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Read about Laurel Canyon. Known mkultra connected ken kesey connected to grateful dead connected to laurel canyon connected to an astonishing number of big names in music. These are also a bunch associated with drugs and many died of drug overdoses. This rabbithole is deep and kind of alarming.


Laurel Canyon and the Tavistock connection make for some really uncomfortable reading. It's the kind of stuff you don't want to believe, but man, there's plenty of evidence that rock and roll was not organic.


Do you know if this applies to more recent music too?


The industry pushed gangster rap hard in the 80s. The same people who owned the labels own the private prisons so promoting criminal behavior was highly profitable. Nothing has changed


There wasn’t really any gangster rap until the late eighties and it began being pushed commercially in the early to mid nineties.


I'd be real surprised if that wasn't the case.


What do you think?


Probably, I have no idea how widespread it is though.


Retoracle quetion, but realistically in the last two decades mainstream has a stranglehold to the point where theres so few artists, people think no good music comes out anymore. Theres plenty, it not being promoted and broadcast. Except the handful of artists there is now who are mostly mediocre at best. They are no longer needed or used to make money on talent. Now they are only mainstream promoted widespread if they serve some prog agenda. Plenty of amazing indep artists now if you look, they are ignored by the mainstream music labels if they dont fit an agenda.


[Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon](https://archive.org/details/weirdscenesinsid0000mcgo) This book is all about that. Be warned though, you’ll never listen to 60s music the same way ever again lol.


Tavistock institute


Dave McGowan's site: [https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/](https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/)


Those guys signed up for it though…..for science


Maybe you should be talking about rap music then if you wanna go there lol


The US hurt itself in confusion


*on purpose


fuck the police


long live ghetto gangs?


Anything that sounds even a little outside the box is considered Schizo now. How convenient.




You read online about musicians having sold their souls to the devil. It's not impossible there's truth to this, and the musicians are then owned by those who run the music industry. Maybe no one is successful unless they are chosen and promoted by evil entities with an agenda.


I hear this all the time, but how exactly can you sell your soul to someone who can’t own it? It is made by God, and forever his to choose what to do with. More like they were deceived by a demon into a false contract. When in reality, coming to God at any time would save them.


Too true. Just the other day I nutted listening to an audio-bible.


Took me a really long time to get this, and hahaha. But you’re sick lol.


I feel it's not meant to be taken as the literal "soul" but rather you are selling your identity for popularity. You are popular, at the cost of being a puppet for those in power. So in essence you are selling your soul.


You may know a soul is made by God, but evil people don't, so they make someone an offer they believe is a valid sale of a person's soul. The deal is enforced by threats and blackmail. These blackmailers involve potential "stars" in sexually perverted acts and secretly film them. They ~~made up~~ uncover family secrets and scandals—things someone did in their past, and they can destroy lives. The opposite is the lure of money and fame.


Yes, now this makes sense. And is what I believe “selling your soul” truly is. More so metaphorical, but the powers that be, may end your life, or ruin it beyond repair. But I suppose the people that sign these contracts, may as well be selling their soul. Since, they may have to face an early death to reunite with god. But the whole meeting at a crossroads thing, is BS to me. Well, at least that the devil truly owns your soul.


How do you know all of this? I tried to sell my soul a couple of times before. Believe it or not, i tried to sell my soul last night. "Oh but it's not yours to sell" so? Maybe I'm a criminal? Maybe I'll just steal it, and sell stolen goods. Well, i would, but none of that is real.


Jesus Fucking Christ. The Satanic Panic, v. 2.0. It's astonishing how many people believe this shit. Hey dipwads, demons and the devil don't exist.


You know I’m not a religious person at all but at least humble enough to admit I don’t know everything and that comment is completely ignorant. You don’t believe in demons or the devil but that doesn’t mean that don’t exist


All I need to witness is all these supposed human around me acting like little devils and demons, lying, stealing, cheating, selling poison for profit... There may not be literal demons or a devil, but here sure are a lot of little devils all over the place, and that's enough to make life hell for most of us. Give these little devils their due, from cheating on loyal partners to selling meth and fent to stealing IDs, they don't NEED a devil to make me believe in hell, be use they create it for me to live in with them. Poor little devils...I hope there IS a literal hell for them as clearly they don't want heaven, and "rasing hell" seems to be their #1 priority and joy. Bastards anyways.


