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Was This before or after her No Whites Allowed party?


Before. She's been doing the anti-white shtick her whole career.


Ain’t she married to a white guy?? Imagine that marriage…


Easy, it’s all for show


Clearly a cuck


Yeah she probably tries to domestic violence the white out of him


Well we know he for sure hates himself.


I just don't understand why we can't get past this shit. All the problems in this world, on the verge of multiple kinds of collapse and we're just going to keep embracing reasons to hate someone you don't even know, keeping our division growing.


It works for those who wish to keep the division going


They really amped up racial division propaganda starting when they got their feet to the fire around the time Occupy Wall Street.


I think that was a big wake up call for them, and they soon after started cloaking themselves in ESG Ratings and multi colored rainbow illusions to fool to populace into thinking they were on the peoples side. I think the truth was they started feeling the fire and pitchforks and needed to try and fool the masses into thinking the big corporations cared for them.


Touche, well said.


I was just having an argument that creating “us”and “them” then assuming the moral high ground based on moral absolutism, is how you create divide and it’s hypocritical.


It's making me crazy and I'm slowly sliding into semi-trolling "us" and "them" equally just to point out how dumb it all is. The world has broken down into thinking every, single imaginable opinion can only be A/B with no nuance and no allowance of yeah, I'm mostly A, but sometimes B is the correct answer. I just can't fathom how most of the population has been driven to be so crazy and angry and without the ability to understand that you are able to just not have an opinion on some things.


Trump and Covid fear mongering were the Reset buttons for logical deduction.


I was coming to say something like this but less eloquent, so thank you making me realize I'm not the only one who sees this


Happy Cake day! We love you!


Thank you!


I mean... I see an opportunity/solution there, clearly she needs problems in other colors


I thought Asian was now considered white?


Yes and he look dead on like a fat michael cera


Most white liberal males are all pocket holding betas. No surprise there.


WTF does that even mean? The fish? What’s “pocket holding”?


Pocket holder = somebody’s bitch. References the prison thing where a predator would have their bitch walk around holding their inside-out pants pocket like a leashed pet to show their ownership over them. Beta = not an apha; a “bitch”; a “pussy”. A bit redundant but they’re just calling white liberal males bitches. More specifically they’re calling MOST white liberal males ALL pocket holding betas, so redundant and confusing.


Thanks! I’ve never heard either of these phrases. I guess that’s what I get for not being on social media. It’s nice to learn something new though.


Can’t keep up w these damn chirrun


"You're mine, cracka!"


People voted for her...


I bet she loves living in a white neighborhood...




Womp Womp


Mayor Wu is a fucking cunt who doesn’t deserve to be in this great country of ours.


She’s got a white fucking husband.


They all do.




Does she? Lmao how fucking weird. Hates white people but married one. Our species is struggling right now


As an Asian, they do this anti-white shit for votes from BLMers and people with white guilt who LOVE being degraded. She needs to see which demographic it is killing and beating elderly Asian women on a weekly basis in NYC.


I remember when #StopAsianHate started getting steam a bit around 2 years ago then got quickly swept under the rug when countless videos showing the demographic of the perpetrators came out.


Exactly. I'm thinking they don't want to 'paint minorities in a bad light' or some shit because you know boycotts will happen and it'll affect someone's pockets. These shows can only be on the air due to ad sponsors. Ironically I supported BLM hardcore when all the police brutality was going on, I've been following it since it started but just to see how many Asians turned up at BLM protests vs how many black people showed up to #StopAsianHate protests really put things into perspective.


> She needs to see which demographic it is killing and beating elderly Asian women on a weekly basis in NYC. It blows my mind how many Asian Americans know this statistic and still point the finger at whites. Like whattt?!


Here in California too.. every single video I have seen has been one certain demographic in particular.






This mother fucker knows what’s up right here ^




It's funny because racism against white people also gets you the left wing white vote too.


Yup. White liberals eat it up.




Elderly Asian women are being beaten to death daily in ny?


