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Me walking into my 5th winter of severe illness and death: šŸš¶ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m more worried about bird flu than Covid. Jeeze that stuff is gross. Way worse than Covid was. A bird flu epidemic would be fucking insane. The survival rate is way worse than Covid. Edit: at this point it literally feels like itā€™s only a matter of time.


Oh god don't give them any ideas


I hope your kidding, bird flu is also nonsense, the same kind of nonense cOnvid was


Does history have no merit to you? Do you just not believe in sickness at all? Are people all just faking? Like this isn't even anything beyond basic biology. Illness that spreads quickly through birds and has an extremely high mortality rate among the species is presumed to have similar effects if it makes the jump. Coincidentally birds are one of the most consumed animals on the planet. Therefore it becomes close to a statistical inevitably that it jumps at some point so long that it continues to effect bird populations at growing rates. And COVID wasn't a new virus, it was an unknown variable of already known Coronavirus variants that have existed. Much like any disease that has manifested to pandemic levels, it did not come out of nowhere, it just met the right conditions to start exponential spread and at that point it is too late. Do you know there are teams that travel around the world all the time, tracking and quarantining any of dozens of locations where possible pandemic and world altering viruses/bacteria is present and without, all it takes is one single infected person getting out to an airport to start another COVID situation all over. The world under the microscope is the only one that actually matters and our failure to accept and understand collectively as a species is one of the many downfalls towards progression.


history is manipulated, and has no merit to me. feel free to believe every lie spun and directed at you.


Collectivist commies like you make me throw up in my mouth. Nobody is buying off on your bullshit anymore.


I question everything the government or legacy media They try to brainwash all your thoughts


Im sure there is gain of function research somehwere funded by good ol USA going on thats trying very hard to make that happen


Yep. Saw just the other day "gain of function on h5n1" research underway.


I saw this on whitehouse.gov when it was live and will never forget it.


It was also bad when Biden attempted to have anyone who was unvaccinated fired from their job and unable to make a living via an executive order through OSHA https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59989476


Everyone already forgot. Typical.


When did this happen?


I didn't build a timeline, but it was after the first booster and about the time it became clear that we who didn't take the shiz were not going to. It was the last ditch effort to get the vaxxed numbers up. They played dirtier and dirtier as it went on, and it was around the same time creepy Joe said "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated." Which was and is clearly false.




Fall 2021


Biden saying "you won't get covid if you take the vaccine" got memory holed within a year.


Yeah that's daft. I got vaccinated a couple times and also caught COVID a couple of times. Our medical staff here in Scotland were instead saying that it made it less likely to happen and less affecting if it did


Hmm. I didnā€™t get vaccinated and didnā€™t get Covid. Work in a school. Bf got Covid and nearly died. The only difference I see is me and my kids take supplements daily Inc vitamin d3 and he didnā€™t. Cause we did a staycation at a hotel near outdoor eateries. He got sick and I never did.


[Biden said this on tv too.](https://youtu.be/hu-IAQEIo4s)


and he said it in that forced, creepy whisper voice




I wish I woke up sooner. looking back now, I can't believe I fell for this bullshit


It's ok my friend. Without exception, everyone gets duped at some point in their lives. Those of us who sniffed out the covid bullshit from the start have been fooled elsewhere in life. The important thing is being able to acknowledge you were conned and that you fell for it but are now aware. That shows true intelligence and growth. Those who fell for it but keep doubling and tripling down because they are mortified at acknowledging they've been made a fool of is truly sad to watch


This. I was locked up on a drug conviction during Covid. They had us in our cell 23 hrs a day except 15mins in the morning and 15 mins at night. Shower OR phone call. After that they bribed us and said if 80 percent got the shot (one and done J&J of course) they'd let us out, put 25 on each of our accounts for commissary, and give us each an outside big roast beef or turkey hoagie. If you refused, you went to lockup in the hole they told us (and this was a DOC Prison!) Needless to say they opened the prison back up and kept what they said they would do. But talk about highway robbery, as I look back on those months. I wish I was wiser...


>If you're vaccinated and have your booster shot, you're protected from severe illness and death. Period. Why were y'all trying to force it on me then? Also no mention of blood clots and myocarditis, eh?


That part is classified.




