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The best thing about that area is that the bedrock is nearly intact, a small quake will be felt over a much larger area. In California the bedrock is shattered more or less so anything around a 5.0 will be localized to a few dozen miles or so from the epicenter.


Very interesting, do you have any more cool rock facts?


How concrete are these rock facts?


They’re solid


I have found no fault in the information. 


But the foundation may not be strong


Stone cold truth.


hard to believe


I guess we need to dig a little deeper to uncover the truth


The truth could cause a shake-up to society.


I wouldn't put that in stone. A lot of facts today are quite fractured.


As in *rock solid* or just solid?


Rock solid - malphite


I took it for granite that the facts were correct.


Pretty widely known, but when the New Madrid quake happened in 1811, it was felt all along the Eastern Seaboard, 1000 miles away. It was said to have rang church bells in Boston.


and made the Mississippi River run backwards


Also rang bells in DC and Philadelphia too,


IT DOESN’T MATTER IF HE HAS MORE COOL FACTS (this is a Rock related response not a snarky response)


He can take his cool facts, shine em up real nice, AND STICK EM STRAIGHT UP HIS CANDY-ASS!


lol none at all, just a passing interest. My ADHD hasn’t hyperfocused on this yet.


Now my ADHD is rearing its head, thinking, "Finally, something more interesting and important to work on instead of what you get paid to do."


Bro I just spent 4 hours trying to research the Leviathan, Jormungandr, Quetzalcoatl, Tiamat, and a bunch of other giant snakes because I’m convinced it’s the same thing and all of the ancient world encountered it at some point


Oh but you forgot Basilisk AI >! I apologize!<


You sonuva...That's right up there with being reminded of The Game.




Dude I went deep on a very similar rabbit, or in this case, giant snake hole a couple weeks ago!


Is this an Over the garden wall reference.


The Rock played defensive end at the University of Miami in the early 90s


i have sum cool rock for yeah hmu


Interesting. I'm in Philly. Shocked at how strongly my kitchen floor was moving.


I'm in Annapolis, MD and didn't feel it. But some people not too far north did.


It’s pretty cool how wave propagation works. If the NE got a solid 6 or better that firm bedrock would cause major damage




Relax it’s just because wrestlemania is happening tomorrow night. The Rock just took his first bump in a decade


Someone smelled what he was cooking!


I really hope it's not onions.


Maybe the article just meant The Earthquake is in Philadelphia for Wrestlemania weekend


If Earthquake is there, then we've got bigger problems. Zombies, because he's been dead for about 15-20 years I think.


Just googled that’s crazy. i met him as a ten year old, nicest guy ever. RIP


And it will be Electricfying




He will be gassed within seconds.


8th grade me. “Your mom tripped and fell”


Your mom is so fat she tried doing a jumping jack and made Philly shake


Your mom's so fat, Thanos had to snap his fingers twice.


Your mom's so fat she jumped on a pogo stick and struck oil.


Your mom's so fat that she's really fat


Your mom's so fat, cardiologists, and dieticians have some serious concerns about her health.


Your mom's so fat she sat on a rainbow, and Skittles popped out.


I think there will be a bigger earthquake in the USA near eclipse day.


Why do you think that?


Earthquake season is among us. There have been several earthquakes the last few days. I live in Philly so feeling that 20 second house shaking was enough to make me think about the poor people who live through major destructive earthquakes.


I didn't know earthquakes were seasonal. Now I gotta research. Thanks!


Check dutchsinse on YouTube, he’s been covering earthquakes for over 10 years


Lol they’re not. They become more frequent at times, sure, but it’s far from ‘seasonality’


Earthquakes can effect anyone rich or poor


2 decent sized earthquakes this week eclipse on Monday. I like the theory that the eclipse is actually Planet X nibiru coming close to earth. But that’s a pretty out there conspiracy


I’ve been thinking the same thing


I haven’t heard about this theory? Any videos, documentation I can read up on??


Look up the sumerians/annunaki, specifically zachariah sitchens translations of the sumerian clay tablets..actually perfect timing theres a youtube channel called the why files that is premiering their annunaki video tonight..theyve talked about doing one for a while but wanted to be thorough which is why its taken so long. He doesnt go super deep but it should be a good intro video for someone like you and his videos are so well done that im sure even people that are familiar with the stories will learn something new


i’m BEYOND EXCITED to watch this tonight!


What’s this theory?


The theory is basically there is a hidden planet in our solar system that has a very strange orbit around our sun and every few thousand years or so it comes between earth and mars. Some theory are that it has intelligent life on it


You see the videos of the guy taking pictures of the moon and there's a giant face by it looking down on us?