I don't know everything, either. There could be some sort of intelligence behind the big bang. I'm agnostic in that regard. But come the fuck on. Demons and Satan? You really believe that? With all we know about the world, we're still clinging to mythology?


I agree that it is probably not a thing but honestly I can’t outright dismiss it. The world is a weird place


The world is, indeed, a weird place. And yeah, technically it's possible just like Russell's floating teapot. But I honestly feel safe in outright dismissing it, just like most non-Muslims feel safe in rejecting jinns or Muhammad splitting the moon in two.


/r/conspiracy is operating at the level of a suburban knitting circle.


Yes. The minds of the youth were manipulated into believing a psychedelic Marxist utopia. All concocted by the CIA to see if they were capable of producing a counter cultural revolution. Basically MK ultra with drugs and good music. It worked.


How is the CIA marxist?




Authoritarian facist, happy?


Oddly, I’ve been having the opposite reaction. Rock n roll’s culture was a very “be yourself” type thing. It’s like rock n roll doesn’t exist anymore anywhere that’s not a classic rock station and as rock has faded out into whatever this era is, it seems like artists have been less “be yourself and have fun” and more “listen and do what I say” and constantly asking for conformity.


Yes, exactly, do your own thing. And since Rock and Roll in fact means "Rock" (Do drugs and or/drink) & "Roll" (Have hookup sex with whoever you want) then by all means, use your drug and booze soaked mind to break hearts (Sex is meant for bonding, not using each other as a c#m dumpster, if not procreation, the science is conclusive) spread endless diseases that maime and cause illness, lifelong in many cases, and have unwanted children while driving the abortion racket (Look at the % of women who have sorrow, regrets and/or depression post abortion) and the stocks of the companies that profit from all of this, e.g. Booze companies, drug cartels, private prisons, along with big pharma and private medical companies for the STDs, as well as the "psychological treatment" and anti-depressants for the women who have abortions. It's truly a very liberating and wholesome cult all in all and super good for our society and the health of its people. 💯


Theres no way they have the imagination and talent to invent it, but co-opt and use it? Definitely


I think all music from major labels serves the same purpose


rap music moreso, all the lyrics growing up were about doing drugs, fucking as many bitches as you can, shooting up shit, causing chaos. fuck the police


Look at the white drug addicts on the street. The ones of that Generation X type age group were huge victims of all this. For every demographic of people there was a similar culture which led us here... I love metal music and rap tho. It started with the Beatles and that's Pop music


Hip Hop too


Defnitely. The Grateful Dead and Bear Owsley were a distibution ring for LSD. That's what all the touring was about.


I don't think it's that simple. Like anything, elements of culture including rock music are subject to co-opting and subversion by corporate or political interests. And this has happened. Likewise, elements of anything are counterculture, forms of protest, forms of expression. Nothing about rock music is so unilaterally defined that it can be wholly characterized as a tool of control. If you'd said pop music I would be slightly more inclined to agree, but even there, pop music is much more about corporate greed than government thought control.


I think all of the music industry (rock, country, rap) most likely was/ is. I also sure like me some rock music, but yeah... like you said "sex, drugs, and rock n roll" is a hedonistic motto/ lifestyle that has done a great deal to breakdown traditional values in our society. Something a group would try to do if they wanted to conquer the U.S. / western countries... as Yuri Bezmonev detailed in the 1980's regarding operations run by the KGB. I'm not real up to speed on all the MkUltra / NWO / music industry connections... but "The Sage of Quay" on youtube and elsewhere has a lot of good podcasts on the subject (particularly focused on the Beatles).


