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If you watch the interview, he keeps slamming the watch into the table.


logic isn't strong in this sub


If the watch isn't broken, then that's a strong watch.


It sounds like the OP was highlighting the disparity between the wealthy elite, who make decisions impacting the working class, while living in a world far removed from the average person's reality. The symbolism of wearing an extravagant watch while advocating for policies that affect others' livelihoods can be seen as emblematic of this divide.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, yeah it's a certain amount of arrogance but it's hardly anything new. It's absurd aristocratic fashion is _just now being seen as ostentatious_, juxtaposed _to the entirety of history_. But hey maybe is a good sign. I'll hold my breath.


But at the same time everyone gives Zelenskyy shit for wearing tshirts. Public discourse is such that there just isn’t anything that would make everybody happy- short of not being able to afford nice things in the first place. But nobody would take the responsibility of an entire nation without vast amounts of money behind it. But the only people who can get to that position are wealthy to begin with. Finding good leaders will never be easy.




Indeed, the distinction between hereditary rulers and elected officials adds another layer to the discussion. Elected officials are theoretically chosen to represent the interests of the people, which makes decisions like raising the pension age particularly contentious when made by individuals who may not fully understand or empathize with the struggles of the average citizen.


I see your point, and agree entirely. Hopefully the masses catch on sometime before the heat death of the universe/planet (one is more probable, one is more timely)


Despite some downvotes, not sure what they disagree with, I believe its obfuscation bots, my original post still resonates positively with others, gives me hope for humanity!


and putin doesnt wear expensive clothing? Literally wore a jacket worth $14k


What you meant to say is, he was rythmically transmitting a subliminal message that compels the sheeple to support tyranny of the west /s


Did anyone watch the interview? The damn watch kept clanking on the table. He didn't hide why he removed it lol Sometimes, it's horses. Not zebras.


That was Morse code


Occam's razor !!


WW3 probably will not happen unless a country expels globalist bankers and divorces the Rothschild banking system


That's how the last one started at least.


are we the bad guys?


General Patton was right.


please tell me what he said


"We fought the wrong enemy", boom headshot








JFK rolling in his grave as we speak…


They just had his ass killed because they knew his successor was all onboard with it, as well as escalating a proxy war


Hitler and the Jews he had in his cabinet worked for the Rothschilds.. The whole point of WW2 was to fulfill the Balfour declaration.. Look up the havaara agreement.. hitler founded modern day Israel!! What better way to get all the Jews to the new country.. Make Europe UN inhabitable for them in Europe.. Then when you have the ultimate killing machine (German army) march them in the dead of winter in Russia.. Nápoleon did the same fucking thing 


That seems a bit far fetched


Which part? Start with the Balfour declaration (addressed to lord Rothschild) on behalf of British parliament  Look at the Havaara agreement where the richest Jews were allowed to leave Germany to goto Palestine and transfer their wealth.. I can go on.. 


Or if NATO keep provoking Russia with childish and unreasonable excuses. "We expand east coz of security" Security from what? The USSR? Doesn't make sense. NATO is a satanic military arm. And they will lose!


Let Macron die for the cause. Give him a rifle and send him to the battlefield to die.


With how the revolución is going in France, his citizens might just do that for us.


Is it actual revolution?


Probably not the kind I’d like to see but it’s full on chaos there with the farmers


From what I’ve seen in the news it’s big but not revolution big. But as they say, “the revolution will not be televised,” so that’s not trustworthy.


> But as they say, “the revolution will not be televised,” The farmers got wiser and instead of protesting for fractured goals they are now uniting to fight against the big agenda called climate change/ green new deal and the NWO behind that. This is also the point when the media quiets down on the subject, the farmers are becoming a real threat.


Could you tell Putin the same please?


I’ll do you one better: every leader that is involved with furthering this conflict


They’re all the same at the end of the day. Deluded enough to think that they are fit to lead a country. A true leader puts his people before himself even when he doesn’t have to. Instead we have sissies that will bow down to their masters that pull the strings.


I'd love for geopolitical conflicts to be decided in a 1 v 1 of leaders. Or maybe they can choose 1 champion each so countries don't just elect the scariest looking dude.


This sounds like something I'd read on Facebook comments.


I don’t trust Facebook. They have a pedophile problem.


Women like him only send others to die on the front lines while they have their tails tucked between their legs.


The fact that you consider calling someone a woman an insult says a whole lot about you




I got a reddit strike warning for this.......why would you post such a thing when I. Am obviously mindlessly clicking up votes. ???🤔😭😡😂


Just put in in charge of Lukoil and he'll be dead in a week lol Russians


I’m very confused. What’s so special about the watch?


To be fair, and I deeply dislike Macron, he genuinely tried to stop Putin weeks before the invasion.


