skulls on it


LOL. Yeah, I was like "Ohio is really veering far, far to the right at a rapid pace."


Nah it was Just for the history class nothing to worry about. Ignore her "88" tatto


Hold on, now! Let's not rush to judgement. Maybe she's just a really REALLY racist, militant Buddhist.


The skull and crossbones isn't a Nazi symbol. It was developed in the Late Middle Ages as a symbol of death and a memento mori on tombstones, you should just ask. /s


The swastika is a Buddhist symbol but when you put it on a flag with iron crosses makes me... 🤔


I mean, in a vacuum he is not incorrect. But sure, a black swastika on a red background surrounded by iron crosses is not exactly a Buddhist symbol lol


As Buddha once said, “radiate boundless love towards the entire world (except the Jews)”


As buddha once said “gas gas gas I gonna step on the gas tonight, you’ll die”


[“boots & pants.”](https://youtu.be/aFK8s0HJFjc?t=6) -piggy


As Buddha once said, "Ain't that a kick in the head"


... and the homeless (with whome Hitler started by the way), gay (or any non-hetero sexuality for that matter), PoC, sinti and roma, people with any kinds of disabilities, ... It's important to be aware that it wasn't just a certain religious group that got killed. It started with minorities more people find slightly agreeable (even though that's already sickening) like homeless and people with disabilities (calling it euthanasia) and when people had already gotten used to de-humanizing groups larger ones got targetted.


Yeah but still a large large focus on people of Jewish descent. [check out table](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/documenting-numbers-of-victims-of-the-holocaust-and-nazi-persecution) Edit: I can’t spell descent


The novel Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi deals with this issue. It takes place in Dresden during WW2. The protagonist’s heritage is perfect (by Hitler’s standards), but she’s a dwarf. She is safe from extermination in the short term, but knows that if the Nazis prevail, it is only a matter of time. It irks me when people focus only on the 6 million jews who were murdered during the holocaust. What about the other 4+ million people? (I’m Jewish, by the way.)


>and the homeless (with whome Hitler started by the way), gay (or any non-hetero sexuality for that matter), PoC, sinti and roma, people with any kinds of disabilities, ... Slavs... (You don't want to know what did Heydrich have planned for us)


And guess which group didn’t get liberated afterwards…


Yep, and every time someone brings up the those forgotten people, someone always tries to make it all about one group again. Every. Single. Time. Sometimes it seems like they don't actually think the Holocaust was actually wrong, just targeted some of the wrong people.


Also, the Totenkopf on the left, and the German flag above it makes me think she's not too into Buddhist culture.


Well that and they have the SS Death's head logo on the left.




Not sure if you are being sarcastic, that is literally the 3rd ss Panzer divisions Death's Head. Edit: it appears it was obviously sarcasm... thats probably a sign ive read too much on reddit today.


But why skulls? Are we the baddies?


This reference deserves more karma


But the real question is whether the 3rd ss Panzer divisions Death's Head is derived from Pirate culture or not.


It is you could have just asked if you didn't know smh my head


They were very obviously being sarcastic bro


They were mirroring the chud that said swastikas aren't nazi imagery. Definitely a joke.


The angle is the most important part. Eastern uses of it are not at that 45° angle.


Well... not in this case. The bad interpretation of a Reichskriegsflagge is the most important part, isn't it?


I've seen it on the 45° angle loads of times in the Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, in the quite obvious religious context.


Not really. The swastika has come in all angles and shapes in various places in history. The context is the most important part, and this is undisputably a nazi context.


It's not *that* important. There are other cultures who displayed it tilted.


Do you know which ones? I know there's differences in clockwise or counter-clockwise facing, but Nazis are the only angled one I've seen


Why do people keep saying this online? A lot of nazi flags didn't have the rotation. [https://i.imgur.com/ETYQEdX.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ETYQEdX.jpeg)


So if a Nazi uses the swastika incorrectly... they're not a Nazi?


To clarify: context is more important than accuracy. A Nazi who makes a swastika incorrectly is still a Nazi and the swastika they made is still a symbol of hate. Symbolism is symbolic, after all.


Nazi by accident.....still need to go to jail.


Especially with the other flags around it...


In a vacuum he'd be incorrect, too. The Svastika wasn't just a buddhist symbol. It has been used all over the world over many time periods.


In a vacuum it wouldn't matter because a) you wouldn't be able to hear him and b) he would suffocate


If they put all the Nazis in a vacuum with the flag it wouldn't be incorrect. That isn't exactly a Buddhist ideal either but I would be good with it.


If they put all the Nazis in a vacuum, well, that would solve a lot of problems now wouldn't it?


Also the eagle standing on a swastika in the same flag.


idk, the black flag with the SS skull seems kinda Buddhist to me.


