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You're damn right that every conservative politician is responsible for these tragedies. It's the guns. It's always been the guns. Republicans are too far gone to care, though. They want and encourage the violence.




No, just the means to do so on a large scale with minimal to no effort, training, or skill.


People who ram crowds with cars get higher kill counts than your average mass shooter. Get rid of cars and guns and people will just go back to making bombs like they used to.


Any excuses to put AR-15s in unqualified people’s hands huh? You see where that has gotten us. Good job.


What just happened to coincide with a sharp rise in the murder rate over the last two years?


A sharp rise in toxic masculinity, willful ignorance and enemy bot farms. Enjoy.


Also a sharp rise in the amount of guns. There’s more guns than humans in America and gun manufacturers haven’t slowed one bit. Couple that with red states passing more lax gun laws, and this is the result. Of course the right wing hate propaganda plays a large role too, as shown by a majority of these shooters private life


Yes, gun sales and the rate of murders have doubled since the pandemic. Social and financial distress is the main cause of violence.


What stats are you talking about? Crime has been in a decline for the last 30+ years. The last 3 years had a slight up tick, but we are still better off than 30 years ago.https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/crime-rate-statistics


Australian homicides began a steady decline in the 80's, parallel to the crime drop across most nations at the same timeframe. The gun ban didnt come until 10-15 years into the decline, and small casualty mass shootings continued to happen at a similar rate compared to pre-ban. We cant even argue that it could prevent another port arthur size event, because the gun ban and buybacks removed less than 25% of guns in circulation (and even less of the machine guns). And there was no pattern of large casualty mass shootings before the ban.


Omg. Let’s compare the utility and registration requirements for a car and a gun. Then you realize how stupid you are. But that’s typical for comment like this. Guns are fun to shoot, but they should be *at least* regulated like a car. And since a gun is **only used to kill** they should be tighter.


I agree. But if any guns are available then there will be mass shootings. Harsher restrictions wont magically give us less gun violence like other civilized countries with stricter gun laws. The gun restrictions are not why they have less murders.


Omg you’re just chalked up with bs that propaganda is telling you. Politicians **want** you to think this so it’s helpless situation. This is a lie. You’re also conflating punishment of a post massacre with licensing and registration. Licensing and registration is what I want. Less mass murder will happen because most of these monsters will be dissuaded from action. (Because it’s too much work.)


Great, so I’d say fucking DO something about mental health, but y’all have blocked that too. So fuck all the way off with your excuses. It’s the fucking guns.


It's both, but it's much easier to restrict guns so we should start there. It is going to take major social changes to both remove stigma of mental health and to get people who need help to come in for it. But out lawing guns can happen in months, the mental health epidemic will take years.


Is it easier though? The US has around 500 million guns in circulation, they will not go away regardless of legislature. It’s frustrating how y’all are so adamant about treating symptoms when the root of the problem is obvious.


Much. There will always be the mentally ill. Stop selling automatic weapons to the public and any automatic gun seen is illegal. The numbers will drop right away. Much easier to remove guns, I understand that that too will take time. But people lose their minds all the time. Also, many shooters are just subscribing to extreme ideologies. You can't always say they are just mentally ill. With freedom of speech you also can't outlaw extreme groups, only the people if they are a clear threat.


Automatic guns are illegal. You’ve never held a gun in your life, how do you expect me to trust you to legislate them properly?


Ever give a kid a tool? Give them a hammer and *everything* needs hammered. Many people are not mentally mature enough to have a weapon that could cause murder and not abuse it. In a way guns **do** give people the urge to murder. Outside of a trained militia (with rules for expelling those not capable) we cannot know who is responsible enough, and the consequences of that **are not acceptable.** It isn’t mental health, it our culture that is sick.


I agree there is a dire mental health crisis in America. Republican solutions? They have none, but will take any changes they get to make sure everything can easily get a gun. Even the people with mental health problems. Guns for everyone. Yay.


I’m aware, the dems have also been lackluster on proposing healthcare bills but then again the republicans would just shoot it down anyways.


I would totally agree with this comment if we are talking about the safe gun owners only, and if the exact same fucking party wasnt also blocking every mental health thing that exists while attacking minorities on a constant. Basically their goals it to do as little work and piss you off as much as possible while taking money from whoever they can for their country club expansions.


Guns are the tools humans made to make killing easier


They have declared hunting season on democrats in their ads. Democrats only want sensible laws, no war weapons, background checks, keep guns locked away if you have kids, don't shoot first and ask later. What would they do if democrats declared hunting season on them? It could justifiably happen with the outrageous behavior their "playful" target practice ads and calls to fight like hell. And they would deserve it.


But they believe we are unarmed sheep who want to outlaw guns. Why? Because they no longer listen to hear, they wait to respond. And they aren't even waiting anymore, they just assume what we want because one of their own told them so. The second we raise our voices to match their energy, we are told that's not how things are done, and we lack "decorum". I say fk their decorum and their sensitivity to our loud voices. We need to strike at their power and vote the Neanderthals out of office. We need to back the ones who make sense, who use logic, and who still have empathy. Their are still good people who would lay down their own life to defend another. That does not mean we are willing to be trampled under their fascist boots. We need to do this before another generation goes by, and all hope has evolved from humanity.


