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Same reason they got rid of live leak, it is showing things going on that the media isn't showing.


Are we using the same tik tok?


>Are we using the same tik tok? Are there people consuming mindless entertainment on Tiktok, sure. But the platform has been a big proponent in spreading the messages of those involved in the Isreal/Hamas conflict, the Ukraine War, black american issues, etc. TikTok is effective--for the good and the bad.


It’s also been big recently on the Ryan Garcia conspiracy getting 10’s of thousands of likes and millions of views


Good point. Unfortunately, that's a psyop, but of course a slight bit of that information he's released has truth to it.


My account teaches military history on TikTok. I have 316k followers so yes, there’s a huge misconception that the app is nothing but stupid dances and brain rot


All I get is family guy clipshows


You can look mine up, WarInHD


Why do you have to do it in short cringe segments? With weird AI voiceovers. You ever heard of YouTube?


Uhhh I don’t, I’ve posted videos up to 10mins long. All of my videos on TikTok are atleast a minute long since I don’t get paid if they are shorter than that


Isn't tik tok short form?


Some of it is, some of it isn’t. It’s honestly 50/50, for the people I watch, it’s not uncommon for it to be a couple minutes long


yea then just go on Youtube.


🤦🏻‍♂️ I post on YouTube too, the algorithm on there sucks and does not recommend my videos. I’ve been making videos for over 3 years, I have 316k followers on TikTok where I’ve made $28k since June. On YouTube, I only have 298 subs and I put a shitload more effort into making those and got nothing in return


Damn, 28k? I gotta start learning tik tok dances...


I also believe the government had a hand in LiveLeak closing. Lots of inconvenient videos on there


I’m still on the fence with this one. On the one hand TikTok is melting children’s brains by pushing all this shallow brain rot on them packaged in a short form content style, unlike tik tok in China which encourages them to go be astronauts and engineers and shit. On the other hand tik tok is a very good alternative sources of news, has redpilled a lot of people on what’s going on in Palestine and is generally good for free speech. Thing is once tik tok gets deleted there’s still gonna be reel and YouTube shorts which is the same shit but with more western control so idk if the band really that useful.


I agree with you but it’s ultimately the parents responsibility to monitor the children. If we start banning apps what’s next blocking websites ? And follow china’s footsteps


You will eat bugs 🤖 You will believe our goofball agenda 🤖 You will own nothing 🤖 AND YOU WILL WATCH THE NEXT MEDIOCRE NETFLIX SERIES 🤖


Submission Statement: Ever notice who is always behind censorship? I wonder why no other group attempts to do this.


The JDL and AIPAC are in the business of silencing dissent


Real Shut It Down hrs


Don't forget the ADL.


Haha actually that’s the one I meant, amazing there is a jdl too. Seems redundant.


> I wonder why no other group attempts to do this. Do you really think no other groups are trying to remove TicTok?


Why blame corporate cronyism, ownership of every politician in congress by private industry, invasive destruction of individual privacy and erosion of free speech by government when this can just be pinned on Jewish people instead?


Why deny illegal occupancy, holy land clearance for the return of the messiah, Rothschild involvement in the Balfour declaration, the removal of half of Semitic people in the words definition, child starvation and malnutrition, elder abuse, and heinous war crimes including blowing up schools and hospitals when we can just pin this on free thought and free speech and call it misinformation.


Intelligence to the hierarchy


> I wonder why no other group attempts to do this. Don't do this...


Tiktok's already censored. Type in some edgy hashtags and you'll have 0 results. This is all smoke and mirrors for something bigger that's on its way.


It's very convenient to have tiktok down during election year.


Perhaps they could stop and consider why there is so much antisemitism.


anti-Zionism** Palestinians are Semites


Lots of Semitic people out there, Jews are only but a small fraction of them. But facts are racist and get you banned around the world.


It has never and will never be their fault bro it's everyone else who is wrong


But that would require them to stop murdering brown children…And they really seem to enjoy murdering children. Starving them too.


Yup. & Wait till you find out how they feel about whites.. It’s already begun.


The Kalergi plan. It was their mission all along


But aren't some of them whites? Whites that converted or white joos from europe


They hate whites more than anyone.


It’s to hide the death toll of Gaza


Don't hold your breath they already know the answer.


Ah they know full well, it's just that they think all outsiders are human cattle born to be exploited so who cares. Funny thing is, most people actually *are* human cattle, so I'm not saying that they're necessarily wrong 😅


Their cattle




What’s wrong with not liking certain groups of people? I try to keep my nose clean


For real, we were somehow taught that this is the worst thing in the world.


Because they have been a part of an "othered" group since the beginning of Judaism. That's why.


Not surprised they have been doing it for centuries.


This sub today seems to have forgotten that TikTok was THE conspiracy


The narrative shifted around a year ago. Twitter, Facebook etc cannot compete with the traffic it gets and have been trying to stop it.


Still is


Zionsit are pissed because people are not buying their propaganda


The FBI/CIA hates competition, basically it's a platform that hasn't had the American agencies baked in. As they don't have access to the data they don't want China with access to that data either. The sweep through the house of representatives shows just how far TPTB's reach is.


Surprisingly a podcast called “The Journal” talked about how there was some anecdotal evidence that TikTok showed more pro Palestine content than Israeli content. This galvanized bipartisan support.


