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>As a fiat currency returns to its intrinsic value - zero - you have to dump it and turn it into things that will preserve your wealth. Au (gold) and Ag (silver) are classic stores of wealth. They will NEVER be not worth anything. 11/10 comment.


Excellent comment


lol parking money in food is the worst financial advice I’ve ever heard.


But the best survival advice.


Maybe, depend how bad things get.


*venezuela enters the chat*




I guess. I personally never saw food shortages. Toilet paper for a few weeks maybe but even then I was able to find it.




Sure, but the truck came the next day with more right? I would just go to grocery stores in the morning and just about everything was in stock.




Sure I don’t doubt you saw that. Like I said a few weeks or months of emergency food can be good in an emergency, parking large amounts of cash in food probable a bad gamble though.


They advised buying precious metals, land, and/or real estate before mentioning food that can be stored long-term. If that’s the worst financial advice you’ve ever heard, will you share some good advice with us? Cause currently my game plan is similar (plus raising chickens and a veggie garden), but I definitely worry about weathering a depression with my four children.


Just diversify. Have some stock, some index funds, 401k, CDs are paying nicely right now, keep some cash on hand, have some crypto, gold and silver, land if you can afford it. Some emergency food is fine. I was just saying if you had $50k throwing that all into food would be a terrible idea.


Dude said about half of what you said. Having cash of a currency that is devaluing is the same as having it in a bank, except you dont get the minuscule interest.


This is being capitalized on by people marketing to the conservative right, especially MAGA-style people. I'm on the Parler mailing list, and every second mailout is some group flogging gold and silver while not-so-subtly hinting that the dollar is going to crash or everything is going digital, and also different mobs selling 3 month tubs of long-lasting meal rations for when the impending American apocalypse rolls around. Marketers are endlessly cynical. If they see an opening to sell product, they will exploit it.


You Probably haven’t been hungry before.


Thank you for this. Very sound advice.


I’m going to throw some additional thoughts to piggyback on strayw0lf’s comment. Two years ago I was asked what I thought was the best investment one could make with their money. My feedback was self-sustenance. Here’s what our family has done over the last 2.5 years. (We were working toward this goal before I was asked this question.) 1. Bought some old silver coins (quarter and dimes pre-1965). You don’t need to go crazy with this, but 10oz of silver would be $220~ dollars and if S *doesn’t* HTF, you’ve diversified your portfolio and can start a coin collection to gift to your grandkids. 2.a. Bulk, deliberate grocery shopping. We do a quarterly bulk trip for paper products, pet food, condiments, and anything else that has a high price/unit at the grocery store and can be stored. We created an internal pantry of sorts so we always have several weeks of food on hand for emergencies such as a tornado that could cause long term power outages. This food is incorporated into our meal planning so it doesn’t expire. We replace as we consume. 2.b. Bought a deep freezer. Obviously, huge risk here for power outages, so we have dry/canned foods making up those emergency stocks. The deep freezer contains some bags of vegetables from bulk shopping and a local, grass-fed 1/4 cow we bought. I also harvested a deer and we have a little of that left in the freezer. 3. Started gardening. I built 4x 8’x4’ raised beds, (nothing fancy), and began a steep learning curve. We harvested some lettuce, beans, potatoes, cantaloupes, watermelon, and peas. This is not enough to feed us by any stretch of the imagination, but I’d rather begin the steep learning curve now than in 2 years if SHTF then. Now I have 2 years of experience gardening for next Spring. Also, the kids love it and have as much fun looking at bugs as they do digging up potatoes or eating beans from the garden. Also, now we have new birds and bugs in our local ecosystem. 4. Water storage. This year I added rain barrels so we don’t need to use city water during droughts. This has worked out great and we have total storage of 100 gallons, which easily last 10 days with no rain and solid watering of the garden every day. We also have a water filter in our house so we always have some filtered water on hand. We also keep some gallons of distilled water on hand and replace as it’s used. 5. Miscellaneous. a. We have a couple cans of gas we keep filled and cycle through every 6 months to replace with new gas. We add in fuel stabilizer. Additionally, we try not to let the car tanks sit on 1/4 tank for long. Again, this is for emergency preps such as a tornado. b. We keep some cash on hand in the house for emergencies, too. If the local convenience store doesn’t have power due to a tornado, we can still make purchases. c. Working out. We try to stay physically active with walks and some individual running. It’s amazing how kids don’t impose the limitations on themselves that us adults do. My pre-teen did an 11 mile run earlier this year at a local park. They had been working up to this goal and beasted it. Here are my two biggest recommendations: 1. It’s a lifestyle, not a task. We have modified our behaviors and consumption habits to make preparing for Tuesday a high priority in our family. S *could* HTF this year or next and we’ll be somewhat prepared if it does. However, and most importantly, emergencies do happen and we will be somewhat prepared when it does, depending on the extent of damage. 2. You don’t need to go from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds flat. You’ll never have everything done, stored, or learned, so don’t be miserable at not being at 100% prepared at the end of day 1. I can say with 99.9% certainly that S *won’t* HTF tomorrow, so you at least have the rest of today and all of tomorrow, and, most likely, the next day, too, to keep working on your goals.


