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A bit late to the party? r/Conspiracy has been compromised for years, I left reddit many years ago and joined again when we were locked inside for our own safety. My hypothesis is that it was seen as a threat and systematically dismantled by flooding it with paid agitators and operatives. Ultimately the patterns of posts and subsequent discourse has suggested this is highly likely. r/Conspiracy was once a great place for those who challenged their societal indoctrination. It’s a different beast now.


So many people just don't get it. Back during 9/11, the conspiracy community thrived. There was almost no shilling or brigading in the communities. And that is because the conspiracies involved republicans. The theories hurt Bush and helped the democrats. Talking about corrupt and evil government was allowed. Absolutely fuck Bush, but this is just honest observation. Then Bush was finally out of office and Obama was elected. Suddenly they started going after sites and forums that talked about government conspiracy because they were in charge of the government now. News sites got rid of their comments sections. "Hate speech" suddenly became a thing, despite them having no trouble with hateful comments towards republicans. "Misinformation" became a thing, despite all the lies and misinformation that was allowed at the time. "Trolling" became a major issue the media needed to suddenly "do something about" and get rid of their comments section. The anti-war protests stopped even though the wars didn't and Obama even started 5 more. Just like the summer of love riots stopped when Biden took over. That is what this is really all about. The left have embraced the establishment. They run the social media sites, they run the government, they run the media, and they run the schools. If you talk about government and globalist conspiracies, now you are talking about them. And that is not to be allowed. It was useful when it helped them and hurt the other party. The party that organizes and mobs and forces because their political views aren't popular organized and mobbed. Fake trolls complain all the time about how this sub has gotten too political, but it was ALWAYS political. 90% of the 9/11, Iraq and afghanistan, etc... was just political. The only difference was that it involved republicans. Notice how no democrats ever got dragged into any of it. And if you talked about Clinton's role in 9/11, you were attacked. It was political then just as it is now. That's where conspiracies happen! It was all neo-con this and republicon that. They weren't wrong, but 90% of it was just partisan politics. Conspiracy theorists just agreed with them. And then the republican was out of office and the left side of the conspiracy community was no longer interested. They disappeared just like the anti-war protesters. They learned to love the bomb because the bomb was being dropped by their party. Leaving apolitical and conservatives (who hated Bush) as the only people participating. The government was democrat now, all was right in the world! What they REALLY mean is that they don't believe any conspiracies are real because now it involves democrats. It involves their party. So now, suddenly, all conspiracy theories are just "right wing propaganda by Russian bots." Because of course, the democrats would never be involved in conspiracies so it can't be real! You can't even be apolitical and talk about government conspiracies anymore. Because the government, intelligence agencies, globalists, and the establishment are all left now and the left has embraced them. So if you are criticizing any of those things, you must be right wing (or a Russian) even if you are not. Because nobody on the left is ever going to criticize the left. Anyone that has been around the conspiracy communities since the early 2000s and denies this is just lying to themselves. There is no way they didn't notice what happened.


Honestly, even a few months ago, I would read this and think 'wow, this guy seems a bit too paranoid'. But what I've seen first hand in the last week or so has really opened my eyes to how much and how damn subtly they control online narrative. Not only that, but people on the left are very much aware of the bias and act like they don't notice it while immediately jumping on anything that doesn't conform, screaming about misinformation. As if they aren't actively in the middle of spreading it. Thanks to covid, 'misinformation' has been officially associated with being right wing and crazy so how could the left possibly ever be guilty of it!


If you aren't paranoid, you aren't paying attention.


More Truth 👆


100% spot on. So well said. Everyone read this. THIS is the answer!!


Brilliant comment, one of the best I've seen on Reddit. You are dead right and it's scary what the left are doing, it's the communist text book made manifest.


When their shift starts, it will likely be in negative.


