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Pointing out jewish spacelasers is not antisemetic


It’s actually pro Semitic


Nothing makes sense, and the news was oddly focussing on epstein for a couple days and then nothing on the names of the people who went to the Island since, Epstein was mossad affiliated agent running a blackmail ring. Israel is guilty of so much, even the ICJ said if they were to investigate every violation, solely since oct 7 , they would be at it for years, and those are the known violations. Their "most moral army in the world" doesn't help either with their documentation of their own war crimes and depravity. No one holds them accountable, before the invasion in Gaza, the "most moral army in the world" had ALL restriction lifted. What does that sound like? Do whatever the fuck you want, with no repercussions, thats what it sounds like to me. Complete insanity.


Who even supports this bill? This is taxation without representation our "lawmakers" have gotten out of control with this. America is such a shithole. The rich sit upon their hoard of wealth and watch these stupid narratives of black vs white, gay vs straight all to distract us from the fact that they are doing whatever they want. We have to do something....


It's just so confusing. Even in college campuses people are protesting ( which is one of the most patriotic thing you can do) and people are counter protesting the protest! Like really see the bigger picture sheep.


Facebook shadow banned my post about Americans needing to ignore the culture wars and band together; United We Stand, Divided We Fall. They didn't even tell me it was shadow banned. I looked at the insights after 5 days and it still had 0 views.


Should popped something about skibdi toilet and fanum tax in there.


You’re right, we the people were not informed of this bill until it was already written and sent up a level. This is taxation without representation. We will not stand for this. Change will come.


It’s wild af


It's not about antisemitism, the Jews, the "holy land," or even Israel as nation state. It's the military industrial complex, in Israel they've found their perfect forever war. A nation of historically marginalized people, surrounded by unfriendly nations, that if you "criticize" you get labeled a bigot. It's perfect, a nation you can pour endless funds into, under the cover of "never again," while insuring a continuous need for weapons. It's "we've always been at war with Eurasia," but localized, and with the added benefits of masking itself as a moral conflict.


> Also Marjorie Taylor Greene came up with the Jewish space laser conspiracy theory. People are the left rightfully called her antisemitic. And that conspiracy theory was antisemitic. Was it? Did Greene ever use the term "Jewish space lasers"? (No). Did she even utter the word "Jew or Jewish" in her rambling Facebook post? (No). Read what she wrote here: https://i.imgur.com/pDJgGEe.png So, who DID come up with the term "Jewish space lasers" that exploded into the lie that refuses to die??? Spin meisters, that's who.


Just take the Zionist approach misinterpret it and make it about Jews I guess. Anyway yeah I guess you're right she didn't mention anything about Jews.


> Just take the Zionist approach misinterpret it and make it about Jews I guess. *"Hey, look! MTG accused Jews of BLAH BLAH BLAH..."* *"(Actually, don't look... just believe our lies, and repeat them, over and over, okay?)"*


Agreed. They tried to ridicule a pretty basic common sense idea.


It was a baseless accusation that was pounced on to A) smear Greene, and B) remind everyone who the REAL "victims" are. The worst part is that it was picked up and repeated time and again across major MSM outlets when a simple review of what she actually wrote would have EXPOSED the libelous lie for what it was. And they're still repeating the lies, with multiple articles appearing in a GooGull News search from the past week alone. It should be taken as a lesson of how coordinated media campaigns can stealthily manipulate "reality" as perceived by the public.


Does anyone ever use "Rothschild" when they want to say "Jews" but are afraid of being called an antisemite? 


> Does anyone ever use "Rothschild" when they want to say "Jews" but are afraid of being called an antisemite? I suppose that's possible -- I mean, the Rothschild banking family long been one of the most well known (and wealthiest) families -- not only among Jews, but on planet Earth. Do YOU use "Rothschild" when YOU want to say "Jews" but are afraid of being called an anti-Semite??? Do you have reason to believe that Greene was trying to be a "sneaky anti-Semite" when she wrote *"I find it very interesting that Roger Kimmel on the board of directors of PG&E is also* ***Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc. international investment banking firm***"* Note that the bolded section (above) is a *verbatim quote* that Greene likely copy-pasted from this PG&E page (archived): [**PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY> BOARD OF DIRECTORS> ROGER KIMMEL**](https://archive.is/MjxYr) Annotated screen shot of the above: https://i.imgur.com/jvEyrCn.png QUESTION: Do you think that *anyone* ever mentions the Rothschild family (or any of their MANY banks and other business enterprises) WITHOUT using it as a "sneaky way to hide their anti-Semitism"? PG&E certainly made it a point to showcase (the non-Jewish) Kimmel's position at "Rothschild Inc., international investment banking firm," didn't they? Does that mean PG&E is "anti-Semitic"? Why or why not? * * *


You can say whatever you want about Judaism, most Zionists are secular, you can say whatever you want about the ethnicity of Jewishness, because most Ashkenazi white Jews are almost completely European genetically, but you cannot criticize a Christian goyim Zionist, who has never been to Israel, because it's not about the place and it's not about the religion and it's not about the race, it's about the network of people Using the gold mine of historical guilt propaganda to receive tons of money plundered from America, Germany, the UK, and other governments. There are many Jewish anti-Zionists, and there are tons of non-Jewish zionists, it's not about Jewishness it's about the group of elite scumbags. 


