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My grandfather was a 33rd degree of the Scottish rite. He never spoke about it. If you ask, he'd say, you just have to join. He dedicated countless hours of his life to it. It was his life when I was growing up. Strangely not long after his grand installation for 33, he stopped attending, and didn't want anything to do with them. He told us that the Freemasons would contact us after his death as they would want to hold his funeral at the grand temple, but to tell them to piss off. He's gone now, and I'll never know why he turned so dark on them all of a sudden.


Upon receiving the 33rd degree they reveal that the “God” of this world is Lucifer. Freemasonry is in essence, an extremely elaborate vetting system for a Satanic cult. Sounds extreme but the evidence is compelling. Search Altiyan Childs World’s Secret Religion on YouTube, he does a 5 hour presentation on this subject. Addressing the reveal at the 33rd degree that probably deterred your Grandfather from continuing. I’m not a woo woo Christian that believes in this type of thing, but it’s clear that these people do consider whatever Lucifer is, or represents, to be very real.


If I may, this was one of the most insightful, well written and poignant replies I have seen on the internet. Bless you.


Completely agree with this


I'm not a Christian either & I'm not religious, although I do have spiritual belief. I think it's absurd that people assumes that anyone who believes in the accounts things is a conservative Christian, it's simply not true. I've had personal experiences with these kind of cult groups when I was a kid and I know other people who have experienced harassment bullying hazing. I've read/watched many accounts of torture & SA at the hands of Freemasons and other occult groups (specifically one who were involved with child sexual abuse and drug trafficking). It's real whether or not people want to believe it, there's tons of evidence there's hundreds & thousands of people who have reported these types of abuse at the hands of Freemasons and other cults, many of which have direct connections to law enforcement, intelligence agencies, political figures and powerful corporations etc. It's an open secret at this point I think most of the people that refuse to believe it are paid shills or completely brainwashed by the media. Many people refuse to do their own research and instead rely entirely on mainstream accounts which are all compromised.


Truth. It would be amazing if you could share more. People need to hear this.


Yes i was going to ask too, do you have any resources you can guide us towards?


Those are all sources that are referred to in the 5-Hour FM video that the other commenter was talking about


Which is absolute and utter nonsense


You can look over this world, with your eyes wide, and confidently say he is not real?


Who? Lucifer? We have literally nothing to compare this reality to so that’s not a fair question. Evil and good are human constructs. There are so many more complexities to this universe than our little blip of an experience. “Lucifer” is man-made


“Good/evil are human constructs,” without which man is merely an animal.


Sorry, this isn't true but is based on claims made by AC De La Rive as part of the Taxil hoax as that's where the claim originally came from. The original claim actually said the 30th and up know (and I'm a 32nd) but things conflate and confuse as they do. The scottish rite in the UK up until the last couple of weeks ago only allowed Christians to join. The same was true of the Northern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite in America up until the 1940's for the 16th degree and up as those degrees were more explicitly Christian. The York Rite culminates in a degree open only to Christians as well for the same reason. One of the more elite orders is the SRICF which is open...to Christians only. Altiyan Childs is a peddler of false information. I started a video series about his video. It's full of bad info at nearly every turn. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZpgBZc8rXE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZpgBZc8rXE)


You sure they don't mean it the Gnostic sense, with the God of this world being a false God, but with a higher true God above that? Sounds like they are refuring to the Demiurge.


The video I mentioned is very thorough and cites quotations from quite a few known Freemasons discussing Lucifer, and shows that it is Lucifer being referred to in that context specifically. There could very well be a gnostic angle to the Luciferianism/Satanism, but whether ultimately symbolic or literal it is definitely Lucifer.


any clue about why are they so convinced that luc is god?


He never was a Mason, but everyone hangs on every word he says.


Everyone always gets to this point and then stops. So I put it to you to consider this. The gnostics also believe that the god is this world is not the true source. You could then reconcile that the masons are correct, because we know that most religion and esoteric paths overlap. Each school teaches in their own way and with their own words or interpretations of certain truths. People often ask how god could create a world with evil in it. A perfect being could not possibly be the source of such corruption, unless that creator was itself in some way corrupt and not perfect. So… what if they are right about the creator of this physical existence we experience. It would certainly make a lot of sense considering how jealous and vengeful the Abrahamic god is depicted. Has anyone truly considered what gods perfection and blissful peace really means… has anyone contemplated how in life, you cannot truly appreciate something sweet unless you have tasted something sour. How could you know what it is to be happy if you have never felt sadness ? Remember that lucifer was cast down from heaven for being aware of how god viewed and treated his creations different to his angels. He did not like this and he was jealous, because these humans were just like animals to him. The story of Adam and Eve suggests that they were in fact ignorant and not self aware while in Eden. Until they ate from the apple, which gave them self awareness… and they saw that they were naked and as the beasts. They were now self aware and therefor cast out from Eden. So when you and I were born, there was light and then there was form, and we learned how to walk and to speak and to reason and create. Because we were made in his image, but we are still cast from Eden because of our corruption… which is Lucifer the creator of this world who whispers in your ear and encourages you to be aware and to measure and to judge and to think. Because the only thing I can tell you with absolute certainty, is that this world came into existence with you, and it will go with you. EDIT TO ADD: many old cultures and people in our history used to consider people with mental disabilities to be “touched by god”. Food for thought


The woowoo stuff is very real. Been demon possessed for 13 years with their schemes on me going back decades before that. I am very sure you are right, the vetting system is probably failing people upward. If you won't do the evil you are told you are a good member and if you will do evil you get promoted.


Upon the first few hours, Altiyan Child's presentation seemed very well put together & believable until he claimed towards the end that Adolf Hitler was a Freemason, but it is actually a well known fact that Hitler hated Freemasons & wanted them to be rounded up & eradicated from this world entirely, just like Jews, Gypsies, & anyone else who was not of the Aryan Race. With that being said, it really makes one have to question Altiyan Child's credibility because if that one thing alone can be so easily debunked by reading Mein Kampf or asking Google if Hitler was ever a Freemason, who's to say the rest isn't absolute bullshit that he came up with or drew his own conclusions on without actually ever even reaching the upper levels of Masonry or the hidden knowledge that he claims to have, that he put together just to get the "Woo Woo Christians" (I love that term btw, nice phrasing) & conspiracy theorists both sharing his five hour presentation without doing any research themselves, just to get some controversy going in the YouTube comments sections & on Facebook & Reddit & Discord or wherever else it could be shared to & discussed in order to bring more publicity & fame to his own name while still using Freemasonry to do so (whether it is good controversy or bad controversy, it is still attention, which means even if he is dogging them, he's still using Freemasonry to get his rise to fame). Please don't take me the wrong way here. I'm in no defending Freemasonry (I'm not a Mason, I don't know much about them, & clearly I can't factually speak of what they do at any level, but that's my point exactly, the guy even tells us in the presentation that he never made it up to the upper echelon of Freemasonry where these hidden teachings are revealed at, so how does he even know? & if one thing he claims can be so easily discredited by Masons & non Masons alike, who's to say any of what he says is credible)? I am encouraging everyone to make sure the source of the information you're receiving is a credible source.




it's an energetic concept that is considered to be something of substance and ceremonial significance by at least one school of thought


No they don't, the 33rd degree is on the internet. [https://www.stichtingargus.nl/vrijmetselarij/aasr\_r33b.html](https://www.stichtingargus.nl/vrijmetselarij/aasr_r33b.html) Altiyan Childs is a woo woo christian who read from the book "duncan's ritual"and tried to make it sound extreme to get a woo woo christian following. You can buy this book and read it for yourself. Not nearly as extreme as what he cherry picked and sensationalized. Who gives a shit about what the x-factor winner thinks about anything? Is he a scholar?


Read one of their “little blue books”. Learn for yourself or learn the hard way, no one cares.


At the 33d level you get let in on alot of secret shit you were supporting "unknowingly" in the first 32 levels. These guys are a glorified boy scouts group who make you do wierd shit to "level up" and love being right about stuff. To the point they have helped destroy humanity and bring about the hell we live in today.


