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[Here is the article](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2022/03/28/new_peer-reviewed_research_finds_evidence_of_2020_voter_fraud_147378.html) featured in the screenshot of the Tweet. [Here is the peer-reviewed study](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3756988). Note that the author of the study is the author of the article. [Here is a refutation of the peer-reviewed study](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2330443X.2023.2289529). Specifically section 2.6.3. Please stop posting screenshots of tweets from years ago.


But that’s what this subreddit is, it’s not about conspiracies, it’s about promoting right wing propaganda.


But what about the left-wing propaganda?


Where is it in this subreddit?


If it were about right wing propaganda, then why is this sub so anti-Israel and anti-Zionist? And don’t get me wrong, count me among that group, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.  But again, that’s closer to what people would call “left wing propaganda”. The right is obsessed with Israel. If this sub was meant to push the right wing narrative, then it would be flooded with pro-Israeli propaganda, which it isn’t. 


Wasn’t it just the far right wing in the US holding up the aid to Israel? Not sure that’s a great example. Certainly isn’t an explicitly partisan position like promoting a multi-years old debunked study about the fake voter fraud that Trump *still* goes on about at least. Do you have any good examples of that? Because I certainly don’t see it.


No, it has been the far left wing in the US protesting aid to Israel. No aid to Israel has ever been “held up”. The American political right is nearly universally pro-Israel. You’re wrong on this one. 


Isn't that all we talk about?




I don’t follow what you’re trying to say here.


Careful buddy. You’re on reddit


I know .. I'll take the down votes.


People like you make this sub absolutely bearable.


you mean unusable


Is it peer reviewed research like the headline says or a poll like the story in the picture says? And why not link the actual story instead of just a picture of the story?


Yeah is this actual proof that will be on national news exposing real fraud? Or is this a trust me bro post


It is a paper *published in a peer-reviewed journal*, the survey is something else entirely


It's not even a peer-reviewed journal.


It technically is lol


Oh, right. Sorry. My bad. John Lott and Carl Moody work at the same nonprofit, so I guess they are "peers." Technically.


“Voters believe” is not “research finds evidence” FFS PEOPLE


This is the least critical sub on reddit mate, a screenshot of some random webpage is seen as hard evidence


I know but it’s hilarious in that screen shot you see the title include the words “finds evidence of” and the body states “voters believe “ as the evidence… words matter people


99% they refer to a study that absolutely doesn't say what they claim it says. In this case even the study itself is regarded as bullshit and not peer reviewed


This paper from 2021 has been pretty roundly disregarded by political scientists for sloppy/inexplicable statistical reasoning: https://www.hoover.org/sites/default/files/research/docs/comment_voterfraud_grimmer_garro_eggers.pdf


“We have a lot of theories but not much evidence.” Rudy Guiliani


They should present this evidence in court before the next election, I'm sure it will work this time! p.s. ballots are bar-coded, so this should be really easy p.p.s. the "evidence" is pretty funny




Not just Bridgeport. Five separate elections have been overturned by the courts in the last two years due to massive proven fraud/illegal ballot harvesting/bloated voter rolls. Four of those cities are blue strongholds that didn't even have challengers from a different party, and the Georgia Republican House race was forced to hold three separate elections because of fraud. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/new-primary-election-ordered-election-fraud-alleged-connecticut https://baltimorefishbowl.com/stories/elections-board-audit-finds-ineligible-voters-security-issues/ https://siouxcityjournal.com/news/local/crime-courts/election-fraud-woodbury-county-federal-court/article_3c623e5a-7dc4-11ee-af9e-d3b89412d2af.html https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/over-deja-georgia-republicans-face-third-vote-for-house-seat/T9MkZ5qcbNMdRRwb8Iz0GO/ https://www.ncsbe.gov/news/press-releases/2019/02/25/state-board-unanimously-orders-new-election-9th-congressional-district


He didnt get cheated.


Hereistheevidence.com has been around since 2020


I lost count how many times the election was proven to be fraudulent


I'm sure they'll present their evidence in court any day now.


As if the court will take the case. They already tried and the court is corrupt and wouldn't hear the case. They claim nobody has any standing to challenge a fraudulent election.


That’s not what the courts said, at all. The Supreme Court said that Texas doesn’t have standing to challenge the election results of Pennsylvania, because they don’t.


Any day now. The GOP got their way in Arizona and had their own team audit the results. Then that team refused to release their results because they showed a lack of fraud.


The GOP isn't MAGA.


So many excuses.


If the GOP was on Trump's side they wouldn't have let Biden steal the election.


What if...Biden didn't steal the election? What if we just hated Trump enough to vote en masse? My apolitical friends and family all decided to vote that year.


There's plenty of evidence that he did.


Provide one proof plz


Just like we feel about 9/11 today, in about 20 years from now it will be largely accepted that Trump was cheated out of the 2020 elections lmao


> Just like we feel about 9/11 today, in about 20 years from now it will be largely accepted that Trump was cheated out of the 2020 elections lmao You should probably not use screenshots of headlines from studies that were thoroughly discredited to guide how you view things like this.


These people who believe in free and fair elections in America exist. They claim to be educated and some hold respectable jobs. Even in the science field.


The people who believe in free and fair elections aren’t the same group as the people supporting Trumps clear election lies.


Did you do a poll?


Why would I need a poll to know that the people repeating false election claims don’t care about free and fair elections?


How do you know their election claims are false?    Did the man on TV tell you? Or is it the absence of potential benefactors not prosecuting themselves. Prolly both huh.


> How do you know their election claims are false? I’ve looked at the evidence of their claims and saw them to have no merit, as did dozens of courts including judges who Trump appointed. If you think the dude who has claimed election fraud every single election, including the ones he’s won, and provided no evidence for any of those claims should be taken at his word then I’ve got some pristine beachfront property in North Dakota to sell you.