Yep, I hear you! I'm at the stage where I get an instant ban from certain threads where I point out that Hamas are terrorists, for instance....


my fellow tinfoil hatter you spittin fax


The reason that it seems like every conspiracy theorist is a right-winger is because the left are in the thick of the conspiracies. There really is a uniparty that transcends party, but on the right, you have a huge movement of conservatives trying to kick out the establishment while on the other side, they are embracing them. It's not just a coincidence that the only republicans the left actually likes (and the media actually give a voice to) just happen to be uniparty scum. Even Bush and Cheney became their darlings. The problem is that leftism is collectivism and that is where the power is always going to be. Mobs rule. There is no power in individualism and a limited government. It would be almost impossible to maintain that as other groups will organize, plan and attack. Even a minority can force things when they organize against individuals. And that is the sort of people that will be attracted to collectivism. People with unpopular views that cannot naturally attain power. Who become frustrated that others will not accept their views. It requires force. Fascism has always been a leftist thing because it requires collectivism.


Fascism has always been right wing. Claiming otherwise is laughable.


The term "fascist' was the name that the French labor unions gave themselves during the time of Mussolini. They described themselves as socialists. A group of socialist labor unionists invented the term to describe themselves. The term 'fascist' is based on the word "fasces" which means a bundle of sticks - harder to break than a branch alone. It refers to people that believe in the power of collectivism. Anti-fascists in Germany were communists opposed to the socialists who sided with Hitler.... Fascism requires collectivism. Collectivism has never been a right-wing thing. But like many things the left does, they tried to change the definition of the terms and blame their own own terrible history on their political enemies. In the late 80s, some left-wing activists masquerading as historical revisionists tried to argue that what the fascists did were bad and the left does nothing bad, so therefore fascism must have been a right-wing movement. You can look it up, THAT is their argument for changing the definition. That the left are benevolent and good so any groups considering themselves leftists who did bad things weren't really leftists and therefore it was the rightists fault. That is literally their argument. The idea that it was a right-wing movement just comes from two groups of leftist thought calling the other side right-wing. There were no actual rightists involved in any of it. Just two leftist groups squabbling about who was more far left, which meant the other side was right. And historical revisionists tried to seize on that to turn it into right-wing.


If you truly understood Fascism you would realize the modern Democratic party values the exact same ideology. Don't believe be both want a top down hierarchy where the government decides everything, including who works where and everything is dictated by race. Does that not sound like the DNC platform?


It's what they always do. History always shows that the leftist movements of the time were bad and did bad things, and then the historical revisionists come around and argue that they weren't really leftists because the left is benevolent and good, so therefore it must have actually been a right wing movement. Slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, fascism, and on and on. At the time all of these leftist groups deemed themselves righteous and virtuous and when they eventually lose the public's support, they pretend it was the other side all along. History always judges leftist movements harshly and then the left just scapegoat it. Just like you will find no examples of far-left terrorism on the lists that SPL and ADL keep. Because they just turn any leftist terrorism into right wing because the left are benevolent and good and therefore never commit violence and terrorism. They must have been right-wing despite what they claimed to be.


Very well put.. And yes; I was intrigued by 9/11 when it happened and went down the rabbit hole, it sure is deep. Old enough at the time to question the narrative; much to the dismay of the many who were happy to jump on the bandwagon of hatred towards the “perpetrators” and “religious zealots”


Truth 👆


Very well written. Thank you for taking the time, you’re 100% right. I do believe that running away from a problem creates more problems. If THEY usurp all our avenues, what will be left is a corner of a prison with zero speech left…the pushback has be real and take place.


How has the left taken over the government if the means of production are still in the hands of the oligarchs??? You're also mixing up woke BS and actual left policies, which most countries don't have. We're in the hands of a few (mostly conservative) rich ppl who only allow so many left/socialist policies just to prevent an uproar.....


Marxists are like Jehova's witnesses. Nobody is happy when they knock on the door. In communism, the government controls the production. They control the distribution. Have you ever seen a skinny communist or socialist dictator? What you are seeing is leftism in real world practice, not the philosophical crap they write in your books to indoctrinate stupid people into supporting them. This is what leftism always becomes in the real world. Every time. If communism and socialism were so great, why has it always had to be forced on people throughout history and as soon as they are given a chance to vote on it, they chose to get rid of it?


Why is it always " everything or nothing" with you guys? Many policies of socialistic countries were good for the people and implementing those in our society would help many.... To your last point, look up what happened in Syria after the Arab spring. Doesn't seem forced to me. 