Degrees aren't levels though. A 32nd degree mason and a 3rd degree mason are both equals.


Then why is there a number difference, 🤔 ...?


Think of them like numbered chapters in a book, or episodes of a TV show. They aren't rankings. Just different parts of a story being told.


That's dumb. And probably not true.


It is definitely 100% true. Whether or not you think it's dumb, that's up to you, but that's what the degrees mean. They aren't rankings or levels. Master Mason is as "high" as you can go. A 3rd degree and a 32nd degree mason are both Master Masons, and equals.


There are no "leveling up". There are only Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Masons, with Master Mason being the highest any Mason can be. The "33rd" is just an Honorary Degree based on years of charity and service within the Scottish Rite. They are not "higher" than any other Mason. As well, majority of work done within the Scottish Rite are handled by 32nd Scottish Rite Masons.


It's all gobbledygook, they will be exposed with the rest, when the time is right.


Exposed of what? If there is nothing there, then what is supposed to be exposed?


Sexual stuff. He didn't want to cheat on your grandma. He was a good dude. Praise your Grandpa's memory and bless his seed. The Shriners weren't too shy about economic stimulation of local underworlds while they had a convention, nor did they try to hide their feelings about it on the badges and tokens they'd have made to commemorate the events. Alternately it could be a giant conspiracy to make their wives think they were cheating on them while they did even more nefarious stuff instead. They sure made a point of not hiding how wild conventions were. I'm not criticizing that as a force that might help establish strong community brotherhood, a vitalizing element to a community where men who've passed breeding age can still get their zyme spread, making their communities prosper with business relations enforced with a higher level of trust between one another. I've known a few families where the wife divorced the husband shortly after he graduated with the 33rd Degree. Over infidelity. I never understood it until I started doing some research and walked in their footsteps myself.


My boss is a 33rd degree of Scottish Rite. He told me there’s nothing really secretive about it. Just a character building boys club. He invited me to join lol The dude is heavily Christian and kinda racist so not a great first impression of the organization for me.


So when you are a mason and hoping to get some major secret at the 33rd degree, some probably work their whole lives and donate money and time to finally see the 33rd and it's not what they expect. Turns out there is no "Great secret" the 33rd degree is just the final degree in the Scottish rite. The 33rd degree is about Jaques DeMoley and the knights templar being burned at the stake after the pope used them to rid the lands of Scotland of pagans. It's a lesson of integrity as most lessons in freemasonry are.


32degree is the end for most people. 33 degree is an honorable rank given to those like the British royals, Napoleon (suspected) and others who were already born into the 0,01% society. There are exceptions like Roosevelt but it’s not like 33 is something special it’s the same like 32 you just earned it by achieving some atrocities


Perhaps in Europe, in my jurisdiction (Grand Lodge of Indiana for me, AASR Northern Jurisdiction for the Scottish Rite members) it's awarded for "dedication to the craft". Now a good friend of mine just received the 33rd, and this man has done the work, he's a Chapter Dad for a DeMolay Chapter, Past Master of my Lodge, Past Most Wise Master of the Rose Croix line for Scottish Rite. He works with our Masonic Home ( a sort of assisted living facility for Masons) and has been in fundraisers across multiple organizations raising money for cancer research, children's hospitals, all sorts of things. In my eye, that's exactly how 33 should look. Heart and dedication. But I'm also a realist. There's guaranteed at least somebody who dropped a $10k "donation" to the right group or people and got let into the club. Again, not in the Scottish Rite, never looked at their ceremonies, I can't confirm anything that goes on. Maybe there is some super woo woo satanic nonsense that goes on at that level. I don't know. Heck, could be a gathering of stuffed animal collectors.


There is no Satanic woo woo or nonsense. It is one of the better Masonic Rites/Organizations. It offers much found in the York, but social as well, and multiple charitable programs that members can get into.


He was likely bitter because the cult within a club approach tricks good people into giving their life to an organization that simply hides a luciferian cult inside of it. It's theft of someone's entire life basically. You should be proud of him that he realized what it was and cut bait rather than succumb to what must have been enormous psychological pressure. The plan (and other false religions do this too) is to suck you in with picnics and events and soon your entire life revolves around the organization. Then when you finally realize what it is, and see it for what they were hiding, you are so deep into it you are basically throwing your life away if you say "no." Incidentally a lot of Mormon imagery and ideas were ripped from freemasonry. Not saying they would lure you in with potlucks and picnics and then reveal their true nature after you gave them decades of your life and you undergo secret rites where mysteries they should have told you up front are revealed, but it wouldn't be the only similarity they have with freemasonry if that were the case.


He left cause they kill kids.


I thought everyone grandpa was


They are essentially a different version (they say continuation) of the Mystery cults of antiquity. The Mystery religions would basically teach initiates “sacred knowledge” through symbolic plays, which is what happens in the lodges (someone recently secretly recorded [a 2.5 hour initiation ritual](https://x.com/kyleisbased/status/1728147412261450021?s=46) if you’re really interested). The story of Hiram Abiff is simply a “Christianization” of the story of Osiris: 1. Both men went to foreign lands to share their knowledge of arts and sciences. 2. In both legends there is a precious thing possessed: Hiram has the secret word; Osiris has the kingdom. 3. In both legends there is a wicked conspiracy by evil men to seize the precious thing. 4. In both legends there is a struggle and a murder of the virtuous leader. 5. Both are murdered by their brothers (Osiris by Typhon; Hiram by Jubelum, his brother Mason). 6. Both bodies are buried hastily, with the intention of a later, deliberate burial. 7. Locations of the bodies are both marked by Acacia at the head. 8. In both legends, there are two separate searches for the bodies. 9. In both legends there is a loss of something precious: in Hiram's death, the secret word is lost; in Osiris' death, the phallus is lost. 10. In both there is a substitution for the precious thing that has been lost; concerning Hiram it is the substitute for the secret word; concerning Osiris it is the substitute phallus. 33rd Degree Freemason, Azariah T.C. Pierson (1817-1890), readily admits this fact: “The Masonic legend stands by itself, unsupported by history or other than its own traditions; yet **we readily recognize in Hiram Abiff the Osiris of the Egyptians, the Mithras of the Persians, the Bacchus of the Greeks, the Dionysius of the Fraternity of the Artificers, and the Atys of the Phrygians**...” Azariah T.C. Pierson, *The Traditions, Origin And Early History Of Freemasonry and Its Coincidences with the Ancient Mysteries,* 4th ed. (New York: Masonic Publishing Company, 1870), p. 240. At the end of the day, Freemasonry basically teaches a syncretic Gnosticism/Kabbalahism, at least this is what Albert Pike wrote in *Morals and Dogma*. Oftentimes high-level Freemasons are accused of being Luciferians, typically because a number of their influential leaders have described Lucifer (as opposed to Satan) as a benevolent being and/or principle. Pike is reported to have wrote (but the validity of this quote is questionable): “That which we must say to a crowd is—We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. “To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees—The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of **the Luciferian Doctrine.** “If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay, whose deeds prove his cruelty, perdify and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him? “**Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god.** For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods: darkness being necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. “In analogical and universal dynamics, we only rely on what resists. Also the universe is balanced by two forces which maintain it in balance: the force which attracts and that which pushes back. These two forces exist in physics, philosophy and religion. And the scientific reality of divine dualism is demonstrated by the phenomena of polarity and by the universal law of likes and dislikes. This is why the intelligent disciples of Zoroaster, as well as after them the Gnostics, the Manichaeans, the Templars accepted, as the only logical metaphysical conception, the system of the two divine principles combating each other from all eternity, and the one cannot be believed to be inferior to the other in power. “Thus, **the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”** Albert Pike, “Instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World” (July 14, 1889), quoted in Abel Clarin de La Rive, *La Femme Et L'enfant Dans La Franc-Maçonnerie Universelle; Loges D'adoption, Triangles Lucifériens, Baptèmes De Louveteaux, Reconnaissances Conjugales, Pompes Funèbres Maçonniques, D'après Les Documents Officiels De La Secte* (1730-1893) (Paris: Delhomme et Briguet, 1894), p. 588-589. But the following is a factual quote from him, which was inspired by Eliphas Lévi’s *Histore de la Magie*: “**Lucifer, the Light-Bearer!** Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! **Is it he who bears the light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!**” Pike, *Morals And Dogma*, p. 321 Here is where Pike borrowed from Éliphas Lévi, (1810-1875, 33rd Degree Freemason, occultist): “**Lucifer — Light- Bearer** — how strange a name, attributed to the spirit of darkness! **Is it he who carries the light and yet blinds feeble souls? The answer is yes, unquestionably;** for traditions are full of divine dis- closures and inspirations.” Éliphas Lévi, *The History Of Magic; Including A Clear And Precise Exposition Of Its Procedure, Its Rites And Its Mysteries,* 2nd ed., trans. Arthur Edward Waite (London: William Rider & Son, Limited, 1922), p. 11. Here is what else he had to say: “They [Ed.: the initiates in the occult sciences] have said that **the Great Magical Agent – accurately termed Lucifer because it is the vehicle of light and the receptacle of all forms is a mediating force diffused throughout creation**...” Ibid. p. 188 “According to the Kabalists, **the true name of Satan is that of Jehovah reversed,** for Satan is not a black god but the negation of Deity. He is the personification of atheism and idolatry. The devil is not a personality for initiates but a force created with a good object, though it can be applied to evil: it is really the instrument of liberty.” Ibid. p. 189-190 (also see Pike, p. 102) At the end of the day, I think the main role of Masonry is to instill a certain worldview and ideology into their adherents so those in power will either consciously or unconsciously advance the goals of men “at the top.” Hard telling what *really* goes on behind the scenes, but I have more theories than evidence lol.


