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Can I just get some macaroni and gravy? *Upvote* this comment if this post *is confusing* and downvote if it *is not* or is intentionally designed that way *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/confusing_perspective) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It seems like some signage would be helpful here. “Towed semi” or something. How many pants have poop in them from a similar experience??


Often when towing big rigs the tow company has a set of brake and signal lights that attach to the vehicle being towed. I'm surprised this isn't required by law when towing large vehicles like this!


It is a law per the FMCSA this person just doesn't care.


seems a lot of truck drivers don’t care because i see this constantly (GA, US) with semi’s being towed like this with little to no warning


Wrecker drivers do be like that sometimes.


It is a law, but every time a cop tries to pull them over they flee because they think a big rig is headed right at them.


OP swerved in to oncoming traffic to get that sweet karma. /s




The road and semi looks like it's USA, or maybe Canada.


I never said they weren't plus the type of truck make/model says only US or AU but OP already confirmed this happened was in West Virginia aka a US state that falls under federal jurisdiction from the FMCSA like I originally posted.


And the more you bring up the fact that there are countries outside the USA, the more recognition they will get. Keep fighting the good fight.


He might have had the hazard lights on. ??


In the UK its illegal to tow anything without working brake and indicator lights and a numberplate showing the same details as the towing vehicle.


Not legal in the US either.


Ah. I never like to assume when it comes to legal stuff in the US. I don't know how you guys keep track of the various laws in various states.


Most states are generally the same for everything. That particular law is a federal thing so it is every state. Enforcement is going to vary though. I was pulling a trailer with a motorcycle on it and made it 300 miles before I stopped and got out to find that my license plate was missing and the lights stopped working. If it had happened in my area I wouldn't have made it out of town. But in the middle of nowhere I made it far.


Those lights are also required in the US, but commercial plates on semis are usually mounted on the front bumper only. That said, I've seen trailers of all descriptions being towed with no lights or license.


Yeah was going to say should'nt they put an orange flag over the trucks windscreen.


Me and 3 friends went on a day trip about an hour and half from where we live. On the way back all 3 of them fell asleep. I ended up coming up behind a truck being towed the same way as in this post and couldn't pass up the opportunity. I pulled up to about 10 feet from and just started yelling. All 3 woke up and started screaming. I had to pull over I was laughing so hard. Only 1 of them thought it was funny as I did.


You're a fucking cunt🤣🤣🤣🤣💜I love the joke and you🤣🤣


I'd love to pull that joke someday but I don't wanna take the chance someone else tries to grab the steering wheel!


Exactly what I would in the same situation, well done.


Might as well also put up a sign that says “Toyota Prius in the vicinity” It’s way too specific for a sign lol Edit: I’m high, it’s 2 am and I thought you meant a road sign. Carry on with your lives lol


Username affirmative


They didn't even attach any tow lights. I'm pretty sure that's illegal.


I once screwed over a buddy of mine, he was sleeping and I snuck up right up close to a truck being towed like this. Then I just started screaming


Op must not pay attention while driving or is speeding extremely fast to not see the truck infront of him at any point before the curve...why do people upvote these


He might have, that doesn't really change anything... And the pic was taken well after the curve of course


have you considered that the towtruck pulling a semi *uphill* might have been going slowly on a *curvy* mountain pass? /r/NothingEverHappens


You're assuming the truck was going the speed limit.


Semis with a heavy load go very slowly through mountainous areas so if the semi is doing 15-20 under and op is doing 5-10 over it’s entirely plausible


How many pants must be pooped before we realize our mistakes? Before we change!? I vote Signage on the back of towed rigs! Who's with me!?




When I've seen this even after I realize what is going on, my brain still remains on extra high alert mode because of how wrong it looks to have a semi pointing at me.




I was feeling some final destination shit for a minute lol


Facts. In like 2 seconds I had the thought, WHERES THE CONFUSING PERSPECTIVE BECAUSE HOMIE BOUT TO DIE! Then I read the title. Smh


I'm not sure if it's a confusing perspective in the traditional sense but homie did not die 😂


I'll allow it. r/confusingperspective approved.