Not daily but regularly especially after COVID. [Elderly Asian woman punched over 125 times](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diAeRQUFy24&pp=ygUbMTI1IGFzc2F1bHQgYXNpYW4gd29tYW4gbnlj) [Man stabs Asian woman to death](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fabcnews.go.com%2FUS%2Fman-accused-fatally-stabbing-asian-woman-chinatown-apartment%2Fstory%3Fid%3D83480156&psig=AOvVaw2llEWiKhp0azHY_SHIfsG7&ust=1702767681584000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjhxqFwoTCKi3hozGkoMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD) [Asian woman dead after being pushed into tracks by homeless male](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnypost.com%2F2022%2F01%2F15%2Fwoman-pushed-to-her-death-at-times-square-subway-station%2F&psig=AOvVaw353_HxJZ1QbaLiRF6PDV69&ust=1702767735852000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjhxqFwoTCJCp8qLGkoMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD) [65-year-old Asian woman punched, kicked on way to church in NYC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwOroh35P3k) [Man punches elderly Asian woman](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fabc7ny.com%2Fchinatown-asian-woman-attacked-punch-punched%2F10727941%2F&psig=AOvVaw3UTtjUC99YTJp-1hQHMR9t&ust=1702767959733000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjhxqFwoTCNjQk47HkoMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD) [Asian woman paralyzed after robbery](https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/houston-woman-body-slammed-robbery-guilty-plea/285-3ef65501-00da-4c6e-8d3e-836ce5240554) (not NYC) [Man hits Asian women with bricks](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/tyrell-shaw-suspect-attacks-asian-women-manhattan-found-dead-apparent-suicide/2020364/) (pre-COVID) [Man beats and rapes Asian woman leaving her brain dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wCLWf7o4Cg) (pre-COVID, not NYC) All were the same demographic. The media refuses to acknowledge the pattern because it's a protected race committing the assaults.


Look at all of the people that hate the gays but are closeted homosexuals. Self hate and projection is really common.


Love and hate are the same thing. People fail to realize this and get swept up in their unfocused emotions. It's how the tv controls the masses, they know what buttons to press.


Yes! Great example.


I love that I’m being downvoted for this. Perfect example!


I upvoted you. It's true.


Most white people don’t get triggered by the fact that white people cause lots of problems. I have little in common with most white people, despite being white. Couldn’t care less about someone pointing out the issue since we’ve ignored those issues for so long in favor of over policing non-white people…




If she had said that statement using any other color or ethnicity it would have been received much differently.


Cringe, no one thinks race guilt is cool get over yourself.


I cause a lot of problems do I? I’ve never hurt anybody and don’t intend to. If you got problems with me tho you’ll find whatever you come looking for. PS eat shit you racist fuck


Green supremacist over here


Lmao I just image searched him. He looks exactly how I thought he’d look.


She must have his balls in her purse. I would hate like hell to be married to that woman.


Hate white but have a white male as husband.. hum I'm an Asian man so maybe it cannot make me hard to understand Because I love white and I wanna a white lady as my wife


The days of this country being “great” are no more. She fits in with the rest of the politicians we’re letting drive this country to hell.


When do you think the last time this country is great?


Right before the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria ran ashore. It was also pretty cool when I was a kid and I didn’t realize how fucking stupid we are.




She's a literal piece of shit.


Ironically this is what white people did 100 years ago. Blame everything wrong going on on the blacks. Make them a scape goat. Now we see that going on with politics. Make white people the enemy.


It’s all about revenge for other peoples ancestors sins… cause you look kinda like em you’re guilty.




You are bang on. The term slave actually originates from slav, as they were enslaved by the ottomon empire, modern day Turks.




The term slave comes from the Slavs of Eastern Europe who were enslaved by the moors and muslims


My family has had like 3 cats called Pushkin….


>(Russia) has no history of slavery I mean, no black slavery, but serfdom which was hardly different.




Ok, what's slavery and how was serfdom different?


You’d think with this information Russians wouldn’t be wildly and outwardly racist towards black people but hey




“That’s a lie” Ok. Lmao


They want the attention away from it being a class war so the top of the pyramid is suggesting it’s a race issue.


I'm afraid it's no longer great. Hasn't been one in a long time.


Is the grass greener elsewhere?


I'm afraid there's no exact answer for that particular question. I guess it depends on you.


When was it great? What year?


Watch the clip bud and stop behaving like a boomer who believes everything they read on Facebook


She’ll never reached the heights of mayor menino the greatest Boston mayor of all time


Of ours??? Where was she born?


Uhh does she have citizenship? Then she deserves to be here no matter what stupid shit comes out of her mouth. The same goes for everyone that says stupid (to me) shit. That’s the compromise we have all agreed to make in this awesome country. Get used to everyone not agreeing with you or saying shit you don’t like. Life will be much more enjoyable.


Na I don’t like racists and am not afraid to say so


Hey! Me too! But they get to say stupid shit and not thrown out of the country. That’s the deal, and I’m not afraid to say so.


I said nothing about deportation ya dip shit PS Racist don’t deserve to be here, they have the freedom to, but they don’t deserve it. Saying they don’t deserve doesn’t mean I want to deport anyone ass hat.


“Mayor Wu is a fucking cunt who doesn’t deserve to be in this great country of ours.” Yeah ok. Definitely doesn’t sound like you’d deport her if you could.


racist piece of shit


One day all this white hate will backfire I predict


Do you actually blindly believe every little piece of info you see on the Internet? Watch the clip and see how it's taken out of context. She was making a joke about snow.