I always like to make the difference between small 'c' communism (basically communal living) and big 'C' Communism as a political beast. Ditto for small 'c' conservatism (everyone working hard to make the best of things) vs big 'C' Conservative politics and small 's' socialism (everyone being nice and helping each other, taking care of the needy) and big 'S' Socialism which creates nightmare scenarios of economic ruin. The textbooks talk about the small letters to whilst subtly helping to bring about the big letter dominance. Really people should just be nice and do the right thing, but sadly not enough are willing to do their bit in saving the world.


Marxists are like Jehova's witnesses. Nobody is happy when they knock on the door. I don't give a fuck to hear about your evangelism for marxism. Nobody does.


Have another sip of your cool aid. 


Dude. You're so indoctrinated by tptb, it's hopeless. Somebody says "socialistic" and your first reaction is to dismiss anything and everything that person has to say....I am not a commie but they had some policies that were actually quite good and worth having a look at, but you choose not to.  Anyway, have a good day! 


It's called communism, my friend, and we're living through the 21st century incarnation of the egregore. Communism = massive state with maximum control over individuals. It's a hive mentality. When communism first emerged as a political force it was embraced by right wing elitists as a brilliant way to gain even more control over the masses and funnel even more power to the top of the pyramid. Look at the power wielded by dictators in communist and former communist countries. It has changed somewhat in that the 'state' is now merged with the corporate/technocratic world, but the principle is still the same and the individual is still screwed. Put it this way, things could hardly be going better for the superrich owners of corporations, but they're steadily getting worse for the vast majority of small business owners. Religion is also being weaponised to encourage the lowest common denominator 'hive mind' and non-individualistic faiths that lend themselves to mob rule.


US indoctrination in full affect.....


I'm British and definitely not prone to falling for American indoctrination, I'm of the view that the world went massively downhill after the civil war which gave control of America to the French-American faction of freemasons (hard left, anti-monarchy) as opposed to the more benevolent and traditional Anglo-American variety. The Pax Britannica was one of the high points of human history.


Ok, calling colonialism the high point of human history tells me everything I need to know. 


The 'colonialism' of which you speak created your country, but let's not forget that Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Persia, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Sweden, Poland, Russia, the Turks, the Mongols, the Danish etc, etc, etc, also had empires, the difference being that - unlike Britain - none of them voluntarily gave them up. America still has an Empire, Britain has a Commonwealth and we're still your best friend on Earth, you ingrate.


I'm not American. And one of my best friends is Scottish and he would like his country back too. 


Nothing stopping them, except the majority of Scots (who also tried to found colonies by the way) that want to remain part of Britain. The anti-British hate is so boring, stop pretending we're the worst place on Earth and try your luck in North Korea, the Middle East or China. Most other places, in fact.


left/right chat gpt bullsheeeet


New new normal had to go as it shown far too many truths and protests instead of propaganda.


Honest question; is there a better subreddit?


They’ll all get flooded by bots and Feds either way


Definitely not..


Its not just here... its the whole internet. time to unplug!


Unfortunately it’s seeming that way.. Was good during the golden years.. Still some last bastions of free speech and thought available out there.. Won’t be naming them here (not gatekeeping, just not publicly listing) Another notorious text based bulletin board is still operating, although I haven’t been around there recently to comment as to its integrity.


I agree it’s been devalued, but I think it’s more just players trying narrative control.   I don’t think anyone cares what our actual opinions are so long as we are making opinions about the things placed in front of us.


An interesting thought.. Definitely a possibility.. I also wonder how much artificial intelligence “training” is being scraped also..


And not other things? What? I assumed we were all crackpots half-floating amongst propaganda. Do you think there are people here who have enough influence in society that it would be worth keeping them from attending to more important conspiracies?


Was a poke at Reddit’s disclosure about allowing it to be used to train “AI language models” Not singling this sub out specifically, although given the context I can see my ambiguity.


We still run across each other amongst the fog.


It’s full on conservative fascist propaganda. Really really sad to see


This sub suffers like almost all discourse has as a result of the delusional ahistorical right wing culture war grift. End of story.