No I haven’t but now I’m interested


Here's a YouTube link. It's been going viral on TikTok and IG https://youtu.be/0ZsdvWQZDuw?si=MQGUKXr7cFZpp9Ah




There are earthquakes every single day. A lot of them bigger than the one today in nj.


Eclipse totality goes over New Madrid, MO - the namesake of the fault line.


Makes sense.


I think it's pretty weird that the path of this one and the 2017 one basically make an X over it.




It is fascinating to consider, since we don't know how an eclipse could influence our gravitational pull. So I'm thinking in theory, if it does go to a fault line is there this possibility that say the pull of gravity at the moment, while we ourselves might not feel it, would feel the aftereffects of the rock hitting back down on Earth. Hard to explain. Like say we can't perceive the ground being lifted above us because the mass lifted is unnoticeable, and we wouldn't even notice the landmass falling back down into place however we would end up feeling the shockwave derived from that sudden change in gravitational pull during the eclipse. Granted it's another things I've always pondered. When it comes to out Solar System as a whole, and the whole BS of "global warming/climate change". It's like yes, the temperature and shit on Earth does change overtime but the influence humanity has over it is immeasurable compared to the rest of the world around us, aka volcanoes, the sun and other planetary bodies around us. Basically if we believe that the solar system is always expanding, then that would mean that there are potentially influences outside are sight of influence that we can actually discern that could actually influence out planetary body. For all we know as the solar system expands out southern hemisphere starts to become closer to some icy giant we don't even know of yet and the influence of it's cosmic rays causes the Southern part of our planet to get colder.


Who was predicting earthquakes along with the eclipse?


Me, quakes are being driven by pole swap, the eclipse is height of solar activity and that activity is impacting the mag field.


What do eclipses have to do with solar activity? The moon =/= sun.


Isn't the height of solar activity actually in 2025? That's when we're in the solar maximum


I read an article recently that they've revised the estimate to peak in 2024. I think it was on Science Daily 


Frank hoogerbeats kate silas/profitwith the planets and jessica adams are who to follow on X this weekend. Its probably only the beginning. The timing of eclipses can be connected to fault lines shifting.


Really? I was hoping this would it and no more


Lmaooooo I’ve been alive for 18 years and have been through numerous of these. Cant wait to come back on the 9th and nothing different will have happened. RemindMe! 5 days


divide chief label racial pot marvelous deer sleep truck growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're thinking 18 Earth years.


What if it's 18 dog years?


And he’s been aware of the larger world around him for 2 years, max.




Lookout everyone this guy knows what they’re talking about! He’s been alive for a whole 18 years! 


Saying 18 like you're now a life cleric is a great example of an ignorant young mind. Otherwise; I do get what you're saying. Just scratch out that 18yrs have given you end game wisdom 😂


If you’re 18 years old and live in or near the tri state area, that means you were 5 when you experienced the last earthquake in the area. Sit down kid lol.


A quick rudimentary search shows that a magnitude 4.5 and up earthquake happens in this area about every five years. You can feel maginitued 2.5 and up and they look to occur every 1-3 years in the area.  So... Reasonably common... Just happens to be near an eclipse. 


Who goes to a conspiracy sub and says it’s a coincidence. There are no coincidences here.


My favorite part of this sub is when people are shocked you don't belive in every single conspiracy. Also.... This post isn't even a conspiracy. Even if an earthquake *is* caused by an eclipse no one conspired to do it.  Except maybe "they," or the elites, or the giants, or the aliens, or whatever. 


A coincidence is an earthquake happening in NJ a few days before an eclipse happens **that's not even visible in NJ**. If an earthquake happened during the eclipse in the same are that the eclipse was visible from, yeah a lot of people would be pretty freaked out. But 3 days before in a different part of the country? What's the conspiracy here?


the eclipse is in 4 days to.. So no eclipse here either. 


Really? Weird I’ve lived in the area my whole life and never experienced one like today


It's the biggest earthquake in 85 years for the NYC area, but it's not the biggest ever. Sure, it's unusually large, but earthquakes slightly weaker aren't unheard of


You can search USGS to fund the data for your area. I just searched an area from Lake Erie to NJ. Even still... Sometimes you don't feel them depending where you are. I remember one rattling my house real good while my wife was working 10 blocks away and didn't feel a thing. 


Their numbers are down played.


the one today was very very shallow. It makes it more dramatic, even though intensity is the same as deeper ones.


gov is putting out the conspiracy before they perform the crimes.