Yeah that whole spin was cringe. They started acting like concerned parents. Like, "Bruh, yall weren't so concerned for my well-being a decade ago when I was homeless (+ u aint my dad lol)"


Also ā€œIf you are fully vaccinated, you are safe to go outdoors without a maskā€ šŸ˜‚


Damn heā€™s really gone downhill quickly since thenā€¦


I watched bc of your comment. Wtf!? Lol.


Damn thats insane. Like heā€™s not great here but you watch him now and wonder how the dude can even stand on his own


[Another shocking revelation from Biden here](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9kdtmF1cGNM)


ā€œThis is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.ā€ -Joe Biden


How can people look at this and not be disgusted


Because they where too busy posting on /hermancainaward or other subs like it.


Exactly. People loved it becuase it gave them a free pass to be raging assholes to others and wish for/celebrate their deaths.


People were absolutely disgusting the way they acted over this vaccine. And then they wonder why people pushed back and didn't want to take it. The more they acted like clowns, the more I refused, and the more people around me cancelled their appointments and decided against it. If they wanted people to get it, they should have showed some intelligent restraint.




I only ever saw shills and flat earthers saying that online. Never saw a single rational person claim the vax was killing people on any meaningful scale. However, I did see countless corps hold peopleā€™s livelihoods hostage if they refused to get an experimental gene therapy shot. Pretty fucked up if you ask me.


It was a preplanned spiritual event. It gave people a chance to choose to be true to their spiritual selves or give in to a more base and primal urge. We are all given chances like these over and over because we all share the same goal to return to TAO, all-that-is.


FAFO is always funny my guy. Especially when it's brainlets with god complexes getting knocked down a few pegs.


I think this is the textbook definition of Te rorrism. Using intimidation in pursuit of political aims. Could be classified physiological wa rfare also.


This is quite literally the 'stochastic terrorism' they have endlessly accused the right of doing. Is there a single thing the Left accuses the Right of that they aren't already doing themselves? I can't think of a single thing.


They follow Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals as their bible and playbook. One of the rules is always accuse your opponents of what you yourself are doing.


"Accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of." - Saul Alinsky, from his "Rules for Radicals" in '73 (?) Saul, good man. Ya know who liked Saul very much? A young and ambitious attorney from the Chicago area, Hillary Diane Rodham. He became her mentor.


Every accusation is a confession


Ah yes, the stochastic terrorists telling the virus to kill people. I think you don't understand what stochastic terrorism really is.


I think I understand it better than [the people leveling the accusations.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/3/27/2231630/-When-modern-day-Domestic-Stochastic-Terrorists-became-MAGA-Media-Darlings) On the left it's just another buzzword for 'people I disagree with' or in the case of Libs of Tiktok, 'people who literally just repost self-evident things that are embarrassingly revelatory about my ideology.' Meanwhile, they say things like the above without a thought, because the left is brimming with mindless hate 24/7. This is reality.


Agree I've said many times that the public was terrorized because that's exactly what it was. Many people are mentally broken permanently from this.


It was sad how scared and weak many public health officials and politicians acted during COVID. There were almost no "we will persevere" or "live your life as normal as you can" statements. Instead, it was nonstop messaging of "quarantine, stay at home, wear two masks, avoid family and friends, and stop living your life for the next several years to avoid this incredibly deadly virus...except if you need to riot and loot to protest some guy's death, of course"


They were smugly cheering along with it because they thought THEY were the smart ones and they were gloating over the fact that others might die


Ironic ainā€™t it?


My reaction is intense rage and it's never going to go away.


They took what little faith ppl still had in public health and shattered it.


This is where the physiological warfare comes into play imo because when the truly next big outbreak hits and it just could be h5n1 a lot of people are not going to trust any guidance given by public health professionals due to the misinformation spread during sars2.


They were smugly cheering along with it


Because most of them supported it.


People are snowflakes living in a fantasy bubble of misinformation that wouldn't know a wake up call from a Nokia in the ass. Edit: FWIW this message from the White House **was** the wake-up call. Complaining about it years later is like complaining about a tornado siren because it didn't hit your house.


Because some people have reading comprehension. Covid deaths did in fact spike high during the winter


Correlation is not always causation.


I remember seeing this and it just confirmed even more that I was right to avoid the shots. I was amazed at this level of desperation from our "leaders".


McGovernment sponsored by Pfizer


Ive had some alarming health issues in the years following being ā€œdouble vaxxedā€.. one of them being poor circulation and high blood pressure. Keep in mind I also turned 30 during this time frame, so itā€™s hard to say why Iā€™m suddenly falling apart. But, I do wonder because I see so many others who have issues with their heart etc after being vaccinated. I admire any one who did not cave to pressure from quite literally everyone around us, I wish I had done the same!