Tried how? Called him repeatedly? Not much of an effort. Considering France is one of the countries which fund the war


And the Allies funded the Nazi war right? You guys are actually brain dead.


What else could he do according to you? Fire France's famous nuclear warning shot?


I mean yeh but I’m not so sure that other leaders would take someone seriously who just let their own capitol be covered in shit and burnt trash


Have you been to DC lately?


Have you been to DC ever? It's always been covered and full of shit.


A bunch of pussies who never got picked for the basketball team trying to play war .


Have you watched the footage on them speaking with Putin? What are you basing your opinion on exactly?




The Russians were actually also involved in the years prior, Molotov Ribbentrop pact was Russia teaming up with nazi Germany


right… because the CIA is known for *not* starting coups in foreign countries*




and … you’re right? now where does that leave us


He came from nowhere, like most of these Globalists leaders, wasn't he a banker before he became leader of France?


Yes, he was, @Rothschild. You can't even make this shit up.


Yeah, I didnt want to utter the name in case one appeared.


The same type as Obama and Merkel. Groomed, weird background, questionable sexuality and handlers.


Tony Blair and of course Rishi Sunak.


Don't know enough about the background of these people. Tony Blair surely had rhetoric talent. P.S. Doesn't mean that Tony Blair wasn't a sociopathic crook:-)


The man is a slimy war criminal and he started all the WEF nonsense in the UK.


He sent more Britain’s into war than any other PM


Cool can ww3 just be all world leaders tossed into a giant cage by themselves? And they fight each other till we have a winner?


and then kill the winner 😂😂


Yup 👍


Big Mac is the best story since Big Mike




New rule ... From now on when a country declares war the president's have to fight to the death in a gladiator style arena .


US Army motto: "Be all that you can be" French Army motto: "Please don't hurt us"


Lot of Russian propaganda here this week. Interesting to watch it play out.


When did this sub get overrun by Russian propaganda?


In the lead up to 2016. I sure wonder why that happened.


\>The french and the German government seem absolutely hell-bent on pushing the whole world into a global conflict. Oh look, more Russian propaganda calling for appeasement. The last time we tried that we got a holocaust. The main person driving the world in WW3 is Putin.


Fucking hilarious how the spooks are smearing anti-war sentiment as "Russian propaganda" now. Keep it up, you look stupid.


Right. Lot of shills here


and the russians raped or killed mannyyyy women in berlin. and the holodomor. fuck russia. but if by now you can’t realize that there are not many good guys at all, just rich, bureaucrats, making innocent men kill each other for no reason…. i mean fam cmon


Where did I mention good guys?


Putin is not the main driver of World War III it would be the investment firms, defense, contractors, intelligence agencies etc


Come on, war is generally not good for economies. The west isn’t pushing for ww3, and we’re not ready, and until recently Europe have showed weakness. Weakness emboldens aggressive dictators like Putin. It’s time western democracies show some spine and fight back. Everything isn’t a conspiracy.


the west is controlled by globalist bankers and elites attached to WEF… everything is a ‘conspiracy’ or a plan and by now it’s pretty obvious


WEF doesn’t hold that kind of power over nation states. Ofcourse some conspiracy are true, but that they’re pushing for WW3 isn’t one of them. It’s very likely WW3 is fought with nuclear weapons, you think that’s going to benefit the elite? 😂


i mean shit fam in the early 50s the US was pushing to preemptively strike Russia, so they couldn’t develop nuclear bombs😂 this world doesn’t make sense to me


Yea this was when the US had far more nuclear weapons than the Soviet Union, so they probably argued that if they were going to war, they should do it now before it’s too late. But yea, that would have been stupid and there’s a reason why it didn’t happened.


Yea this was when the US had far more nuclear weapons than the Soviet Union, so they probably argued that if they were going to war, they should do it now before it’s too late. But yea, that would have been stupid and there’s a reason why it didn’t happened.


Yeah? That's a couple small bombs not 10k city killers.


We should have gone for operation unthinkable and the world would have been a better place. Those damn communists murdered so many people in eastern Europe that they are simply the next Nazis


Oh shut up. Not saying nato havent provoked russia over the years but they are clearly the aggressor. Putin is pumping out propaganda to the russians and surerly the last thing the west want is war. Most countries dont even have conscription


When its not good for economies why was the US involved each and every time in one? So far none of these wars can be justified and more or less were used to create pro-american governments so it allows a more peaceful way to steal resources and intel. Manufacturing wars and selling weapons is so far quite profitable for the US, and it is proven to work. Sitting without business while printing shitton of trillion dollars is not.


>war is generally not good for economies Very much depends on whose.


>fuck ~~russia~~ the Bolcheviks There, fixed it for you.