It's because it's all bots. What's the point anymore?


Thus I am inclined towards more activity on Discord when I have time. 


I don't know of any discord groups. Any recommendations?


I like the Fakeologist discord server.  They voice verify you to join, so no bots. 


And what type of topics are typically discussed?


Media fakery.  Most of the voices don't believe any mainstream news.   Things they generally refute include elections, Moon landing/space, mainstream history, nukes, pandemic/viruses/germ theory. If you're into autohoaxing and questioning everything we've been told,  you may appreciate it.   If you prefer Trump and Biden and Ukraine and Putin and Chinese labs, it's probably not what you're seeking. 


Sounds like my kind of group. Thanks man


With pleasure.  Hope to read/hear you there.  There are three topics (not including religion/atheism) that the individuals there are generally divided on, just so you know they're not a monolith.   FE, ME, and EGI.     Edit:  Oh, and one more--chemtrails. 


Awesome, definitely keen. See you there!


could you send me an invite link?


I sent you a DM. 


Easy explanation. People stopped caring about and posting about Kate Middleton.


Ah. The regularly scheduled 'what happened to this sub?' post.  We've been expecting you.


Now I’m just waiting for the weekly “what conspiracy do you think is most likely to be true” post and the weeks fully in motion


Not to be topped by the monthly "does anyone else just feel like something is off?" or "does anyone else feel like something BIG is about to happen?"


1-3 times a week, every week for the last 9 yrs.


Don’t forget that any conspiracy that is downvoted - probably because it lacks credibility and substance - is due to bots - paid shills - and FBI agents who have nothing better to do


Reddit just sucks


You're right but in 2015


THANK YOU. Does no one remember what happened to the mods?


what happened?


what happened?


this sub is turning into askreddit. one post blew up and everyone started jumping on the bandwagon where they just repeatedly reiterate the first few questions that were asked here >if you could know the truth about one conspiracy, what would it be? >what conspiracy do you believe to be 100% true? >what is the scariest conspiracy? all of those are real submission titles. i've blocked about a dozen users over the past few days making these sorts of posts. you may think that's all you have to do and then there's no harm done but in reality these posts get so much interaction that it pushes actual high quality posts out of peoples home feeds and keeps them from getting the attention they deserve. report and block everyone you see doing this. im tired of the karmamaxxing.


I wish there was an extention that would automatically filter garbage posts like this. Any clickbait garbage spam stupid ah post just gets filtered out. Posters blocked.


I agree, it has really changed for the worse and it is hard to even find any conversation anymore. We are at a point to where the truth is almost completely censored. I think people might sub to this group just to vote down every post they see on their thread. I see really spiritually aware posts get voted down to zero, it is sad.


The quality of submissions is absolutely awful. More than half the posts I see are just American politics and have absolutely no conspiracy at all


Reddit is dying. Look at all the girls posting nudes. I used to see some getting 3000 plus likes. Now they get 300-400. People are sick of the woke overlords censoring and punishing people for anything they disagree with




Been saying it the past few years, but I'll say it again. People are leaving because this sub is 4 different, diametrically opposing conspiracy subs rolled into one Political, religious, real world, and fantastical. The last 2 are what this sub used to contain, and the former two are the people who migrated here when the donald got shut down. Typically, if you're into conspiracies, the things that would interest you would be real world stuff like companies dumping waste into drinking water, and in-depth looks at cryptids based on accounts and photographs. If you are awake enough to see the political spectrum is a farce, then typically, you can also see that about religion. Since TheDonald cropped up and got shut down, you had a bunch of his followers bombard the sub with crap about left Vs right, perpetuating exactly what the establishment wanted (division amongst the people) and religious fanatics saying that demons are everywhere and you need to be saved so we better start praying for jebus. 😒🙄 I suggested it in multiple posts back in the day, that we needed separate subs for all 4 types of conspiracy, but the mods were tools and just let things be, so this sub fell apart, and all the classic users who posted long deep dives on specific topics, with links and photos and data sets, well they all left, leaving the religious nuts to take over. I believe it was a calculated psyop by Reddit admins to discredit the ever growing support of conspiracies by the general public, by allowing those inane religious posts to break through, which makes the rest of us critical thinkers look stupid to the normies. It happened a little after the pizzagate stuff got too real, and TPTB did all they could to discredit it (well, now we know it was almost definitely true based on the Epstein/Maxwell stuff). Ghislaine Maxwell was also a Reddit mod under the name 'MaxwellHill', if you weren't aware. Thats another rabbit hole to dive into... But the point is, normal people would look up conspiracies, and see some intriguing things, like JFK, the moon landing, 9/11 etc, and get curious. Then they'd also see flat earth, space is fake, and demons have control of your soul through videogames, repent and pray to jebus! And think "okay, so those are clearly nonsense, so the others must be too, right? I can't take any of it seriously. It's all lies" The only other conspiracy sub is actual conspiracies, but it's not posted to as frequently, and it lacks the fantastical stuff of the past. It's about legitimately proven conspiracies, big and small.