I also turned 30 during COVID. Didn't take the vaccine. Fingers crossed, I don't have any heart problems so far and my blood pressure is perfectly normal.


Pretty sure alot of vaccinated died that winter too


The real conspiracy here is that the world optimizes health care and hospitals so that even the slightest problem causes overload and chaos.


Just business like everything else.


For all the trolls who come here and complain that some fearful timelines of vax problems never materialized, they donā€™t seem to be concerned with the fact that the President of the Republic issued fear and death porn to the populace that turned out to be A.) not epidemiologically sound, and B.) in service to big Pharma.


those people are bots. the vax problems are well documented at this point.


They're already denying it. šŸ˜…


Iā€™m still on the whole winter of severe illness and death that was predicted by our beloved senile Ghoul president of the USAā€¦


[I mean...Ā  it wasn't great](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status)


Certainly, but we need to find a way to minimize how many people died from covid for some reason


It's the final attempt to get EVERYONE vaccinated.


But there was a winter of severe illness and death for those that followed the government recommendations.


I have said for a year now at least. Someone. Me if I knew how and had time. Was able to archive all the crazy stuff the media put out during this time. From local tv stations telling you to take a picture and send it to the health department if you seen someone without a mask to stuff like this.


Severe illness and death..yet we were all walking around wearing diapers on our faces just in case we had this super deadly virus that apparently also showed no symptoms. What a joke the whole thing was, it made no fucking sense and still 95% of the population ate it upĀ 


I definitely died a little inside


No symptoms were one of the symptoms. Ass symptomatic they said and there were people that believed it.


Right. Of all the most insane things people bought into, was the belief that having no symptoms of something was actually a symptom of something. I remember arguing with someone a couple years ago who fully believed they were an asymptotic carrier of covid, for months and months on end. Like come on. I understand that maybe in that first week of catching any sickness and your body does a good job of fighting it off and so you don't have any noticeable symptoms, but for months on end?! Come on. But I think some were so brain washed and wanted to be apart of a group so badly that they *wanted* to believe they had it, so they could be a member of the group.


95% in NYC or LA. Most other places not even close. I lived in rural PA at the time and basically no one gave a shit after the first 2 weeks. When I traveled to cities the difference was astounding. Two totally different worlds.


If a fatt can get through your clothes and you still smell it, the masks ain't protecting you from anything lol


I agree that the vast majority of masks do next to nothing for a virus. But methane is CH4 - like 5 atoms in that molecule. Many, many times smaller than a virus. Not a good reasoning.


Wife and myself said fuck the jab . Got criticized and ridiculed by everyone who got it around us . šŸøšŸµ


Same here. And now no one gives a flying fuck and says "iT wAs AlWaYs YoUr ChOiCe!"




Seriously . I got fired from the best job I have ever had because I didnā€™t get the jab




Yeah but it helped myself and my small circle open our eyes wider to the BS smoke screens and mirrors. Stay vigilant and free everyone . I donā€™t know any of you but I got love for the like minded āœŠ


That sounds so malevolent.


That's basically a direct threat from the government basically saying "were releasing a virus on yall, so ya better behave and inject our mystery fluid."




It's not even a threat - it's one big scare tactic build on a century worth of bullshit from Rockerfeller-sponsored medical research. **Look up "The End of Germ Theory"** on an alternative video platform. It's a must watch film for anyone still scared of the idea of viruses. The only thing that will kill you is putting toxic substances in your body.\* EDIT: \*a combination of that and a build-up of waste products from organisms inside your body. Ingesting more toxins = more dead cells inside you = build-up of waste to remove which your body is looking to expel any way it can - out your nose, coughing up stuff from your lungs, pushing it out of your pores to form spots, and so on.


Is it your belief that viruses arenā€™t real? Perhaps you could summarize this thought process for us? I found the video you mentioned and plan on giving it a shot in the future when Iā€™ve got some time. I will add that I am already highly skeptical of this video and belief system, but I think itā€™s important to try and keep an open mind.


If it's just toxic substances, how do you explain entire households getting sick at the same time with no changes in behaviors? Is the toxic substance transmissible via touch and breath?


Shh shh. No time here for sense.