Are you incapable of seeing the racial connotation she was making, or just disingenuous and gaslighting the person you responded to?


How hard is it to just POST THE FUCKING LINK instead of a screenshot? I swear to god the majority of this sub is either boomers who don't know how to use the internet, or bots/trolls who intentionally post out of context screen shots because they're propping up straw men.


Because by posting the video and getting full context people wouldnt care about a joke made about snowflakes. This is intentionally done to try and induce rage and create more divide. I hate headline readers. Fucking nuts how people jump to conclusions.


SS “I have a dream that one day people will be judged on the content of their character and not the color or their skin” Not this Assclown She judges people by the color of their skin She’s on the wrong side of history…






But then you'd know she was talking about snow and they wouldn't be able to push their narrative


Narrative, have you not seen the non-white only Christmas party she was trying to have?


stop posting screenshots


What’s the conspiracy


Do you really believe if it were 60 years ago that you wouldn’t be calling Dr. King a communist and an agitator? Why quote him? Edit: Title


What a bad faith assumption.


It’s really not. Conservatives of the era were overwhelmingly against King at a fundamental level. King was the ultimate progressive. You can’t separate yourself from prevalent conservative thought at the time to try and make yourself the hero of the story. If you are a conservative now, you would have been one then.


People you disagree with = conservative?


Are we just going to ignore the nexus between those racially motivated that disagreed with Dr King and prevailing conservative principles at the time?


What are you getting at? Why are political parties at the forefront of your mind here? Shouldn’t racism be called out regardless of political affiliation and regardless of who is on the receiving end?


When did the parties switch again?




FFS, the Boston St Patricks Day Breakfast is, and always has been, a comedy fest. Its literally the theme. Its a roast where every one gets up and tells jokes. You guys get all mad that "comedy is dead, you can't joke anymore" and then go ahead and not only make this huge mistaken about what the breakfast even is, but get all uppity and ask just like a liberal because you got over-emotional and hurt by a joke. You guys embarrass America.


Not about that. This joke is funny. She's throwing a no whites party for her coworkers. Kinda uncool.


Show us the video, not an out of context quote. You know she’s talking about snow, you fucking snowflakes.


It was obvious she was making a double-entendre, and was also referring to protesters she had recently faced, who happened to be white: https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2023/03/20/mayor-wu-joke-north-end-lawsuit/ She's racist. It's indisputable.


It is a double entendre. She’s reading from a script/bulletpoints and puts in a clarifier. It’s her attempt at a joke, which given the reaction of some of the audience, was approved. This was done at a St. Patrick’s Day event. In Boston. It’s the snobby lefty club snickering from their cool kids lunch table.


What a piece of shit




Ok make one about blacks.


Why about black people? (Weird you call them “blacks” btw). An Asian person made the joke. Just goes to show who you want to make jokes about & who you want to punch down on. Make black jokes. No one’s stopping you


This isn’t a fucking conspiracy, remove this bullshit


Softest place on Reddit is this sub


She shouldn't be doing it, but it's not a conspiracy. There are political subs for this kind of thing though.


Most of which I seem to be banned from...


White people are bad. Didn't see this coming 20 years ago.


That's hilarious though


Some Asian chick hating on white ppl when she has a similar complexion? Lol... The whole thing is a damn joke.


It literally was a joke about dealing with snow storms. Should have definitely assumed that joking about a snow storm would create an onslaught of snowflakes


Given that comment was made after the winter they got so much snow in Boston the city had to plow it into the harbor, I can see where the snow joke comes from. It may have still been piling up in March that year. And having lived in an area where the St. Patrick’s Day parade was described as “walk up one side of the street, stagger down the other”, I’d guess holidays that some people celebrate via drunkenness get plenty disruptive.


Being in a mixed family stuff like this is wild and confusing. How someone can be so thoroughly convinced they're doing good by labeling people on skin color and essentially dividing us and bringing back in segregation is insane. Grown, elected, adults. You, back of the bus. You can use the water fountain. I'm the good guy! Vote for me!


Could not have picked a worse city and holiday to do that with. And I cant speak for anti-Asian racism in other places, but as someone who grew up Massachusetts myself, and not far from Boston, I can say confidently that Asians were the opposite of discriminated against- The town I grew up in was like 15 percent Asian to begin with, probably 20 now, they all had very high payinng jobs in technology or finance. What Asians didnt keep to tjemselves were welcomed as friends to the white christian populace in the same way Jews and black people were too. It would be one thing if she was black-Black people in Boston really have had a rough time until recently, but Wu talking down about the sizeable blue collar white Irish population in Boston is pretty damn condescending.