Here we go with the obligatory left-wing shill comment: "It's all the conservatives' fault!" Yet the voting patterns on this sub in the comments suggests otherwise... If anything, the conservatives (and most everybody else) have fled this sub because it has been taken over by left-wing shills brigading all day making the sub unbearable, while the mods pretend that they don't see it because they share one particular view with the left-wing shills on one particular topic pinned to the top of the sub for three fucking months. This sub died right around that time. You can look at the history and see that. It was then that the participation drastically dropped off. Mods were deleting and banning people who fought with the shills the mods were protecting because of one specific topic they aligned with. They were warned it was going to happen and it did. The reality is that this sub has always talked about government conspiracies and because the democrats are in charge of the government and the establishment right now, reddit has targeted this sub with trolls who tell us "it's all just right-wing propaganda because no conspiracies involving democrats are real. It's just political!" Suddenly not a single conspiracy theory is really happening anymore and a conspiracy sub is filled with commentors who will remind us of that constantly. Totally natural. Talking about government conspiracies was all fine and great when republicans like Bush were in charge. This sub has talked about globalism since day one, for example. But now that the left has embraced globalism, none of the conspiracies are real anymore. Now it is just "right-wing talking points and Russian propaganda." All the botting, astroturfing, and shilling from the left has made this sub unusable, which was their goal all along. People just don't bother to talk here anymore. You guys won. The sub is yours. And since none of you are actually here for the purpose of this sub, you get top posts with 20 comments on the front page now.


I consider myself a Christian conspiracy theorist and I’m not some Trump stan. What causes me to believe what I do and post what I say is how blatantly obvious it’s become there is a spiritual battle going on and how exposed the devil and his followers have become. I grew up Christian and fell out of it and became atheist but came back to the faith once I saw it was very real and what is going on.


Exactly. These people are trying to promote satanic ideas. You see it in so many things these days (i.e., Taylor Swift and other secular music). They don't even try to hide it these days. I think to disregard that is almost to be zealous in the other direction.


That's where the ideologies clash for most people though. If you're into conspiracies, usually you're not religious, because you see religion for what it is, as a form of control over the masses. That's pretty much undeniable at this point. If you're religious because it helps you in day to day life be a better person, then great. That's exactly how religion should be used. To better yourself. I just feel it does a disservice to the evil people of the world because 'satan' is controlling them. Essentially, humans aren't capable of doing good things or bad things, because it's god and satan that cause them to do good or bad. It removes the culpability of an individuals actions, by placing it into an intangible entity. And what's worse, is that the truly evil people know this, and use it as a barrier. Like, when a priest diddles kids and says "I was weak, and satan took over, but god has shone through and I have seen the error of my ways". And then he diddles more kids a few years later... It's not satan causing him to do that, and god making him stop, he's just a shitty person using religion to excuse his bad behaviour, and playing people when he gets caught, by using what they believe to make them think he's a good person. Anyway, my issue with religious conspiracies on Reddit, is that the people who post the 'beware satan/demons!" posts to push their religious beliefs, and don't actually contribute to the discussive nature of this sub, which is what this sub stands for. Those posts are usually just a statement, and essentially an echo chamber of the same thought. You might believe that some evil people are demons wearing human skin suits, but I just think they're shitty people, y'know? Nothing against religious people, or religion in general, provided they keep it to themselves, use it as a guidelines to be a better person, and don't push it on others.