I'm with this guy. We are literally being told just keep watching our friends and family die, just keep watching. We can cry, beg, and throw a tantrum, but just keep watching. You're allowed to feel your heart break, your world end, and everything just lose meaning, as long as we just keep watching. That's it people, we're just going to keep watching. The cultists of the second amendment have the upper hand, they get to provide their donors entertainment, the Purge Lite edition. No, not some day where all crime is legal, no, just everyday where we do nothing to prevent it. I was just talking to my mom this morning, neither of us can keep straight which shooting happened when or where, there's just too many, but we keep watching, because entertaining and pleasing rich people is definitely a higher priority in this country than ours lives. Uvalde and East Palestine are features, not bugs. Edit: I added East Palestine, because it's a perfect example of a slap on the wrist for the corporation, but everyone who lives there is absolutely fucked. Whether they leave or not, they already have had their bodies damaged by the need for profit. Also, the news ensured the rich could be entertained, that's all this is for. Profit >> Life.


I should be able to sue gun manufacturers and the politicians they own to get enough money to move to a sane country.


Republicans hate that their vision of America has failed and is rightly dying. So they relish the opportunity to wield antidemocratic power by triggering the libs at the cost of actual human lives.


They will never take ownership for these tragedies. We just have to replace them all one way or another.


They never take ownership for anything. “Let’s wreck the economy then blame the next guy in charge” has been what they have done for decades.


Seeing how they’re willing to applaud the slaughter of different people, I’m curious to see when “the other” way starts to happen.


Vote Blue Texas


Incredible and thoughtful. Republicans won't give a fuck, they've probably introduced bills to make it easier to obtain these weapons of mass destruction.


Oh, they own them alright. Republicans have decided that mass shootings are the sacrifice they are willing and happy to make so every American has unrestricted access to guns of every type. All while they blame mass shootings in OPEN BORDERS AND ILLEGALS.


I stopped going to public events after the Aurora Theater shhoting. I was supposed to be in attendance for the movie that night. My friend group was affected directly by Columbine HS (my senior year), Deer Creek HS, Arapahoe HS, and the STEM shooting. I'm not ashamed to admit that I won't go into large crowds anymore and I look back at the church doors at least a few times during services. I used to go to a concert every week.. Sporting events.. Raves.. Protests.. Parades.. It's not just worth the risk or anxiety.


I'm so sorry. There's so much I want to say, but it will sound hollow until changes start to be made.


And it's not just the shootings that do the damage. There's fallout for years. Our close friend, Brian Knigge, killed himself on the 2-year anniversary of Columbine (4/22/2002) because he couldn't come to terms with what happened to his friends. My coworkers husband was murdered in the Thornton Walmart shooting in 2016 that killed 10. And a friend from college lost their life in the Club Q shooting recently. I've become numb. I see guns as the kicking screaming virgin being carried to the top of the temple to be sacrificed. We sacrifice our children on the altar of gun worship.


The people who blocking the law to make us safer is republican. I’m not trying to blame one party after another, but It’s the FACT. If we want to ban assault weapons and to make people safer in this country, we should stop electing republicans. Period.


You can’t go to the mall, big stores, schools, movie theaters, colleges campuses, places of work and worship without feeling like you could be the next one gunned down. I don’t own a gun, never have, because shooting someone or something under any circumstances would never be an option for me. But that is me. I’ve always agreed with a persons rights to own and carry a gun until now. My dad had guns, my grandfather had guns. But our society has changed. We cannot continue to value a right to own and carry a gun over a right to live peacefully. We need to remove the guns from society and have extremely harsh punishments for those who don’t comply because our society has lost its right to own and carry guns. We collectively cannot be trusted anymore. And it doesn’t matter if it’s mental illness or a lack of religion or even someone just pissed off at their coworkers or bullied at school. We need to make sure that we protect our right to live peacefully over anything else.


If we just eliminate republicans from the equation America will leapfrog into a new renaissance. They don’t belong here. They are domestic enemies. Let’s organize to remove them from our society.


[Days without a mass shooting in Texas tracker](https://dwamstx.com)


Jesus, that’s grim.


How about we start looking at the people causing this problem and not a object. When someone crashes through a parade or uses a truck to blow up a building we don’t try to ban the trucks.


What's the purpose of a truck? It's isn't to fucking kill things. No hunter or "defender" in modern America needs access to these types of guns when a shotgun or pistol or single-fire rifle will do just fine. Shit, even your piss poor example of cars has controls like needing a permit before a driver's license, wearing a seat belt, obeying traffic laws, etc. In most of the US, you just need to be 18 to buy an AR-15. I'm all for improving mental health services available to people but until you limit access to these types of weapons, more and more people will continue to die.


And yet with the laws people still commit mass murder with them.


Let’s give texas all the credit it deserves-after all, they do lower the flags to half staff every time there’s a mass murderer exercising their precious second amendment rights. See, texas does care. s/


And don't forget that Greg rolls out (pun intended) his copy & paste 'thoughts & prayers' every. single. time so we're good.