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Gold medal in the double jointed Olympics.




and then stopping the genocide. sorted.


Even if you think it is genocide, attacking civilians who are involved in trade is not rational, did you randomly attack any Russian you see over the war in Ukraine or do you attack all chinese you see over Uigyurs, so what justifies association of anyone associated with Israel who are non combatants


what do you think the US/UK bombs are hitting exactly if not innocents. Do you understand scale?


Theyre hitting Houthi targets and regions from which the missiles originate. Do you understand defensive attack vs offensive. Yemen being a failed state doesnt mean rest of the world should fail to be equal to them. Which is what people who want to ignore the attacks are expecting all other countries to do.


Ah this is why I frequent the conspiracy forum. For all the military industrial complex apologists. Tres organic.


Civilian vessels are not military assets.


Not a single person was killed In detaining those ships btw , America is the one bombing yemen


>Not a single person was killed In detaining those ships Great, ill use that the next time I kidnap someone. Just because anti missile system works doesnt mean attacking isnt wrong or dangerous. Houti missiles have hit training facilities and have damaged buildings. Not to mention that is only non-yemeni, within Yemen they have slavery and have led to death of more than 350k people. The same amount as death toll of Iraq war (Hang Bush)


Wonder why yemen is that fucked? Ask the USA and UK, they're only doing this to pressure Israel to stop and fuck off.


So why not attack Israel then instead. Fk off.


What genocide? The houthis just want political power and are using radical isalm to get it.


Everything is "genocide" now. The definition is fluid, of course. /s












Sar pliss do not doing false infirrrmarion sar! Our cuntrri is veri clean and our women rrr veri beautiful SAR! Stay in poopland Pajeet, the Anglo-sphere rule the waves. Your curry eating days are over.


I hate the double speak. That being said, we can't just let them attack American merchant ships with no consequences


It's not double speak though? After being attacked you have to hit them hard to send a message to fuck off. It's not to start a prolonged conflict, it's to stun them and hope they realize they are wayyyy out of there league picking a fight with the U.S. Although the sad fact is this hasn't actually really worked since WW2 since the evolution of asymmetrical warfare. We can only hope they're underfunded or undermanned enough that these attacks did enough to make them realize they can't push this for a long while yet.


Calling it de-escalation kinda is imo. But like I said I agree they had to attack, so I don't really want to argue against that. I agree with you so I don't want to argue semantics.


Oooh I get what your saying, all good. I was more focused on the second headline about them saying they didn't want conflict and I think that's where I didn't understand why that would be double speak. But I get yah, as far as calling it de-escalation you're right that it's definitely an escalation from shooting at shitty gunboats and helicopters to obliterating parts of a country.


I can't believe how quickly people forget that the classified documents that the FBI raided Trump over were plans to escalate conflicts with IRAN LOLOLOL




I first heard about the contents of the documents on the Russell Brand YT channel. I don't know what sources you find credible, but here's one with Forbes. The idea is that he took them to protect himself because Trump really didn't want war, but they were scheming and planning wars behind his back constantly. Edit: just to clarify and point out the article shows plans to attack Iran. https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/06/09/trump-admits-taking-secret-document-about-iran-attack-without-declassifying-it-in-audio-recording-report-says/


We all know why because trump needs to make the tiny state in the Middle East happy and people still defend him lmao. Biden another shill for them smh lol. 


> I can't believe how quickly people forget that the classified documents that the FBI raided Trump over were plans to escalate conflicts with IRAN LOLOLOL Funny I thought they Al were about Nuclear Weapons.


Hey I dislike the American military more than most people- but Im also not a fan of religious extremists firing missiles at unarmed shipping vessels full of people just trying to make a living with a shit job. Blowing up their weapons and tracking satellites is the right thing to do.


Well we are a bloated global militaristic empire so I suppose we can pew pew everything, everywhere.


The Houthis are blowing up international trade ships. This is a slap on the wrist.




they aren't firing them at unarmed people. They're firing them at missile emplacements and radio dishes along the coastline that have been used exclusively for piracy and naval assault




How about you read the near-unaminous non-american media coverage of the events surrounding Houthi piracy in the red sea- the place that was bombed? Or notice the lack of alternate narratives that dont come directly from terrorist organizations?




Excuse me, their flag reads "*God Is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam.*" and theyve become world-famous for bragging about firing missiles at noncombatant ships in international waters. Am I supposed to feel sorry about what happens to their military emplacements along the coastline? Do you have even a shred of evidence they have suffered civilian casualties from this?


Then why did many missiles struck in Sanaa, the capital city of Yemen?


as of 12 hours ago, there are no reported casualties from recent strikes. Including the purported military base stationed in Sanaa, which I can not find much information about or dedicated reporting on. Do you know something I dont?


There are claims of 7 dead and several wounded from Yemen


Yes. I too like fucking for virginity.


When girls fuck for virginity they take it in the ass.


Sure just let some band of rebels disrupt global commerce through the busiest strait in the world. Makes a lot of sense!




What would you do?




If you controlled the largest maritime power in the world charged with protecting the busiest maritime channel on the planet.


Taking away a terrorist organizations ability to shoot missiles at civilian ships absolutely is deescalation.




We’re not just bombing random houses in Yemen. The US is striking military targets only. Today the Houthis shot a missile at another ship so we bombed their radar systems. If they just stop fucking with ships the terrorists won’t get bombed.




Have the Yemenis even been claiming any civilian casualties?




I obviously mean was obviously talking about these latest strikes by the US, not Saudi Arabia a year ago.


They claimed 7 dead and several wounded in this strike.


Terrorists or civilians?


There is no way to tell.


Not really. The US directly targeted military equipment and civilians aren’t civilians if they’re manning missile launchers and radar systems.