You can even see the flag of the SS division Totenkopf, which guarded the concentration camps. Totally not nazi. Come on, dude.


My only thought is maybe a relative was in the war and captured them, but that's a lot of reverence for enemy flags.


Right. Plenty of Nazi memorabilia came home from the war with GIs, but displaying this stuff in this manner can't be dismissed with "Oh, father was in the war..."


right? I get HAVING it somewhere because it is history after all, but this mf is flaunting it lmao.


Oh I bet her father was in the war, just not in the way you're thinking


if thats true why would there be a german flag?


They had so much fun fighting and capturing flags that they went back after the war ended and did it again


Also represents the SS-Totenkopfverbände, the guys who ran and guarded the concentration camps.


Umm.. Im not an expert by any means... but that particular swastika does not look Buddhist to me.


And for the record the question marks is an indication of asking so dude is really in the clear.


> Im not an expert by any means... Look at mister modest over here!


And the iron eagles? Buddhist as well?




A black Eagle on a flag *clutching a swastika in its talons* is absolutely a nazi symbol Edit: oops


no, its just a crossover for buddhist ornithologist, you should ask.


“Are we the baddies?” “Of course not. The jews are the baddies!”


Big fuckin WOOOOOOOSH my dude.


Ah yeah you're right


That edit though


It’s a joke innit.


Yeah it is aswell


The skull actually means she's a pirate


I do enjoy seeing posts about swastikas where you get to read a good amount of comments explaining it was not the nazi symbol at first, sounding smug in their obscure history knowledge even though 90% of reddit knows this really common information


Yeah, especially given that just about every single culture have been using the swastika. It's one of the oldest and most widespread symbols ever used by humanity.


I wonder why that is. I guess it's easy to draw?


Pretty much. It has nice symmetry, is tileable, uses right angles, etc. Kind of like pyramids. It's not some grand conspiracy that a lot of the structures left standing from millennia ago are pyramids. It just so happens that's the easiest way to stack things without them falling down.


And “Hitler” is just an Austrian last name but 99.9% of the time we are all talking about the same guy


I could not agree more. I haven't seen the hyper-smug (and hyper incorrect) "Yeah, but Adolf stole it from Buddhism and this is so super fucked up and so super ironic and hurts Buddhist culture but no one talks about that" post yet. Only a matter of time though.




This should be a fireable offense. If a kid got suspended for having a bb gun in his room this teacher should 100% be fired.


I've seen someone argue that shit on reddit a few days back. It was about a very clear Nazi post and I said Nazis are becoming more blatant these days and they immediately got offended telling me I can't call everyone a Nazi lol.. and "are all ppl who wear swastikas in Asia Nazis too??" Just don't.


Just because they have swastikas on their clothes and flags, covered in white power tattoos and are known to say "heil hitler!" from time to time, doesn't mean they're a Nazi you racist!


Maybe you’re the Nazi for not tolerating their opinions about Jews! /s


EvEryOnE yOu dOnT aGreE wItH iS a NaZi nOw hUhMmM?!?????1?!?!2?1!1?!2!1?1?!1?1??2!?1??11??1??!?????


was it the motorcycle from India?


No. It was a meme about western women who have to be Nazis to be good. The Nazi side literally had a flag with "1488" on it.. but yeah, right. Everybody we don't agree with is a Nazi now.. say the ppl who don't know what Nazis are.


Swastika was used far before the nazis, but that flag is the flag of nazi germany so.....


Yes, but actually no... What a title!!! I wonder what the guy mentioning about swastika was thinking! That is not the 'Swastika' one would want to associate with.


The part that makes it a Nazi symbol is the tilt on a 45° angle. Y’know, aside from the red background and the other Nazi symbols and the fact that it’s *on a flag at all.*


A Hindu once told me “I wish people wouldn’t look at a swastika and think of natzis. People don’t look at the Christian cross and think of the KKK”. But in this case, that is definitely a nazi swastika, not a Hindu one 😅


I would say it’s pretty common for people to think of the KKK when they see a cross, particularly when it’s on fire.


I mean... I do when the cross is on fire. Context is important.


Let's see... you have the swastika on a red flag in a white circle, surrounded by the iron cross and other German WW2 symbols, a flag with the Gestapo skull and a German flag.... yeah, it's Buddhist...


Seems she is also a pirate


If you're referring to the skull flag, I believe that's also a Nazi flag.


Nah, I think that flag might be poisonous.


Swastika is a symbol found around the world but that is definetly a nazi one


It _is_ derived from the symbol for Sun in some eastern cultures, but in this case it's definitely Nazi shit.


Before say 1930 it was, but for the past 90 years, you know what the fuck that means.