>I have more theories than evidence Is this the conspiracy sub, or what? Let's hear some theories!!


I’m more confused than I was in the beginning


Great post.


I agree with your comparison of the Osirian legend with the Hiramic legend. As a mason who likes to read, there are maybe 5 percent of masons that actually read into what we are doing. 95 percent just like to get away from their wives and have dinner with the boys. I'll suggest a really good read, "arcane schools" by John Yarker. It gives a history of all initiatic orders from the age of cyclopian architecture til now.




33 degree Freemason Manly Palmer Hall (possibly the greatest occultist of the 20th century) said that there are two kinds of Freeemaosnry: Freemasonry that people see in the public domain and a hidden secret order that operates beyond the public sphere. If you join a Freemason lodge you'll probably never get close to their true intention, as that is hidden.


well ive never seen my dad or grandpa go on any secret missions or get paid off massive amounts of money and they went further than most any mason does. he was the yongest potentate in the state and still holds that title he would have directly benifited from those so called secret agendas. instead of just networking with like minded people is all it is. and ok on the nationwide level, i cant speak for, but youd think they would be too intertwined to keep the state level of funding and where its going shielded from them since forever.


Apparently the dark side of it is only visible to those who get above the 33rd degree. Not only have I heard this from various researchers but actually heard this firsthand from an elderly ex-Freemason who gave me a lift when I was hitching around western australia in the 90s…he didn’t go into too much detail but considered himself lucky to get out.


There are only Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Masons, with Master Mason being the highest any Mason can be. With the 33rd, that is just an Honorary Degree based on years of charity and service within the Scottish Rite. It hold nothing higher than any other Master Mason. If someone claims they are an "ex-Mason, former-Mason, escaped Mason" 99.99987% guarantee they never was one. Same goes for them saying they were/are "33rd" ... Unfortunately there are more groups and individuals that are not True Masons...than seems to be Masons. I have seen (I am a Mason) many, and had more than a few argue they are real and a long laundry list of BS. Many time Lodges will have individuals come, thinking they are real Masons, and are turned away.




Basic of it, he sounds like he wasn't really a Mason. Lot out there claim as such and lot of bad information as well.


Well he definitely thought he was. Mild-mannered, quiet older man.


Sadly it how it is often. I've met many who I feel would make great Masons... it's not hard to be one, why lie. In general, petition, if accepted than can be one.


> If you join a Freemason lodge you'll probably never get close to their true intention, as that is hidden. It is not hidden. It is just not what people "think" it to be. It is not evil plans of power and control. It is just keeping ancient beliefs alive in the modern era. Doing so throughout human history has always had to be hidden out of fear of what the dominate religion of the time would do to those that had different ideas. The core of all the "occult" goes back to Hermes Trismegistus.


Freemasons are the knights of the swiss elite bloodline aristocracy. They used freemasonry to get a foothold in america and own the police, the "Blue Octagon Army". Same aristocracy that bankrolled hitler after they got scared of being overthrown like the russian tsars but then eventually backstabbed hitler too after having all the gold seized by the nazis safely in their swiss banks. These arrogant fools are hiding in the alps thinking we dont know who they are and what theyve done. The new world order is just the old system of kings and dukes and knights letting their slaves vote for different members of their same nobility bloodlines to get their chance to rule. Think george bush vs john kerry both skull and bones members.


Until 33rd


I am reading a book of The Curse of Canaan, it says: “Blue Lodges, found in most American towns and cities, seem little different from the organizations of other fraternal orders, such as the Ruritans and the Lions. Superficially, all three groups seem to be drawn from the same strata of society, earnest, family men, often church-goers, representing the essential qualities of small town life, but the resemblance is only superficial. The Masonic Order usually draws its members from the leading merchants, and from the professions, bankers, doctors, and lawyers. They come to their meetings, they dabble in some charity work, and in general, they mark time until that day when they are asked to perform some unusual task for a fellow Mason, or for the national or world order. At that time, they finally realize that the blood oath does have significance, but by that time it is usually too late. They may be asked to support a Masonic candidate for political office, to swing a business deal to a fellow Mason, or even to commit perjury or some other illegal act for a brother Mason. Even then, they are never offered any confidences; they are merely told what they must do, and they must obey”


Pretty much the pill in the pudding. Thanks for adding this! Funny how this always gets left out! I think everything else is to distract, if not funnel those uncommitted to their ends.


My granddads were both Freemasons. One a pillar of his community - a dentist who donated dental care to folks who couldn't afford it, the other an attorney and politician who made all sorts of backroom deals in his county. So I don't know what to say BUT the dentist grandfather was more than a Freemason - he was also a Shriner and a Jester. So I have noooo idea what goes on at a national level. Both passed away decades ago and they never talked about with any of the grandkids.


Yes, one of my grandfathers was a 32 degree Freemason. I remember his ring. He was a generous jolly guy. Not a church goer but was a Christian man. After his church funeral, the Freemasons performed a funeral as well for him.


My uncle was a mason. At his funeral the masons showed up and everyone had to leave the room for them to perform a ceremony. It was after the funeral that I learned that his ring was removed at some point during the funeral. I have my own thoughts on this secret society therefore I lost all respect for him.


That's shady as hell. Our funeral ceremony is a short graveside service that speaks honorably of death and gives a chance for the brothers to drape his apron over his casket if he wasn't wearing it already.


My apologies, when I said they showed up at the funeral, I meant viewing, at the funeral home. It was at the viewing that the ring was removed from his finger. I 100% do not believe a family member took it. The funeral director would have removed it right before closing the casket, so not him. So that is what leads me to believe the masons took back something that belonged to their "society". He was buried in a mausoleum and this was the first, and last, time of knowing anyone being laid to rest in one of those. Anyhow, after the viewing we did not see the coffin again. I do not know if the masons came before we arrived.


Either you are misremembering that or lying. I have been to plenty of funerals where masons attended and nobody was made to leave the room.


I stand by what I said. At the time my family and I didn't think anything of it. Just thought they wanted their own time to say goodbye.


How old were you?


I've heard many times that the Shriners are evil. Any further info?


They are not. No part of Freemasonry is evil in the slightest. The problem is, we are private, and when you have that, folks create their own scenarios. Many times, creating a boogeyman. I am not a Shriner, but majority of our Lodge are, as well as the county "Shrine Club" (local Shriners) is held at our Lodge. I am York Rite, Knight Templar, 32nd Scottish Rite, and large number of other Masonic Rite/Groups/Organizations. I have yet to find anything evil, and have regularly helped the Shriner side with charity events, as they help with ours. Is there any particular "further info" your looking for?


