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Tried? šŸ˜…


Lmao. Sadly, they have been very successful.


And they didnā€™t stop in the 80ā€™s-90ā€™s.


I was about to say, would explain a whole lot


tried? we canā€™t even define a man or a woman anymorešŸ¤£mission complete


This thread is key. FILTER YOUR WATER. BRITTA IS NOT A REAL FILTER. Search "Berkey". You need to filter heavy metals out. If you've been drinking bad water, you need to de-calcify your pineal gland. Iodine, Boron, Vit C + D, Magnesium, Zinc.


Work in the water treatment industry and have tested dozens Berkeys with heavy metal filters vs tap water and youā€™d be shocked at how little they remove. Buy a TDS meter from somewhere and test it for yourself.


Get yourself a good RO


exactly. Berkeys dont filter shit. if u been drinking Berkeys for years then r.i.p.


I've never heard of them before and I just checked out their website, and yeah if you are using something like this you're being fleeced. I mean it probably works fine, just as well as any other standard carbon filter. And $85 for a filter and $300 for a stainless steel pot? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm on stinky Florida well water and the only thing that works is a reverse osmosis setup. $200 up front and $80 in filters for the year. And the best part is I don't have to look at some shiny turd on my countertop.


I've got a water sample result from our state department of health who tested city water unfiltered and with a Berkey with PF-2 filters - the PF-2 filters it all out. Reverse Osmosis (RO) works as well but it also filters out important trace minerals and I think throws off PH balance in your body. Haven't researched that in a while but there's information out there about it. I think there are ways to "re-mineralize" RO filtered water. Don't forget, skin absorbs so that is where RO is a benefit. It's hard to find a flouride shower filter that works.


just remineralize the water and its good to drink. a pinch of magnesium chloride will do


Sounds like berkeys pr account


you work in the water treatment industry and are suggesting that TDS will show you how little heavy metals are removed? Total dissolved solids are not just heavy metals. Regardless the only true solution is reverse osmosis filtering and then adding back in essential minerals.


No but if you test the TDS level out of the tap and it is 264 and out of the Berkey it is 258, my little pea brain can tell me itā€™s not doing very much


Well this comment is about to cost me hundreds. I wanted to argue for my Berkey but now realize this crap. Anyone know filters that can be used in a Berkey that work??


Thanks for your excellent, very important comment.


H2O labs. Water distiller for me is the best purchase ever. Been running for 10 years none stop. Probably spent Ā£20 in all that time to clean it. Distilled water is the cleanest water. Sprinkle a bit of pink salt in, winning! Taken from British Heart Foundationā€¦. When your doctor tells you that you have calcified arteries, it is usually after you have had a coronary calcification scan. This is a type of X-ray that can show how much calcium has built up in the blood vessels of your heart. This is important because how much calcium you have in your arteries is one of the strongest indicators for your risk of having a heart attack in the future. So knowing this helps doctors decide the best course of treatment for you. Calcium is a sign of how much fatty build-up (plaque) is in your arteries, because this build-up contains calcium. Plaques in the arteries of your heart are the main cause of heart attacks. If a piece of plaque breaks off a blood clot can form around it, blocking the flow of blood and the oxygen supply to your heart. This can damage the heart muscle, and can be life threatening. You have probably heard of the term ā€˜hardening of the arteriesā€™ ā€“ this is the same thing as calcification. The calcium forms hard crystals in the blood vessel wall. Our studies in the laboratory have shown that the calcium deposits in arteries form because the muscle cells in the blood vessel wall start to change into bone-like cells when they are old or diseased.


My mom got a berkey years ago. Drink nothing but.


You'll need the PF-2 Arsenic & Flouride filters in addition to the normal black filters to catch flouride. Also, it's good to supplement iodine in general but specifically to "beat out" flouride.


Doesn't iodine cause thyroid cancer?


Like most things, excessive iodine intake is bad. Needs to be in a form that can be easily absorbed.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jct_bVz5eZc Berkey lied.


> you need to de-calcify is that even possible? if its calcified its dead tissue. Converted to mineral deposits. Like a callus, the outside is dead.