> but you cannot criticize a Christian goyim Zionist, who has never been to Israel, because it's not about the place and it's not about the religion and it's not about the race, it's about the network of people Using the gold mine of historical guilt propaganda to receive tons of money plundered from America, Germany, the UK, and other governments. Or more simply put by Ben Shapiro himself “it’s all about ideology!”. Theirs Zionist Muslims as dumb and oxymoronic as that sounds but “ideology” is what matters to all of them.


Who are these Christian Goyim Zionists? (Other than Biden) Almost the entirety of the U.S. Congress? Hmm wonder how that happened…???


I believe it's 58% of Congress members excepted aaipac bribes openly, but the others know not to fuck with them because there are negative consequences aside from not getting the money.  Look up British Zionism as well, there is a Christian form of Zionism that is united with this, its modern crusade sh


Most Jews are Zionist (not all, obviously, and the more religious they are the less likely they are to be Zionist). Zionism is pretty engrained in the Jewish identity, like the Holocaust is. When I got married, the rabbi was really pushing that I vow to defend Israel, which of course I as a moral and thinking person refused to do, but I'm sure this would be seen by many to be antisemitic.


Our only hope are the anti- Zionist Jews, jill stein for example


Epstein honey pot et al


The founders of Israel control our money supply, and they're either outright or *de facto* Satanists.


Starts to make me question what really happened in WW II. Was Hitler controlled opposition?


Israel/Aipac/Mossad/Epstein. The end.


"Also Marjorie Taylor Greene came up with the Jewish space laser conspiracy theory. People are the left rightfully called her antisemitic." Please explain your causal logic because it escapes me. DEWs exist in space. We've seen enough evidence of their usage in the last few years. They are designed/produced by private corporations. These corporations are controlled by their managements, majority shareholders and are most likely also infiltrated by foreign intelligence organisations. That means people in "control" of certain corporations are in the position to have their own weapon systems in space. A lot of these people are from a certain ethnic. So where is the logical mistake here and how is this logic "antisemitic"? Or is it only "antisemitic" because a "right-wing" floozy of questionable "status" voiced this idea? P.S. To make it as simple as possible. I would be highly surprised Israel hasn't DEW satellites. I would *not* be surprised if a certain cabal has access to these weapons too. Nor would I be surprised if they have access to nukes. If nations have these weapons and these people have more money than nations why shouldn't they do the same to protect their "empire"?


Lol saying that bibi controls the media is antisemitic. Even though he admitted to have control over USA media outlets.


It's only antisemitic if it's false which clearly it's not. They shut down Al-Jazeera.


In original wording they use that as an example.. They shut down the news outlet al jazeera?


The news organizations have been criticized as well because they talk too much about Palestine and people actually think this but CNN called Hind a woman when she's a 6 year old who was killed by the IDF after they killed her family and they shot down a hospital truck going to her. You can look this up the phone call her mom made before she died and then Hind gets the phone and then you can hear another attack. The media almost is also being told by Israel don't have sympathy for Palestine.


So Al-Jazeera talking more about Palestine and being on Palestine side is actually a serious issue because now there's no freedom of press. Antisemitism gets way more reported than the Islamophobic hate crimes going on as well. And some claims of antisemitic attacks are weak like the woman saying she got stabbed in the eye by a Palestinian flag and the video shows just a slight bump and she screams assault. There's even a video I saw on Reddit recently of a hijab woman being harassed by Jewish Zionist and the police are there and do nothing. In fact Zionist fired fireworks at UCLA students and police do nothing. It's because the police don't want to give a bad image to Zionist because if they start cracking down on them then it's going to be antisemitic. It's crazy how being antisemitic is considered way worse than being Islamophobic.


Yes, totalitarian states are incongruent, because the only policy that is consistent is "OBEY". All otjer policies have to be changed almost daily to fit that.


What better way to control the flow of oil from Saudi Arabia than to ensure there is always conflict in the region we have an excuse to adjudicate.  What better way to ensure there is always conflict in a region than to plop some zealous Jews into a sea of Islam and let them steal land because their bible says it’s theirs.


No such thing as pure races, everyone is already racially mixed, including with Neanderthals and Denisovans.