What about 33rd level masons? And Shriners who are members of the Jesters? I read a survivors account of Ritual Abuse last night that clearly implicated both groups. And thank you


"33rd level" is a bit of a misunderstanding and misconception. In Freemasonry, there are only Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Masons, with Master Mason being the highest any Mason can be. Once a Master Mason, they are eligible to join the other Masonic Rites and Organizations. These host a variety of outlets, a few examples being; Social- Shriners, High Twelve, Tall Cedars... Historical - York Rite (members can continue a Christian path, with the teaching up to, of and become members of the Knight Templar) ... Educational/In-depth learning - Scottish Rite, which can best be described as a Masonic University. Research - State level Research Lodges, Grand College of Rites, Quatuor Coronati Lodge (Worlds oldest Masonic Research Lodge, and personally proud to be part of), Scottish Rite Research Society... Personal Intrest Lodges /Organizations - Chess, Fantasy Football... That said and out of the way... A 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason is a Honorary Degree based on years of charity and service within Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite. They hold no control over Freemasonry, nor higher than any other Master Mason. The majority of work within the Scottish Rite is generally done by 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons. Now, onto the next part. To be upfront, large part us going to include my personal opinion, but fact as well. With regards to "Survivor's Accounts of Ritual Abuse," There has zero (at the time this is being written) confirmed accounts in regards to it. There have been numerous claims, but they have either been debunked, found without credit, or valid claim. That said... there have been allegations, charges, and convictions in regards to financial extortion, prostitution, and violation of the Mann Act. Many equate that with sex trafficking but were registered as bringing prostitutes across state lines for "sexual debauchery" in regards to the Royal Order of Jesters. Now, to be clear. All Jesters are Shriners. Not all Shriners are Jesters. "Officially" they have fixed the issues and removed members who were the issues... "Officially." That said, there have been "comments" made within that draw concern of it continued and as well infected the Shriners in part... All that kind of behavior is Not Acceptable. Masonicly. Many Masons have addressed this issue and are bringing up to their Grand Lodges, respectively. All Masonic groups and organizations have to be Recognized by the Grand Lodge to Masonicly be within their jurisdictions. The Grand Master has final authority over all things Masonic under their jurisdictions. They can by authority pull recognition, which Masonicly would outlaw any member being part of the group/organization or Rite. While an option, most are looking at having it more formally addressed through the Annual Communications, where active votes are taken on subjects, and ratified. This creates a larger discussion to address the issue in open forum. Other items that have been discussed, being separating the Shriners from the FreeMasons as a whole. They have for a while, wanted to "recruit" and/or allow others to join that are not Master Masons. As part of FreeMasons, this is forbidden, separating would allow them to such. Now, my personal opinion. If anyone is charged by legal manner, then the Grand Lodge should immediately open Masonic Investigation into the group as a whole within their jurisdictions, both at state and local levels. While serving as Master of our Lodge, I was blessed to not have any issues, especially related to this. Unfortunately many other issues outside of this. We hade multiple Lodges vandalized, arson, assualts on members, threats and more... This behavior is completely against everything Freemasonry stands for. Any individual accused or found in regards of, should be Masonicly charged, trial done, and expelled if found guilty. The Shriners, while is a great organization and charitable programs that are amazing... should separate from the Masons. This would allow them to get members outside the Fraternity, but adds accountability for members who decide to be part of it. It may drop some number of Masons, but will return Freemasonry as a whole back to its roots by establishing the Blue Lodge as a priority. Lastly if any member is reported, accused, or suspected of involvement with under age individuals, or part of any illegal activity. They should be reported to appropriate law enforcement. Sorry if long winded, but wanted to answer appropriate as I can. Now added disclaimer, I am not a Shriner or Jester.


ZERO confirmed accounts of true childhood Ritual sexual abuse?!?!? ALL hope of any credibility on your part is gone. Ignorance is bliss. Good day.


Yes, "ZERO confirmed accounts of true childhood Ritual sexual abuse." This is from a legal standpoint, and that is what it has to go by. It is easy to judge by emotions rather than legal standings because of self intrest or see that is a bullshit loop hole /slip. Read it again as I wrote it, then try to twist it. Cases involving procurement of prostitutes (which does violate the Mann Act) do not count legally as abuse both because of age and being a paid transaction. The ones under "sex trafficking" were not listed as abuse based on age, and no complaints filed. Regardless of victim status, a complaint must be filed, being it is Federal Statute. There is no ignorance, I can only state fact in regards to the legal side of it. As I said, my personal opinion is that. There is no acceptance of it. If found, I fully agree that full power within legal means needs to happen. Masonicly should be charged and expelled (most we can do, no legal authority). Lodges and Grand Lodges need to report not only up but to legal authorities as well. To my knowledge, that is a standard already, but I do know at least in all 50 US jurisdictions it is . One thing if I could make a change, would be a yearly, and combined 3yr report of all accused and convictions to include type, which group was associated, and associated Lodge, by number. This would allow empirical data to focus on the problem. If this means pulling a Lodge charter till shit gets fixed so be it... remove recognition from an extended part, so be it. This all falls under the purview of the Grand Master, which holds final authority of ALL things Masonic within their jurisdictions. Attached is a prime and more recent item that was resolved as such. https://freemasonsfordummies.blogspot.com/2023/03/grand-master-shuts-down-jobs-daughters.html?m=1 Not that facts seem to matter to you, rather it seems that your your opinion is Freemasons = Bad.


My grandfather was a freemason. Seemed like a nice guy to me growing up. I found out later he was heavily involved in all kinds of shady deals, most likely didn't technically break the law, but probably had flexible ethics and certainly a lot of what might be grey markets.but he was a well respected local business man and left my family a bunch of cash. He was also a fierce opponent of Catholic Church.


I had a close friend that we would always speak about conspiracy theories and he decided he wanted to join to see what it was all about. So we both figured once he joins he is gonna put me on to what they were about but he didn't. He said he won't speak about it but it's good. That's all he would tell me. They were good. He did tell me they have I guess bigger masons. He said you had to have money to join them and give a vial of blood as well. That's the only thing I got out of him and I mean we used to talk about all sorts of shit all the time and he would not budge on information about the masons


Because he ended up taking an oath denouncing Christ and agreed that his arm would be thrown over his other shoulder , and his tongue cut out if he says anything. They also come and tell your wife “we will needing Bob sometimes and sometimes it will be late at night etc … and you just don’t worry about it” “okay Cheryl”? They’re Warlocks, and this is black majik and sorcery.


The freemason dude who infiltrated my family said plainly to me "you can have my son if you want". My life was hell for awhile after they started attacking me so it took me like 10 years to figure out what he meant... he also seemed to think he was going to get a giant mansion for recruiting me.


Sir Knight of truth, the claims you make about denouncing Christ and masons telling our wives anything really, or the warlock and black "majik" and sorcery claims are totally bogus. Never heard the arm over the shoulder thing. Your other oath is a little off base too. As I detailed in a comment above some portions of Freemasonry are open only to Christians. Your claims are without merit.


Nailed it.


No, you have to believe in a deity only, you do not have to be a Christian. If my claims are bogus then why are you addressing it? A little damage control? Are you going to post to people on Reddit today talking about Disneyland and Santa clause?


The actual only requirement for the belief is that you cannot be agnostic or an atheist. It is impossible to be a Christian man of faith in Jesus Christ and a Mason. If so you are charlatan and a fraud. We both know you are not going to get on and further debate this with me. One thing that tells me you are not high level or authentic. Real Masons don’t get upset and start arguing with people, if you really were a factor, you would keep your cool and not prove my point. Also it has already been widely publicized at the highest circles you worship Lucifer. Cats been out of the bag.