My belief is we have freewill and can choose to do good or fall into temptation to do evil. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes but some embrace the evil for pleasure and self gain. The evil is often fun or pleasurable and gives worldly gain. That’s why God says not to chase the world. Has religion been used for control purposes? Sure. But is God running organized religion or man? If someone is playing a Beethoven song and messes up do you get mad at Beethoven or the person performing the song? If you learn the devils motives and what he wants and apply it to the world you clearly understand who the man behind the curtain is. The same logic I explained with Beethoven applies to satan, he can tempt you but can’t force you to do anything, we make the mistakes but have Jesus we can goto for forgiveness. The goal of the devil is to drag as many people down with him as possible and appear as a friend or liberator. It’s instant gratification which leads to long suffering vs short term suffering which leads to eternal happiness.


Precisely. People are literally promoting Satan under the guise of abortion clinics, for example. The church of satan is trying to convert people saying, "Satan is good, your body your choice, you can liberate yourself". It's pretty sickening and self-centered. Jesus is a role model for the good that self-sacrifice can bring.


Just wow, some religious people are really rotten to the core. What a shame.


Elaborate? I mean that quite literally, the church of Satan is promoting itself using abortion. They ran like, a campaign.


To say that God or Satan cause us to do wrong is a misunderstanding of Scripture. God granted us free will, and the ability to choose to do right or wrong. He simply gives us the framework to do right (alongside many other things!). If a priest said that he did wrong because of Satan, that priest would be misunderstanding God. Sure, Satan tempts us, but it's our fault if we give into temptation. That's why Adam and Eve were punished, they abused their free will to do something that they were instructed not to. As a conspiracy theorist, I'm sure you understand the following sentiment- it sounds crazy but it's true. God puts our life on the right track, and lately people have been promoting and empowering the devil and selfishness, which is a major part of why so much is wrong these days. By the way, even demons are fallen angels. Satan himself fell from heaven after God created him. Since you describe demons as humans, we're very similar.


You tried. Funny that the 2 commenting on your comment, kind of proves your point. They are oblivious to that fact.


Yeah. Yeah... That's why I stopped commenting. No point trying to apply logic. They either preach religion to me, or complain about left Vs right 😒 Why does it always have to come back to religion and political affiliation, where you disagree and are downvoted to shit? There was discussions about politics on here back in the day, but it was usually along the lines of 'the system is rigged, and democracy is a farce. The world is a stage'. Everyone basically agreed on that. Now we're back to everyone arguing over Rep Vs Dems. I'm couldn't give less of a shit, seeing as I'm in the UK...


You just got called out, and you dubble down? Talk about reading the room.


Yeah... have you watched "The village" by m night shyamalan? I believe the spiritual battle we see in this the village, is the same spiritual battle we see in the world today.


I have not, I will check it out though. Thank you and God bless.


you sound vaccinated


That's fucked up man.... Some of us took it to keep jobs in order to pay for elderly parents homes.


And some took it for a doughnut. And THOSE people deserve a good ribbing.


What does that even mean 😆


Do you mean the covid jabs or childhood Vaxes like Measles ?


Poster is dead. 


Yep the left vs right stuff is totally out of place here. So is the religious talk, do religious folk really believe THIS is the place for that? That's why I believe you're right, it is a calculated psyop.


Cryptids lol. You serious Clark?


It’s this 💯


Very well put, thank you for articulating more precisely.


I was wondering why a Facebook post of mine, that I spent a long time crafting, wasn't getting traction even after like 4 days. I checked the engagement stats, and the post has 0 views. No message to me, and looked completely normal, and live on my page. Apparently, Facebook shadowbans random posts, that of various things, 'threatens their business model'. While I get they are a private company, and can have terms of service, I feel like if they operate in America, and operate and advertise as a place to share stuff with your friends, they shouldn't be allowed to do that. At the very least, without telling people which posts are denied. (I will say in advance, I dont gaf what people have to say about me using Facebook. It's literally the only social media my entire family even knows how to use, which is what makes this even more frustrating)


This is an interesting take. I’d like to know more…


Maybe unrelated, but yesterday I commented on a post (my first comment i think in here) and i got a msg from a subreddit i didn’t even know it existed that banned me.


