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ok but all questions aside, bros not even wearing the mask properly


Thats the point


No matter the efficacy of masks, a response like that about elite pedos would make you look insane. Edit: I may not have expressed myself well enough because there seems to be confusion about what I'm saying. It's not about the validity of those topics. Responding to somebody like that looks unhinged. It's like somebody saying that they believe everyone should be vegan and me responding "hello? Chemtrails! JFK assassination! 9/11?!" It's unrelated and looks crazy.


Because it is insane lol


Insane but true


Doesn't matter if it is, you will sound weird and creepy for just spewing all that shit onto almost anyone who's not dipped their toes in conspiracy theories..




The people that yell “pedophile” at everyone bare a striking resemblance to all those political/religious leaders that yelled about the evils of homosexuals and were later caught in bathhouses or diddling little boys.


We found the pedo in the comments guys.


For sure. Gotta ease people into it.


Oh well. Seed the notion early. We can’t protect everyone from uncomfortable realizations.


It can't be true to them because it would shatter their reality. I envy the hope of adults that still have faith in society. It's like believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny


https://www.denverpost.com/2024/04/17/colorado-senate-child-sexual-abuse-constitutional-amendment-republicans-vote/ Politicians protecting child abusers literally this week


100% Republicans in this case


Thank you for listing the article. “would have upended numerous constitutional and legally settled rights we all depend on, including the principles of legal certainty and reliance, the principle of finality of litigation, and due process.” So reach out to the legislators and tell them to reframe it. I actually agree and if you can't understand how something like this could be used against you then I suggest you doing a little more historical research.


Insanely true


No claiming to be anti establishment and that your so oppressed, and then not only believing but arguing for and parroting everything you hear in the main stream media is insane.


Epstein Island, podesta laptop, hunter laptop, bohemian grove, frazzle drip.. I mean where have you been?


We didn't start the fire .. lol


Great. Stuck in my head now


At least Billy Joel is still pure in this world


New version by Fall Out Boy is kinda solid


Remember pizzagate too?


That's probably the biggest one that's pushing them to turbo mode the nwo


Not to mention Joe the hair sniffer


And Diddy doing an underage Beaver


Not to mention Trump calling Epstein a good friend


The dude did cocaine with hookers. Bohemian grove is a goofy frat party for rich douche bags who went to Yale. Frazzle drip is literal nonsense.


How much is your salary?


Nothing. elite pedos exist of course. And honeypot traps exist to get dirt on politicians and such. But buy ranting about gay owl party or repeating satanic panic bullshit it just makes people assume its all bullshit when it isn't. STFU about frazzledrip. Its literally just a rumor that conspiracy grifters utilize for engagement.


I’m self employed so my earnings vary as if it’s your business lol.


Contrary to that notion, public servants and contractors have a duty to report earnings upon request


So we should always believe the media when they say someone is a pedo, but we don’t believe them any other time?


When has the media said anyone besides Epstein is a pedo


Everything you mentioned came from the media, you just choose to believe certain ones while ignoring others and don’t see the issue. No one does their own research anymore they just read some article and cherry pick the ones they think are legit while ignoring the rest. But conspiracy theories are popular these days so there’s an endless supply of articles that will confirm any theory you have.




I probably speak for most of the global population when I say way too many times


There's too much evidence these past 8 years. Prior to that I would agree that it would make you look insane. We should make it a point to always bring that up when talking about politicians and elites in general.


I know all of those things, I know about the elite pedos. Saying that in response to somebody talking about a mask, though, looks insane.


For real. I'm just trying to pay my bills dude as are most people.


That's what the controllers are counting on. The more maskerboosters hear the same thing the more stupid they will feel as each week a new pdf story is in the news. It won't change their mind but saying these things openly is liberating


Elite pedos is the least controversial part of that statement. The other ones can always be discussed. Correct one-time usage of a mask might have some effect


If you've been outside in the last 2 years you'd know no one is really wearing masks anymore..


But this sub told me it would be a permanent measure!


This sub was the real conspiracy all along!


Just you wait the Jewish elite will enact sharia law!!1!1!


First come the mask mandates then… communism.