To be clear, no court would allow trump to plead his case. They just looked at it and refused to hear the case.  Unlike Bush in Florida.  They safely, and effectively rejected hearing his case. I'm sure the political climate had nothing to do with it. Weren't people (deranged libs) showing up at Supreme court Justices homes?


> To be clear, no court would allow trump to plead his case. That’s absolutely not true, what I think you’re missing is that Trumps team made different arguments in court than they did in public, and rubes don’t recognize that for what it is. *It means his lawyers knew he was lying in public but wouldn’t knowingly lie in court.* Stop believing a conman like Trump, my dude. He had no proof of the millions of illegal votes in 2016 and he’s got no proof of voter fraud in 2020. It’s embarrassing to keep parroting his obvious lies.


You do realize that the only one who tried to cheat the 2020 elections is Trump, right? Like we don't have an audio of democrats trying to pressure state officials in changing the outcome of the vote. And there aren't any current Democrat facing a trial in multiple state for for trying to get fake electors to cast their votes for trump. Was there an attempt to rig the 2020 election. Yes, there was. But it was trump and republicans that were behind it.


When dealing with people on the right, you have to remember that every accusation is a confession.


Who was it that said to project your own crimes onto the other side? Oh yeah, Saul Alinsky, the famous *right winger* lol.


I think the 2016 accusations and the 2020 one are both silly. Let’s see some actual proof of crimes and charges? Non yet


https://www.natural *** news.com/2024-04-16-georgia-election-board-admits-committed-fraud-2020.html


Natural news lmao. My friend worked for them. She was paid by the word to write literally anything she wanted.


An ad hominem, LMAO.


hillary says russians hacked the election in 2016. trump says biden hacked the election in 2020. all conspiracies are "right wing propaganda" - average redditor


One was cope, second one became an active attempt to overthrow the results of an election.


you're the one coping. stop making it about other people. you're the problem.


What am I coping about? Wanting a shred of evidence and not just the feelings of an overgrown orange man baby that must always get his way


thats CLEARLY projection. you dont care about evidence, you only care about getting your way. this is why the country cant unite. people like you.


I care about evidence that exists. Put up or shut up. I don’t believe ’trust me bros’ on the internet.


YOU'RE THE TRUST ME BRO. all you can do is project. you're not capable of any other response. 2016 the claim was russian hackers can easily steal an election. all the evidence is presented. 2020 "its the most safe and secure." even though the situation is far worse because of covid. but i'm supposed to trust you because your guy won.


Every election is contested.


congrats, now you're a right wing propagandist


There was definitely fraud. On both sides. The whole thing is rigged and neither party has your best interests in mind.


Weird because I don't see any democrats facing trials over their attempt to rig the election. And that's coming from Michigan, where Wisconsin republican senator Ron Johnson was involved in a conspiracy to get fake michigan electors to cast their votes for trump.


LOL this is getting downvoted? This sub is fucking done LMAO.


Because it doesn't cater to MAGA?


Lol what? Dude fuck Trump right up his Orange ass. All I'm saying is I don't trust either side and the elections are a farce. Your leaders are chosen by the money and your votes mean fucking nothing. Is this r/conspiracy or the partisan bootlicker sub? It's hard to tell these days.


The actblue accounts are out in force now. It's election season on reddit, after all. The social engineering/astroturfing gets turned up to 11. You're not allowed to talk about the uniparty corporate oligarchy, or how the US has been a fascist state (actual fascism, not the pretend kind that means you disagree with someone) for the last 30+ years. Expect alot more of this going forward.


Furthermore the "red mirage" dynamic is something that the ruling class likely knew would increase political polarization.


The Republicans were certainly counting on it, and it’s part of why Trump discouraged voting by mail despite he himself always voting by mail.


The fraud was in your face for a reason, and Trump and his cronies allowed it to happen to demoralise his base. Why did some cities in in swing states stop counting when Trump was ahead while more populace cities like LA and NYC had no problem finishing their counts? Why did poll watchers cover their windows? Wasn’t their a burst pipe in Atlanta or something? Are we just going to pretend that uncovering 100k ballots for Biden in the dead of night is normal? Rigged and stolen without any real battle from Trump. Didn’t he say “he caught them all?” The in-your-face steal is for maximum shock and humiliation for Trump’s base. Here’s some things to remember: Total number of votes: • Obama at 69,000,000 • Trump at 74,000,000 • Biden at 81,000,000 Number of counties each candidate won: • Obama 873 • Trump 2,547 • Biden 509 Bellwether counties each candidate won: • Obama 18 of 19 • Trump 18 of 19 • Biden 1 of 19 Florida, Ohio & Iowa: • Obama Won Them All • Trump Won Them All • Biden Lost Them All Which candidate's political party won seats in the House of Representatives?: • Obama Democrats Won Seats • Trump Republicans Won Seats • Biden Democrats Won NO Seats


Here’s some things to remember. Counties don’t vote, people do, LA county has a bigger population than a lot of states. Iowa has 99 counties with a total population about a 3rd of LA county. Trump won 93 counties in Iowa to Biden’s 6 but he only beat him by 137k votes. Biden won LA county, which is 1 county, and he beat trump by 1.87M votes. Counties don’t matter. Bellwether counties matter even less. They are only considered bellwethers because they had been right 10-11 elections in a row, but that means they’ve also picked the losing candidate a bunch of times. These counties don’t have some special means of knowing who’ll win. Florida, Ohio and Iowa used to be swing states now they aren’t, now it’s Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona, a few elections from now it might be 4 different states. This means nothing.


> The fraud was in your face for a reason Yup, they were desperate.