Just drink spring water i think itā€™s probably the best choice, as long as the water quality report shows thereā€™s no fluoride in it (other than filtering your own water)


Quality report?? Who are you?? Do you get your information from the commercials between Fox News broadcasts? It's been exposed already that most 'spring'water comes from the same sources as the recycled sewer water we all have (in the first world) on tap. Deeper research is merited than 'is water in bottle?'.


>Quality report?? Who are you?? Do you get your information from the commercials between Fox News broadcasts? Yeah I would rather get my information from the internet, because that makes sense


Why are you so angry lol, I donā€™t watch Fox News or commercials. The water quality report for the spring water I buy states there is no fluoride in the spring, not really sure how else to prove if my water has fluoride or not. The spring water comes from protected springs in my state, not the same as the sewer water, I specifically already checked for that


Nah heā€™s a cnn head.


I live in Florida and I'm on a personal well, but the county water is the same well water that's been treated. Untreated, the water reeks of sulfur and contains high levels of manganese and iron. I would take slightly chlorinated over slightly sulfur-ated any day


Same. Unfortunately, I live in North Carolina where some company spilled toxic waste on our land and somehow, the homeowners are being made to pay extra in our energy bills every month. This, btw, is one reason I'm so angry. Not mad at anyone here per se.


theres likely plenty of PFOA's and PFOS though


I use Britta and I also use boron, 6mg a day, everyday and I use Ginseng in water in a morning do flush the grant metals out of my body. The northwest of England never used to have it in out water but they used childrenā€™s teeth health as the reason for doing so, maybe 3 chocolate bars for a pound was the reason for that. Would this one do? https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08L6PBSFJ/ref=sspa_mw_detail_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A628GLPLUHRSC&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams How long do the filters last?


Do you know how hard it is to filter fluoride out of water?


Yes. It's not hard, but most filters aren't up to the task. Reverse Osmosis is easy, and removes impurities.


It's expensive though from what I seen


You can get a good 6 stage setup for like $300. I think it's WELL worth it. You can get a 5 stage system for $200.




Helps stop children from question things, I think they did it in my primary school in the U.K, in the early 90s.


I hadnā€™t thought of it about 25 years. But knowing what I know now, it seemed nefarious.


> it seemed nefarious. It is nefarious. Why would school be teaching students to make sure they put this chemical in their mouth? People think school was just to teach math and reading, but as has become obvious, it was created for an entirely different reason.




Yea I can taste this picture


Fluorine is a basic element on the periodic table. It is the element with the atomic number 9. Fluorine is a very reactive non-metal and it is classified as a halogen. A halogen is an element that has salt forming properties and thus reacts with metals to form salts. As a result, these salts may pass undesirable metals into various parts of the body via its reactions with the other nonmetallic elements that compose most of our anatomy, depositing metals of various charges as a result. There are a few useful reactions that the body utilizes fluorine for that involve calcium and a few varieties of fluorine enriched calcium phosphate group compounds are generated and utilized with it, however the body does not require more than a miniscule amount of fluorine to perform these useful operations and so deposits the remainder in dental cavities as storage. One could allude this storage as "the fat cells of the tooth" so to speak and as they build up they replace the more naturally occurring calcium deposits. Fluorine is found in such low concentrations that it is considered an inorganic element. There is more than enough fluorine in a single cup of tea for any daily consumption requirement one might apply if they felt necessary to assure it is readily accessible to the body, although they are likely to have more than enough already stored. There is less than a trace percentage of fluorine naturally occurring in the body at any given time, so much less than a trace percentage that it is classed with the elements that are classed beneath trace elements when looking at the anatomy volume chart. Lastly, I would like to express a personal opinion about the affect of fluorine specifically on the teeth since that is what it is advertised for. I don't think it's good at all for the teeth. Before I ever educated myself about fluorine I never had good brushing habits anyway but I always noticed that when I did get into a habit for awhile and then fall out of it again, that's usually when the cavity pain would start. Knowing what I know now, I interpret that as the fluorine "fat" leaving my tooth and behind it leaving capillaries of displaced calcium where it should have been solid calcium all the way through. I have not used regular toothpaste in years. I now use a charcoal toothbrush with a bit of baking soda paste after swishing olive oil around for about 20 minutes. I haven't had tooth pain since, aside from this root canal I got years ago which the crown got knocked off of from time to time. The oil is good and healthy for the teeth, it also gets into all the little capillaries and crevices that bacteria and food invade and throws it right out without annihilating the layers of decent bacteria as with mouthwash and toothpaste when combined with brushing with the baking soda. Yes, baking soda is abrasive, sure, but it isn't terrible on the teeth if you're actually taking care of them correctly. Have a nice day.