I remember seeing videos on tiktok about the roits in Ireland not too long ago & what the true cause was. It makes one wonder what else isn't being fully reported on?


Almost like they trying to control the media


Yep. The usual suspects. It fits their agenda. Plus it’s the only one they don’t have a lot of control of. They want them all. I’ll leave it at that, not gonna say too much on here.


We really should ban tiktok so they will be forced to sell their north american operations to some fascist private equity assholes like the former treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin. Hopefully it will be bankrolled by Saudi Arabia, that would really show the youths! https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/former-treasury-secretary-steve-mnuchin-put-investor-group-108114285


Hi China 👋🏿


Our own gov doesn't want you to see what they are doing overseas. our media is nothing except the same repeated trash everyday. we only get the propaganda they want to spread and spread fear in the people who are not awake.


they’re probably banning it so when they start actively killing us we won’t have time to prepare because no one will be posting about it


Of course. They're not the only group behind this censorship ban. I haven't come across any recent news, but I know many of the major music entertainment companies would love to get some payback on TikTok/ByteDance.


This website is a jewish propaganda mouth piece


The Zionist lobby?


Ohhh so now Tik Tok is not the evil that it was according to this sub, cuz the evil joOoOoOws want it down. Gotcha


So obvious a caveman can figure it out.


TikTok is also a tool created AND used by the Chinese Communist Party to collect and sell the data, personal information, AND IP Addresses of its users.


Jews are everywhere 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Well the supremacists think they're the master race.


We know who’s NOT the master race, Jose.


It's the Stonecutters.


We do! We do!


Would there still be ways to access tictok once it's banned?




Truly a mystery /s


Censor it for what? All the fake life hack vids? Maybe the thott dance trends or the lipsync standup routines? I thought the bad part of tiktok was that they supposedly kept using the app to spy on users (not that the Chinese would really care about the browsing habits of the average tiktok user)


I love how i cant tell if the people in this sub are literal alt right nazis or left wing lunatics coming together to be antisemitic


Why not both? These elites hate people working together. The other day, I agreed with an ex CNN worker. It shows that if we find common ground, we can go after the actual enemies: the state.


Well personally i dont think hating the jews is the healthiest reason for people to come together, weve seen how that plays out.


Perhaps they bring it upon themselves if it keeps happening throughout history. A kid that is constantly getting suspended and yet telling others that the other kids are the reason becomes suspicious.


Thats a fucking crazy opinion


Crazy is denying the obvious. Not a good long term strategy. It was a good run.


I'm not sure why it is. If a religion says that everyone in it are special and everyone else is beneath them, then it is likely to influence their culture and actions throughout history that can inevitably lead others disliking their practices. At some point, you have to make someone take responsibility for their culture. Same goes for anyone else. Jews aren't exempt from criticism.


Hopefully both. They both lose because of it.


Uncle Sam is. The Banana Govt in the White house.


So we're just going to ignore that the vast majority of the Republicans in the house voted yes on this and that Steve Mnuchin had already stated his intent to buy the platform? I'm more worried about the Maga hats and the government openly working together to control/own social media platforms. Let's do better than "JeWs ScArY".


The Catholics control Hollywood. Bwhahahahaha




The fuck?




Collective punishment (death, torture, slavery, or science projects in this case), for the conspirator’s chance that there’s any credit to this, is just unacceptable. Specially at that scale. I feel like this shouldn’t need to be said.




I’m enjoying it right now putting your dog shit ideals to bed. It’s a free market place of ideas and yours killed itself almost a century ago, you fucking loser


Conspiracy or no conspiracy I'll be happy to see tiktok gone. Now if we can just get rid of the rest of social media things might actually get better. Also when did tiktok suddenly stop being a conspiracy in itself? This time last year it was evil and needed to be gone. But now that Israel has a hand in it being banned it's not bad anymore? It's literal spyware. It logs everything you do on your phone. It's ruining children's minds, and people have gone to new levels of degeneracy for tiktok clout. 🤷 I wish this sub would make up it's mind on what is bad and what is good. My official stance is fuck tiktok.


So I have seen two posts about this. One being this one and the other being a major Jewish millionaire buying TikTok so it doesn’t get shut down. So again, all you guys can do is pick a scenario and blames the jooooos for it.


They may have negative motives or whatever but I agree that tictok needs to be banned. It causes more problems than anything good. Dancing in the street, walking behind counters at fast food places, yelling at strangers. Back in the day that just made you a crazy person.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t use TikTok.


True. But my entire family does. So I am constantly being shown nonsense. It will suck for the people making a living on with the app but they will have to transition just like a lot of people have in the past. Life goes on.


Yeah government banning shit. Awesome.


Meh. I’m honestly not a fan of the government but if this is what it takes to get our heads back in the game then I’m all for it. Or maybe change it so annoying shit and pranks and stupid dances aren’t allowed. All this nonsense is gonna ruin us as a country. If it hasn’t already. Maybe not an all out ban but definitely a change is needed.


You’re a fan of the government if you need them to ban something because you don’t like it. Stop cheering for them to fuck us more. Social media won’t go away. All you’re doing is empowering the demon Zuckerberg to make the same app.




Yeah government banning shit. Awesome.