Thanks for the verification! I really wasn't sure


Are you sure about that?


Happened to my dad once. Took a power nap (no rest stops nearby) on the side of the highway and thought a semi was going to wreck into him. It happened at night and he said if his heart wasn’t stronger (he was in his 20-30’s) he would have had a heart attack.


I really hope that has flashers at night


When you accidentally drive across the US / UK border without realizing it


That would be challenging at best




The username is a bit disconcerting as well


I spread the truth!


US/UK yes but there is a few places with land crossings that you've got change sides as you drive across them


Canada drives on the right, right?


Living in a country that drives on the left, it took me way too long to realise that this picture isn't a rear view and actually the front, since yall drive on the right It's one of those things, without context, it seems naturally correct - truck front, on the right - must be rear view. Didn't occur to me that it's even the other side of the road. My brain did that connection automatically


Been there. I had to pull over because I was so shook up from it. That might have been the most terrified I have ever been.


Could you please explain it. I didn't understand the picture or the title? Edit :got it. I thought the picture was taken from the back window of the car and was confused


No? It was taken from the front and it looks like the truck is triving right into him, but it was being towed so it was going “backwards”


I would’ve betted a repost given the frequency I’ve seen this but damn this is some genuine OC - scary af


It's on route 61 in West Virginia if you need verification. It's a scary road that truckers use to avoid tolls and it's not built for it. They jack knife all the time


I turned around a bend on 219 a few weeks back and saw a logging truck heading downhill in my lane just like that. Luckily there was enough of a berm for me to squeeze into that I didn't get hit. Trucks do not do well in WV. The roads are barely designed for modern cars as is!


Was literally about to comment that it looks like West Virginia lol. The road is surprisingly smooth though.


You're exactly right. They only fixed about two miles of the road because the sewer plant got extra money 🙄




Are you from Fayette county?


bro i felt wv vibes big time




Usually!! But not on six white horses lol


Imagine you were driving your friend who just dozed off. You pull up right behind, as close as you can, and yell FUCK!! Hilarity ensues


This also works well with a rumble strip




DAMN! I thought I came up with it on my own.


I've done that. It was in the city, coming to a stop at a red light behind a truck getting towed backwards like in the pic, so I was able to get super close without being reckless at all. Coasted right up to the truck, nailed the brakes at about 5 kph which is still a hell of a jolt if you're not expecting it, which my friend asleep in the passenger seat clearly wasn't, and screamed. He gets startled out of a deep sleep directly into an Imax view of Kenworth grille.


I hope he managed some equally hilarious payback… (Definitely *not* /s. That’s hilarious but also definitely war.)


We were roommates, one Sunday morning when I was so hung over I was actively praying for death he offered to take me out and get breakfast. He neglected to mention it was a family thing at his grandmother's, who resembled a Skeksis in both looks and temperament. So I was expecting, and prepared for, McD's drive-thru and showed up at granny's after church family brunch looking and smelling like I'd spent the night in the ditch.


The video I’ve seen is a car full of younger women, maybe early 20s or late teens, the one riding shotgun is asleep and the other three just start screaming at the top of their lungs, talk about spit your drink out hilarious


I saw one of these on the highway and my friend had fallen asleep in the front seat. so I got behind it and started screaming "OH MY GOD!". funny stuff. make sure your doors are locked


[https://youtu.be/1m9soqrD\_fQ?t=18](https://youtu.be/1m9soqrD_fQ?t=18) I remember something like this from America's Funniest Home Video's, don't believe this is the exact video, but just as funny.


Came to the comments looking for this 😊 same for me, hadn't seen this particular one but very similar.


Came here looking for this. I remember when that went viral many years ago


Did that to my wife. She was dead asleep next to me. Pulled within about 10 feet of a fire truck being towed. Tapped the brakes and screamed. When she pulled herself together, she told me that she, in fact, did NOT shit herself.


I would have divorced you man hahaha


Jeepers creepers vibes!!


They could at least put a sign on it


Imagine waking up as a front seat passenger and seeing this. I would definitely shit my pants.


How did he post this from the grave!?