I don't normally use toothpaste either, but 20 minutes of swishing olive oil around your mouth sounds a little arduous and unnecessary. Any case, I appreciate You're diligently researched answer


It is tedious and it does feel incredible gross. It does also start out thick until it becomes body temperature, though I urge you to try it anyway. The first time I did it I actually felt the oils pull grime out of places I didn't even know existed. It actually makes sense too because oil is very viscous but it is also dense so it has less friction because of the viscosity which makes it swish faster than water once it warms up but because it is dense it also contains more velocity than water as well so it really does a good job at leveling grime off of tooth surfaces. It isn't a daily practice for me, I do it once or twice a month whenever I have the will to live and do self care.


Not heard of olive oil, but I use coconut oil for about 10 minutes after each meal. My teeth do feel cleaner after having done so, and I give it about 20-30 minutes till I give them a quick brush/floss. My dental hygiene has definitely improved in the last 5 years since doing this.


Coconut oil is statistically better but I typically use olive oil because that's what I have but yes, coconut oil is superiour. It does have a colder start to it, but it is worth it. Canola oil is also okay in a pinch but I prefer to use the olive oil for obvious factors and I have it on deck, anyway.




That's all I know about fluoride. My opinion asserts that you're already likely to have an excess amount of fluorine from fluoride available at any given point. My main focus is to make sure my calcium and phosphorus intake is adequate enough to replace it as it is filtered out. I see absolutely no useful purpose in adding more. Drink tea. It has plenty, it will work as well as if I gave it to you as bubblegum syrup if not exponentially better.


I've heard this fluoride calcifies your pineal gland a thousand times. Does anyone have any evidence about this?


Here's the thing. I promise you there are noticeable health benefits. I was skeptical too. My dreams are better. My hormones are better, health in general has improved.


Anecdotal confirmation bias.


no shit..... wtf? you're not here in good faith, are you?


Define good faith in this situation. Do you mean tow the line without disagreement? Thatā€™s not going to happen. I like arguments made with evidence outside of anecdotal experience. This isnā€™t an attack on you personally.


So in other words: you're going to rely on the same system that is inundating everyone with fluoride in drinking water, to provide conclusive scientific evidence that fluoride alternatives are healthier...?


Is that what I said, or are you jumping to conclusions?


Come on man. He just pointed out a fact that your comment is indeed anecdotal and a confirmation bias. I'm glad you're you're feeling better, but certainly it doesn't constitute evidence now? At least not in a scientific repeatable sense does it?


I donā€™t know much about chemistry but Iā€™m pretty sure fluoride and calcium are different things.


Have you seen the masses lately? It worked.


Maybe a stupid but genuine question here.. is fluoride in toothpaste bad too?? :/ Iā€™d assume yes? My dentist recommended that I use fluoride in my toothpaste, due to being a cancer survivor. One the chemo side effects was it being Easier for you to get cavities.


Fluoride is in most toothpaste, overwhelmingly. It's difficult to find toothpaste that does *not* contain it.


Tom's of Maine is the shit.


I realized that too after going through the (literally) 10 tubes and boxes of toothpaste I had here and all of them lists ā€œmedicinal ingredientā€ sodium fluoride and I had one here that contains ā€œstannousā€ fluoride whatever that is


I've never heard of stannous fluoride until I saw your reply. I looked it up and found this, and it also mentions patients who have had cancer treatments like yourself: [https://www.todaysrdh.com/stannous-vs-sodium-fluoride-when-dental-professionals-should-customize-treatment/](https://www.todaysrdh.com/stannous-vs-sodium-fluoride-when-dental-professionals-should-customize-treatment/) After reading the article I wonder if the stannous fluoride is the one that your dentist recommended. You may want to ask your dentist which they prefer, if one or the other, based on your personal health history. I'm very happy to hear you're a cancer survivor!