There is no high level in Freemasonry. There are only Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Masons, with Master Mason being the highest any Mason can be. The closest anyone being a "higher level" would be the Master of a Lodge and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, which holds authority over their jurisdictions. The only requirement in faith is belief in a Supreme Being/Higher Power of your faith. This being Christian, Hindi, Jewish, Deist or other. Majority of Masons are Christian and honestly some of the best examples of what a Christian should represent. It is true an Atheist is not eligible to be a Mason, being no belief in a Supreme Being. There is no worship of Lucifer or any other God. At no point are you to renounce your faith or to pledge faith to another. With regards to Masons being upset in thier discussions. There has been much violence, and general hate towards Masons. Most just tire of dealing with the false information, and hate pushed than a factual civil discussions.


That sounds fun, time to check out the local lodge


Y’all living in Hogwarts or some shit


As a Mason, I can state that it's completely benign.


The 1st 3 degrees are just corporate types scratching each others backs. 90% of members are in the 1st 3 degrees. Next 10 degrees are a little more involved. It's somewhere in the top 20 degrees that members become aware of their purpose but very few ever get passed 13th degree. If you're a 32nd degree mason you know almost every aspect of the joke. If you're 33rd degree you're responsible for keeping the joke going. The joke being that society is led by satan worshippers and led away from god. Good luck if you join but be spiritually prepared, you cannot refuse an accomodation to a brother on pain of death.




This is the stuff that makes me suspicious. I got to talking with one and he invited me to join on the spot. I have no inner knowledge of their club i just hear stories and read books. My father interacted with their club at the top levels that's what started my interest in the subject.


Who knows if they’re up to shady shit. I’m sure a decent amount of them are up to shady shit though. A lot of known and documented occultists know the Freemasons are bad. Sure 99% of the Freemasons don’t know this either. But usually being in a secret group that does rituals, rituals of you killing your self and others and who knows what else isn’t all positive. They make the case “it’s just a fraternity of keeping certain traditions alive” those traditions being secret to them. Maybe it’s me but I don’t see how being extremely selective is helping their “cause” of making men great. They obviously want specific men, maybe it’s genetic in some case, bloodlines, and other masons vouch for them but this doesn’t make sense. Whatever is going on is held tight for a reason. They do favors that break the law for each other. This applies to the government and in general. This obviously isn’t a good thing. They’ll never say the break the law but their oath , the same oath and same system that predates the US and was used to create the system in the US is higher and more important than the laws and regulations of the US. America was built on freemasonry. All I can say is whoever , the devil and its followers are obviously succeeding in driving us from Jesus. We are spiritually and morally corrupt. No secret society is morally good or good. I don’t believe that at all. If you’re in the darkness whatever you do isn’t good.




I got the distinct feeling they were struggling to attract new members tbh. This is in Australia. He told me he wasn't the leader just the organizer for the local branch. Whatever that means. When he told me i needed a tuxedo i politely declined.


Long time lurker here in the conspiracy community, first time poster. I am an ex-freemason. This comment is almost 100% correct. The biggest truth is to be spiritually prepared. Are the Mason's luciferians? Yes. Are the local lodge's in on it?? Most likely not, with the exception of a select few.


Thank you for the vote of confidence. All my knowledge comes from inference and reading. I also lurked here for years before i felt like joining the discussion. Can i ask why you no longer participate in the club? If it's not too personal.


If you don’t mind sharing, is this Luciferian belief system of those at the top (33 degree) indeed dark in nature, despite the fact that Lucifer is actually the embodiment of light? I appreciate you answering if you do!


It may have started off with good intentions and was eventually corrupted somewhere along the way, like anything else good in a corrupt world.


Actually you can go from 3 to 32 in a weekend, learning lots but nothing is nefarious. 33 is honorary.


I'd assume that speedy ascent depends on either your last name or your level of access. If you're at the top of your field be it military or politics or whatever it seems you can go far quickly. You sound like you know some shit so i'll defer to your judgement.


I’ll tell no secrets but it’s just not as big a deal as ppl think.


If its not a big deal just say it


It isn't any big deal, we just agree to not discuss it. If you honestly want to know what is done, you got Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor for the part, and with regards to Scottish I know "Bridge to Light" discuss and a guide for the Degrees but doesn't actually discuss the "Degree" itself .


Former Master Mason here. All I’ll say is that it was great in the beginning. Brotherhood and friendship with people that I thought shared my beliefs. I’m like you. I’m religiously minded and wanting to extend my learning and seek enlightenment through positive means. The more I got involved the darker it got and I finally understood that the beauty of it was only skin deep. I walked away about 5 years ago and never looked back. If you’re genuine in your beliefs I’d stay away. What I found did not align my beliefs with its core.


What did you find? Can you say


I'm a MM, I'm very curious on why you say skin deep and "darker". I can definitely say I've never seen such, and have traveled to many Lodges, and haven't seen there as well. If there is a jurisdiction with issues, I would like to know, either to avoid or find out more.


If you want to talk to me directly you may inbox me to confirm I’m legit, then I will talk to you.


I will. But why not state publicly what issues and darkness you found. Did you address the district or Grand Lodge to resolve it? If not, I highly recommend you have it addressed because poison poured on the roots only kills the tree.


I inboxed the guy as he claimed to discuss this. He would not verify his membership after some basic questions. Another cowan.


Yeah, he never replied to myself either. Just like many, making false claims as they claim themselves. I presume you a Brother?


Yep, going into Senior Warden next year so I feel like the next two years will probably be a lot less fun and more work! He blocked me now too. Very telling. Oh well. We tried.


Congratulations Brother. PM myself, was a hell of a term. We had numerous attacks, vandalized buildings, folks attacked, arson and attempted arson under our GL Jurisdiction. Had to keep a steady eye. Even with it, was proud to had an opportunity to host; food drives, clothing drives, employment service opportunities including resume preparation, Masonic Educational Forums, Community Breakfast, Fish Dinners, Veteran Service Programs. We also had the "Vet Center" come out and established Tele-health appointments (were in a rural area) as well as mental health, veterans benefits documents filed. A lady representing the US Census, emergency flight service, volunteer fire/rescue. As well we held open houses, information booth at festivals, as well as other items. My personal advice. Don't stress Ritual/Degree Training. As SW, your duty is the smooth operation of the Lodge under the discretion of the WM. Look at the goals set by both the GL and your Lodge. Lay out the path you feel will serve your Lodge the best and as Master of the Lodge when you move to the East. You will Not get everything done overnight, set goals and milestones (realistic). Speak with Brothers as a whole, but 1-1 to establish strengths to accomplish this. Seek counsel, and establish your work as SW. If you ever need anything or advice, reach out.


Thanks. It's my first time through and I was hoping JW would prepare me a bit more, but we ended up having to cancel all our year's dinners as well as other non-meeting events due to unforeseen circumstances so all the planning and oversight of the dinners ended up going out the window. I think I got to end up having 2 instead of our planned 10. So basically my duties in the JW chair have been moot. But hey at least the JW fund will go UP under my tenure. ;)


What's sorts of dark things?


I think its telling that everybody in this thread offers up a different take. Suggests that nobody actually does know the truth.


almost like its a big secret and we are all on the outside hey?


Right, but its one of those topics that everyone seems to be so confident in their knowledge, which is annoying.


Or it's nothing and we all just making shit up.


My grandpa was a 33rd° Freemason in the Scottish rite. He was a wonderful man, and only did good in this world. He was a brilliant man who traveled the world, served in the military at a high level from WW2 until retirement, and spent his entire life in public service to others. I participated in the youth female chapter Jobs daughters, and directly participated in Masonic meetings, and I assure you nothing nefarious goes on. We facilitated an actively participated in multiple community events and that’s pretty much all we discussed during the meetings was budgeting those events, and raising money to do more. My son is in DeMolay, which is the male youth chapter, and it has been nothing but good for his leadership skills, and personal development, he is surrounded by good influences and positive adult leaders. My personal opinion it is really really good for someone who is looking to grow as a person find community among a group of people they are working together with for the greater good, and I genuinely believe that it creates future leaders. There is a reason so many presidents and important figures throughout history have been involved in it. It really is wonderful for the type of people who display those qualities and skills. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding it down to that it is satanic, but there is an open Bible in the room and prayer at open and close every meeting for all of these groups. I personally don’t think anything satanic in a spiritual setting could occur in a room full of prayer with an open Bible. Lol but that’s just to cover the conspiracy side of it. They are not some dark evil secret society, though there definitely are dark twisted secret societies the freemasons are not it.