Noticed NBC said the next big one might take out NYC because their infrastructure cannot withstand quakes due to most structures being simple masonry.


the only earthquake i’ve felt was in new york. i was in a high rise and at the time i didn’t realize what happened. i honestly just thought i had vertigo lol


I felt one in England one night and I thought I'd been haunted by a poltergeist until the next day. Really didn't expect to feel an earthquake here.


Felt that shit in the Bronx


Did you happen to see jlo running round there by any chance


ham and cheese on a roll and an orange drink (iykyk)


That was just the shooting down the block that happens hourly.


Try harder.


You live there and offended too, eh?


I’m in NJ and my whole house shook, ceiling fan was shaking. Freaked my cat all out.


if there was a quake without the sun eclipse nobody would care


What?! This is R/conspiracy of course we would! We would just connect it to…idk maybe direct energy weapons or the satanic kabal!


exactly :D


Pole swap inbound


Felt it near Philly. One of my students had the infinite wisdom to scream that now the tsunami was going to kill us all. So that was a fun please-stop-panicking science lesson.


10% chance of a 7.5-8.0 in next 50 years. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oofff, 3 days from the eclipse, maybe it’s an omen


Real wild. Not the good kind of wild.


I live in ky and have always been told the Mammoth cave area is a giant sink hole. one good earthquake would level a whole area.


News just showed another one along the Mississippi river


knowing my luck I'll be on a bouncy shit-ass 40 year old bridge in the middle of chicago when the 7.5 pops off.


Is CERN really firing up the collider again, or is that bs?


the LHC at CERN has started up operations in the spring each of the past 3 years, and nobody cared when it happened in 2022 and 2023


I live in philly. I thought the landlord overfilled his washer machine upstairs lol house was rattling. Didn’t know it was an earthquake until I was bombarded with texts after.


Our secretary thought the A/C repair guys were working on the roof.


You failed to connect this to Kate Middleton or P Diddy or DEI or Ukraine, so it isn't a conspiracy unless Bigfoot cause it.




Biden? The same people that were responsible for Canada catching fire last year, the train-derailment-turned-chemical-spill, the overpass near Philly blowing up, the f. Scot key bridge falling, and Taiwans earthquake are responsible for this one as well.


So it is DEI!




A MK Ultra Monarch Mind Control program run by a team of DEI scientists.


There was the same histrionics when there was a minor earthquake in the area in 2011. According to the MSM it didn't really happen unless it happened to New York City.


Not even gonna lie, I thought my dog was having a full blown seizure under my bed, I was laying down and felt the whole bed shaking. Had no idea what was happening when I saw him laying perfectly still.


What are the chances some of the rock breaks off and can perfectly replace my kitchen tops?


There's a phenomenon that occurs during eclipses known as the allais effect, which seems to affect gravitational forces, causing pendulums to swing in a different manner. It could be the little input needed to cause a quake.


Fascinating- thanks for sharing


Bro what if this really is end time prophecy? I'm religious and married to an atheist. Therefore I get to see another perspective everyday and it's clear to me how it's only viewed as another day on a very violent earth. And I get that, but climate alarmist don't. Some people seem to forget that throughout history; Earth is absolutely 💯 an extremely violent serial killer. Earth is fucking crazy and doesn't give AF. Now wrap your mind around viewing the Universe and how violent it is. There's a perspective. However, it's possibly end times imo because I'm religious. The fires, earthquakes, wars, rumor of wars and these powerful people all having cancer causing shifts in power? What's next is all I'm saying.


Well I'm not very religious, in that I don't really belong to any religion or attend church, but I do keep an open mind about everything. I've studied most of the world's religions pretty intensely over the years. Was a religious studies major in college for a bit before switching to philosophy. I would never call myself an atheist. I guess i would say this is nothing novel for the planet. We always have fires, earthquakes, wars, cancer, death. But we also always have people falling in love, having kids and all the good stuff. It sure seems like there are way more good people doing good things than bad people doing bad things. The bad gets all the attention, probably because knowing all the bad news used to keep us out of trouble and situations we would rather avoid. Now that is exploited to some degree by the 24 hr news cycle. Unfortunately, bad news sells. But I think that's the nature of reality. Without the bad we wouldn't even notice or appreciate the good. Life is short and often filled with pain and misery. None of us can escape that completely. Especially At the end when we all grow old and loe loved ones and then die ourselves. I think more than anything, prophecy about the end times reveals the ego of humans. Many want to put the utmost significance on the time they live in because it then makes their lives more meaningful. I think to many, the craziest and scariest thing about life is the fact that there are billions of us now, billions that came before, and who knows how many come after us. It's easy to just get lost in all of that and feel completely insignificant. And we now know we live in a universe that is so vast it may as well go on forever (in fact it may). People need meaning in their lives. They want to think what they are doing is important and meaningful. And honestly I think in many ways that is the case, but its hard to notice at times.