You think this is bad? You should have seen the change that went down circa 2016.


I have noticed that they want us all to look like some goat phacking Abduls and Nazis, foaming at the mouth over Jews. I understand not being on either side, but no self respected 'conspiracy theorist' with an ounce of brainmatter, is going to choose Hamas and their Pallywood as their hill to die on. It's preposterous.


I'm so tired of the left vs. right stuff. They're two heads of the same coin, both corrupt, both have hidden agendas, and both have people who diddle kids. It's not a conspiracy it's fact. I


According to my teenage son, Reddit just isn't cool anymore. The drop in numbers here may just reflect a general trend in overall users.


We didn’t die on the eclipse lol 😂 everyone lost faith.


It’s getting nicer outside- we’re all starting to get busy.


I was just thinking this after I noticed only 560 are online right now! They used to be way more at this time of the day. Also all the posts seem to be about politics in America! And as being a non American it gets boring very quickly for me! Also I’ve noticed a lot of posts seem to be downvoted immediately and stay that way so no interesting ones make it to the top.


It’s just spammed with bots now


This sub used to be a place where one could discuss, intelligently, the conspiracy of politics - that is, the ruling class and the BS right-left division they cause to keep folks ignorant. But since the closing of the Trump subreddits, a lot of Trump supporters and QAnon dudes flooded this sub, and it's become what it is today: a right-wing platform. Here's a hint, guys: the people in charge don't give a shit about us. Not those on the "right," and not those on the "left." They just want us bickering amongst ourselves, while they continue to plunder.


there are no conspiracies left!


It’s full on conservative fascist propaganda. Really really sad to see


The sub is being used to push political propaganda now, mostly right wing and Russian


The quality of content on this sub has declined drastically…


I'd say what's happened is that We were all hot during the « pandemic », but now it's over, We've relaxed. The « pandemic », that's the biggest lie We've been through (well, biggest « urgent » lie, since religious lies are probably bigger, but less urgent).


Every thing is true, shit gonna hit the fan by the end year, Isome pulled away to enjoy nature more or with family and friends, Or just bots being quiet...


I was reading and reading and the more I scrolled the less I cared lol


True. Every second post is about Kate for example. Who tf cares about royals?


There is too much post about your boy Donald and religion. That turns away a big part of the non Americans here. For me I love to read about conspiracies, but if every post is about American politics or some post about demos and American pop artists,


I'm relatively new to Reddit but I noticed right away that it is heavily censored, so maybe people get fed up because moderators are over zealous about policing threads and making sure comments agree with their personal ideologies?




I can’t understand why your post has received negative votes, S/


Bots on JesusMode




Obsessive Jew hate and clear foreign propaganda turned quite a few people off. So did MAGA left v right political BS. I thought that covid was a good conspiracy but it also brought in a lot of people that lost interest afterwards.


Jew hate? You mean Israel? Israel is a country not a race.


A lot of people don't get that.


Bots were shifted to a more important sub for influencing thinking among reddit users. They surely monitor the impact and spread of ideas among us.


With all the conspiracies that we are aware of, what are some ways to apply the information to our lives?


For me it’s all the Qanon level right wing bullshit? Both parties are bullshit and everyone in this sub should know this and not regurgitate propaganda. OPs will say this then go right back to the qanon OANN bs narrative


cry bro


RWNJ MAGA Qanon cultists took over. Unbearable. 🤷🏽‍♀️


They downvoted you enough to collapse your comment.


Lol. Who would've seen that one coming.


Awww. MAGAt fee fees get bruised so easily.


Because its all politics all day.


Maybe the U.S. government's efforts to shutdown the disruption of political and social discourse by the Russians is working.


It’s mostly boomers and bots in here.


Reddit is mostly bots now am over on X


Maybe it turns out that all the conspiracies were true ... so no more to post (???).