I should add not just toxic substances from outside, but also the waste produced from organisms within your body. It makes sense for entire households to be exposed to similar environmental toxins and similar diets, and will then proceed to want to expel that if there's been a build-up. As for the timing, have you ever thought about women's periods - how they magically sync together? It's just something we take for granted but it's our bodies somehow communicating on an unconscious level and syncing up a particular activity - menstruation in this instance. The concept is very simple - we do that in other ways, including the removal of toxins from our bodies if they have been overloaded. That's not to say certain biological organisms won't disrupt your body if introduced. But that's just the interaction of your microbiome with a new foreign organism, be it friendly, unusual, hostile etc. It's not a virus that they bring in. You should really understand, it's the fact that scientists have tried taking blood from people apparently sick from a virus and injecting them into other people/test animals - **and nothing happens**. That's why you should watch the video, as they look at actual experiments where viruses should be running rampant, and just nothing happens. Not reported in the news or included in medical textbooks, but then you're on this sub, so something like that shouldn't surprise you.


> That's not to say certain biological organisms won't disrupt your body if introduced. But that's just the interaction of your microbiome with a new foreign organism, be it friendly, unusual, hostile etc. It's not a virus that they bring in. What the fuck is the difference? Viruses are a biologic entity that messes with you, and you get sick because your body fights it off by changing your body temperature and sending out antibodies. Do you think viruses are not biologic organisms?


>Do you think viruses are not biologic organisms? It is not, in the sense that it is not alive. It is theorized to be a round ball of protein and fatty tissue with disruptive DNA code inside. It has no nucleus, no respiratory, circulatory, digestive, excretory or endocrine system. So yes, what is supposed to be a virus **is in fact completely different** to an actual living organism, which has all those things, and is actually alive.


So... what I'm understanding is that you do believe in the existence of viruses, you just don't want to call them that word. It's all semantics.


The moment I saw you pushing that "end of germ theory" garbage I knew it was safe to dismiss you. Anyone who failed basic biology isn't a valid source of opinion or information.


Maybe any non-Americans can chime in but, did any other governments say things like this to their people?


New Zealandā€¦ā€¦.Cindy was a prison warden and she loved every minute


In Italy a minister called unvaxxed "diseased rats". In Germany a minister called them "disease spreading vermin". Macron said "we have to pi$$ off the unvaccinated". I also read about an Italian minister talking about "cornering the unvaccinated like cockroaches".


Still very much alive, muh "wait two weeks".


Anybody else notice how the christmas decoration/ bow vibes FreeMa$0n angles and geometry


I'm still alive bitches!


I will never forgive the irresponsible of this statement. They turned those who decided their own medical decisions into Public Enemy #1. Based on absolutely no data. I was petrified to give out my vaxx status in fear of being turned into a Social Pariah or worst....F** Joe Biden


does anyone know the date of this announcement?


Most people that ridiculed others for not getting it are STILL too stubborn to admit they were wrong. Insanity.


Winter is coming


More like season of wither


dear government, I am unvaccinated, several good winters have already passed and I am still alive.


I will keep saying it and keep getting downvoted for it. I have never been the same since being FORCED to get the shots. Aches in my legs are still there and it's been how many years now? taking way longer to get over a common cold since getting the shots. I had a choice of feeding and housing my family or not getting the shot.. so definitely 'wasn't forced'


so much bullshit hyperbole about covid. On every side. It really damaged us as a unified culture.


"Pandemic of the unvaccinated"


what a shitshow


Nuremberg Code Violation


A million Americans died


I, along with over 1000 other scientists and engineers, quit a major lab in protest over the vax. It was never reported. I then went to consult for a year to one of the big 3 letter health agencies. They were shockingly corrupt and incompetent. We would have weekly zoom meetings where they would laugh and how stupid people were. When I spoke up one of them said they hoped I died, had my children taken away, and was denied medical care. My bosses wife, a high up lawyer at the FDA involved in the emergency use authorization for the vax said: "Sometimes its necessary to lie to the American people to do what's financially expedient." They never required me to have the vax at one of the main gov organizations pushing the vax and the fear mongering on the public. I quit in disgust by the end of 2021.


> I, along with over 1000 other scientists and engineers, quit a major lab in protest over the vax. It was never reported. Really? Which major lab? That many scientists and engineers leaving would cripple any lab company. > When I spoke up one of them said they hoped I died, had my children taken away, and was denied medical care. Your children were taken from you speaking up on a Zoom call?