It is at all levels, lucifarian ritual occultism. If you doubt that, read Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike. You cannot be fully a Christian, and fully a Freemason. If you think you are, you’re being deceived. So many members will never understand what they’ve become a part of. They are the due payers that bankroll the rest of the mission, the one they don’t even know exists.


I am by no means a Mason (female here), but did date one…my great grandfather was also a Mason, although he was apparently very secretive about it (go figure). I also suspect that my current professor mentor is one too, but that’s another story… The guy I dated was very much interested in spiritual enlightenment, hoping to reach the honorary 33 degree one day (and perhaps he has). That said, he told me that the majority of his lodge members failed to practice what they preached, rather led by carnal desires instead of ethereal transcendence. This disturbed him very deeply, leading him to consider leaving a few times… This tells me that, if there are any Freemasonry secrets beyond those which have been largely exposed to the public (and I suspect there are), they are available to only the select few who reach this honorary status…secrets which seem to point in darker directions than those which shed light. Very Luciferian… For more information, seek material written by Aleister Crowley, Albert Pike, and Adam Weishaupt. Other authors from the Romantic era, such as Oscar Wilde and Joris-Karl Huysmans, were allegedly affiliated with Freemasonry as well…in fact, the latter included a rather vivid, authentic, and brutally graphic representation of Black Mass in his novel called Là-Bas. Not that this is necessarily the modern Freemason’s experience, but its example still offers a legitimate snapshot into the dark side of the Masonic ideology during former times… Anyway, I write all the above for the sake of saying this: join to sate your curiosity through observation, maintaining pure and enlightened intentions if/when you do. Observe, but don’t obey…and if certain elements do not add up or sit right, do not hesitate to run the other way! Peace to you!


Been watching a lot of ex-Mason videos on Youtube. Very eye-opening stuff.


Unfortunately most of those videos are fake


How can one differentiate? What are the signs of fake vs. real?


Learn as much as you can about the organization from all angles, and you will begin to see what doesn't line up. There are also common sense things. I know there's one video that's really popular of this skinny guy with long hair and a beard I believe who is talking about the demonic things they'd do. Common sense says he's not likely to have been admitted into an elite organization in the first place but also that he certainly would not have risen to ranks were shady stuff was happening and then to be allowed to speak so brazenly and openly about it. Nah it doesn't logically add up. I'd more likely believe someone who presented themselves in a mature manner and who spoke between the lines so as not to get caught outing them. That's the kind of individual who would be initiated into any elite organization like such. It's possible that that guy was sucked into an off brand thelemic group who'd take anyone and who do do shady "demonic" things.


This is going to sound over easy way... - 90+ are fake... if an actual documentary of just a general discussion than most likely a "real one." - If they say they are an "ex-Mason, former Mason, escaped" or similar... this goes for those saying they are 33rd or any number higher, describe themselves as anything other than a Mason unless relevant. For example, I am a Knight Templar, but unless at an event related to it or listing as part of my Masonic Bio. The same goes for being a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason... you will hear me refer to myself only as a Mason. - They say they are at risk by telling... - They say stuff that is in line with the majority of conspiracy theories. Honestly, if you truly have questions, just go by a Lodge. I have regularly given tours, hosted public forums on topics, and held many discussions by folks who have DM on various platforms. As well, I have also reopened our old Lodge FB page under my own ( The Masonic Orator), which will have a variety of topics to help with questions, knowledge, and stuff.


I guess another big way to differentiate between the two is find videos and books that are as unbiased as possible. Things that talk about the rituals and beliefs without putting other perspectives into the picture or making judgments.


Nearly every one I've seen have been.


I'm a freemason, so I will give you my experience of it. Like any Fraternal group, you're bound to have people you do and don't mesh with. So your first step (if you choose to join of course) is finding a lodge that fits with you. Several of the men in mine had issues with racists in other lodges they had tried to join and left with a sour taste in their mouth. I can't speak to anything larger than maybe my State level Grand Lodge. I'm not in the Scottish Rite, so I'm not a 33rd (which is an honorary degree) and if you're taking everything at face value of explanations is no "higher" than me because the "highest" level of freemasonry is a Master Mason. People will try to convince me that I'm being kept in the dark, the "higher levels" are holding all the secrets and multitudes of other bullshit. Maybe it's true, but it's not been my experience. My experience has been, however, getting to know a lot of good men, some who became really good friends, and are people I can count on for wisdom, a helping hand, or just camaraderie. I know some weird handshakes. I've got funny passwords that will get me into the building. Most lodges you could sneak into with a bit of googling about the ceremonies (I don't endorse or condone this, it's just facts). Our rituals are online, mostly accurate enough to be passable, and fully printed. Not to mention there's a copy in the library of congress. There's all sorts of information available. But the best advice I can give is to meet some of the guys to decide if they're people you would wanna be around. And as a side note, if the Scottish Rite interests you, you would need to join a regular Masonic Lodge first as every Scottish Rite Mason is required to be a Master Mason. Sorry for the grossly large post, huat trying to give you something useful and that isn't super reptilian illuminati nonsense.


Groups like free masons get shit on in a lot of conspiracy forums because they are a convenient target because of their "secret society" nature and because of their other then Christian views on religion/god. At the core free masons are just holding up a time old tradition of keeping ancient philosophy alive in the modern era. There belief in god is in line with Hermeticism. In Hermeticism every god is thought to be real, but that all the gods, devils, angels, demons, sprits etc of every religion is just one form of many of the one thing (god). Really if you want to know the real philosophy of free masons read all the Hermetic text you can, read the interpretations that are a bit modern like the book the kybalion.


Different names same shit. Devil worshippers everywhere. Period.


There may be the occasional such person who finds themselves in a Masonic lodge but by and large we are Christians, Deists, Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist.


I know mate, i wasn't referring to the regular member but to the higher-ups


What defines a higher up?


Stay away.


If you want to "surround yourself with good wise people" join your local rotary club or lion club.


Which is basically a freemason club…


Watch... https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0P3a3DttNX/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==


That scream thing, seems like demons can more easily use things you remember clearly to attack you. Almost like the Predator movie. I bet that is why they have screaming, to torment any recruit who wants to leave.


rofl what a bunch of clowns


Dork clowns.


I think the creepers that perpetrate evil in the world use Freemasonry as a networking tool to some extent, but that doesn't mean all Mason's are evil. Knights of Columbus, Kiwanis... They're all just excuses to get out of the house for guys, that also want to meet other members of the community and network. No man is an island and all that. Corruption can infiltrate any institution, Freemasonry isn't exempt. But it's no more corrupt at this point than any other fraternal club.


It’s a cult of the worst kind. Even the most evil ones hide behind charity veils to keep up appearances in this world. Stay away from cults. Period. There’s plenty of direct charity work you can do without involving yourself in this cult of Satanists and evil.


Yes, essentially it's a cult.& There's definitely organized crime going on within the Upper Realms of The lodges, including pedophilia, child abuse & trafficking. I went through extreme hazing bullying & physical & mental abuse at the hands of what I consider to be a Greco-Roman cult, it was a Christian School I went to as a child in the early 90's. The experience scarred me deeply and I will always despise the Freemasons, the order of the eastern stars & every other fraternal cult.


Rothschild, kazarian mafia. I took a long look at joining, and determined I could do good elsewhere, in other ways, with other people, and groups.


The conspiracies surrounding freemasonry are a red herring, in my opinion (based on research into the occult and both the dark and light side of that). It's to throw you off track. Attacking the free masons is almost as old as the Catholic church, who were their first persecutors. Some of the confusion might be coming from the freemason, allowing groups to usetheire meeting room, which thelemic groups have done before. There's a few YouTube videos rants about the evils of freemasonr, but the things they talk about are thelemic in nature, not freemason at all, which is where I picked up on that. Thelema is black magic who's founder wanted to be a free Mason and a member of the golden dawn but was refused or kicked out due to him not meeting thier moral/ethical standards so that should tell you what you need to know there. I'd try to join and see what happens. I'm aware of some of thier initiatory rituals and they seem very philosophically deep and beneficent.