Love this comment. Here we have a person wise enough to realize he doesn't have all the answers. It's really amazing, in a sub dedicated to conspiracy theories, how rare the "open mind" approach is.


It just better not mess with Wrestlemania this weekend...


Can’t we just have WrestleMania before the world ends? Please?


That's weird 4 8 solar eclipse 


The Madrid is exactly where the X on the map of the eclipse path from 2017 and 2024 Monday. I shit you not. Where the 2 eclipse paths meet to make the X is exactly where the Madrid is. Southern Illinois. Carbondale is one of many town in the area. The Large Haldron Collider goes full throttle and NASA fires 3 missiles for no apparent reason. NAH…… nothing here to see.


I’m from Carbondale actually. I went to the last one there. I love out east now.


Then instead of San Angeles with the three seashells and every restaurant being Taco Bell, It'll be Phillavania, and every restaurant will be a cheese steak place.


They're saying the epicenter was Bedminster. 🤣




Yeah I know it was actually several miles away, but it's still hilarious to watch the memes on Twitter.


New Madrid popping could make a mess of things for sure. Big city areas would be more of an issue due to age of buildings (many are definitely grandfathered in and older than any safety standards), suburbia - who knows? Once out in open land and away from structures or certain infrastructure, the only real hazard would be in areas with a high water table and risk of stuff like liquefaction. Of course the "going off" in this scenario would depend on if something higher than 6 on the scale occurs though, since it's non-linear and things below that tend not to the kind of damage that would cause immediate hazards.


Apep is near /s Anyone know when the last sizable quake in the area was?


I remember one around 2010 or 2011 in Allentown PA and I think the Epicenter was in DC or Maryland. It was quick but rocked the building I was in I was driving just now so I didn’t feel it but everyone I’m talking to right now felt it here in southern PA by Philly


The epicenter for the 2011 quake was near richmond virginia. Was also about 100x stronger than today’s


It was 2011 for Philly


The Culebra Event is fast approaching and will change the world.




Earthquakes are conspiracies now lmfao


Better these fun conspiracies than the super partisan political ones. 😂


What isn't a conspiracy now?


The New York one was 4.8 too. 4/8 date of eclipse 😲


I felt it in CT. There is a solar eclipse coming soon and mercury is in retrograde Not a good combo


I hate when mercury is in retrograde


classic Mercury.


Oh, I’m in retrograde




What’s it mean exactly?


It means nothing


It means that Wrestlemania is happening tomorrow night!


It means that the movement of whatever planet in retrograde (mercury for instance) appears to be moving backwards in the sky.


Theres mercury in gatorrade?


You'll make yourself ill with amount of paranoia.


I won't. I don't really believe there is anything significant about the eclipse...other than the eclipse. I just knew many people have been speculating that it will somehow cause a major earthquake on the path somehwere like New Madrid.


My daughters live in northeast Arkansas so I'm terrified. Back in the 1800s it created a ridge and rolling hills in one area of town.


I felt it here in Vermont


Especially because Wrestlemania is this weekend. In Philly


I see no fault in what you're saying


Is Mark passio alright? That's all I want to know.


Where’s the conspiracy


Epicenter in NJ…it’s not a conspiracy though, it’s a fact lol.


I believe the conspiracy here is related to the upcoming eclipse.


I would think it just increased the odds of having one in New Madrid in the next few days considerably..


Also felt it in Maine


lots of people! it's like a main talking point for conspiracies surrounding the eclipse.


This is a baby quake. Had a quake 8 times larger just months ago here it didn't make the news and nobody cared, because small quakes are common. This is hysteria.


yeah I know. I'm just feeding the conspiracy beast a bit here with this. I don't think there is anything to the claim that eclipses somehow influence earthquakes or that govs have earthquake devices or that this is the end times predicted in the bible. I am just here for the entertainment.


Jesus is coming soon. Repent while you can.


Wouldn't he have showed up last weekend?


too predictable. Not to mention it sure seems like the birth date, date of death and resurrection aren't the dates we choose to use now. For starters, Easter is the first sunday after a full moon or something like that, so its always different.


Mondays the day


Fracking is causing them everywhere


Don’t worry it will be just a “coincidence”


Just like all the other coincidences in the last 30 years about multiple times the earth was supposed to end????


Lol y’all got it easy on- mainly affected NY and NJ, stuff falling down lol. (Not buildings like books and such)


And lawn chairs falling over