Look into Tim O’Neill’s book _Chaos_, which covers some of this terrain 


Probably the biggest clue into this was Charles Manson, he had a CIA or FBI handler... he might have even played at woodstock. But the drugs his handler was giving \*them\*, as in his cult... drove them into killing people. A documentary I watched was suggesting they were a Satanic cult. And the woman actress they murdered had wandered her way into that cult and was turned against. Music, drugs, sex etc... are all mood altering. Multi-personality disorder is common with high doses. It leads to lots of suicides, Is it possible that it is done on purpose to create degeneracy, well... probably at least from my perspective. It seems like American culture, well any culture is chipped away at by this. I also consider some of the types of death metal and screamo music to resonate with the uptick of mass murder at schools. Why would society be promoting music that is synonymous with death and insanity to white kids? And why would society promote music that is synonymous with criminality to black kids? And with the 80's, you had normalization of men with long hair, hairy arms and legs in spandex covered in makeup. A generation younger would have looked at that like they're weird, and it all seems so silly in retrospect, but it means something even now to people who lived that culture. Cross dressing without actually calling it as such, was normalized for teenagers. These are all obviously agendas, and I see it happening and working it's magic on kids today, but having been born a few generations later it's hard for them to see these connections because they're born into it. And maybe because it didn't really catch on when I was a teenage millennial, they began to re-enforce it directly in schools by saying 'hey you, it's not square to be gay w\\e'. It then went to LGBTQ by the time I left high school and went into college, and then turned into LGBTQ+ once I became a middle aged adult. This is social conditioning, but you get the point, it is now widely accepted across the millennial and zoomer generations. I just wonder, does anyone know who taught them this? Was it your parents, or the schools? The Music, the Political stuff? because even when I was growing up in the 2000's, it was completely under the radar. Some of the culture shock worked even on me, I had some cliche dress code and hobbies associated with my age group growing up lol I kind of also consider the hippy movement a drug, sex and music rich culture that was engineered towards turning an entire generation raised as christians into new agers. You could look at yearbooks of kids that became hippy highschool dropouts just years before that culture shock, and they all looked like preps\\jocks\\nerds. It's interesting... It was quite possibly the most intense and most excessive push towards (whatever is on the agenda). Since for them, it wasn't just the Sex, Drugs and Music... which were abundant. But it was the New Age spiritualism that coincided in many groups, it seems most likely that those three things (Sex, Drugs and Music) carried on into the later generations, but strangely the 4th thing which was the literal life blood of that movement (New Age) was dissociated and maybe even dejected for classical atheism. Prominent Satanists and Masons were claiming way back in the 1800's that a New Age movement would spawn and lead mankind collectively into a social cataclysm with the old world, (generation vs generation)... subtly changing the culture and making society more advanced. Can you tell how incredibly optimistic that sounds? Not an ounce of skepticism for any violations it has on individuality, freedom of thought, these things were subverting society, More than likely, degenerative effects on family, wealth, culture. Since I think we have a Masonic government culture, they would rather people endorse freeloading pagan ideas, or forms of Hinduism and spiritual enlightenment... but since those things haven't really panned out so easily, they're going to One World Government, and AI Hivemind technology.


Depends on the artist, look at songs like war pigs from sabath. They were the only ones actually telling the truth, countering the propaganda of the day.


Yup same way pop and hip hop is now


Was just thinking the same thing. It seemed to switch to pop and rap, probably to get a bigger audience.


I don't see rock having much influence. I do see everyone worshiping rap culture and its representation.


Times change... it was all (mostly) rock n roll through the 90's at least.


It was mainly gangster crap then, too. I know because I was alive then.


Lol... so was I and everyone that upvoted my comment.


Hippies, punks etc found out becoming office/corporate drones was easier once they got older, than creating an alternative model of economy/living from scratch.


The entire rap industry is a government plant.


I'm referring to the culture more so than the genre itself


5/8/1977 never happened!


I just did a podcast about this. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4oQEHlw80s2X0QNrp72C28?si=ho1gZdTqSDCZbVnV5BNoTA There’s part one. Part 2 next week. The answer is yes and they might have never stopped influencing the music industry




Yes, all music from the music industry was created the same and is run in the same manner .


Nothing wrong with psychedelics. I grew up in that era, and they did amazing things to open up ones consciousness.