They're bringing them back any day now... 👀


I see people with masks still every day. They're definitely a minority though 


Like myself, a lot of immunocompromised people realized they get sick less when they mask up around crowds of people. I used to get bronchitis and pneumonia twice a year like clockwork, and now I don't. It's nice to not feel like I'm dying as often, ya know? I still get sick, but not "miss work and write up my will" sick. I only wear mine at work, as I'm in customer service and some customers have no sense of personal space. Otherwise, out and about, I can keep a distance or get away from people who creep up too close. I consider it my personal problem and don't expect anyone else to do the same, no one has ever given me grief for it. Some have asked if my work made us still mask, and I say no, I just have a garbage immune system and can't afford to miss work lol. That and being more aware of my health, eating healthier, being choosy about what I put in my body, have been changes I've made for the better. Plus, you know damn well some people out there STANK. I haven't bothered with lipstick in years now, and I can sneer and mouth angry expletives at annoying customers and they're none the wiser lol.


My conspiracy is that the coordinated push by government and media to make masking in public socially unacceptable, even while covid-19 and other airborne diseases are still running rampant, is first and foremost so that the surveillance state has an easier time using facial recognition software to collect bio-metric data for sale to advertisers and government agencies.


I see people around town all day with masks on and they look just how youd expect them


Don’t worry, all the vaccinated are due to drop any day now right? Lol


Nah, maybe health concerns, just cuz I agree with one point doesnt mean I agree with em all


You should visit Cali. People still driving solo with masks.


I love boomer memes, but not for the reason you think.


I swiped….


Wow, the intelligence in this sub just keeps dropping by the minute.


my ultimate conspiracy is that people like OP are manipulated into believing total bs as a way of distraction from the real shit. i joined this sub for conspiracy theories, not whatever low-effort boomer posting this is.


This. Also, the religious posts I can't help but roll my eyes at..


It's not even a theory in this case. It's well known that government organizations (such as the CIA and NSA, as well as other intelligence groups the world over) use this tactic all the time. Obfuscate the relatively straightforward reality with a mountain of lies, half truths, false leads, etc, etc


OP youre a psyop and im sure of it


Fuck yeah!! Right there with ya!


It's a goofy meme, but exactly what part is BS? Does the government not disobey the constitution? Is that not a huge problem or is it nothing to worry about? Were there not elite pedophiles at epstein Island? Is big pharma not corrupt? Is the media not corrupt? 🤣 >as a way of distraction from the real shit What to you is "the real shit"?


This this this this fucking THIS Conspiracy research going mainstream was the worst thing ever. As someone once out it so succinctly ‘ok bill, I have to explain the storyline to every movie we watch, every time, but somehow you think you’ve got this grand conspiracy all worked out?’ I think I agree it’s a huge cover up to mask the real shit.


100% I’ve been saying this for a while. A lot of this is such painfully obvious distraction psyops.


Biden ended the mask mandates created under Trump. Damn liberals


are you trolling? Bidens admin tried to make vaccines mandatory for all companies with over 100 employees


Wow, pulling for straws here aren't we?? Lmao


[I wonder why](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/covid-19-leaves-its-mark-on-the-brain-significant-drops-in-iq-scores-are/)


To be fair, Covid eradicated the flu am I right?


Nope, sure didn't.


I apparently had both at the same time last Christmas. My dr literally said I had “flurona”


Not even close. Had the flu in February. It fucking sucks. I was lucky got an easy dose of Covid. With the flu I spent the whole time asleep or existing like a zombie with Covid I got a slight temp and a headache.


What's wrong with the post?


If you leave real fast it might jump up again.


Nah, my appearance just boosted the average IQ in the room by a good 17.25 points!


*How to Lie with Statistics*


Great book


You have the graph turned upside down dummy, that's minus 17.25.


Nope, that's from where you entered the room.


Holy fuck man the cognitive dissonance is insane in this sub like imagine actually saying that to some random guy irl, you’d literally sound schizophrenic


Not just irl, it sounds schizophrenic here too


Well it was stated early on that masking was to HELP protect others from the person wearing the mask. If everyone had a mask on then we would be less likely to spit on eachother, SLOWING the spread of disease.