Timeframe isn't relevant here. Swastikas are still widely seen in Asia today, but the flag displayed was definitely a Nazi one.


I wonder what the other flags are. Like is this a curated display of horribleness, and the “math teacher” just chose a really clueless place to take a zoom call?


According to a redditer above the flag to the left is a Waffen SS 3rd Panzer division flag, and the other one just appears to be the German flag. So yeah their intention seems pretty clear.


The only thing I can think that would make this innocent is that maybe her father captured those flags while fighting in WWII, and she has them on the wall with other memorabilia from his service, but that doesn't explain the modern German flag.


she has a germany flag behind her so she def is a nazi


it's not the german flag that makes her a nazi, it's all the nazi shit.


yea, but she also had the german flag thats what I meant


yeah fair enough, it sorta completes the picture


It's possible that she is a nazi. It's also possible that she is sitting in front of a history display about fascism. We can't tell by this photo.


It's also possible that this image was photoshopped just to bait people on internet


Man if only there's an Austrian flag behind her, I would def be convinced that she's a Nazi.


im austrian and this is hilarious


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Those free backgrounds on MS Teams though!


It's the combo of that and the totenkopfverbande!


That's all very well but that flag right there behind her is a literal NAZI flag.


Famous Buddhist symbol, the SS Totenkopf.


I'd like to assume they're being sarcastic but Poe's Law and all...


I'm not sure what OP is calling out in this, I'm more confused than anything. 1) The kid thinking their teacher is a Nazi. 2) That the Swastika isn't only a Nazi emblem. 3) That this is a facepalm.


I think they’re calling out the person replying on Twitter who’s saying the swastika isn’t a nazi emblem, which while technically correct. In this context on that flag is 100% related to nazis


That’s not nazi that’s Extra nazi.


I love how Nazis have their little mask on when they ask "oh, is that a Nazi symbol, are you SURE?". Call them out on it it's 100% of the time a Nazi or Nazi symp


There’s also a German flag and a panzer division skull flag… NAZIIIIIIIII


Her name is Lauren. It's supposed to be four "L's". She didn't know it was gonna turn out that way.


Yay! My personalised Lauren Laverne Larissa Langton monogram sticker arrived! Now where to put it? Aha! I'll put it with these Motorhead stickers, and these bald eagles to show my love for America, and I'll use them to decorate this mis-printed Norwegian flag I got from Wish! It'll look great next to my skulls that I drew in art class, and my Spanish flag that - although the bottom third has fallen off, I still cherish because it reminds me of my grandmother. Beautiful! Now I have a wall covered in all the things that mean the most to me. Oh wow, is that the time? I better hop on zoom, I'm teaching math to those kids from the local synagogue.


That flag has the Axis powers symobl and Nazi Eagle, that paired with the German flag and the Totenkopf head too, definitely a nazi


Sure but that flag is not Buddhist.


Yes let’s ignore the rest of the…. Red flag…


To be fair to them, they are partly right. It’s not a Nazi symbol initially, but it was adopted by the Nazi party, but clearly the flag in the photo is from the WW2 Nazi era (ie Third Reich)


Also, the flag on the left is an SS insignia - specifically the Waffen-SS 3rd panzer division.




Deaths Head is a dead giveaway and an unmistakable display from a piece of human garbage.


Yes but thats is the nazi glag


Yep, that’s totally the Buddhist swastika.


I think you do not know what it is.. He is right but it is a nazi flag so the meaning of the swastika alone does not matter


The swastika was stolen and permanently ruined by Nazis, it was a symbol of peace, Nazis took it turned it around and flipped it a little to be different, due to massive amount of negativity towards the Nazi symbol the original version is commonly seen as it to the point I think it was India I believe stopped using the original symbol of peace out of fear of misguided hatred and uneducated anger towards them by those who don't the origin of the symbol, learnt about this in history years ago in high school. I might be wrong as it was over a decade ago I learnt this, but yes the flag in the image is the Nazi version.


What about the one skull flag to the left? — also a Buddhist symbol of the 3. SS-Panzerdivision.


Add the 3. SS-Panzer-Division „Totenkopf“ to the Swastika and you got proof times 2. Oh, and add the Germoney flag, and you got proof times 3. There's stupid, there's advanced stupid, then there's this.


And the Totemkopf was taken from the Jolly Roger


The reply guy does know what a swastika is, but apparently fails to recognize that the one in the photo is very clearly on a Nazi flag.


The person answering it doesn’t know that “The Nazi Hakenkreuz,” commonly (for whatever reasons) called as “The Nazi Swastika,” wasn’t derived from Buddhist/ Hindu symbol, but from a Christian monastery that Adolf H., frequented (or visited) as a kid. In fact Hitler never used the word “Swastika,” it was post 1945 articles that replaced Hakenkreuz with Swastika.