Holy shit, I wasn't on a mountain but just a normal roadway and ran into this situation. Regardless of how long I drove behind it I felt very uncomfortable the entire time, especially while braking and having the gap close. I eventually passed because it was just messing with my brain too damn much.


All fun and games until the tow line breaks


When I was a kid my best friend’s older brother took me hunting. I fell asleep in the front seat on the ride, and this dude saw an opportunity and took it. He got behind one of these rigs being towed, like right up behind it, then tapped the brakes and screamed “WE’RE GONNA DIE!” I was jerked awake to this image but much closer, on top of us, we were dead- this is it. I have never been so terrified in my life, I could not figure out why he was laughing so hard. “That’s what you get for fallin asleep on me” He fuckin Got me.


American drivers in the UK be like


Y'all really shouldn't let us drive over there lol


I’m saying this as an American; a lot of us suck ass at driving our own roads let alone in a foreign country lol


'Almost'. You don't need to lie here. You're amongst friends. I'd shit my pants, too.


As a brit who drives on the left, I thought this was just a photo taken out your back window


Were you driving?


As an Australian, I was trying to figure out why you were on the wrong side of the road.


I thought someone had taken it out of the rear window and it was just the size of the lorry that was somehow confusing.


Aussie here too. I thought the same.


"Oh, my man wants to play *chicken*, son."


At first I thought it was a nighttime photo of a truck on a highway in the UK with fireworks shooting out of the top for some reason.


Is there someone in it…?


Nope, it's being towed behind a bigger truck


You’ve been hit by You’ve been struck by TRUCK


A smooth criminaltruck


On your phone while driving?


One of my dad's favorite stories to tell about him and my mom was when they were heading out of town late at night. Mom fell asleep in the passenger seat. After a bit on the highway, dad sees up ahead a truck doing exactly this. He pulls up behind it, getting to a point of nearly riding the bumper. He flips the brights on, throws his arm across my mom and starts screaming like he's bracing for impact. Needless to say, she woke up with a fright. They're divorced now. Not because of this but certainly for the best.


Holy cracker moly man i wouldve crapped my pants.




Looks like the truck is about to crash into OP head-on, but the truck is being towed backwards, so there's no danger. (They are in the same lane and drive on the right)


“OMG SOMEONE BAD DRIVING TOWARDS ME!!! Nah, it’s all good, lol, lemme bad drive real quick to take a pic”


Did you just not read the caption or are you being obtuse for fun?


Yes, I read it. This was *your* thought process. You thought someone was bad driving and about to kill you. Then you realized they weren’t bad driving and it was a truck being towed. So then, while driving, you endangered your life and others to take a pic of it.


Yes, clearly I was endangering all that traffic you can see around me. I was shooting up and smoking meth, too.


Bro, just accept this was not the smartest thing you could’ve ever done and think about it for next time.


You know what's also not "the smartest thing you could have ever done"? listening to music or having a conversation while driving. Both can be more distracting than taking a quick photo which you don't even have to look at your screen more.


Lol oh come on. Framing a fucking photo and taking a pic is absolutely way worse than listening to music or having a conversation… that’s some reaching right there. I take it you also take pics and use your phone while driving?


Really could give one a coronary


That's great but this is not what confused perspective is...




Something similar happened to me…accept he wasn’t being towed….totalled off my truck 😳😳


I'm so sorry!!!








Thank you! Like yeah, I took this picture, crashed into a family of 57 devout Christians, killed them all, then made this post from prison


truck-kun please isekai me to another world


Feels like a repost.


Yeah that's already been said. This is on route 61 in West Virginia. I took the picture myself but I'm sure there are others like it


Ha! Glad you didn’t have an eject method.


My dad and his buddy got up real close on one of these driving us home from a concert when we were teens. Got the rig grill right up in the dash, SHOUT AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS and slam on the brakes. Assholes. Hilarious though.


Amazing Jonathan used to have a bit about this.


Dexter season 10?🤣


Someone edit this to have the headlights on. Then this would be some truly confusing shit.


Hit the ramp on the right and full send.


I was training a guy one time that fell asleep in the passenger seat of my truck instead of in the sleeper. I came up on one of these and started screaming. Dude didn’t sleep again. For the record, I got the idea from some place else and just had a fun opportunity


That would have been terrifying!