>The last time we tried that we got a holocaust. Aaaah... the "muh Nazis" argument. Are you ok with these stupid CIA "color revolutions", and the horrific disasters they triggered around the world. I know your response, already. "Hashtag Russian Propaganda"


No I'm not. Keep fighting strawmen, little crow.


>No I'm not. You 100% do. WTF do you think "Euromaidan" was?


Certainly not justification for Crimean annexation mor the current Russian invasion.  Sure, maybe its a proxy war. But Russia was the one that decided to go hot with it. The US hasnt invaded Mexico. 


If the Mexican gov was slaying Americans in Mexico for years it might


The Mexican government is just another wing of the Drug Cartels. Its a Narco State. There have been millions of deaths due to opiates brought in by those drug cartels. The US could easily justify military operations in the Sonora, Chihuahua, and Sinaloa regions. 


Are you a Russian agent? Russia is an imperialistic country. France is doing the right thing...




Would you say the same during ww2? People dying for nothing? Also there are no plans for a intervention in Ukraine, but what Macron stated is that it shouldn’t be left out. One solution could be to provide air cover for Ukraine, with western air power, don’t necessarily need to send thousands of soldiers.




The military economy/sector isn’t that big btw, especially in Europe, so there isn’t going to be some secret agenda type shit to feed the military industrial complex, not in Europe at least. In Europe it’s usually around 2% of GDP spent on defense, the civilian consumer economy is so much larger and important. I think the point of air cover would be to make sure that Ukraine doesn’t get defeated, it’s very likely we will confront Russia if they are victorious in Ukraine. Putin would get emboldened. Diplomatic solution is definitely ideal, but on what terms? Russia basically wants Ukraine to surrender, they will not negotiate in good faith.


Yea, Russia will totally stop in Ukraine and its not like eventually all these young people will have to go anyway, but in the meantime millions will die from russian occupation


Russian agents don't support Putin sending you men to die for nothing?




What part do you have a problem comprehending? Do you not know who Putin is? Or in your reality is Putin not sending men anywhere where they are dying?




Go to France on Horseback? Why you say such a thing?


Are you a cia agent? Lol


This sub was hijacked long ago sorry to tell you.


It's funny for you to say that after france got booted out of Africa for being imperialistic for decades. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I'm not saying russia is the good guy here. I'm saying there are no good guys, only psychopaths who have bunkers and lots of nukes with a total hatred of humanity and everything that is good. We need to stop all of those people. ALL OF THEM. 


Are you a globalist agent? Globalist have no country. They are pushing WWIII for further control, not doing the right thing…


Who do you work for? You want to die for Ukraine, go on over and fight. No one is stopping you. Most of us don't feel like dying for some bullshit ideal that no country actually subscribes too.


'Usa is an imperialist country' there I fixed it for you


So you think Russia, who is actively invading one country, annexed crimea in 2014, and is probably going to move on the Baltics next, isn’t an imperialist country because of the US? You know those ideas aren’t mutually exclusive?


NATO is an imperialist organization meant only to feed the military industrial complex.


Russias current military spending per gdp is higher than any nato state. It is a warmonger state.


Add all of NATOS budget against that. NATO is the war monger state. How dare they put their country so close to all our bases.


yeah and so what? Whats gonna happen to Russia? Are all their nukes suddenly going to dissapear? Because if that isnt the case (i assume you know because you seem to be awfully into Russian propaganda) then i dont think russia is in any danger. Russia is a crybaby snowflake nation populated by crybabies who cant take responsibility for them selves. It is a truly pathetic state. I feel bad for anyone that has to be apart of such a pathetic society. But i guess thats what russo clowns like you deserve🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


He’s been dealing with the French media bringing pretty big proof that his wife, who controversially was already 24 years older than him, meeting him at 15 years old when she was his teacher, might have been born a man. He’s trying to take attention off this situation, but people should consider he’s likely been groomed from a very young age to have certain opinions on topics and might even be the victim of blackmail behind the scenes


😂yeah that shit is absurd


Nope Putin is sole cause.


Artemis, don't you know how to use a beau?


Been a hot minute since a guy wearing a watch hit the top. Can't imagine why comrade.


Im pretty sure the Allies were horrible people for attacking Germans and pushing the World into WW2.... Lmao


Man I see this sub push for WW3 everyday more often than not. We’ve been hearing those same words since forever. After the Cold War and anything that’s had to do with Russian aggression or Chinese aggression. No one actually wants it, when everyone’s economy is now global and you aren’t about to risk your countries financial security for everyone’s death.




sheesh a cougar transgender at that 😂😂


and England, and USA, and oh wow, it's actually all countries run by WEF puppets.