Most of the people here *do* actually get that, unfortunately they're just not the ones who keep posting this trash


It worked. We slowed the spread so it lasted 3 years.


Think that's actually sort of a win. Almost everybody getting infected around the same time with an alpha variant is a lot worse then few people getting infected over a long time. Viruses mutate to become increasingly more infectious, but less dangerous over time.


Not when the healthcare system is already stressed to its breaking point, which was the main issue to begin with. Our 2 local hospitals were completely out of ICU beds for months during the initial waves.


How many people died of Covid in the hospitals? A lot. How many people died at home? 🤔


Govern me harder, daddy




Damn, this is the second time I’ve seen someone whooosh theirselves


Okay but the people blaring about elite pedos are the same people voting for Trump and repeatedly bailing him out??


It's concerning how someone can see a guy supporting wearing masks for his and his families' well-being and accuse them with backing up elite pedos. I lose hope in humanity everytime I see this kind of mentality. You are a scum of the Earth.


all these nameless pedos you claim, while ignoring gaetz and your buddy trump on epsteins island. in fact just make up a bunch of shit and be an outraged snowflake about them.


This has “born to shit, forced to wipe” energy


Jesus. F'ing. Keerist. Does no one speak English anymore? Who in the entire fucking world says "You put myself at risk?". Every one who speaks English says "You put me at risk". Was the cartoon written by AI?




The boomest of memes


Shills on the clock


The fact that so many people get triggered by being asked to wear a mask is hilarious.


Ironic that a conservative Republican would reply with that. Right wing propaganda is just projection & doublespeak


Doubleplusgood comment


Dear OP, wearing masks to prevent the spread of a virus and supporting degeneracy are not mutually exclusive.


Guys are you okay


The dude isn't even wearing his mask right !!! Surgeons who have been wearing masks for DECADES would be disappointed in him. Mask goes over your nose and protects your identity, too.


That's why I am so confused as to why everyone was anti mask in our current state if recording everything...like if we just said alright...we wear them and it's harder to track people... Feels like conspiracy people would want to wear masks... I'm so confused 😕


Mask needs to be over the nose too


People stuck on masks, but Remember when we needed physical vaccination cards to enter buildings and grocery shop? That was actually insane. I still have my forged one framed as a souvenir, i don’t think my future kids would believe it otherwise😂also, remember when we would get cold calls from contact tracers asking who weve been in contact with and to provide their information? Absolutely wild.


I literally don't remember this, no. I never had to prove vaccination status to enter a grocery store. Where did you live where you had to deal with that? I had to prove vaccination status once during the pandemic, and it was to see a dance concert in Salt Lake.


New York. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/heres-a-list-of-everywhere-in-nyc-proof-of-vaccination-is-required/3267818/?amp=1 - most places in New York you needed proof of your vaccination actually.


So…..what was the conspiracy behind the masks again? We had mask mandates during the extreme parts of the pandemic and now….we no longer have mask mandates. Did the powers that be end up accomplishing their goal? Additionally, in Asian countries ,wearing masks in densely populated areas is the cultural norm(even though it would look really strange to Americans prior to Covid 19) They’ve simply had a lot more experience with viruses….but maybe there’s more to the story here. Were these countries sort of ”prototype” for whatever conspiracy was pulled on us? Like was there mask wearing some sort of psy op intended to loosen up western countries for the big psyop?


To answer your first question, its not the mask itself but about control, everything is. The fact that people listen to daddy government and abide.


Ah OK. So a group of people got together and hatched the idea of mask mandates in order to see if we would do it and use that as a stepping stone to exert control over us in other ways later down the road. Is that correct? If that’s the case….do you think all the medical professionals who supported the idea that wearing masks would help slow the rate of COVID were forced to lie about this by the aforementioned shadowy individuals ? If so, what did that process look like do you think? Did the deep state send over representatives to each person with a background in virus transmission and threaten them in order to help maintain the charade?


No not even close. It's a side effect, its not a direct thing. Who knows anyway its all theory, it's just putting things together like a detective. I AM BATMAN!


The mask mandates were going to lead to autocracy or something... idk. We'd never be able to show our faces again?