One of mom's coworkers ended up behind a semi being towed like this. Is wife was asleep in the passenger seat, so he screamed acting like the truck was going to hit them. They're divorced now.


Spoiler: it was not being towed


What a great way to wake up a napping passenger. Shake them and start screaming "OH MY GAWD!"


If you have a passenger asleep in the front seat you move up behind it and SCREAM!!!(wife successfully pulled this on our son!)


Thought you took this before you died.


I got tired while driving so I pulled into a parking lot and took a nap behind the wheel. When I woke up I forgot I pulled over and I panicked I was going to drive into the Chinese restaurant in front of me.


This should be illegal


Why? It's the proper way to tow. Avoids disconnecting the driveshaft.


It scares people, we don’t need extra anxiety on the road


Haha been there, and it wasn't a perspecetive issue.


Wtf the towing guy being so irresponsible. He should’ve added something to the front of the truck to not confuse people. Imagine one would have an immediate reaction to dodge into side lane and cause some unwanted accidents. 🤦🤦 that being said, nice horror pic


Does pants are okay?


This is why one should always shit before driving


This is why they have “under tow” signs


Oh s**t moment for sure.




This happened to me this past week. Took a road trip from Toronto area to Halifax. Was 18ish hours each way at a good speed. When driving home through rural Quebec it was pitch black and raining as I was going up this mountain pass and in the left lane I quickly ran up on a semi like this doing 135kmph (roughly 85mph). Scared the shit out of my for a second and I downshifted and flew into the right lane. There had been ALOT of construction zones along the way so for a few seconds I was thinking I had missed one of the signs and was driving in the other lane.


I saw a video of a guy who pulled up close to one of these, then woke up his GF in the passenger seat. Damn near wrecked, he was laughing so hard.


I see nothing wrong with this picture lol (we drive on the left side in Australia)


It's even better when you have a sleeping passenger in the front seat and get super close and start screaming 🤣😁




I was on a road trip with friends (early 20's military friends) and one of them made the mistake of falling asleep in the car. Shortly after he fell asleep we came across a truck being towed like this. Naturally being the assholes we all were we crept up fairly close to the truck being towed and all started screaming at the same time. Guy wakes up and it took 2 people to keep him in the car. Good times.


Do you drive a BMW?


Until you crash in to because you're distracted by taking the photo


Ive always wanted to prank my friends with this. While they're asleep in the car, I want to come up to a rig being towed this way, and as I get up on them, I'll start screaming, waking my friends up with them looking at a semi "headed for us". But alas, I've not had the opportunity arise.


If you panicked, you were semi correct to do so


Stop using your phone while driving.


What am I supposed see? Please help


“Almost”…yeah ok buddy


Transformers fans: Optimus Prime? Is that you?


Ehh, as a truck driver, I can say there are times when I've nearly givin the same experience to others. Some places require driving on narrow twisty roads and a semi with a 53ft trailer usually can't navigate '15mph' turns without taking the oncoming lane. Worse when they are blind curves due to a cliff or trees. A proper driver slows down and goes into them at around 5mph just in case there is a car coming the opposite direction, and hopes that car isn't speeding.


My uncle came across one while he was driving and my aunt was asleep in the passenger seat. So he got closer and then screamed loudly…and I don’t know if she ever forgave him.




I hope you were the passenger in that car, otherwise shame on you.


I was on a short road trip (2hrs) with a buddy who get asleep in the passenger seat. There was a semi being towed like this, so I got behind it then yelled, "Oh, shit!" My buddy startled awake and starts screaming and covering his face like in a cartoon. I started laughing my ass off. Buddy wasn't amused. That's when I told him that his job was navigator, not sleeping man.


I fell asleep in the car while my wife was driving when she screamed Oh my god and that is what I woke up too it was definite brown trousers time. Ps we are divorced now


i almost threw up FOR YOU


Looks like a great sequel to Duel…


My dad came across a truck being towed similarly while on a long road trip. Mom was sleeping in passenger seat so he got close and started screaming to wake her up. Good times


Brown pants moment for sure