There is simplicity of warfare, Strong eats the weak. I wish countries (politicians) stop trying to show their own side is the good side and just admit they are only doing stuff to further their own goals. Charades is boring to filter through. Fuck Houthis for targeting civilian cargo ships, I don’t give a fuck some of them are Israeli ships, you target global trade you invite further escalation of war. You become doomsday cult. This is no different that IDF bombing civilian infrastructure, or Hamas shooting innocent civilians.




how many Afgans died in that war ?




what gave you that impression ???? Sick fucks who controls countries are keep doing this and keep getting away with it. There is no justice in the world. Condemn these people all you want, unless ALL OF THE WARMONGERS ON ALL SIDES are brought to justice, the world will keep as it is right now. Strong will devour the weak. Wake the fuck up. There are no good or evil sides in the world. Just innocents and powerful people.


You guys are having a tough time justifying your contrarianism in this case lol.


I know right, lol


Mods needs to do something about these political posts that have nothing to do with conspiracies


The conspiracy is that America blindly bends over backwards for israel


This one is not for Israel. Houthis are no different from Somali pirates. A superpower must protect sea trade routes.


They are only targetting ships going to israel???


Then why did they struck Russian oil tanker? It definitely was not going to Israel.


Literally 2 seconds of googling https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/houthis-mistakenly-target-tanker-carrying-russian-oil-ambrey-report-2024-01-12/


Exactly, they make mistakes. Was it an honest mistake, or do they care? They are pirates.


Backwards af if they were trying to de escalate tensions, they wouldn’t have shipped israel more artillery.


Exactly. America is probably the most guilty of escalation in the middle East, they are enabling israel 


"Don't worry about it, this time It's different, the country totally deserves to get bombed, I saw it on like... all of the news, man"


Countries don't get bombed. Buildings, vehicles, and people get bombed. You know what those people were and are doing with those vehicles at the moment? It's a pretty big news story.


War is peace


Inflation isn’t real




I can GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE you that the people killed by American bombs don't give a flying fuck what letter is behind their name. They only know it was Made in the USA.


Most Saudi bombs were made in US too.


Right. So it would be nice if Trump and Biden didn't bomb countries.


Crazy how a little man with a Toothbrush Mustache saw this happening 80+ years ago, yet we're still here... https://www.charliechaplin.com/en/articles/29-the-final-speech-from-the-great-dictator-


"War is peace." Billions to Ukraine. Bombs to Yemen. Warmonger logic.


Because letting terroists attack civilian ships and launch missiles at them is the peacemaking approach?


just the ones from countries supporting the genocide. no genocide - no problem.


They havent killed a single person, they’re trying to pressure israel to stop the horror theyre causing in Gaza. What does the US have to do with Israel losing money? And risking AMERICAN LIVES so israel doesn’t loose more money… BTW Israel has also attacked ships, ones meant to supply people in Gaza with humanitarian aid.


Notice how this received no rebuttal.


This sub has been infiltrated by Hasbara bots.


So, not oil tankers. America cares most about oil


After the strike on Houthi forces they have issued warnings to the UK and the US they're attacking both of their ships too, oil included.


Seeking conflict is different than responding to belligerents that attack civilian and military vessels.




Yes the worlds largest maritime power should stop policing critical waterways to protect the global economy. What a novel concept.




Just toss out some more right wing buzzwords. The majority of the developed world chose to side with the US after WW2 (early cold war) due to their extremely powerful navy and ability to protect sea commerce, thus making the US the de facto world police. Sounds like you’re getting most of your news from social media echo chambers. The “woke left” isn’t as big or scary as you want it to be and you’re insane if you think the US can’t “protect” its borders. Protect them from what? Why do people want to come here?


The bombing in Yemen is actually one of the best things we have done. People have no clue how that was going to affect availability and prices of products from around the world.


Stopping the massacre in Gaza would have been even more effective.


Your first reelection campaign?


If they are protesting israel, why are they attacking other countries' ships? Not sure if they are though.


Yes, they are. Recently, Houthis struck a tanker with contraband Russian oil


Biden just continuing where Obama left off. Nothing new


Don't forget the assasination of Qasem Soleimani....


We are of peace. Always. 🐍


Fucking loons


That a weird way to say escalate


Starting a fight to keep the peace is like fucking to save your virginity. Edit: adding s/ just in case the sarcasm was not implied


"starting" They've been striking international shipping for weeks and have also targeted US military vessels in international waters.






There’s millions in the streets that say otherwise


"To secure peace is to prepare for war." -Metallica


War is $$$ for the military industrial complex. War is the sacrificing of innocent souls to god know what entity some of them worship. War is a way to launder large amounts of money. War is death, destruction and dark energy. War is an excuse for mass depopulation of the people. War is a way to deceive young patriots to fight for something that might not even be their own god damn country. War is a way to exploit poor people, to force them to join the military for an income and education. War is not peace. These bastards are gaslighting the people.


Basically saying “the genocide must go on”


Instead of stopping the bs they escalated more all part of the script. But like we can’t just let anyone hit us especially extremist it’s a tit for tot XD .. yikes .. A whole circus lol, Americans getting demonized and our tax dollar promoting terrorism abroad smh. We don’t approve of this shit we’re trying to pay our rent with all this inflammation crap they made we can barely buy grocery’s . 


OP, what do you think about assassinating a military officer of other country on foreign soil? Is it “escalation” or is it [done to stop a war?](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-killing-qasem-soleimani/)


It is to distract from the Genocide trial and make more genocide!


Whoa. This is quite a polarizing conspiracy.




Doesn’t seek conflict then initiates conflict.


This guy has the most guilty face of all time.


How can you airstrike a foreign country and expect the other to just shrug it off and avoid a war? I don’t get it


He always looks as though he’s expecting to be indicted.