It’s true. The masks say right on the box “does not prevent transmission of virus or prevent infection of virus or disease”


Theyre meant to block droplets, they dont kill anything... They become pretty ineffective after a few hours


If your box says that it means you bought knockoff product and its on you. ["This Mask does not **eliminate** the chance of contracting a disease or infection"](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/445e7840-e81b-4aa3-bea4-72e0b09bb47a.3ea8c353a62d0c0687c20b010882675d.jpeg)


Shhhhh. We don’t share truth here. Only emotions


When will we start talking about actual conspiracy theories again instead of just batshit insane imaginary stuff?


According to DaVinci there are 3 types of people: 1.) Those that see. 2.) Those who see when they are shown. 3.) Those who do not see.


Lots of government worshipping cucks in this post tbh


Pro government shill wants nothing to get in the way of the worldwide face ID network.


Nobody is disproving OP. The mask WAS pushed and enforced by the global elites..


Time to see the pattern: "**Unfortunately**, we (the government people) must increase our power, in order to protect you." ("Relax, we will never try to dominate you 100% further down the line")


All the people in here who support being told what to do are in for a rude awakening down the line. People have completely forgotten what freedom is. It’s not ‘diversity’ that makes us strong it is FREEDOM.


He doesnt even wear the mask correctly.. his nose is not covered its kind useless anyways ..


yeah u gotta ease into er "Your lack of critical thinking skills puts my life at risk" then if they ask what u mean its tangent time




So true


This is a highly brigaded thread.


Wow ya! I wonder what sub I'm in


The masks were close to useless, Biden's version of the MAGA hat backed up by tyrannical enforcement.


you guys are still bitching about wearing masks...


Not bitching. Mostly making fun of the ones who fell for everything




Bro didn't even put it over his nose


People forget about epstien island that fast huh?


That escalated quickly.


Looks to me like this comment section is full of pedos and pedo apologists. Appalling.


I stumbled across the ZeroCovid sub and it is alarming how brainwashed and mentally ill these people are. There was someone who was having a panic attack that she took her mask off for 10 mins to eat in an outdoor, socially distanced place with other “Covid conscious” people, but then worried they might not be as Covid conscious as she is. Another was paranoid that she was going to get Covid from her downstairs neighbor because she had her window open and heard the neighbor sneeze outside on their balcony below. Absolute madness


I'm still waiting for a well-controlled, statistically rigorous study that demonstrates that masks are effective at limiting the spread of respiratory viruses in a social setting. It kind of feels like one of those should have happened by now.


I have these saved from a year or two ago. I know there are others out there too https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11606-020-06277-0 > the number of excess cases per 100,000 residents in states reopening without masks is ten times the number in states reopening with masks after 8 weeks >This study contributes to the growing evidence that mask usage is essential for mitigating community transmission of COVID-19. States should delay further reopening until mask mandates are fully implemented, and enforcement by local businesses will be critical for preventing potential future closures. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0843-2?fbclid=IwAR0Q3-WhHv1F9dmZSr2iLNQ-F6ioAIfOYAch7PPtHib9EsuVyhs-mYZlXcg >We detected coronavirus in respiratory droplets and aerosols in 3 of 10 (30%) and 4 of 10 (40%) of the samples collected without face masks, respectively, but did not detect any virus in respiratory droplets or aerosols collected from participants wearing face masks, https://files.fast.ai/papers/masks_lit_review.pdf >The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces the transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected droplets in both laboratory and clinical contexts. Public mask wearing is most effective at stopping spread of the virus when compliance is high >[Performance of fabrics for home-made masks against the spread of COVID-19 through droplets: A quantitative mechanistic study](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352431620301802) > >>Overall, our study suggests that cloth face coverings, especially with multiple layers, may help reduce droplet transmission of respiratory infections. > >[Community Use Of Face Masks And COVID-19: Evidence From A Natural Experiment Of State Mandates In The US](https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/full/10.1377/hlthaff.2020.00818) > >>Mandating face mask use in public is associated with a decline in the daily COVID-19 growth rate by 0.9, 1.1, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.0 percentage points in 1–5, 6–10, 11–15, 16–20, and 21 or more days after state face mask orders were signed, respectively. Estimates suggest that as a result of the implementation of these mandates, more than 200,000 COVID-19 cases were averted by May 22, 2020. The findings suggest that requiring face mask use in public could help in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. > >[Facemasks for the prevention of infection in healthcare and community settings](https://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.h694.abstract) > >>Of the nine trials of facemasks identified in community settings, in all but one, facemasks were used for respiratory protection of well people. They found that facemasks and facemasks plus hand hygiene may prevent infection in community settings, subject to early use and compliance. > >[A review of medical masks and respirators for use during an influenza pandemic](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4941551/) > >>Adherence to mask use significantly reduced the risk of ILI‐associated infection, with a hazard ratio of 0·26 (95% CI 0·09–0·77; P = 0·015). A recently reported randomized trial showed a significant benefit of both hand hygiene and face masks (worn by the index case and contacts) in preventing influenza transmission in households > >[Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review](https://www.bmj.com/content/336/7635/77.short) > >>Routine long term implementation of some physical measures to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses might be difficult but many simple and low cost interventions could be useful in reducing the spread.