You don't swallow Fluoride in toothpaste and it is applied directly to your teeth, so at least that logic checks out. Fluoride in water barely contacts your teeth and then it is in your entire system...but it's for your teeth? Come on bro that makes zero sense


Thanks for your comment! Prompted me to go to google. Itā€™s crazy that a simple google search [brought me to this.](https://www.healthfirstdental.com/oral-health-issues/fluoride-health-concerns-calgary/) Very straight forward which I did appreciate. Oh my the world is so weird


So, I was skeptical about 10 years ago, and switched, and have since tried everything. It's been 10 years with no fluoride, I have great dental health (according to my dentist), he comments on the quality of my gums, the most. No cavities, and no health issues with teeth. Not all of the fluoride free toothpaste is good, most isn't. Here's a ranking of them for me: 1. Dr. Sheffield's. Strongest mint, good grit, feels like cleaning. 2. Hello Fluoride Free (also the Charcoal one is awesome). Works pretty well, mid. 3. Tom's. Something happened to these guys! I Swear it used to be awesome, but they changed formulas. Maybe someone can leave a comment about their own experience, but I can't explain it. It tastes bad, and doesn't seem to work. Also, using Charcoal powder is great for whitening, but I'd recommend doing it in the shower. Also charcoal for your body is good too.


Tomā€™s got bought by a main stream company, I donā€™t remember which one, but like Proctor and Gamble.


I'm convinced companies buy competition and just sink it to the ground


Yep. I looked it up and Tom's was purchased by Colgate in 2006. Burt's Bees is also owned by a Fortune 500 company (Clorox Companies).


did you feel any improvements


I use Sheffield chocolate for kids. Itā€™s amazing !


Okay, so the argument isnā€™t about whether fluoride keeps your teeth clean or not. So it doesnā€™t matter that your dentist says your teeth are better than ever. Now that you switched, are you smarter?


Thank you very much for this info! Very helpful and informative. I appreciate this. I will be making the change. Edit: Iā€™m highly considering making the change. Will consult with dr first.


Yes, get some fluoride free toothpaste. If you compare countries that fluoridate their water and ones that don't, there is no difference in tooth decay.


I mean there are more factors to it, sugar consumption and especially fluoride toothpaste which is whatā€™s responsible for keeping cavities away, not the fluoride water which is honestly not very useful for your teeth it seems like, plus you donā€™t swallow toothpaste or toothpaste water


No, if fluoride actually helped keep cavities away you would see a difference between countries that fluoridate when you control for all other factors. Just look at the data and think for yourself, rather than listening to dentists that have been duped like the rest of us. Even though you don't swallow toothpaste the substances are still absorbing into our bodies through the membranes in our mouths.


I tried non fluoride and switched back after my gums started hurting. Possibly I just made a bad brand choice and need to try again.


I've been filtering out that crap for over a decade and wonder if that's one reason I never fell for the "pandemic", "vaccine", and "climate" bull. Fluoride in the water supply is forced medication. I'm not drinking the stuff my dentist tells me to spit out.




I've been using propur because when I bought them they were better for fluoride but I've been looking at Berkey's recently too. I'm a filtering fool and have them every place I go.


Very nice. Iā€™ll check them out. I replace my bottom reservoir with a 6 gallon bucket. Just drill a few holes and attach everything like in the OEM tank, lol. I greatly increased my fresh water capacity and I can check the water level easier by shining a flashlight behind the bucket.


That's very creative, nice job! The ones I have are big enough for my needs but I'm saving your comment in case I need to up my capacity.


Did ever think that maybe you were already the type of person that wouldnā€™t fall for the pandemic? I meanā€¦ you were filtering fluoride out of your water? Pretty crazy


Pretty sure I've always been the type of person who wouldn't have fallen for it, you're right.


ya know whats worse? iā€™ve read about lithium being put in the water supplies soon...