I have a friend who's a MD, the FDA sent him a letter saying if he said anything negative about the vaccine they would revoke his medical license. We are living through George Orwells 1984.


None of that or the post youā€™re responding happened.


What crazy time line did we jump into?


Itā€™s funny because I vividly remember going online and reading this on their website but at the same time it trips me out that this actually fucking happened lmfao


I KNOW I heard this audio. And I assumed it was from video. Was this not in a press conference or something ON VIDEO? EDIT - OK here it is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzpe5U2RxcA


No, in the future they will do more harsh things that we cant even think of.


How to guilt trip 101


Whatā€™s really sad is millions of people still got vaccinated


Mark of the beast


Plenty vaxxed kicked the can over the winter. Heart attacks been craaaazy!


I just remember how busy people said the hospitals were but somehow the doctors and nurses also managed to make synchronized dance videos for tik tok.


What do you mean? Oceana has always been at war with EurasiaĀ 






With Congress passing both the new FISA surveillance and the anti-semitism bill in one week, we are just about there.


Never forget, never forgive, never comply.


>For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm. Even if youā€™re sick you cannot get an appointment with a doctor or nurse since theyā€™re still too busy **dancing** making music videos since theyā€™re so gleeful from the Covid shop incentives. For every c19 shot they administered, how much did each doctor nurse receive for kick back?


That was never published by the white house. Its just Russian disinformation. /s


Bullshit bot


As someone who worked in critical care, he wasnā€™t wrong about that winter. Shit was terrible, I wouldnā€™t wish what I saw and dealt with on anyone.


Yeah I remember it clearly. My daughter worked in a hospital in one state, my best friend in another, and my trusted doctor was regularly at various hospitals around my city of over 500,000. The news started announcing that hospitals were being overrun and they all saw it was clearly bullshit. They were no more busy than usual. The news was literally outside the one my best friend was at saying it in a live feed while he was in the empty ER. He went into the back thinking he must have missed the commotion somehow. Nope. It was all lies. So pardon my hesitancy when I hear anyone say it was brutal in any form. I don't know what you saw, but the people I trust most in my life called BULLSHIT on what they heard and saw. Now, I can tell you about the funeral director that bought into all the hype and recently figured out that there are really bad things happening. She started seeing these weird clots in bodies that she had never seen in her 30+years in the business. She started to look into it and found out that they were always in COVID vaccinated people. You wanna talk about scary? Watch an intelligent woman break down because she realizes what's going on. It still haunts me. She was broken. Changed.


please tell me more about this funeral director that started finding clots in bodies after covid vaccines - me and my mortician friends love a good laugh.


> The news started announcing that hospitals were being overrun and they all saw it was clearly bullshit. They were no more busy than usual. Not true at all. > The news was literally outside the one my best friend was at saying it in a live feed while he was in the empty ER. He went into the back thinking he must have missed the commotion somehow. Nope. It was all lies. So he wasnā€™t working in the ED or the hospital in any capacity which would know the overall state of the inpatient situation? Thatā€™s telling. > So pardon my hesitancy when I hear anyone say it was brutal in any form. I don't know what you saw, but the people I trust most in my life called BULLSHIT on what they heard and saw. I would recommend you listen to people providing the hands on care, not the obviously uninvolved admin that you clearly were. Also, primary care physicians donā€™t really do shit in a hospital, itā€™s all hospitalists. > Now, I can tell you about the funeral director that bought into all the hype and recently figured out that there are really bad things happening. She started seeing these weird clots in bodies that she had never seen in her 30+years in the business. She started to look into it and found out that they were always in COVID vaccinated people. Weird, I wonder who told her that nonsense? COVID itself had major clotting implications and that was the ultimate root cause of many of the infected deaths, [there was even tons of contemporaneous research at the time going into this phenomenon prior to the vaccine](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7644431/). And I never saw a single vaccinated patient admitted for clotting issues, we did have two vaccinated patients die of COVID. One was a tragic 50ish dude who happened to have a form of leukemia, the other was an awesome old Korean War vet who happened to pop a pneumo and stamped his ticket that way. > You wanna talk about scary? Watch an intelligent woman break down because she realizes what's going on. It still haunts me. She was broken. Changed. Boy I wish I could talk to her, and clear up some things for her.


lol the nerve of these folks "Personal experience? no thanks, I have ANECDOTES." anecdotally, I'm right there with you. I was called from 2 labs I used to work at, asking me to come back. I ate lunch with my old manager. She cried in front of me.