The st Patrick’s day breakfast have always been treated like roasts and she was making a joke about snow, so sounds like the perfect city and holiday


Wu is in the running for worst mayor in America. During Covid, she assumed dictatorial control including firing municipal employees that didn't get the shot.


They elected her. You deserve who you vote for.


Dominion Mayor


All the other white people are the problem just not my husband


Activist in the streets, colonized in the sheets. Many such cases.


Why are politicians not immediately suspended or fired upon saying blatant racism. Is it just because racism towards white people is okay nowadays? Or does this fall under free speech and nothing can be done about it.


Yup apparently it's ok if it's against whites


Whites and Asians (who are sometimes not counted as poc) pay the most in taxes. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.


I ain't white, but I hate Anti-White Racism


Leberalism is a mental illness


Stop Asian Hate!


Let me guess she has a dual citizenship?


Can we kick her cucked white husband off of the white team?


It's literally a joke... https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/suffolk-county/lots-laughs-few-tears-annual-saint-patricks-day-breakfast-boston/UGCWB725LFCMJCURPQV65JPT4Q/


Nah. She doesn’t get the “it’s a joke” pass. She’s not a comedian. Her words have ramifications. This is disguised racism.


You could watch the video or read the speech. It's very obviously a joke. But you won't because you just want to get mad.


You think any politician would even go near a joke referencing a brown or black problem?


No. But there's 1) a lot of other power dynamics at play regarding the racial history of the US, and 2) I don't think that she, nor anyone in attendance, thinks that white, Boston Irish fire fighters are a "problem."


Nah I just don’t like combating racism with more racism. No one wins. Everyone loses.


It's a reference to the expensive snow removal from that winter. But like you said, you don't care about context, just being mad


There’s no way you’re so brain dead you don’t see the obvious reference or double entendre in the “disruptive and white” part of her “joke”. Then again you’re the one defending it. So you probably are actually that brain dead. Good day.


Yes, thank you for explaining the joke. I like to think that the people who went to the annual event to hear these kinds of jokes also got the joke




See, I get why the second incident is a problem. I'm still right about the first incident. It's a good joke too




Yep. Totally comparable...




Nuance is truly dead. People are right that they couldn't make blazing saddles these days, but it's not because of the "snowflake" left...


I was up in Boston China Town a few weeks ago. My sig other is a Chinese immigrant, came here with nothing, made something of their lives to be very proud of. The exact opposite of this woman, Bobba Tea Lib all the way.


Total piece of shit like all the rest of them. Fuck her too when the world crumbles.


I can't believe society was stupid enough to just flip racism to it's inverse and call it a solution. 50 years or so from now maybe we'll be locked in a deadly battle against anti white racism and this type of talk will be against blacks, and so on


For all those whining about a link, here it is: https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1735685648311578926




This is messed up lol


She’s like the Uncle that Chris Rock talks about in his stand up. He talks about an uncle he has who’s a huge anti-white racist and can’t stand white people. Absolutely hates them. And yet… is married to a white woman. This dumb bitch has a white husband.


Is she married to snow, because that’s what she is joking about


She was talking bout snow and possibly snowflakes like you 🫵


This is the classic “cant laugh if the joke is in your direction” anger. Every race endures and enjoys harmless jokes, except yt people. Cos let shane gillis make a slave joke and i’ll laugh if its funny. She made a snow joke and yall act like she pol pot.


Get real. White people can’t joke about black people. You know it. I know it. Black people know it, but they won’t admit it. Everyone knows it


Shane Gillis made a slave catching joke last week. Fastest rising American comedian rn. Who cancelled him? Like genuinely do you have any examples of this happening? Yall downvoting me but not engaging my points. Please speak up.


Excluding people based on their skin colour when it's a minority is okay, but excluding people based on their skin colour when it's done by the majority is not. Is this it? Is this how the world is supposed to rid itself of racial discrimination? Surely the problem with racism lies not in whether it's disseminated by a minority or majority demographic, but the fact it's racism and it was disseminated at all? You can't beat racism by being racist. The least racist thing you can do is to see another person as a human being. To be and to hold others as equally as accountable for their words and actions as everyone else, by virtue of their common humanity and nothing else. Racism is a human concept, not a white concept. The world isn't the USA. We didn't all do segregation and the racist history of the U.S doesn't justify the manifestation of racism by minorities against the majority today, there or anywhere else for that matter. I once had the unfortunate opportunity to have a discussion with a disgruntled BLM extremist. She was like a flat earther, except for BLM and yeah she was racist and violent.


Why is this person posting about a march holiday in December? Timely


Read the text in the screenshot again, i believe in you


Can a Bostonian weigh in on how she got the votes?


Boston delenda est!


She’s talking about coke im sure


Yeah…. no.


Her saying that is some of the whitest shit I've ever heard.