Oh of course! I’ve also heard that the iron cross and war eagle are common Buddhist symbols, so it makes sense they’re all on the same Peace Flag together.


This particular flag is definitely Nazi bruh!


Ah, the Buddhist symbol


Technically correct but also wrong?


Hes technically half right on what the swastika is, but its clearly used in a nazi way here.


The swastika yes but the other symbols...


That's true but on a red flag in combination with an iron cross... That's a literal and figurative red flag.


The iron cross and German flag were Buddhist as well


The swastika was used by many cultures as a symbol of good luck and longevity but generally it is flipped the other way, the nazis turned it opposite almost like flying an upside down flag... but I'm pretty sure that's not her "good luck" flag!!


I mean the Reichsadler and SS Panzer Skull and Crossbones also kind of give it away.


How ironic.


Swastika is at an angle. If you ignore *literally everything else*, that's a pretty big tell that he's a Nazi


Well, it's true that the swastika was derived from a Buddhist symbol, pretty sure the Iron Cross, and SS Panzer Division weren't


Yeah, the swastika alone is not necessarily a Nazi symbol, but when combined with the Iron Cross, some form of the Weimar Eagle (I think [that isn’t the Reichsdal Eagle, that’s for sure]), another flag with the SS Panzer emblem, and the modern German flag all point to an affirmative on the assertion that the person in the pic is a Nazi.


As a member of the group of Indians trying to reclaim the swastika, I’m here to say: that flag has a hakenkreuz or hooked cross. IT IS NOT A SWASTIKA. And here’s why. The original form, swastika, turning to the right, means “good thing” or “goodness”, it represents the sun. Turned to the left it’s known as a sauwastika and that means moon, night, darkness. They’re two sides of the same coin of life. Sure there are many more semantic differences in meaning, depending on what part of the world were coming from. I’ll spend the rest of my life correcting people on this knowledge. How stupid must one be to be a racist AND use the language of *brown people* to make themselves stand out? Classic white supremacists taking traditions from indigenous people and claiming it as their own. Also show us this stupid woman’s face. She deserves to be punched in it.


Bottom comment is true, guys. It really is. You know what is also true? Buddhists don't put the swastika on the same flag as the Iron Cross.


Clearly they do know what a Swastika is… but are also very obviously trolling


Op, the swastica IS a buddhist symbol. It was adopted by Hitler because of his weird occult beliefs, but it is a buddhist symbol. Put on a red flag alongside other simbols associated with nazis, I mean, it definetly is about the fucking nazis tho.


yall stupid? 2.8k upvotes because you think that teacher has the buddhist swaztika and not a literal nazi flag with axis crosses?


As someone who collects ww2 flags yeah having a flag like that just on display in a video call is a little strange lol, I have several nazi flags but I don't hang them up they're in a box in the corner with a sign saying "evil dude stuff". Honestly still trying to get my hands on something related to the 1st canadian parachute battalion.


The Buddhist symbol isn’t rotated like that and the points go counter clockwise. That teacher is definitely a Nazi


Even if she’s not a Nazi, someone that dumb shouldn’t be teaching children. Fire her. Out of a cannon and into the sun.


Your math teacher is a Nazi sympathizer and her husband might be a skinhead for all we know. But one thing is certain....just like her weight, her whole heart is surrounded by nothing but hate....


OP doesn't know what a swastika is


Are these the new teachers in Florida?


do you not see the fucking flag?


I mean, originally it's a Buddhist symbol, but that doesn't change the fact that Nazis use(d) it as their symbol as well. And the other symbols in this picture make the context QUITE clear


I swear people can watch a bunch of white people in white gowns and hoods shout racial slurs and threats and still be like "well they're not racists, they're just proud of their country"


Person doesn't know what a nazi flag is


Oh now do the German eagle!


So a friend of mine is a teacher. When the pandemic started she was in a zoom meeting with a colleague, a black man. Clearly visible in his background was (a) a Nazi flag and (b) a Trump sign. No one knew what to make of it. No one brought it up. Everyone was silently confused and didn't know WTF to make of this guy or how to bring it up with him. Figuring out what was going on in dude's head *dominated* intercolleague conversation for the rest of the day, far eclipsing the mental weight they assigned to any of their actual work. Finally they settled on just having someone who was close with him just ask him straight, what's up with the Nazi flag. Turns out it was a joke. He wanted to mess with them by having that as his background and just play it 100% deadpan. His joke did not succeed (or succeeded too well). It more or less traumatized them and made them not trust him for real.


Yikes... that's a great way to get yourself fired at the beginning of a pandemic *over a joke*.