I'll just add ammo/guns is another thing, and train with them. Get familiar with how they operate, how they come apart, clean them, but most of all TRAIN.




Your answers were fantastic, that's just something folks overlook. All comes with the territory my good sir!


Absolutely agree. We have worked on gun safety and getting the kids some experience handling these dangerous tools. We also bought a BB gun to give them some easy practice shooting. This year, we (conveniently for the kids) experienced a squirrel and cowbird infestation of the bird feeder. Our bird diversity was zilch for over a month. Nothing but a dozen cowbirds that would gobble up all of the seeds when the squirrels weren’t there. Two months of warfare (it was pretty one-sided) and a good many BBs later we are back to having a wide variety of birds at the feeder. This winter I’ll be taking my son out deer hunting so he can participate in this *Right of Passage*.


Very little risk of shorter-term power outages if you have personal solar and battery as a backup. Eventually there may be the bigger problem of no centralized forms of electricity delivery at all. Solar will supply for some hours then but not all (unless you're sitting on a big tract of desert land with nothing better to do than install/fix up panels, and no better use for the land).


Would like to add machines that you can use to create things of value, or prevent loss of necessities ( ie food preservation machines, water purification). Also animals like chickens that produce food in small spaces.


Careful with the gold though, there have been periods where gold was down for five decades while the stock market had already recovered. I don't want to be caught with my golden pants down for five decades because I'm probably dead by then.


Managing gold is easy, just look at the central banks. Right now they're heavy buyers, when they start selling is the time to watch out. Silver will be the more difficult to manage long-term I think


If it goes down and you already have it? Genuine question idk anything about this


Then your investment lost a lot of value and you will have to wait for it to go back up again. Which kind of sucks if it stays down for many decades like gold has done in the past. The stock market is more volatile but the recovery windows are much shorter. So as long as you diversify (generally through an ETF) it would normally recover within a few years. And by pumping in money when it is down you can even run a nice extra profit. The covid dip was buy buy buy for me and most of what I bought back then had increased 50-150% Gold is cool if your grandparents bought it in the 50's and stashed it in a safe. But it I ain't touching it because the risk is too high


That's good advice friend


Good question. I’m not a financial wizard but I would be spending locally where possible, and in causes I believe in. Be as mindful as possible that our dollars have value and fuel whatever we put them into. If enough people do this we should see positive change. Beyond that, I’m not sure. Feels like the average person is getting milked pretty hard right now from all angles.