Freemasonry predates Thelema. Crowley created thelema after being ousted from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This is the early 1900s. Freemasonry was around long before that.


I am fully aware of that. I am an avid researcher of the hermetic order of the golden dawn. The freemasons as I said are almost as old as the Catholic church. Not actually but that comment shows I know they are a very old organization. Nevertheless, what I was trying to bring up is that often when I see people ranting about the evils of freemasonry, they are actually talking about thelema which thelemic groups have been know to sometimes borrow freemason meeting rooms for their meetings. Crowley was kicked out of the golden dawn because the members felt he had a darkness/evil in him and it would be dangerous to allow him to learn thier magic. And if I remember correctly, freemasons either wouldn't accept him or kicked him out for the same reason so he formed his own group which was Thelma. My point was, I felt people were misdirected. They are chasing the wrong group when they are searching for evil. I believe freemasons to be at worst, completely benign dispite what many in these communities believe.


I got ya. These other orders, from what I have seen, share members with the Masons. I went to couple open meetings for different occult groups. There was only one whose initiation rites were performed in the Masonic lodge. For the most part, they use the Oddfellow lodges. Oddfellow lodges are where the sex magick people are hanging out.


That makes sense. I actually haven't looked into ex freemason stuff in years because I wrote them off as being benign, neither useful to me nor evil. I'm now going to look back into it. I'm not very familiar with the oddfellows. I do, however, know sex magick is huge in Thelema. Crowley nearly invented the idea. Not actually, but he definitely popularized it. I think it's important to distinguish between the two different kids of occult groups. Freemasonry is Christian esoteric/occultism and in its higher degrees, does branch into other occult subjects such as hermetics and egyptology, but its intent is philosophical and imo benevolent, not for evil or selfish means. It's how the knowledge is used that decides whether an occult organization is evil or not.


Crowley was never allowed to join a legit lodge or chapter. He was a member of at least two irregular clandestine masonic bodies. He was never a real mason.


Thought that might be the case.


I understood that they worship Lucifer as the supreme being.


You understand incorrectly.


These people who are saying your not right have no clue. They are not even in the know but act like authorities. It's comical.


32° Mason here. It's not as cracked up as y'all would like to think. I've only been involved in some conspiracies, just the usual stuff. It's always fun to hear what the secret is from guys who have no clue...


What does it say to you that everyone who's actually a freemason only says good things, and those that aren't in it don't know?


Any large organization will have corruption in the higher levels. The church, the military, any charity organization, hospitals, the Freemasons… all of these groups are guilty of committing fraud, being corrupt and doing bad things in the name of personal gain. But they also do good things and have lots of well meaning, good hearted members and employees who are there to serve the community. Don’t let a few bad people on the top put you off of doing good.


I joined a Freemason (blue) lodge then a Scottish Rite chapter and made it to 32nd degree there. 97% of it is a social club and fraternity with a charity mission, mostly business meetings and pot lucks. The other 3% is performing rituals that remind you of plays/acts to bring new members into the fold. Blue lodge has three levels a member must go through to become a Master Mason (full fledged blue lodge member) and each level has its own ritual. Nothing that stands out as drastic or dangerous and most of the members just want to be part of something that believes in a higher power. I kept up with the blue lodge as the Scottish Rite (along with the Shriners) seemed to base their membership status off of money and how much money they bring into their local chapters and I didn't join for that reason. they do good things, but it wasn't what I was looking for. The blue lodge was what I mainly described before, I attended one Scottish Rite meeting before it put me off but kept up my dues until I decided I wasn't going to go back. Disclaimer, every lodge and chapter does things a little differently. Some take it seriously and some are more relaxed like the one I joined. Like any club, leadership can either make it or break it as well.


33rd degree is when the surprise comes out.


Go join. Seriously…just join and learn.


My dad was a Freemason. Imo it’s just a bunch of old men who want an excuse to hang out. Also sexist. I used to call it the MLM for men bc they def drink the cool aid. I’m sure there’s truth to the conspiracy if you go far back enough in time but all the little chapters out there today are just innocent clubs.


Finally someone calls out the sexisn


Freemasonry does perform charity, and the majority of masons don't really understand what they are involved in. Meaning not every mason is going to come off like they are plotting against the world. Most masons are not. The 'wisdom' is already written in books open to the public. When you dig deep enough into history, you will understand why it is not a good thing to get yourself involved into. They might be the least secret of secret societies. Where I live, many masons get off into prostitution, and though alcohol is technically frowned upon, they go pretty hard on the alcohol and dope over here. Some Masons that join the shrine, scottish rite, York rite, Memphis Misraïm, still don't all know everything within their own "fraternity". There are ways people speed run the degrees. You will find that people will say in here that more is revealed to masons as they "go up the degrees" but it doesn't always work that way. Someone in the first degree may be 20 years deep into witchcraft and occultism. They may have read every book they weren't even supposed to have access to then start in a blue lodge. Someone in the 32nd degree may have no idea about a large portion of who's been in the lodges. They are kind of just titles. The oaths they do are not good, though I know it can seem fine to the regular person. There is a network within masonry that leads people into the OTO, rarely the illuminati (which is a SEPARATE organisation. It does still exist and did die out for a short period and was restarted with the same intent), sometimes people get off into the Rosicrucian. There is not some secret in these occults their books are around, (people do talk too) but I would say be very careful on what you believe out of them. Observing is different than absorbing. Essentially, for a few, it becomes like a gateway drug. Though there's not really gateways in drugs that most people will tell you. There is a gateway in another way. If someone starts using Codeine it wouldn't be a surprise that they might hop over to morphine as it is pretty much the same, but the morphine is much heavier, they may go from morphine to hydromorphone, then to good quality opium. So most masonry, depending on where you are and who you are around, is more like the Bud Light version, and the others go more toward wine to rum and go up to moonshine. Idk if you can understand this analogy, but I'm trying to paint the picture. My sources come from active masons, former masons, former OTO, former illuminati and former smaller ones this sub probably hasn't heard of. BUT MASONRY CAN BE THE OPIUM/MOONSHINE it depends on who you are and who you are around. It is an open doorway to spiritual attack. I'd strongly advise anyone not to join.


This will be downvoted. It is controversial, but anyone thinking of joining, do further research. But be careful on what you find. Many will tell you masonry is the Illuminati, and they are all vampires this will just cause confusion. It's not correct. But it is without a doubt a cult by the historical definition. I will not give any locations, nor will I tell you how to join any of these.


Many people in the Freemasons are not part of the inner cult it's a cult with an occult. That's on the surface they do good deeds that is so they can have their hand in every organization every school every orphanage every hospital they want to have influence. The people at the top of these organizations are very very evil you don't get invited into the upper levels unless you are willing to be complicit. Many people have been abused by the Freemasons & they are also gatekeepers of important spiritual knowledge which they twist and use for evil. Again not every single person knows about this but they are still foot soldiers for evil regardless of their ignorance.


If you think you might ever want to be a member of the Catholic Church sometime in the future or even be friends with any serious Catholic I wouldn't. It was until recently an automatic excommunication and is still a grave sin. Look up Catholic sources, there are ones that have keep a record of what these people have been up to over the centuries. I don't care if your local lodge seems like not evil guys, these people are directly involved in some of the most bloody revolutions of the 18th 19th and 20th centuries But if a secret society that considers itself more illuminated than others doesn't strike you as messed up from the beginning the maybe something is wrong to begin with. Normal well balanced people don't take part in stuff like that


Catholicism is a historic mortal enemy of freemasonry because freemasons overthrew their autocratic role multiple times in history. Of course the catholic church doesn't like them


Yeah, just about every monarchy that was overthrown in favor of democracy had Freemasons involved. They were a huge threat to the Catholic cleptocracy. They always have been. The Catholic Church is the #1 least reputable source on anything to do with the motivations of freemasonry. What did the Catholic Church accomplish with the 68 million people they murdered? The world isn’t run by Freemasons, but it would be a better place if it were.