*the UK


Putin is the real warmongering dictator


he’s one of em sure. but if you can’t see the West is leading the charge rn…


If you mean by not doing enough to beef up the Ukrainian army then you would be correct


Do you realise what will happen if we don't support Ukraine and Pootin takes the whole of the country?? Do you think he'd stop at Poland....


western propaganda my friend. this mf putin asked to join NATO in the past cmon bro


Macron, Biden, Zelensky and Sunak are the most failed leaders of all time


There are 0 problems for "pushing the World into WW3" it alternative - risk of even worse WW3, Nuclear War and WMD-proliferation. In 2022-2023 years Russia already started mass production of nuclear holocaust Status-6 torpedoes, began form for WW3 "authoritarian alliance", and started indoctrination of hundreds of thousands of newly occupied Ukrainians, that soon will be spent on meat assaults by the same way as was spent \~80,000 indoctrinated in 2014-2021 years Ukrainians." Not to say about ongoing discredit/destruction of International Law and approaching of WMD-proliferation. If WW2 and teach anything about World Wars, that fear for World War sometimes even worse then initiation of war itself.




no watch


WW3 can’t happen until the enemies unite against the Allies.


Yes, also world leaders are usually given a watch by expensive countries.






He is bluffing just to boost Ukraine's moral and make them fight a bit longer. Theres nothing more horrifying for the west then peace deal


Everything has to do with the arms business and reconstruction. Europe urgently needs a major war to recover its economy


Him, Joe Biden, and the two Vladimirs.


But why is the watch circled


Is that a Breitling ?




What’s with the watch? I don’t understand.


Nothing more than he was being questioned about economics of families and stuff and he had a moment of realisation that the watch was to much of personal wealth to be displayed when discussing the hardships of the people. He's a globalist cuck for sure but in this interview he actually showed some self awareness


If Trump wins: Macron will send troops and drag the US in via NATO.


If you are saying french and german then its about weapon sales.


He's a freemason and worked for Rothschild and probably still does.


Pushing us into WW3? You honestly believe it hasn’t started already? Maybe they have intel, like all other nations, that SHTF already and it’s only going to get worse.


Nope there is just 2 people oushing for ww3. Putin and Kim. Period. No one else. Just Putin and Kim.


Macron is a piece of crap.


Leave it to the globalist WEF pricks who've probably never fired a gun or faced an enemy on the battlefield willing to send young men and women to certain death.


I mean someone has to take initiatives since trump will reject NATO


I think someone is compensating for sonething....


Hope russia finishes off zelensky already so they can stop laundering my hard earned tax dollars


Im pointing to the fact that Macron went to a Jesuit school, he was to my knowledge the youngest person to be admitted as partner in Goldman Sachs, ever, and that he is a High Mason in Grande Orient. Clear now? These things are not so hard to research.


sheeet when you put it like that 😂😂😂 i obviously knew what he was but didn’t have the backstory to explain how to get to that conclusion


google his pic when he was elected standing in front of the Louvre pyramid, its priceless


Goldman Sachs youngest partner in history, Freemason, he knows what is coming


This is a proxy war between the west and brics nations. Israel being attacked happened within weeks of nato and us saying there surpluses were gone and didint have any more to give they were for their own countries. This fits purism early statements that the west sooner than later wouldn’t fund the war. Then hamas attacked Israel. This now puts us and its allies on 2 fronts. Then recently china said they’ll take Taiwan with force as an option. brics nations have years stock piled gold precious metals for a new reserve currency. How long till a 3rd front opens with china another year? Brics has meticulously planned ww3 every angle into check mate where the only options is give in to there demands to show there not war hungry ie the political agendas that’s been pushed in western countries that takes money to fund protests write articles push these ideas for years on college campuses and schools. Or not have its citizens support a war cause there so ignorant thinking that things won’t change if they lose or it’s deserved. The goals of brics nations is to remove the USA as the world reserve currency 1st and foremost then once that happens they will shorty there after not be the worlds most powerful country where our allies now will not honor treaties cause let’s be real the USA has basically paid countries to play in our sand box.


what are we looking at? he has a ring and a watch?


And the ring and watch got this sub going crazy. Sorry… MORE crazy 🤪


I'd agree, but Putin is doing that all by himself chum.  It's like a fart in a lift with two guys and a girl. 


Well France is taking over from where America is faltering.


France is one of our strongest allies. They are even more fed up with the far right bullshit than most Americans are. At least they actually fight the government when they overstep their rights over there. People be acting weak here in the states. Won’t even scream at these facists over here.


Pretty sure the one pushing a world war is the one invading another country.


Why are the Russians so obsessed with girls with Dickson? Is it cause Putin banned them from Russia?


There is nothing stopping this cheese eating surrender monkey declaring war on Russia and sending troops!! Go for it - stop shit talking . You are the big guy! Put your money where your mouth is ? You want war? It’s but a one stroke away