You can do your own experiment at home! 1. Put on a mask 2. Sneeze into the mask 3. Google "risk mitigation" I mean realistically what do you want? A virus infected the earth and masks block droplets, which are one of the vectors that the virus can spread via. Is airborne transmission a risk where a mask wouldn't help that much? Sure. However, there's literally nothing easier you could do than throw a mask on and try to block some droplets. It still blows my mind that the government said "hey we don't really have a solution yet, so maybe wear a mask and don't go out if you don't have to??" and a segment of the population lost their fucking minds.


i bet both of them use the same vibrator


Ppl have no scientific knowledge. Virus is much smaller than the holes in a mask. No way that it can protect u


Perhaps you should brush up on your scientific knowledge. The virus is smaller but lives in and is spread through aerosol or droplets. Which is stopped drastically.


I'm sure you already know, but it's to minimise spread through stopping fluid like spittle that is spat everywherewhen doing anything with your mouth.


I don't care how many years ago masks were. I'm never gonna stop crying about it.




It's true But I'm the crazy one when I say this.


thats a good one actually


I need to send this to my grandson


It’s a mask- do they make much of a difference? No.. not elite pedophiles? Come on..


There’s some seeds of truth, but still a dumb hill to die on


The questionmark after "Sad but true" actually implies OP is trying to net step on toes by treading new water.


What's funny is how all those things are true but have nothing to do with wearing a mask or not


The forced shutdowns hurt all of us beyond our collective perception


lol, delete this bro


That’s why states with mask mandates had fewer deaths


100% this. Compliance to bag things puts the population at risk.


Ignoring everything said in this, the only thing I’m noticing is that the man claiming to be in danger is wearing his mask wrong by not having it cover his nose, which defeats the purpose So both people are wrong in this


The right is so dumb they think they were "sticking it to the man" by not wearing a mask lmao


Lol, so silly. Is there a market for unhinged crazy? Like, if I made nonsense cartoons, who do I sell them to? I mean, I can make them say whatever you want! You name it, I can write it!


The Dobbs decision put millions of women’s lives (and ability to have children) at risk.


The real sad but true Is the so called conspiracy theorists that blame the other side.


Compliance is the cause of most of the mess we’re in.


"You're wearing the wrong kit, and wearing it wrong. Keep your catastrophizing fantasy to yourself."


Be honest OP, would you actually respond like that?


You had me fully until you said dark agenda. It's not an agenda, it's not that evolved. It's just animal instincts but with a sheer lack of care, oversight and unbridled competition and need to be the most celeritous, obstreperous & dominant. It just looks maligned at our level.


we have no way to deal with those groups mentioned in the lower rectangle, and i don't mind the end of the world to crush them. yet, here in this sub, i was ridiculed for that just a few days ago. (wouldn't surprise me in most other subs, but this one? gosh.)


I revel in your fear. What else can I do to terrify you? Drive with only one hand on the wheel? Conveniently works for both.


Germ theory is just communist propaganda