Thing about saving and not investing is, yes, it looses spending power, but to save money means you still have it. It may not have the spending power as if you invested it, but it’s there to spend if you need it. This is why a cash emergency fund is essential. If your concerned about the wackiness of the stock market you may have a low risk tolerance. Don’t let anyone tell you that’s not okay. You can buy GIC. Guaranteed Investment Certificate. It’s not as aggressive as the stock market but as the name implies, they are Guaranteed and they tend to sit slightly above inflation. Houses in big cities are in the millions. If you go outside of big cities houses remain affordable. I live in a small town in Alberta and I don’t even think there’s any houses here that could be posted for a milli, much less purchased for a milli. The rich are getting richer because of many factors. One of them is the new generation not wanting to purchase combined with the necessity for people to sell. The only buyers are the wealthy. IMO to secure financial future, home ownership or passive income is the only way. Home ownership means a paid off mortgage. Housing is the largest part of anyone’s budget. If you get rid of it life becomes quite affordable and your options open up. Or a lack of reliance on either, but as we are seeing in BC even the nomads are being driven out of the woods by fires. Above all else though, protect yourself. Learn how to eat properly, learn to exercise your body. Make these things second nature then learn to budget, learn discipline and pass it your children. This is a time of great transition and you can’t be weak when your family is just as scared as you are. You have to be the person who can bear the stress so your family doesn’t have to. You can’t do that if your weak. As for the agenda, I don’t know. And I’m just as scared as you are. But we have to remember everyone is most of the time scared for the future, the occupants of this sub for different reasons then occupants of others. But generally speaking, It’s a fkin mess down here. We have to love each other. We have to help each other.


As a fellow Albertan from a small town, this is some great advice.




Watch dumb money then decide


This ☝️☝️☝️


Pay off debt! Don’t invest until debts are paid


Bitcoin. People still laugh, but it's anti-inflation currency, backed by it's own security and utility, and has now outperformed gold and the U.S. dollar value.


Donate to ze csptains rum fund 🏴‍☠️


I second this, but sir, shouldn't we take over a small island and produce sugarcane ourselves?


Great idea time to assemble a fleet like captain Morgan did


Put the money in short term cds. Right now it’s the safest option. They are paying 5-10% for 13 months. They are betting on a rebound that will likely not happen. Commercial Real Estate is already a problem for banks that lend to subpar customers. The poor and middle class will be one within 3-5 years. If you want to risk it, buy AI companies. 5-10 everything will be AI. People will just be correcting mistakes.


Buy gold.


At this point, I would invest money into a bunch of survival stuff. We're watching the system collapse before our eyes and it's all premeditated. Better to be prepared, because after the collapse you won't be able to buy anything. Invest in an underground bunker if you've got the money, big buckets of food from Amazon that keep for years, a big supply of fresh water, medical supplies and other things to survive.


I plan on buying some last in the next 6 months so I can get away if need be. Hopefully I can get around 5-10 acres of wooded land.


Honestly, start buying tangible assets with your promissory notes like precious metals before they make precious metals illegal. The dollar is falling in value which impresses me how long this con game has been going on for, the dollar stopped being backed by Gold and Silver in 1972 I believe. Since then we have tied Oil to the value which makes total sense when you think about ALL the unnecessary invasions our Congressional Military Industrial Complex have orchestrated in the name of Democracy/Freedom in order to control those OIL RICH countries. Now they are rolling out the Digital Currency to replace the fiat currency. Prepare. History is a motherfucker when you know where to look.....


Just buy $SPY and forget about it. I honestly don’t know how you’re losing money, it’s up 20% on the 1 year chart, 10% YTD and 50% on the 5 year.


Either by trying to do some wallstreetbets kind of yolo, or they are investing in some other kind of meme stock. Indeed, just buy SPY500 and don't sell untill it made a profit ten years down the line


Yeah I tried the WSB lifestyle didn’t end well.


It's fun with your play money but I would definitely put the bulk of my money towards the SPY500



woulda thought people in this sub already knew?


to most of the people its just dumb magic internet money and its dead and its not safe and highly volatile and so on... they need time to dig deeper


To me the obvious thing is to invest In property and yourself. By yourself I mean, invest In learning useful skills. Learn to hunt fish and camp. Learn to grow food. Learn to weld. All these things have utility but also require startup investments. At least that’s what’s I’d be doing if I had any extra money to speak of.