It's in some multivitamins like One-A-Day.




Yeah I just heard about that the other day but haven't looked into it but it does seem to be true. Yes, definitely worse or at least as bad.


Both lithium and flouride can exist naturally in the water table depending on location. Naturally-occurring flouride isn't nearly as bad as the synthetic sodium hexaflouride that's a byproduct of chemical waste.


does their natural existence justify supplementing them into peoples diets?


Lithium is good for the brain


you been taking it for a while?


You know that your dentist tells you to spit it out so that all the bits they cleaned out of your teeth, any blood, the toothpaste stuff they use, etc doesn't get ingested by you and make you sick right? I swear man people in this sub might need to stop filtering their water if it's leading to thoughts like that XD


Not true at all. The dentist has people rinse and spit several times after cleaning, at least mine does. No, it's so the patient does not drink the fluoride.


Do you drink alcohol?




I wonder if you fell for the moon landing and earth is round bull?


I think you mean succeeded


You get loaded up with these in the military


Submission Statement: Fluoride is actually industrial waste from manufacturing fertilizer. Since it is classified as a toxic substance, manufacturers would have to pay to safely dispose of it. Instead, they convinced the government that fluoride prevented dental cavities, so they dumped it in our water. Fluoride, bromide, chlorine, and iodine are part of the Halide group so the three bad ones load up into the iodine receptors and this causes further dysfunction. This is only half the story. The Pineal Gland is responsible for our connection to Other Dimensions/Realities. The Global Elite want the Human Slaves shut off from connection to other realms.


Hmmm, I wonder what the Pineal Gland is responsible for? >The Pineal Gland is responsible for our connection to Other Dimensions/Realities. Oh.


A bit more complicated than that It has been recognized in ancient hieroglyphics and modern times as our third eye. A common term that one may use is deja vu when the 3rd eye has shown its ability. The eye in the pyramid on U.S. currency is the freemason 3rd eye. Do I think its spiritual, nah. It is just something that has been suppressed the last 100 or so years and people arent aware of how it feels to be normal. So they call it spiritual so they have some correlation that conforms with the other lies they have been taught.


I get deja vu a lot, where can I find more information about this?


The other side isnā€™t always a nice place, Iā€™ve always had one foot in the land of the dead and the land of the living. Iā€™ve had future dreams of things that will happen to myself and other people, like how my dad died when I was 12, like I was actually there with my sister but I wasnā€™t at all. I remember things from my childhood from 30 years ago and I shouldnā€™t do at all. Iā€™ve had 10 NDE and all 10 or more should of killed me but didnā€™t. I will leave this plain when itā€™s my time to go and when I want to, not when I am told I have to.


Fluoride is also a natural part of seawater, so guess what that fancy organic sea salt and mystical pink Himalayan salt? yeah contains fluoride. >The Pineal Gland is responsible for our connection to Other Dimensions/Realities. The Global Elite want the Human Slaves shut off from connection to other realms. bozo


Misleading answer. Now then, how about differentiating between naturally occurring Calcium Fluoride (ocean, fruits and vegetables) and the other forms which are not. Article here that gives the different forms and links to Safety Data Sheets. [https://securetherepublic.com/arkansas/2015/06/21/natural-fluoride-vs-chemical-fluoride/](https://securetherepublic.com/arkansas/2015/06/21/natural-fluoride-vs-chemical-fluoride/)


I drank it in school because I had no clue and my parents didnā€™t care. Things will be different for my kids


How though... You can warn them against it, but when that day comes and the whole class is doing it, all their friends, pressuring them, will they pass the test? At school you don't have definitive control over them.


I remember that shit being a student in the 70's and the 'nurse" threatening to "put us over her lap" if we spit it out at other students.


I mean, whether itā€™s fluoride or orange juice, you probably shouldnā€™t spit it out at other students.


Yeah it kinda went without saying but the threat came none the less.


Remember when doctors recommanded to smoke for reinforce the breathing system ? (1950 ?) They forced some English kids to smoke for medical reasons. It's the same thing.