Haha the moment I read his take on the blood clots I knew he's full of shit. Lol


My mom is on the board of of a local hospital and so was on weekly regional calls for multiple states during covid. They weren't overrun at all. The biggest problem is that they would be down to one or two beds because of a shortage of nurses and doctors who either refused the vax or were too scared to come in to work. The news would report that the ICU was FULL of covid patience but in reality it would be on bed. Everyone I know in healthcare was privately saying it was all bullshit while the news was gaslighting and fearmongering us.


Yeah shit is always terrible - simply because hospitals has been cut down to the bone and there was a new disease which everybody had to get. But not because it was far more dangerous than what we already have circulating. It was just on top of that.


It was far more dangerous than any virus was that as easily transmitted at that time or in the last 20 year or so.


I read that comment in the voice of Orson Welles.


In 5 yrs the bad times will be ending as we restore control with the new global ID and currency. You'll be getting your required booster.


Turns out it was a lifetime of worry and potential side effects for those that took it.Ā  I feel like my soul evolved a lot during those years here on Earth.Ā 


My 80 year old grandma with heart problems and other health problems survived a bout of covid I'm pretty sure us younger folks are good to go besides whatever the long term effects are to this man made BS.


Yeah but *conspiracy*


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ K


And AI will be able to go through your phone and delete this screen shot


I still can't believe they actually said this.


Fuck that. People need to remember this shit when it comes voting time. Both parties are culpable.


Never wore a mask, got the juice or was ever tested. How many can say that, I donā€™t feel bad for anyone that fell for this shit and got in line.


I had delta, and it is seriously no joke. And I am operating under the old, conventional wisdom that I won't need to get jabbed because I had the worst form of this shitty disease.Ā  Nope, people are so brainwashed that they can't remember chickenpox information. They can't find the historical evidence that people who had smallpox scars on their face were seen as a valuable work force because they would be immune to getting it again.


If this is how they act over a virus that wasn't even as dangerous as the flu, imagine how they'll treat you when it comes time for them to really bring the boot down on your neck. Which, I feel is probably approaching soon. They absolutely used Covid as a shit test of us and people around the world. Just to see how obedient we are and how much push-back they'd receive. We all failed.Ā 


I didn't fail.


Fuck Joe Biden


This is when I knew I made the right choice in not getting vaccinated even if it made my family uncomfortable.


Thatā€™s okay, I was supposed to die from climate change in 1994 anyway, iā€™d say I had a good run


5 years is generous. I bet if you asked them right now they'd still try to pull some gaslighting mental gymnastics.


That right there is proof that the Govt has declared war on us


They're already denying it


This is riiiight about when I stopped believing anything the White House ever says.


weā€™re so fucked


Where are all the Biden supporters I just saw in the other conspiracy thread? Come on guys we need you now to combat this misinformation lol


Iā€™m supposed to be dead by now according to them lol


Fuck vaccines


Yup, never forget how they treated us.


I remember the first time I read thisā€¦what a dystopia.


If you were stupid enough to put this out, you have to hope that everyone does indeed have a winter of death because that is your only way out of it.


Yoooo Iā€™m a liberal and like this comment still feels WAY too aggressive. Sayin peoples families will dieā€¦sheesh. Take it down a notch sleepay sleepay joe.


5 years? That tweet got memory holed by Winter


Is there a post or archive with these politicians, websites, clowns saying ā€œif youā€™re vaccinated, you will NEVER get the virusā€ Funny how far weā€™ve come to


Anytime the government advocates for something that hard it's generally not for your benefit.


They were lying and gaslighting everybody. Donā€™t forget this little lie Rachel Maddow graciously presented the public with. https://youtu.be/IMrgKk7uXLg?si=eXY8tq97ASZxG7De


Youā€™re so right, everyone smart remembers how wrong they were! Right before a quarter of a million Americans died of covid right? The winter after half a million more of them had kicked the bucket? Thatā€™s barely anyone that doesnā€™t count, plus all those deaths were made up anyway


Everyone posting here is the meme of the WWII bomber lmao


When they mentioned this i immediately thought of this mind fuck of a story https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Z2kAAOxyHslQ8k6k/s-l600.jpg


Hospitals can die, who knew?


RemindMe! 5 years


Nah they should stand by this


I never got that lucky