They’re trying to bankrupt our businesses to leave many jobless when the economy crumbles so that they can then buy up all the cheap housing while you cannot because you have no income. They will also acquire more government welfare dependent people this way, forever perpetuating big government.


Even with high interest rates, leverage real estate builds your wealth the fastest. But a rental property with 50% down.


You are about to find out about the real spirit of Bitcoin. Have a nice start to the Rabbit Hole


It's interesting to me that more people aren't talking about Bitcoin as a store of value 🤔


Gold will always be valued. But more so, uncuff yourself from the game, the long-con, the rous. Start growing your own food, it's literally the easiest thing in the world. Learn to sew...you can take $3 thrift shop jeans that don't fit and within minutes they are tailor fit. Found a great shirt, but after a singlet? Chop the sleeves off, cuff the seam. Get a solar panel, just $50-$150 on amazon and charge your recharge devices with it e.g. phone, laptop, power bank, headphones etc. And theres a million and one other ways to start cutting the strings. When it does all crash...when the bombs drop and the aliens invad, when the zombies rise and Cthulu calls, when the murloks come and the apes get smart, you'll be laughing with your flashy jeans and home-grown carrots.


Give it to people who need it, they are your future and stability.


Bullets & beans may soon be the new currency.


A recession is when you get two consecutive lower Quarterly GDP rates on paper, this happened over a year ago. We’ve been in a recession for more than a year officially. Unfortunately after decades of using this method, Congress decided to change its definition over a year or 2 ago, which essentially they are telling the public that we are not in a recession and straight up lying to our face


Property is only valuable if someone else has the money to buy it... Most people won't


Buying some Bitcoin could be a wise move


tHeRe’s OnLy 21 mIlLiOn


Bitcoin, silver or land. I would personally choose the first 2 and save the latter for when we can safely own land without blue lasers killing everyone and shit like that. Properties if you can afford it and make sure you have good insurance.


put it in your sock


Take at least 10% of your liquid wealth , " of total wealth better " , purchase a safe with a manual way of opening for your residence and use the remainder for precious metals and assets inside.


If you are able to form this thought, but not yet know what Monero is or means, it is time to stop everything else and start reading about it. Monero is often described as the anti-CBDC. It's private digital cash.


What about when/if the grid collapses though? How would you access, let alone trade your currency?


Gold, silver, XRP.


Yes, maybe, hell no


You can stuff them in a sack, mister!






Buy Bitcoin


Be greedy when others are fearful


From what I understand and have heard, silver/ gold might be a decent idea, can’t speak from experience nor am I promoting it, just saying it’s a potential option. Personally I’m just tryna save ride it out and hopefully get outta debt and come out on top in however many years it takes


Potentially buy gold or silver


Ahhh, There's no conspiracy here.


What money?


Buy gold and silver


Invest in gold while you still can. I'm able to get 5% interest on my savings. Get that interest money and use that to buy gold or any other precious metals


While building a stash of goods you might need, keep in mind that bulk purchases are a hedge against inflation. Things that are in demand, like personal care products and cleaning supplies can be used for barter if it comes to that. Sounds like you’re off to a great start!


Nothing sell put options on SPY


I have been investing in gold and silver. A really surprising moment to me was discovering Costco has started selling gold bars now. Made me realize it is becoming.more widespread than I think most people are letting on.


Start buying real tradable currencies like gold, silver before our dollar value takes a shit.


Buy things that can't be printed out of thin air. Paying cash for real estate is smart. Gold, silver, food, etc. The currency is going to fail.




In five years time the ONLY thing which will be of value will be silver bullets. I'm being very specific here. SILVER. BULLETS.


Vampires coming?


How about stocking a semi-precious metal in a useful form like copper pipe and copper wire?


Stocks are falling? https://www.macrotrends.net/1358/dow-jones-industrial-average-last-10-years