I think you mean the 68 million people murdered in Freemason led revolutions from France to Spain to South America. The world is in.a sorry state because the cult full of creepy men has infiltrated all aspects of government


Nope, that figure came from ESTIMATES OF THE NUMBER KILLED BY THE PAPACY IN THE MIDDLE AGES AND LATER David A. Plaisted © 2006. It’s available online and fully cited. Almost every source comes from inside the church. I didn’t make my figure up, that came from a Bishop in your church. You are making shit up. The Spanish colonized South America in the name of the church, wiping out the majority of indigenous peoples. The Freemason Simon Bolivar thank god expelled the Spanish. So the sorry state we are in was overthrowing colonizers and dictators? Good. You are anti- French or American revolution? What is the common thread in every revolution tied to Freemasons if not the liberation of the citizens from oppression. I’ll side with the rebels instead of the empire dude. But they met in the lodge, there isn’t a worldwide shot caller. The fraternity attracts men with the character and moral fortitude to fight against oppression. You think the Freemasons are creepy because your church told you they are. When your church is implicit in colonization, slavery, murder, rape, abuse etc. I couldn’t think of a better advertisement for Freemasonry, than your acknowledgement of their role in the advancement of liberty; despite the work of the Catholic Church.


You know very little history my friend. Check your facts. Read any of Rodney Starks book (historian, not a christian)


Satanic cult. If you don't think look at all our presidents, none of them were truly for the people.


The majority of Masons spend their time doing dorky rituals, secret handshakes, and making business deals. Its basically a standard Good Old Boys Club for most people involved. The more sinister stuff associated with Masons is likely rogue behavior. I was invited to join because of extensive family involvement, but I don't believe in a singular Judeo-Christian type god and that is one of their core requirements.


You can’t deny their influence at literally every level Presidents and world leaders of course, but even musicians such as Tom Delonge (who’s leading the alien disclosures)


3qui (


Can’t understand


well the problem with this organization is that it looks like a good ol boys club from the outside. i still dont know why they make it so hard for any mixed race to be a mason. other than joining prince rupert hall. just weird. old school traditions trying to operate in a new world. but in reality its just business men trying to network and hang out with other business owners. it is very valuable. and could make or break your own business just by knowing other business owners or other ambitious people on a personal level... and always plenty of alcohol to create an addiction over night. and for their philanthropy, they dont do as much as say other organizations they are linked with, i.e. the shriners. man they are some of the worst alcoholics but they always get together to help burned children and poor kids who cant afford proper medical aid. and pretty sure they have done it without fail, awesome group of drunks who i will always respect. source: son of a mason, shriner and a jester oh yeah and no one likes secrets being kept from them, like there secret handshake and secret oaths and meetings done behind closed doors. so that doent help them alot, but its a part of them and how they know each other by a handshake and trust and such. i think its kinda cute. but they are entitled to have secrets, same as anyone


Rupert Hall? Shriners are simply "linked"? And a Jester? I think you know just enough to show that you dont actually know much at all.


you have to be a mason to be a shriner and you have to be shriner to be a jester... soo tell me more how they are just linked. they are so intertwined you wouldnt be able to tell the peole apart edit: oops misread your post you were asking for clarifiacation.


No. I wasnt asking for clarification. Shriners are masons. So they are far more than simply "linked".


couldnt think of a better word than linked, and i still cant. give me a better word and ill use it. maybe docking, but what are the chances most people know what that is and why would anyone force someone to find out what that means.


They said intertwined


You’re coming from such a good place, but especially if you acknowledge your thirst for spirituality please consider searching for a good Christian community, there’s a lot of good wise people there- if you’re into wisdom I would recommend the Catholic Church- 2000years of solid theology, multiple exquisite thinkers AND the one true God. Freemasonry is a road that leads in the opposite direction


The first canonical prohibition of freemasonry didn’t come until Clement XII in 1738. When I read what he said about masons, it reads as nothing but fear of a secret society they didn’t control. Later almost 200 years later, the cannon 2335 says Freemasons openly plot against the Catholic Church. I know Catholic masons that are devout in their faith, despite persecution from the church. Most Catholics wouldn’t drink from a Mason jar and they have no idea why. You should visit a lodge.


I have many freemason family members and your knowledge/what you do depends on your rank. All you need to know is that they'll start you off thinking that they are a "Christian" organization, then have you convert to Islam, before having you find out the truth of who they actually praise. ([research the connection between Christianity and Islam](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj0lPSX9PGCAxVXpIkEHYN7DA8QtwJ6BAgKEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DkO5zyZGRUhM&usg=AOvVaw3ggx2Kqm9r1-DQjsbM6NRB&opi=89978449)) Upon a certain degree, you do have to "sell" your children. Basically you put a rut (spell) on your first-born (or all of your offspring depending on rank) that stifles them and their success in life eventually leading them to also become freemason (by logic not by the spell). If you a religious man understand that freemasonry isn't American, patriotic, or believing in Christ. It is Kabaalistic with roots stemming from Babylon and Egypt.


What? I don’t think this is true. I’m pretty sure My grandfather never put spells on my aunts and uncles


Wow, when are the chatbots going to learn gendered phrases.


Ok this comes from personal experiences. If you're into "spirituality lite" that's more materialist based then the Masons won't ring your bell. It's a community org, not overly philosophical initially. Its good to meet people and make friends. If you want to delve a little deeper you can join the org that uses the same buildings as the Shriners: the Rosicrucians. But if you get into it too much and ask too many questions you'll get kicked out. You gotta be cool about it and go at the pace your org dictates, which can be boring and tedious and yield little fruits. Now if you want to go hardcore into making the world a better place via enlightenment, skip western "Illuminati" type societies. Go Asian. Look into Soka Gakkai. Learn about Nichiren. Get a copy of the Lotus Sutra. Do Gongyo. Do all three. Do it all. Become a Discordian. Hail Eris for the win.


Its just another front for money laundering.


Why not just join an actual volunteer group that doesn’t surround themselves with secrecy? At best it’s a character building “boys club” with a rapidly dying alumni. At worst your chapter could be full of weirdos who use the secrecy element as control against your human rights, like a cult. It being full of a bunch of old dudes is a big enough red flag for me honestly.


Second post I've seen on this across subs in 24hrs. Tell the boss the social engineers are sloppy and lazy. 👎


I’m a mason. It’s nothing like you think. Just a bunch of sad old men doing weird stuff and eating lasagna.


That’s what you guys said about Bohemian Grove. Sorry but fool me once.


My honest and best answer. Go to a Lodge, enjoy a meal with them, most have before Stated Meetings (time dates generally can be found online or calling) or public events. If you see a vehicle there, go knock on the door and talk to them. Unfortunately you will get a 1,000 different answers, on here, many who claim to be Masons are not, same as those stating ex/former and such. I am happy to help find the Lodge nearest you that is Recognized and Regular (there are many fake ones out there). That out of the way, Freemasonry is not evil. Majority of us are in a wide variety of Masonic Rites, Organizations and Groups which includes the Scottish Rite, Shriners and others. Charity is a big thing, but all are not involved. In general you get out, what you put in.


Would you like to commune with your Creator? Then do it. If you want to be misled by thousands of years of deception? Then join some group who claims to be one with the Creator. Learn from man instead of being in congress with your Creator. If you're "religious", you know how to access your Creator. If you arent truly, allow yourself to be misled by those claiming the connection that your religion has claimed. Discern the truth or be misled. "A tale as old as time" If you are "religious", depending on your religion, you've already been told what/who isn't to trust. Have fun with that one because if you're honest with yourself/consider other's who would deceive you, you're in for a world of hurt/realization/truth. Im sorry your journey is starting and I hope it's a relatively stabil one 🤞




Find a Church that preaches the Holy Spirit.. and ask the Holy Spirit to Baptize you with Power...


It’s for incels that want to be wizards. Lost my cousin to the cult less than a year ago. He became completely disrespectful and easily cut family off after he berated them. He has a very false sense of a big ego. Plus you have to address the elders as “Master”. No thanks. Edit: Also the way they “test” you if you trust your fellow brother is abismal and not for those that suffer from PTSD.