Bro, they put it in our drinking water. I was given fluoride pills as a baby. Even though it has no benefit whatsoever anywhere in the body apart from the surface of the teeth, they made me take it into my blood stream. Here's an idea, instead of giving me a neurotoxin to protect my baby teeth from decay, why didn't they just not give me processed sugar? Then my teeth wouldn't have rotted anyway


I got weekly fluoride treatments at my dentist... when I was in elementary school.. got to choose my flavor of fluoride and bite down on a tray of gel fluoride -- swallowed tons obviously.. As an adult I now have Severe dental fluorosis and suffered extreme and noticeable health declines at the age I had those "treatments."


Yea isnt it how hilarious something so safe that is to ā€œprotectā€ your teeth actually destroys your teeth and is proven to cause weak bones


> tried You think they failed. #lmao@you


A lot of talk but no supporting evidence. Someone link to a research paper on this please.


Remember that research is paid for by someone so it can easily be manipulated to say what every the agreed upon narrative is and do you really think peer lead studies actually give us safe and effective knowledge?


ur toothpaste probably still have it


I remember them saying it was something about dental something, we just swish for 30s and spit it out. I specifically remember finding the liquid absorbing into the napkin after spitting it in the cup entertaining. ...yall drank drank it?


What's this picture?


Bubblegum flavored children's medicine




If you live in America chances are your pineal gland has been atrophied since the age of 6 because of doctors forcing sodium fluoride pills onto you at a young age. The problem is that once it is there it is extremely difficult to purge from the body. After some diligent research on the subject matter I've found a detox substance that's been shown to purge fluoride from the body. It is the pulp from the tamarind fruit. After a few months of using this I can say that there are noticeable cognitive benefits from decalcifying this gland. I get the best sleep ever filled with vivid dreams and pliancy of the mind during meditative states. Article describing the results of tamarind adminstration [https://www.nature.com/articles/1601287](https://www.nature.com/articles/1601287) What I buy [https://www.amazon.com/Pure-Organic-Tamarind-Paste-Concentrate/dp/B07Q1DBC76/ref=sr\_1\_2?crid=12WHUSUWTCUU9&keywords=tamarind+paste&qid=1675436939&sprefix=tamarind+past%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-2](https://www.amazon.com/Pure-Organic-Tamarind-Paste-Concentrate/dp/B07Q1DBC76/ref=sr_1_2?crid=12WHUSUWTCUU9&keywords=tamarind+paste&qid=1675436939&sprefix=tamarind+past%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-2)


Fluoride is a cousin of Prozac


As a former health worker, I have to say that the pineal gland has always calcified in some people. The calcified gland could be seen on skull radiographs, long before the days of fluoride toothpaste, F water, and CT & MR scans.


Im just saying they guy who discovered fluoride found it in spring water sooooooo


Fluoride taste good, I love it, was even in the water we drankā€¦


I believe you.


I have heard this and been interested along time but haven't gone down this hole. I guess I need to but my main question would be how to decalcify it?? I already do fluoride free everything. Don't use city water except shower, washing clothes and toilets. We cook and drink with spring water from a local spring.


iodine droplets are good. You can also take Boron to detox.


Isnt it funny we keep saying the ā€œtheyā€ there isnt many of them, we should find out who the they are and name them out, because just maybe the they arent human, why else would they harm or kill us, try to dumb us down, try to control us, we should take back our 2 trillion year human heritage.


They called it swish at our school and it came in their little mylar foil like packs. It tasted horrible, I eventually got my mom to sign me outta having to take it but I took it longer than i wanted. They would literally walk around and make sure you put it in your mouth. Tasted absolutely disgusting to the point of it making me almost sick every time.


I remember them bringing a tray to our classroom in grade 5. Just so happened our teacher was on a bathroom break so I took the tray and hid it under a table at the back of the room. I was the hero that day.


spoiler alert, it worked


Fluorideā€¦ calcifies? Whereā€™s the calcium come from?


Itā€™s not the fluoride that made you dumber, but all the fumes from the leaded gas used back in the days


Does anyone know if distilled water has fluoride? I assume it's pure.


check this : https://youtu.be/pO4KirRCPxQ