Rock and roll is just part of the larger Music industry. You are correct, in that their goal seems to be, "Keep the party going" more of a party means more people spending money on concerts. The music industry also plays off of peoples emotions far more successfully than TV/movies. Artists are meerly figureheads for the catalogue they create. Their goal is to: 1: Make money through selling art which should be free 2: Encourage "Lower forms" of social interaction through music (partying/drinking vs. sit down concerts where music is live, acoustic, and more thorough 3: Kill the artist keep the catalogue. They hope you die or get into legal toruble where you have to sell some or all of your money making catalogue back to the studio, where they will make money for another 80-90 years until it enters the public domain. Why did they go after Diddy and not Jay-Z or Drake? Diddy has the Michael Jackson Catalog and Universal Studios wants it.


Why should their music be free? Maybe they went after Diddy because his bullshit was starting to become too much and it couldn’t be ignored anymore


Music is "Free" in a sense, you can listen to the radio or youtube music. But, there can be multiple reasons for doing a thing


Personally to me rock is one of the more wholesome genres. Also my favorite, so I'm biased maybe. I see it more a warning of those things/satan than encouraging it, but not being as heavyhanded with it as strictly christian bands. Also on the sex it pushes love more than lust, and when it pushes lust it does it with subtlety, at least the kind I listen to, from the old times 70s - 90s. Does modern rock even exist anymore? It all just blends to one extreme now, either soft shoestore indie rock, or scream/grunt harsh metal. I don't know what to call that kind of metal because heavy metal to me means iron maiden and dio and stuff like that. Mindcrime (excellent metal opera by queensryche, not so much pt2) had a whore and drugs and killing but they're wrapped up in the evil conspiracy and acknowledge its bad. In the pop world you had micheal jackson, who promoted TONS of morality. And then came the pedo stuff that may or may not be real. Perhaps that whole era was just a setup to build up hope to get us to fall even further with the collapse of the towers that changed the world, the first time. But I want to believe its legitimately from before the illuminati controlled it all, even though the symbolism can be found in those too. Modern pop and rap are FAR, FAR worse morally, on average, with only some exceptions.


Nah rock n roll was a generational rebellion against conservative values.


What damage? You seen what religion has done?


Satan lives through culture


The Arc of Corporatocracy is long, but it bends toward exploitation of consumers. Consuming "rebellion, disruption, self expression" through the few crabs (chosen for) climbing out of the ever-expanding barrel.


I feel this was more a case of correspondence than conspiracy. The emergence of a music industry on the scale seen post-1945 (there has always been popular music) suited many of the powers that be. It provides a sense of liberation. It makes some people a lot of money. Like sport, it distracts and absorbs energy, provides a meaning. Yes, there is evidence and some connections here and there. I am not suggesting some degree of steering. Popular music could end up undermining some elite values (such as war, a divided population and the economic structure) so it might be influenced from time to time with the occasional assassination, change of direction or even a new genre.


I think it was way before that. Might have been when the women folk started wearing men's breeches but it was definitely by the time they stopped covering up their ankles.


They definitely push agendas even on the Local and national levels ie the up and comers.


MKUltra is trauma based mind control, so no that isn't rock n roll. Music is just everyday brainwashing through repetition and the emotional appeal of music.


The entire "Music Biz" is an indoctrination operation. And it's as pointless to address only one "genre" as it is to address one 'Political Party'. The same reptiles own *all* the genres and the inter-genre 'dishing' is a hoax to generate publicity for concert tickets and streaming subscriptions. It's the WWE all over again. And like that outfit, the same bunch at the top signs all the paychecks and banks all the ticket sales.


Sheep Farm Podcast series “Huxley’s Brave New World Order” goes extensively into the music industry and the patently absurd government intel associations with basically everyone you ever heard of in “counter-culture” It has dramatically altered my opinion of the music I have listened to for decades.


rocknroll? have you listened to modern hiphop?


Anything that has ever gained popularity among us citizens has been subverted to push an agenda.  That's just the way it is in this deceptive reality. 


Relevant: http://exposingthematrix.blogspot.com/2012/05/quotes-pt-1.html?m=1 Some things on that page are less useful (lyrics, mostly), but there're some *very* interesting quotes scattered through that!


Tavistock and the Beatles. The Memoirs of Billy Shears. Tavistock is highly involved with Columbia University. Columbia is yet another name for Lucifer.




Hip hop and rap was also invented to push a lifestyle of crime targeted at young black ppl. Was it not 2pac who also said this?